The Stronger By Science Podcast

Fitness #21

In each episode, the Stronger By Science team delves into exercise and nutrition research, health and fitness trends, and listener questions. Through deep dives, banter, and anecdotes, you'll learn how to interpret and apply the latest science, how to explain fitness trends to your friends, and what actually matters when it comes to living a strong, healthy life.

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Recent Reviews
  • long time listener 42
    Not as good as it used to be
    The this podcast has really declined in quality with recent changes in hosts
  • saacnmama
    Far too diluted and sloppy
    This show is really frustrating! It has good information, but getting to it is a ridiculous slog. Many of the episodes are hours long, mostly a casual meander here & there with occasional bits of useful info. It’s painful. No one is going to sit glued to the screen that long; you have to let them blather in in the background while you do something else and try not to tune them out entirely, because you do want to hear when they come around to the topic, do you can take notes. At the end, you can read the notes at a reasonable speed & see what you spent so much of your day on. They give a couple references for each episode (although the page for the current episode, on power building, is 404), but clearly not everything. The few articles linked could be read aloud in the time the show takes! That would get them rejected from any journal; why treat your audience so badly, with such sloppy work? With a tight script and good editing—AV editing to get the shows down to a snappy half hour and someone treating the bibliographies professionally—this show could be amazing. I’ve followed it, listened when I can stand it, or looked up the references, for a couple of years now, hoping they’d get their act together. They clearly just don’t care.
  • Stainless Taiwan
    Great early years, but in decline
    The shows with Trex are truly 5-star (excellent content with engaging banter), but sadly the show declined steadily after the break up. I’m sorry to say this, but the new threesome have very little chemistry and I think the show should take a break to find its footing.
  • TexaSaint
    Great all around Strength / Hypertrophy oriented podcast
    Easily one of the best, if not the best, “Muscle” related podcasts out there on the Webs. But since it was the first ever fitness related podcasts ever put out, that’s to be expected I guess. Tons of great info put out by Eric Trexler and his temporary (?) guest host Greg Nuckols. You can clearly sense the tension b/t them during the podcasts, but it only seems to make each of them up their game to provide outstanding fitness information. Also, just to to be clear, they were promoting a MASS Black Friday sale. They were NOT promoting nor advertising to celebrate a Black Mass this Friday.
  • Jeremiah 48
    You all are great. I started a month ago with your first episode and slowly working towards the present. I love your sarcasm not to mention the sarcasm you use when people write bad reviews. Also, your research reviews are awesome
  • UVA Law Runner
    Ad pander cringe
  • Megan13243546576879
    Lost me before I got started
    Geez, the first episode I listen to is some self pity rant for the first 15 min of the show. Get over it. Your listeners have been doing multiple jobs and are stressed too. I looked at the reviews and thought what am I getting into? I scanned the episodes and they look REALLY interesting but 2 hr shows? I’m gonna give it a shot on topics that interest me but wow. By the way-don’t feel bad about what you are doing. Glad you are reassessing and good luck.
  • IAmNotFinished
    You lost me with aspartame
    I used to look forward to each episode, but you completely lost me with a six-hour episode on aspartame. Seriously, who, other than a nutrition PhD, wants to listen to someone talk about aspartame for six hours? And then there was the one where you spent about 30 minutes talking about bear week. Yeah. I just can’t listen anymore—even at 1.5x speed. I’m still subscribed, hoping it will improve. But if the podcast is longer than two hours, I probably won’t bother listening.
  • Ryan Burnham
    Not the same without Eric
    I’ve been a listener since the podcast original launched years ago (I think I listened to every single episode) but I can’t really listen anymore since Eric was replaced with Greg’s wife. No disrespect to her. I know Eric moved on to other things but I’d have preferred someone else to replace him.
  • Bare Bear
    Awesome! Except for how much time y’all take to convert material
    Hey all, I love the content you share on your podcast, and I love that you dive so deeply into the material, but I feel confident that you are serving waaaaaay less people than you could. The incredibly long podcast is made all the longer with all the digressions, and meandering you do. It’s just too much. Every episode I’m excited to learn what it is you are covering, and each am every time I get upset by how long it is taking y’all to get through anything. I say with love and appreciation: you gotta tighten this thing up. Thank you for your service to us all.
  • CJRoberts45
    Bad 👎
  • jdjaiwbsi
    Focus on what we care about
    Great content on this channel over the last few years. However, the amount of time wasted rambling about non-exercise science topics makes this podcast much harder to listen to.
  • nyuyfoni
    As an exercise science major, anything that gets me to expand my horizons and learn more about the field, I appreciate and this podcast does that for me so thank you but please cut down things and stick to the topic at hand
  • heathjez
    Not currently a lifter but love it anyway
    I love their sense of humor and intelligence! Due to financial constraints, I’m a wannabe lifter who makes do with 15lb dumbbells in her living room, but I hope to lift heavy in the future so I am gathering knowledge now. As a scientist, I appreciate their rigorous, evidence-based approach and like how they also address approaches that are effective IRL despite lacking CRTs. I can only imagine the time it takes to maintain that level of rigor for multiple seasons! The only small criticism I have is that Greg’s food/recipe segments are pretty unrealistic for a working parent of three kids (who insist on singing up for every extracurricular offered). Highly recommend to anyone into fitness.
  • Benjamin Siciliano
    Five stars
  • Beversdorf
    Science is better with satire
    I think it’s hilarious people (esp pro-union people?) think the union thing is real. It’s almost funnier than the satire itself. It reinforces my opinion that many in the fitness industry take themselves way too seriously, need a hobby, and also maybe more union protection so they can relax more? The science meets satire combo is gold and only the best science educators understand that you gotta make it fun (for yourself! put your own mask on first!) otherwise what is actually the point? Keep making valuable and entertaining content so we can all be less dumb!
  • JohnSkywalker0722
    Lot of you guys are a puss
    Nobody cares if he says Jesus efing Christ. It’s his beliefs stop trying to get him to conform his ENTIRE show around your wants and need bro. Man up. It’s a great podcast. Very informative. If you don’t want to hear their convos ON THEIR SHOW then F off.
  • shaffebbbfjjx
    Bad reviews, a reply
    Imagine being in a room where everyone gets the joke but you. Then you proceed to complain in a serious fashion why they’re wrong. Everyone looks at you likes what’s wrong with your brain. You manage to thoroughly embarrass yourself but you lack self awareness which is how you got into this situation to begin with. You need it spelled out: This is you.
  • TwoDogGoneCute
    I’m interested in these topics but the content around the host’s personal beliefs on traditional family values & comments about the people who organized to form a show union really show a lack of empathy & understanding of the needs of his team. To each their own but you can count me out for this one. Hard pass, way too many red flags & an ideology that I do not support.
  • unknown9.0
    I enjoy the conversations and topics discussed in this podcast. I especially enjoy how it’s evidence based and usually discussed in ways that it can be applied to the day to day. I personally have no issues with cussing. This is a casual conversation discussing evidence based fitness and I see no issues with the way the hosts express themselves.
  • skoslow
    Nope. Check your ego.
    I was really interested to listen to these topics, but U could not get past the arrogance of Eric discussing his union fight. He sounds incredibly unprofessional.
  • lilitalia
    Informative podcast
    Really informative podcast. I am a nerd for data and information. I heard on recent episodes about the strike and while I don’t obviously know all the details, please consider giving your people off on Christmas. As a a Christian and someone whose life was literally saved by Jesus (not by medicine or science), this holiday is VERY special and there is nothing more important than faith and family! Work can wait.
  • Kottttia
    Learn a thing or two and laugh a lot
    Science is hard. There’s a lot of crap out there and these 2 help make it easier to understand and digest. They bring up ways to think and approach fitness instead taking it all as fact. They’re wonderfully honest and themselves all the way through. Keep doing what your friend friends.
  • Ksushyguy
    I get the desire to generate revenue from the podcast, but the new random ads are beyond annoying.
  • i'm just saying*
    Cut to the chase!
    10 minutes of idiotic talk about shampoo v conditioner is a waste of my time. Read the room!
  • jantonio88
    n=1 Conclusion
    I’ve never listened to this podcast, but Knuckles and Trickster are legendary for their offbeat humor and occasional scientific perspicacity.
  • Asher Mancinelli
    Last source of joy in this world
    Every day I grit my teeth to cope with the darkness of this timeline, hoping, praying, that maybe today is the day they drop another episode, bringing with them the last good podcast. That’s why I love Iron Culture. Stronger by Science is okay too I guess.
  • PsychWizard
    My favorite health and Strength podcast
    I just wanted to say that I listen to this podcast backwards 100+ episodes. When you listen to it backwards newest to oldest Greg knuckles is getting fatter and fatter. This of course is very entertaining to me.
  • aero109
    Cheat meals
    Calling them cheat meals is the same as calling a white sleeveless undershirt a wife beater. Everyone gets what you’re saying but don’t assume you’re beating your wife.
  • mtwoms
    The best -
    Lasagna-based podcast I’ve ever subbed to (and there were A LOT). I hope they find Eric a permanent co-host soon, though! Poor Greg has been filling in for a long time.
  • sundae's fourth nipple
    My favorite pro-family values, anti-marijuana podcast
  • kikimeowcat
    Too much filler
    They get off topic and chat about nonsense for half of the podcast...very annoying.
  • Highyjuhgdt
    Fantastic balance of facts and humor
    Really enjoy the show, they stick to the facts and what the current literature is saying. They don’t make any far reaching claims and seem very grounded in their advice and guidance. Technical and academic enough to feel like you are learning something, but enough banter and humor to enjoy it. Well done. Keep it up!
    Episodes are kinda short
    Really excellent podcast full of great info, but episodes are kind of short, apparently they are getting shorter? (Seems like a bad call)
  • Dell28
    Science-Based & Fitness Podcast
    If you’re bored of the ho-hum quality of other health-related podcasts often peppered with conjecture and anecdotes, then this is the podcast for you. I trust the hosts as they delve into great detail on every topic, all backed by science. I’ve implemented their findings as applicable to me, for which I’m reaping the benefits. Highly recommend for anyone who is serious about improving their health & fitness.
  • Channer180
    Episode 75
    I’m a marathon runner who started listening when I heard these guys just pulling apart research papers. Episodes like this are empowering keep it up.
  • 8Behemoth8
    A Bulwark of Morality and Virtue Against the Ebbing Tide of Decadence in an Era of Cultural Decay
    Caveat Lector: I am listening in chronological order and have made it through the first couple of seasons and some fireside chats. As such, I cannot vouch for anything the host or the extremely temporary and in no way permanent guest host say in recent episodes. However, I may well be the world’s leading authority on what these gentlemen USED to think approximately two years ago (an undervalued skill in the job market to be sure). This podcast is refined gold. No leftist propaganda, no closet communism; it is hands down the best conservative, family values podcast in America, nay the world (or is that a redundant distinction?)! I mean, it’s like we’re in that creepy movie Midsommar, because they are roasting all the snowflakes. They take down the potheads (and other druggies), they take down the vegans, they take down the Netherlands, and they take down the big frequentist statistics cartel and its nefarious monopoly on the scientific literature in the field (one can only assume they’re pushing their socialist agenda through the classroom to ever younger audiences). I do not quite understand how Bayesian statistics supports our Second Amendment rights, but I’m pretty sure it is happening and it is the only thing that stands between you and a gulag. This podcast covers so much content it is hard to encapsulate briefly, so I will give you a cross sectional analysis of the content herein: Have you ever pondered the metaphysical and semiotic properties of a hotdog? You will now. Cumin is real. What a spice! Creatine is also a thing. It works! Julius Maddox is a strong bench presser. These boys even know how to play Rook (I’m pretty sure that’s Jesus’ favorite card game)! When these guys are not single-handedly fighting the war on drugs, they delve into our rich and venerable history and heritage, highlighting events such as the advent of masculine Christianity. It is of course all to the greater glory of America’s true trinity, Regan the Father, Rand Paul the Son, and Ayn Rand, that holiest of spirits who haunts us to this day. Oh! I should warn these gentlemen and anyone else out there, you might need to stop listening to Rage Against the Machine. I’ve heard rumor that the “machine” against which they rage may in fact be a metaphor for something political, rather than a literal machine, e.g., a printer. This is an understandable mix-up because printers are certainly rage-inducing, so I cannot blame people for overlooking this. And BAM! Just when you think it cannot get any better, they sometimes feature useful fitness, nutrition, and lifting tips. Pro bono, no less! Nobody is perfect, and I do have to point out the one talking point I’ve heard that I must take issue with. The main host (not the temporary guest host) has asserted on more than one occasion that Eric Trexler and Eric Helms are in point of fact not the same person. I call fake news. I am pretty sure that not only are they the same person, but there is only one person with the name Eric in this world, and these are just aliases used to disguise his movements. Other than the “multiple Erics” conspiracy, I’ve not heard anything questionable from these gentlemen, so I’m still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. If I had to sum up this podcast in one word, it would be: “Lasagna”
  • Ldunes
    Get to the point, already
    I appreciate that the hosts are well-educated and do thorough research on the topics they cover. However, there is a tremendous amount of useless talk in this podcast. I have a 30-minute commute to work each way, and they don’t even get to the main topics of an episode in that time. Once they do eventually get to the point, they still ramble and crack long-winded jokes. I respect their actual insights as they pertain to fitness and health, but the podcast could provide a lot more value than it currently does. I’d rather skip through a bunch of ads than try to skip through the irrelevant chatter.
  • Farmerforfitness
    Evidence Based Learning
    I can see why someone might not like some of the hosts banter, but it is clear that they are not being serious with that part. What keeps me coming back as a #1 podcast is the constant connection to research. Fast forward the first 10 minutes if you can't handle their banter.
  • Mel4126
    Witty, Smart, Entertaining Evidence Based Fitness
    You do need a sense of humor, but Greg and Eric are awesome, trustworthy people who give you the no nonsense take on research and explain it well for a reasonably intelligent person. I have a feeling anyone that doesn’t give this podcast 5 stars just doesn’t understand their sense of humor, or is offended by facts. Also, the MacroFactor app they’ve created is phenomenal and will keep improving with user feedback. Highly recommend the app and the podcast. I really enjoy listening to the podcast on a car ride or while I’m working.
  • John Helix
    The Best Fitness and Training Podcast
    I’ve been trained by Greg for powerlifting and have read both of their work for years. The podcast is a great listen on an hour commute to work and I can finish it on the way way - so, thanks guys for speaking at .25 speed.
  • Dan Feld
    Really great podcast
    Greg and Eric are incredibly knowledgeable on all things strength/powerlifting/bodybuilding. Plus, they have awesome personalities and a great sense of humor. Honestly this is my favorite podcast, and brings a light to my day as well as a great deal of useful info. Thanks guys for the awesome podcast.
  • geglne
    Great show until MatoFractor was launched
    This was a GREAT show (second only to their friends at the cult) until their MatoFractor was introduced. They must have mentioned their new product more than 200 times (I lost count at 179, I am pretty sure). Please go back to PURE content instead of tacitly trying to tie in your new app (which may be AWESOME), but I listen to this show for content, not for getting a marketing pitch of some new tech that you’ve created. I get it…you are proud of the work that you’ve put into the launch of your app and you should be. However, maybe a better choice is to introduce a secondary podcast that supports, is marketed, and focuses on the app, and leave this podcast unpolluted by mention of the app. Take this podcast back to what it was: smart, witty, and informative. Stop insulting your listeners by “sneaking” in mention of your app, PLEASE!
  • christian/wife/mother
    Great podcast
    Great podcast. Its nice to find christian perspectives on the science of fitness. However, there is some fowl language that makes me cringe every time i hear.
  • JOseph Ushi
    Horrible show
    The strength and nutrition info is great…however they have a very narrow view of the world and are misinforming they’re listeners….will not waste my time….
  • Evan Vidas
    Fantastic scientific approach paired with two great personalities
    If you are into science and fitness, this podcast is 10/10. If data bore you, avoid this podcast entirely and don’t review it. These guys also have fantastic banter that makes even the most bookish concepts entertaining, and I respect what they are doing for the field tremendously. Highly recommend!
  • ynevaknowokbyesavewhales
    Stronger by science? The first thing they talk about is biblical principle???
    Also dry
  • racer77
    Make more so I can up the dose
    Amusing and intelligent. Clearly some other reviewers miss the sarcasm. Please have Greg back again as a co-host.
  • cryptoismygame
    Best podcast
    The Stronger by science podcast, is my go-to podcast. Great information with practical use. I would 100% recommended this podcast to anyone looking to improve their training and nutrition.
  • jlo632345
    Two of my Favorite Anti-Marijuana Activists
    What more can I say?
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