The Lila Rose Podcast


The Lila Rose Podcast explores questions about relationships, work, health, identity, purpose, and faith, with political and cultural commentary.

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Recent Reviews
  • bdtjjdd
    Lila is the best!
    Lila’s podcast is simply the best. Lila makes it a priority to discuss culturally relevant topics and current events. The show is filled with biblical truth and wisdom for people of all ages. I love how the podcast always seems to be update with what is going on in the world and provides biblical insight for how to approach these things!
  • miss Nancy b k
    Always Trustworthy: Lila Rose!
    You can trust Lila Rose to put into words what the Lord Himself would want every person who loves every human life to say—Lila makes Jesus smile…♥️
  • Awesome :) !!!!!!
    Recommend to everyone
    Lila is a wonderful and intelligent women. The world needs more people like her!!
  • I CAN#14
    Phenomenal podcast!
    Lila hosts some of the BEST guests on her show. If you’re not listening to this podcast, then what are you doing?
  • Arina Chernikova
    Thank you for what you do 🙏🏻
    Especially all the educational material, kids of this day and age need it!
  • Life4All
    Articulate and Sweet
    Lila is a powerhouse of knowledge and sweetly articulate which allows the complexity of these issues to be explored and understood by the listeners.
  • Mari from Nebraska
    Love Lila Rose
    I love Lila’s podcasts, her Pro-Life, pro marriage , and Catholic related topics! They are so inspiring and informative! I always learn from them! Keep them coming Lila!!
  • Alijah Simon
    Is not pro-life!
    This show claims to be pro-life, but it is actually only anti-abortion. After Lila goes on for minutes about the importance of protecting innocent life, she immediately jumps into an ad for “Good Ranchers,” a marketing name for the most anti-life lifestyle in existence which is the consumption of dead animals and their secretions. To be pro-life, one must be both anti-abortion and vegan, but Lila is only one of those things. Additionally, humanity kills as many animals in an hour as pre-born babies are killed per year. The numbers aren’t even close. A pro-abortion vegan is ironically far more pro-life than Lila. Stop picking and choosing which innocent lives matter and which innocent lives ought to die for your taste-pleasure and future cancer diagnosis.
  • Joyful Spirit21
    Recent “Why Gender Matters” may need a Warning
    I am an avid listener of the Lila Rose podcast, and definitely want to encourage people to continue streaming, supporting, etc. Lila is brave, strong in her faith, and interviews super knowledgeable guests. We need to be informed, and have the freedom to discuss life and family topics, morality, etc. However, I am a little concerned about descriptions in the “Why Gender Matters” episode. As a recovering porn addict ( a little over a year pure, praise Jesus!), the graphic nature of a response to why young women are trending towards not being straight was really triggering for me. What caused the trigger was how the guest described certain sexual acts in detail, as well as broke down a song title to words that should not be repeated. I’ve noticed other podcasts that discuss similar topics sometimes have a “listener discretion advised” warning in the description or in the opening statements. I can then be more cautious, or just skip the episode. Maybe this episode and potential future ones along this line need a warning? Again, I will continue to listen and recommend this podcast. I’m just writing this as a suggestion.
  • Backwoods liz
    Daily listener!!
    Thank you for providing us with faith filled views and content 🙏
  • B21brown
    Mother’s heart kind of podcast
    I cry, I laugh, I sit with my head in my hands and think hard. I love this podcast! Lila’s an amazing admirable woman and I look forward to every episode
  • purplecats12
    Lila is a great role model.
    I appreciate hearing every topic covered and what is shared is important, informative medicine to our sick culture. The Lord is working through Lila in a very special way and it’s a blessing that she’s able to communicate such great wisdom!
  • katiedow123
    She’s so articulate
    Lila always has such well-articulated points and helps me to dive deeper in important points. She’s amazing and I love supporting her work!! I love that she’s a great example of godly femininity while also using her platform for good.
  • Laura Matt
    So inspired by Lila Rose!
    I’m convinced Lila Rose will be canonized a saint one day. She courageously defends the dignity and worth of every human being from conception until natural death. Her bravery and fortitude in the face of much opposition is inspiring.
  • spynza
    Very informative
    The information and data provided here is invaluable. Thank you!
  • Cath lab nurse
    This is wonderful podcast, which does a nice mix of education and enjoyment
  • Kabaudkab
    Episode 78
    Episode 78 is what brought me in and what is keeping me here. I’m shocked anyone could write a negative review due to ONE episode that they disagree with. A lot of moms get upset by hearing experts say they should stay home with their babies when they are young. Some aren’t so tasteful when they speak on the topic but Lila and her guest were extremely empathetic and gave GREAT examples for working moms and how they too can make it work. Anyone who’s upset by this episode is projecting their mom guilt. It was a wonderful episode full of knowledge and practical tips for the ideal AND the reality.
  • hey 425
    Loved until episode 78
    I really loved this podcast until episode 78. This woman is absolutely out of tune with the reality of today’s world. And goes against so many other doctor’s/scientist’s studies and research. The extremes are crazy and unrealistic. This woman wants a mom to only leave her baby one time a day, for less than 1 hour, until the baby is 3? And the baby should sleep with them because it’s what was done 70+ years ago or in Africa? Insane…
  • Dominican Fan Boy
    Thought provoking podcast
    Thank you Lila and your team for a great podcast. Your guests have been great, Joshua Broomes interview was particularly powerful. I pray this podcast can reach many souls to encourage us on the journey to sainthood as our eyes open to the challenges yet greater joys that lie ahead 🙏🏽
  • KRJ NE
    Lila is so well articulated and smart. I love her and all she's doing to save the world. She's the celebrity in my life and 100% agree with everything she has to say. Keep forging the way, Lila, for your reward in heaven will be great.
  • Kelly JS
    Must listen!!!
    This podcast is incredible for several reasons… Most of all that humility, integrity, and timeless truths are shared with dignity and respect for all of God’s creation. The Joshua Broom episode is a must listen for both women and men….it is too powerful for words.
  • ATLMegan
    Vital podcast for today’s culture!
    Lila Rose does an amazing job at fighting today’s toxic culture and she does it with such courage and poise. I’ve learned so much as a mom to teens and young kids and I highly recommend her podcast to everyone! Well done, Lila Rose!
  • cookerwoman
    Good podcast
    Although I am not catholic, Lila’s podcasts contain so much helpful information and content. I respect her very much.
  • Abby Williams 33
    Lila is and example.
    I used to listen to some other podcasts from Christian influencers like Relatable from Allie Stuckey. When I came upon Lila’s I felt so much more peace and kindness. She does not try to explain why other people’s religions are wrong, instead she brings you to a place where all religions can unite into the goodness of God. She does not compromise her beliefs, but elegantly shows what an example of a powerful Christian is without the compromise or hurt. I am not Catholic, but have such a respect for the people because of her and how she loves everyone outside of her group.
  • AL.English
    Refreshing & Relatable
    I appreciate Lila’s approach towards controversial topics with such grace and love. She is able to make listeners think about things that we’re confronted with on a day to day basis by presenting facts and real life application. This podcast is a breath of fresh air in a society that’s screaming for truth and love. One can appreciate her content even if they’re not Christian.
  • sloj16
    So good!!
    This is such a good podcast, Laila is such an authentic person and she has such authentic conversations
  • Wildmaineblueberrygirl
    I love listening to Lila. These are important topics that she handles with grace. I love her ability to handle the tragic and the more fun conversions, a good balance
  • Baby Byzantine
    Good Content but slight concern regarding marriage
    Hi Lila! Thanks for creating engaging, relevant, and righteous content! I especially love your references to your Catholic faith. In that vein, though, I would say that when you said Justin Timberlake should have proposed to Britney Spears if indeed she was pregnant with his child, that’s not exactly in line with Catholic teaching on marriage. The Church is very hesitant to marry couples in the case of an unplanned pregnancy because the consent to the marriage is very iffy in such an emotionally charged situation. Typically the couple must wait at least until after the baby is born to be able to decide without as much immediate pressure.
  • Anna Morel
    My favorite podcast
    I love the Lila Rose podcast! It is my go-to whenever I get the chance to listen! Lila has incredible perspective and is very gifted at promoting insightful, interesting conversations. I learn so much from listening!
  • alyss53
    One of my favorites!
    I have so much admiration and respect for Lila, and I really appreciate all of the work that she does, including this podcast. Every episode I’ve listened to so far has been very interesting and thought provoking. I especially enjoyed her recent interview with Kristin Turner. Thanks, Lila!!!
  • ✌🏼kel
    LOVE listening a pro-life podcast! Lila is patient, intelligent, loving and unapologetic in her views. I will continue to enjoy the conversations!
  • SolidBigBoss
    Beautiful Warrior for Life Defending the Helpless
    Lila Rose is a wise, insightful, smart, charismatic beautiful defender for the sanctity of life. Great interviewer. One of the best shows I’ve heard along with Patrick Bet David—who she interviewed! Can’t recommend her podcast highly enough!
  • 2001Godisgood
    Lila speaks the truth that the world needs to hear, and does so beautifully. I pray her message gets out to all.
  • AMayaMartin
    Highly recommended
    Lila has a gift with words and her deep faith that is evident in all that she shares is life giving. Thank you Lila.
  • eenye
    Montessori teacher and Catholic mom
    Lila Rose talks about critical issues of today with guests and views rooted in truth and beauty.
  • pwrlouisiana
    I love this podcast and all that Lila stands for!
  • KA4.0 - Seattle
    Shooting straight
    Host and guest speak clearly on the experiences and works that have. Dr. Aaron Kheriaty totalitarian regimes are not characterized by their crimes they characterized by limitations on the ability to question the authority.
  • NeedToGrow
    Great content and clarity in our world of chaos
    Lila is a warrior for truth, goodness and beauty against all of the ugly lies of our culture. I was so encouraged by the working vs. SAHM episode - I felt so *seen* that I cried. As a SAHM for the past eight years (I graduated college and used to be a working professional until blessing #1 of 3 arrived), the societal pressure and belief that I do *nothing* all day gets to me. I have struggled so much with feeling like I’m not doing enough, even though my husband is amazingly supportive of my role. I deal w chronic illness too, and needed encouragement. Thanks for giving that to me today.
  • 121092Gio
    Wow I love Lila! Just heard the IVF podcast, and was mind blown. Definitely recommended to others!!
  • janellemb142018
    I love this podcast! Very few people are able to strike the truth/love balance as well as Lila. She provides a wonderful example of how to engage on some of the most important issues of the day.
  • JKS500
    Great Show!
    Thank you for your work!
  • emmanldncnsmn
    Love her
    Love Lila!
  • HesedTheHusky
    Love It
    First of All, thank you so much Lila for what you are doing and for the compassionate way that you do it! We can all learn so much from the way that you handle yourself. I love your podcast and the positive way you talk about issues. Thank you for bringing on people to talk about uncomfortable issues. I really resonated with Kim Zimber and know that so many others did as well. Keep it up and my Husband and I will be praying for you and for live action!
  • Sensory Machine
    Pretty lady talk to me
    Maybe she like me!
  • igosorio
    Beautiful and insightful
    Lila does a marvelous job in explaining difficult subjects, hot topic issues with clarity and respect. She is filled with enthusiasm and joy. Listening to Lila’s thoughts is uplifting, insightful and she makes you feel like you can do it too. Overall this is a beautiful Podcast. Thank you Lila for pouring your heart into this. Blessings!
  • AuttumnnShay
    I love this podcast. My favorite episode is this one I’ve just listened to and was almost moved to tears when you brought up the proverbs woman… this is the kind of woman I want to be! I would love to hear more like this! Thank you Lila!
  • Struggling Catholic
    Ep.30 Trauma Question
    As a child my childhood nickname was “tontita” which is Spanish for dummy. My grandfather had a nickname for most of his grandchildren based on anything that came to mind. I got mine for refusing to do something he thought I should do. When I was about 3, my parents dropped my siblings and I at my grandparents house. My grandfather wanted me to cry to my parents to manipulate them into taking me to whatever outing they were taking. I didn’t and I was called a dummy for it. Well, that name stuck. I was teased by my cousins endlessly. Any time I did anything silly that was the name I was called. This, I believe created a great insecurity in me that I still haven’t fully grown out of(I’m over 40yrs. old). I have been told to look at my accomplishments, the job promotion, the masters degree, etc., but I still find myself not fully believing I’m smart enough and that maybe I’m just not accepting that. Any suggestions on how I can put this behind me? I have forgiven my grandfather because he didn’t know any better. I guess my cousins fall under that same category. I don’t think I’m harboring any resentment, but maybe I am if I continue to feel this way from time to time.
  • Monica DelMedico
    Lila Rose is so inspiring! She is what the pro-life movement & our culture needs! She’s well-spoken, educated, & encouraging!
  • HiiiiiiiiiJohn
    Great content
    I’m glad to hear that there is a pro lifer who will speak up and use her platform to do good
  • Whiskers Kitty Meow
    Awesome Podcast!! 🤩🤩
    This podcast is amazing! I absolutely love hearing Lila’s take on relevant topics from a Christian perspective. Keep up the great work Lila!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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