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Beantown Billy GoatDefeatist Mindset“Nothing we can do.” “They have all the angles covered.” Fails to appreciate the huge and broad awakening of droves of people (including himself) that can affect change. It takes a unification of mindset towards very simple things that can disrupt these incredibly complex and fragile systems. Just look at trucker protests in Canada nearly collapsing the whole country. With a unified mindset of a super majority of people that would have been pushed to its logical conclusion of a new government. Still a great show and I like James very much. But… James appears to have a type of psychology where being the holder of special knowledge is important and provides social standing. A holder of “secret gnosis” if you would. As more and more people understand all the topics covered on shows like this the less the old stuff has value and new secret gnosis must be defended to protect social standing. My friend. Take a step back and look at things and how much they’ve changed in ten years. And besides, the defeatist mindset (not the realistic one of seeing the obstacles to be destroyed) is a self fulfilling prophecy. It yields bad fruit. See the objective. Destroy it peacefully, culturally, politically and economically. Also, saying “Trump is being brought in to bring us to hot brink of WWIII and almost certainly with Iran.” is sooooo far out of touch with the government‘s capabilities. When we were much much stronger militarily and far far more brainwashed we the public stopped Barack Hussein from invading Syria by pressuring our politicians. You’re lost James!! My goodness come back to reality brother.
The US JamesLoving this PodcastJames podcast is very interesting and enjoyable to listen to. The guest he has on are ones I usually have not heard of and he has such great conversation flow with them. It researches his guest well and you can tell he reads their books so his questions and engaging dialogues mske his podcasts so enjoyable. James has made me a believer to question all history we have been told!
j.jazziqueMy favorite PodcastLoving the Psalms too.
Mulligoomy favorite show so farThe Frances Leader show was amazing and entertaining, loved her attitude !
Dale StrattonI’m outI’ve listened for years. Your dramatic change was interesting. However, Hammas. They entered the home of a family of four. they cut out the eye of the father. The cut off the breast of the mother. They cut the fingers off the son. They cut off the foot of the daughter. Then ate a meal. Then shot them. And filmed it. Screw you!
Catsloveme2James do your homework!1. Psalm 22; Book of Psalms. Please get your grammar straightened out. 2. Thomism will get you across the Tiber before you realize it. This is a trap you are falling into. For a podcaster who turns over every stone, looking for the lie vs truth and the reason why we listen to you, it is quite strange that you are not noticing this trap. I ascribe it to you not fully understanding Protestant Theology. I suggest reading John Calvin’s Institutes to counter this nonsense. Please do more research on eschatology as well. Read up on Post Millenianism and Preterism. The Rapture doctrine is paralyzing the church and causes a lot of Theological confusion. From a concerned friend.
Sandy BarnettJames all dayI’m watching: behe, Lennox and Meyer on evidence of a creator . I’m with James now , ( and I’m a yank ) I don’t believe a sodding word these twats say , it’s over , nothing you twats say is real , lift weights , have vitamins, bike , skateboards, swim , flowers , love , kindness , all the rest
Robert Henry HoltzPretty, pretty, pretty good!!!James and Laura episode have taken this pod to a new level! Keep it up, great combo!!! Glad Laura came back! Pretty, pretty, pretty good. Enjoy this and London Calling from here in the Land of the Free! James is fantastic at hinting at things that will be major headlines in a week or two, man is a prophet! Myles-Lea ruled, fascinated by his outlook and stories. So glad Laura is back and more pregnant than ever!!
RrakusinLots of love from AtlantaThank you, James, for your wonderful work. Hearing you, Bob Moran and Jerm all come together for Christmas was a dream come true. So many worlds colliding into one, big red-pilled extravaganza!!
The egg whitesFrisbee tagNothing gets James excited like a normie musical.
janef.Amazing podcast!I stumbled across this podcast and have enjoyed it tremendously. Everyone mr delingpole interviews is interesting and diverse! This should be in the top ten of all podcasts also he is very polite and does not interrupt.
AggyKAudioPlease fix audio!
gymuirInterview with Dr. Michael YeadonGreat interview and gives me more insight into what has been going on through this most interesting and horrific time we’re going through. Change often comes in times of crisis and we do need to change the systems that have been captured and corrupted by these giant corporations including mainstream media who (at least in America) make billions every year from advertising pharmaceuticals.
Michael Robert WoodAmazingI can’t stop listening to this podcast. You know you’ve stumbled on the truth when liberals and conservatives are coming together in agreement on the current state of affairs
tssaldanaCaricatureLove the new cover. Been listening to London Calling and this podcast for a year and so enjoy every episode.
freethought1985There still is some sanity in the world.The silver lining of the last two years is finding people brave enough to speak truth to power.
Chuck Darwin 8384848485From West TexasIf you make it past the intro music; James is the 2nd greatest podcasters in world history. Joe Rogan has recently vanquished Neil Young.
VamericanIs it me, or is Apple Podcasts keep pulling podcast from James?Masterful interviews with guests of a variety of perspectives and backgrounds. What a treasure!
Greater WorksExcellent Interviews. What True Journalists should be DoingFantastic Interviews, great insights. Much love from America. Thank you and keep up the good work!
seeky_907Based limeyWhat I enjoy most about this podcast is that while I’ve never heard about 99% of the people James talks to, they’re almost all very interesting.
DamyoA thinking man’s podcastI don’t know how I stumbled upon this channel but I’m very pleased. The topics, the variety of guests, and the intellectual depth all come together so well to deliver a great podcast. Well done!
3511Dave13Is Fuellmich Charlie Freak?Is Reiner Fuellmich the same person as Charlie Freak? Is this another Q psyop? How well vetted is this guest?
SaxonRowerExcellent StuffDelingpole has some phenomenal episodes. Heather Mac Donald is a delight to hear from; his multiple talks with Douglas Murray are great; his frequent chinwags with Laura Perrins are always sanity-restoring. Great stuff!
Emilysak16Best podcast on my phoneThe lost art of conversation.
boomorbustsmithHeather McDonaldI was enjoying the podcast until McDoanald said the election was not rigged. Unbelievable! Sure Biden got some votes but Trump won in a landslide! McDonald lost a lot of credibility with me making that statement, the evidence of cheating was over whelming. I had to comment I was floored by her statement on the election she truly is tone deaf on the worst election theft in history! Brian Cheevers
LsweingInterview Andy NgoJames, I love your interviews. You always have interesting people. I want to suggest that you get Andy Ngo, the expert on Antifa, for your show. I understand he is living in England now because of the constant death threats he received in the States. I think it would be a great interview for you. Your listeners in the UK should learn about his work and new book on Antifa. Antifa may be coming to the UK too.
AviyaytorWonderful podcastDelightful and refreshing podcast touching on all subjects, and unlike Joe Rogan, is not ashamed to stand up for conservative values. Just think of Delingpole as a podcaster with balls to say what he thinks and believes. It is amazing the UK is going through almost exactly authoritarianism the US is goi g through, especially in the blue states. After you hear this podcast, you may have a different view of what is going on in the rest of the world. BE PREPARED TO BE RED-PILLED.
Cyber ShopperSomething to look forward toI stumbled into JD via his writings in Breitbart. Then I found his interview with Lawrence Fox, a favorite actor of mine, on YouTube. I was delighted to find his podcast and have become a faithful listener. Thank you, James.
Stagman 73DeloresWow! I can only hope that her information will be allowed to be disseminated. Great guest, great show. Well done!
IvyDialMy favorite!I look forward to this podcast every week.
blamegameistiredEnjoy from SeattleGood show. Thanks
Be a TrizCarbon MikeThe best! Good to know there are sensible people out there, even in Brooklyn. Excellent podcast!
ScrbblrAlways fun...... and always enlightening. I wish I knew the people James Delingpole talks with. In fact, I wish I were James Delingpole.
lakelady91Re: Lawrence FoxThis is my fourth time listening to this podcast. The chemistry! Also, after watching Lawrence’s career (including all his “Lewis’”) I am truly glad that this terrific actor isn’t a vacuous, hypocrite, but a thoughtful, funny man who considers family important. Loved this interview. Please have him on again some day soon!
Ramrod2050Fantastic InterviewsI love James Delingpole's wit and verve to the max! James is a national treasure and provides an offset to those of us with English DNA who weep at the depths that the UK has become.
Sir Markus CarolinasBrilliant stuff indeed.I think Mr Dellingpole would a be a fabulous replacement for Mr Bercow.....if only.
cousin eddyAlways fascinatingJames converses with the most interesting guests (special friends). Always captivating. My “must listen” podcast each week.
Andrum AndrumWhat a great showLight relief from the MSM dogma. I love Delingpole!
DkotezThe BestJames is superb!! The best show on earth.
FormulaOneFanaticEasily my favorite podcastJames Delingpole is such an undervalued asset. He’s the smart guy who doesn’t make you feel stupid when listening to him. I love the variety of guests he has on his show, including (and especially) his brother, Richard. Of all the pod that’s come and go from my list of downloads, James’ remains a fixture.
jiblet jabberThe guests speak 90% of the timeNot that anyone would have expected otherwise -- Mr. Delingpole gives his guests a wide berth and it's a wonder to behold. Great work.
Zack OswaldoWhere you beenMan I was wondering where the updates on your old podcast were. Thankful you got a new podcast, but man you gotta let folks know.
red1980Always entertaining and enlighteningI loved James Delingpole’s previous podcast and am happy to see he’s got a new one. As an American, I very much appreciate getting real news and opinions from Europeans that aren’t fed through a left wing filter. It’s refreshing to know that liberty-loving folks around the world are still fighting the good fight. Keep it up, James! Thank you!
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