The 1000 Hours Outside Podcast


Childhood is finite at just shy of 9.5 million minutes. We only get one shot at it. One of the biggest decisions we make is how we will use that time. Research has confirmed time and time again that what children are naturally and unabashedly drawn to, unrestricted outside play, contributes extensively to every area of childhood development. The importance here cannot be understated. Every year we aim to match nature time with the average amount of American kid screen time (which is currently 1200 hours per year). Have a goal. Track your time outside. Take back childhood. Inspire others.

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Recent Reviews
  • KittyKeating
    Love love love
    My favorite podcast that inspires me about so much more than getting outside with my children! Amazing guests and insights. Ginny’s enthusiasm is contagious. I always leave feeling empowered, uplifted, and more knowledgeable.
  • azulagirl
    Just love the practicality of this podcast and the insights and knowledge it has added to my life.
  • stephanierusu
    Bringing Back A Lost Childhood 🌳☀️
    I love this podcast. Ginny is a fun, thorough host, who knows how to pick interesting, knowledgeable guests. Ginny is definitely on the front line of bringing back the lost childhood of children outside, playing freely, with adventure on the forefront. This podcast should be a must in every household!
  • LaurenandNate
    So much great info!
    Love tuning in and getting such great info, such a cup filler for me!
  • Erinbethie
    Simple & So Enriching
    The slow and enriched life in a podcast. This podcast is amazing!
  • MegMor3
    Just wonderful
    I love this show so much! So many episodes have bettered me as a human, Christian, and mother. It has led me to read some great books! It is always encouraging and thought provoking. Thank you Ginny for your drive to better the world.
  • CDCMama
    So grateful for what I’ve learned here 🙏🏼
    Ginny and several of her episodes have positively impacted my family and I. I have gained so much knowledge from her and her guests and have truly been inspired to live a better life with my family. We cherish our time together and try to get outside and get dirty more now. We also have began digital fasts and those have truly been life changing in the most beautiful way. I have shared her podcast about the teenage American Girl with so many and my eyes are open. I could go on and on about why I love this podcast and appreciate Ginny for producing it. What a gift! Thank you, thank you!!!
  • Redirectedmom
    A wonderful podcast for parents!
    Listen, I’m over here trying to raise my 6 kiddos like it’s 1994. I want them outside, playing in the sunshine and dirt, coming in tired from playing all day. This podcast feels like the cheerleader I need trying to raise kids in a tech addicted society!
  • BusyINMom
    Learn something new. Learn MORE. Dive deeper with Ginny!
    Ginny is amazingly kind and relatable, and shares her generous feed and insightful takeaways from countless books and topics. She has challenged me to learn more through the topics she’s discussed on this podcast; I love the variety of guests and that she has some favorites that are repeats, too. My eyes have been opened to so many ideas and my worldview has expanded through these podcasts. Her passion for reading has encouraged me to make time to do that, too, and I’m so grateful for her time and energy to help the world be a better place. You do not want to miss this podcast!! Soooo much goodness inside.
  • JolyBMoly
    YES!! I exclaim out loud when I see a new episode has posted !
    I have learned so much from this podcast! It has encouraged me and my family in so many ways ! I am constantly sharing episodes with my friends! I am so grateful for all the hard work and passion you put into each episode ! Thank you Ginny!!!
  • anneandkids
    Always inspiring
    I’m always inspired to get outside in a different way, consider a parenting habit from a different perspective, and review my own activities and mindset. Ginny is so positive and thoughtful and I love (most) the people she has on. Wish this was around when I had my first 17 years ago.
  • JanaBanana:)
    My favorite podcast!
    This is my favorite podcast, she has the best guests & book recommendations for a mama who wants the best for her kids! I listen to this more than any other podcast!!
  • xplore1645
    Love this show!
    This show routinely gives me inspiration to get my kids and myself out doors and I always get good book reading ideas by the guests she invites on. Thank you for doing this Ginny!
  • Rundll'd
    Favorite Podcast, Must Listen!
    This is by far my favorite podcast as a parent. Not only is it filled with incredible information and stats, it is encouraging and Ginny is an incredible host. She is what makes me keep wanting to listen. She’s so engaging and seems like she would be a delight to talk to!
  • alicia_ratz
    I love every guest on this podcast!
    So many guests are authors with amazing insight into a simpler childhood spent slowing down, and being outside. I am inspired by every book that I need to immediately go borrow from the library. This podcast gives you a guide to go back to the childhood that so many of us had and love, and how to remain grounded in our quickly changing world.
  • HonnahClark
    Mama of 5
    This is by far one of my favorite podcasts to listen to! Always an enjoyable listen and easy to imply what I learn to help be the best parent I can to my five kiddos. Thanks Ginny for all you do!
  • Gen will 👩‍⚕️
    The BEST
    This podcast is such a staple in my journey as a mom. It’s made me better and I’m just so grateful for Ginny’s work and dedication to childhood ❤️
  • erhizzy
    I love this podcast so much. Jenny is so great at asking the questions I would want answers to. Such a variety of different people from all walks of life with so much knowledge. I can listen & learn about dental & skincare one week & the next week learn how to live a full life with less distractions with my family. This show is such a treasure!
  • LMDR09
    5 stars, something for every family!
    This is one of my favorite podcasts simply due to fact that there is an episode for everyone and the content is so applicable. I love how family focused it is and have already purchased numerous books from the the authors Ginny has had on a guests for my TBR pile. I’m a new listener but have already recommended this podcast to all of my mom friends and family!
  • coreyfive
    Great information and interesting guests
    I found this podcast at the beginning of 2024 and it was exactly what I needed to gain perspective as a homeschool mom and just a parent in general. I really enjoy listening!
  • a.l.s.92
    Uplifting and fun
    I just love this podcast so much. The guests are always interesting, Ginny is such an upbeat and genuine interviewer, and it leaves me feeling energized. Thank you, Ginny for all of your hard work on this podcast!
  • CourtAsh44
    Ginny you have become one of my favorite friends
    I just love listening to your show!! I’m a big podcast listener, but your show is the first I’m leaving a review for because it really feels like I’m sitting with a friend and getting to chat about all the things I love. I love the guests you invite on and topics you cover. The conversation always flows easy, so although I occasionally jot down notes of bits that inspire me, I don’t feel a need to give it full focus, I can put you on in the background of a walk or while gardening or cooking, and thoroughly enjoy. This is important to me as a mom of littles, I just don’t have the time for anything too deep. With that said, each episode feels encouraging, uplifting, and positive, while also teaching something or deepening my understanding or appreciation for the topic. Regularly listening recharges my desire to do fun things with my family outside and to keep it simple. I’ve also recently decided to go off of social media for a bit and I mentioned to a friend I think it’s because you tend to sneak something about this into almost every episode, and I love that!! Ginny keep following your mission!! My friends and I are all fans and we’re so grateful for you!
  • mariambauta
    This if my first time ever posting a review in Apple Podcasts so I went on YouTube to learn how to haha. I had to do it because 1KHO has 1) inspired me to go out every single day with my children and 2) wow have taught me so much in the past 10 podcasts! I’ve been blown away and I’m no podcast newbie.!8 listen to probably over 100 podcasts a week and these without doubt make me want to come back to listen to AGAIN! You go girl!
  • brewers=love
    The Best
    My only regret is that I didn’t find this show earlier in my parenting journey. It has been life changing over the last two years for me and my preschoolers. Thank you, Ginny!
  • Sydney Skiles
    Everyone needs this podcast in their life
    This podcast is about so much more than just getting outside. It’s about cultivating community, raising our children to be emotionally intelligent, sharing the human experience, and connecting on a deeper level. I share it with everyone I know, whether they are parents or not. I absolutely love Ginny’s insight and I feel like she opens my mind up to a different, much deeper, way of thinking. Not only has it helped me reimagine how I will parent as a new mother, but it has also helped me reimagine what I want my own relationship with screens to look like. She reminds me that we lead by example and I am endlessly grateful for what she is doing with this podcast! I could truly go on and on. There is so much value in each episode. Ginny, I wish I could give you a huge hug! You are planting seeds and changing the lives of so many families. Thank you. ❤️
  • CDEruns
    Fantastic Podcast
    Ginny is authentic, curious, and a breath of fresh air in every episode!!
  • Sharper0331
    Always interesting
    Every time I listen, I always learn new things. She always has really interesting guests.
  • Listener Mom 123
    She’s Phenomenal
    Every episode is fascinating, and has encouraged me to try to things, read new books, and enjoy time outside with my family. But the thing I have been most inspired to do from listening to this podcast is to be a better friend. Ginny models how to ask the kinds of questions that draw people out and make them feel seen and genuinely appreciated. She listens to their answers, and gives such enthusiasm to the accomplishments, big or small. I want to be that kind of friend for my people, and have been so challenged to be a cheerleader to those around me. Thanks Ginny!
  • Sillysash
    Perfect podcast for parents with young kids!!
    What a gift this podcast has been for myself and my family! Each podcast I learn something new and it is so encouraging to listen to! I can’t stop talking about this podcast to my friends and family, they are probably tired of me always quoting this podcast but I don’t care ;)! Thank you for all you do to help kids, parents and families thrive!!!
  • ko6493
    Best podcast ever!!
    I love listening to Ginny every week! She is the happiest person and just emits joy, she is so encouraging and never makes you feel like it is too late. Love love love her and wish she lived in Oregon so we could homeschool together!
  • schlimgirl
    This podcast is so good! Has given me so many book ideas and also the push I needed to spend more time outside with my kids! Keep up the good work!
  • db36744
    Love Ginny and her show!
    This is the best podcast I listen to. Ginny is an amazing interviewer; her prep is thorough and she asks very interesting questions. Her guests are varied and interesting. This show has pointed me to many different books I never would have read on my own. Ginny, her podcast, and her books have changed my perspective and family for the better. Love her and all she does!
  • TravelMamaWI
    LOVE this Podcast!
    This is by far the best podcast around for parents. The guests are incredibly well rounded, and Ginny is an amazing interviewer. She catches the best details and hones in on what matters most. I love listening to her conversations, it’s like I’m sitting in on a chat between friends. If you’re a parent, parent to be, grandparent, or are involved in the lives of kids in any way, this is for you!
  • Jonny_27
    Always enlightening
    I’m a homeschool mom of five kids. I actually don’t get a whole lot of time to listen to podcasts! But I do tune into this one when I get the chance, probably a few times a month. I’m always so glad when I take the time to listen. Ginny is upbeat and fun and encouraging. I like the way she interacts with her guests. And the guest are phenomenal! I usually jot some notes down during or after I listen so I can look more into the subject and take some action if needed! I know my family is outside and enjoying God’s beautiful world more often because I listen in. Thank you, Ginny and all who help to put this show on!
  • MoYo17
    Hands down, one of my favorite podcasts
    I’m a tired, busy mom of four and this podcast has really helped me instill little changes that are adding up to a significant shift not only in my parenting and for our family, but as a person. Jenny motivates me to make time to read books, get outside, go on walks…I’m closing in on 200 hours outside and 12 books completed so far this year— SUBSTANTIAL for a mama who hasn’t read even one book a year in forever. Her guests bring a wealth of knowledge on so many subjects. The heart behind it all is to cultivate a generation of children who are whole persons: mind, body, soul. Give it a listen, you’ll be motivated to make small changes that will ripple into the future.
  • Mama_Brown_Bear
    Thank you.
    This is my absolute favorite podcast!! As a mom of two small boys, Ginny has encouraged me in my motherhood in more ways than I can put into words. Every time I listen I am encouraged, inspired, and have a new book on my reading list. Thank you Ginny for all the work you put into this podcast. You are changing Generations!! I am learning to love Motherhood because of you. Thank you.
  • srchomestead
    This brings joy to my heart!
    Ginny is an amazing host! She brings very interesting guests and her humor makes me laugh! As a Mom myself, this podcast gives me new ideas of how to get outside with my three kids. Keep up the good work! Loving it!
  • Abbey19283746
    My #1 Podcast as a Mama
    Ginny is absolutely amazing. I originally fell in love with her movement of spending childhood outside. Since listening for about 6 months now, I cannot sing high enough praises. You never know what kind of guest Ginny is going to interview, but they are all phenomenal. She finds the most interesting people, and Ginny is the best interviewer I’ve ever listened to (and I’ve even heard several of her guests mention that to her!). She is so genuine, her joy is contagious, and I feel like I really trust her judgment. Thank you Ginny, you are truly bettering my motherhood!!!
  • SarahJoy221
    Favorite podcast!
    Ginny is a great host, I always know her podcast will be informative and uplifting. As a mom, I look forward to after-dinner dishes because I listen to Ginny! Her topics are relatable and interesting, especially as a parent.
  • K8 world
    Thank you Ginny
    As a mom to 3 little blessings, thank you Ginny for doing what you’re doing! We love you and all of you laughter and wisdom. Truly uplifting!
  • Wildlings Co-Op
    Virtual community!
    I absolutely love this podcast! I love the variety of guests, the different books you talk about, the ideas, the genuineness but most of all…. It’s community! Even if it’s virtual I don’t feel so alone and overwhelmed. I’m excited to have motivation and encouragement to keep doing the hard thing (live differently and get outside!) from 8-19 my kids and I love your podcast! My husband has even been sending me episodes he has enjoyed. You’re amazing. Thank you! Thanks for being our virtual friends ❤️
  • Amanda Baughman
    Inspiring for new moms
    As a new mom, I’ve learned so much to implement in my family from listening to this podcast. The benefits of being outside with my family have not only impacted my child but also for me. The fog of postpartum has lifted and I feel so much better being outside, slowing down and taking in the simple moments with my child. Thank you, Ginny, for continuing to educate and host guests to cultivate a fuller, joyful life.
  • Interested Pooper
    I will echo others’ sentiments that this show is a must-listen for all parents. Ginny and her guests bring inspiration and joy to my life and my parenting. This show emphasizes the beauty of the human experience and is a consistent reminder to value the small things in mine and my family’s daily lives. There’s not an episode I’ve listened to that I haven’t enjoyed, and I’ve shared this podcast with friends and family more than any other. Thanks for what you do, Ginny. Please keep doing it!! You’re helping me to give my children a magical childhood.
  • ZKrow
    300 episodes, books, a blog and more!
    Ginny, I feel like you are my dear friend in real life. You have changed the way we parent, school and shape our children in the best of ways. I preordered your book, listen whenever a new episode drops and look forward to hearing you as a guest on other favorite podcasts too. Your wisdom is so evident. The way you ENCOURAGE rather than compete with guests is something I deeply admire about you. My husband jokes we should move to Michigan since I reference you all the time (literally daily). I am a 1000 hours outside fan on every level. I admire what you and Josh have created; and I know anyone who takes the times to really listen will feel the same. I have given your book to friends knowing it will change their lives and shared your podcast with countless others. Thank you for the 12 hours you put into every episode and the millions of minutes! PS. I ALSO have a moth in my kitchen and don’t know about tomorrow’s laundry :)
  • NatalieWerm
    A bright light in the podcast world!
    This podcast is unlike any other I’ve listened to. When I first started listening I was searching for motivation to get my children outside. What I found was a beautiful compilation of parenting podcasts that have inspired me, convicted me, and actually helped (so much practical application in these episodes). Some episodes have stretched me, others have given me new motivation for what I’ve already implemented! Take a listen if you dare (because you won’t stop if you do 😂👍🏻).
  • Anna Seader
    Helpful for parents and educators
    I love and appreciate the time and effort that goes into this podcast. Every episode is such a treat. Even the ones I thought I wouldn’t be interested in, end up fascinating me. Ginny always finds a way to pull me in! I have implemented a lot of things I’ve learned with my 3 children and the outdoor school I work with. You can tell a lot of thought and background work go into this show. Thank you for everything!
  • Tracibobaci
    The Best!
    This is by far my favorite podcast. I cannot even tell you how much I’ve learned from it. Ginny is SUCH an inspiration to me. I find myself sharing every single episode and adding each of the guests’ books to my ever-growing TBR list!
  • smackjeeves4500
    Intelligent, Fun, Relevant to Any Parent
    Ginny is so enthusiastic and well read! I so appreciate her interjections into each conversation where she contributes to the conversation with references to other pieces of literature. She makes me want to sit down with a cup of tea and just chat about allll the niche interesting things in the world. Some episodes I can’t wait to jump on and listen to just from the title, but even the ones where I’m unfamiliar with the topic or guest, I usually end up buying a new book or implementing something different with our home or homeschool. I recommend this podcast to ALL my homeschool friends, and now can’t wait to get my hands on Ginny’s newest book as well! P.S. My 7 and 4 year olds love her 1000 Hours Outside book!
  • _M.K.
    Ginny changed the way I view motherhood.
    This podcast is life-changing and life-giving. As a mama of two babies, I’m so thankful I found Ginny in this season of my life. Her books and podcasts are so rich in truth, goodness, and beauty that they truly have changed the way I view motherhood, childhood, home, and family. I’ve been introduced to so many wise and thoughtful people through each episode, and I’m always left feeling like I’ve been part of a cozy, thought-provoking yet grace-filled conversation with friends. And as an added bonus, our family is spending more intentional time outside together! This podcast is an absolute treasure.
  • CallieJoJo
    My go to podcast
    This is the podcast to end all podcasts. This is by far my favorite podcast especially looking through the eyes of a parent. SO MANY different and very interesting topics are covered right here. You know you are getting quality content when guest after guest will tell Ginny, “wow you really did your homework” or “no one has ever asked me that/ noticed that before.” I came to the show as a parent but quite honestly I will stay as long as shows are released because I get so many books to add to my reading list from this show. The best part is I can easily pick and choose what I know I will enjoy reading based of the interviews. Love it Ginny, please keep it up!
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