EverydaySpy Podcast


Hosted by former covert CIA intelligence officers Andrew Bustamante and Jihi Bustamante, the EverydaySpy Podcast gives you practical, powerful spy skills and insights you can use everyday. From parenthood fixes to career shortcuts, business hacks to geopolitical insights, this pod is for you if you are looking for frank, honest, and hilariously relatable truth from two real-world field operatives who have done and seen things they can't talk about (and will never forget).

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Recent Reviews
  • Silentgrenade24
    More regular podcasts!!!
  • HalfGringa
    Calm, Clear and Concise
    Love all the knowledge I gain from this podcast. Andrew is extremely knowledgeable ( but my favorite…likable ) and has a great way of explaining big ideas ; a true American leader. I love Jihi’s contributions too and how she pauses and intentionally thinks before she responds ( I need to practice this with my 4 year old daughter). Something I would like to know, 1. When is the podcast coming back? 2. What tv series or recent movie did you watch and find the closest to the actual field experience ( Homeland, Hitman, Munich )?
  • LeanneDerThal 😝
    Jihi is a Super Mom
    Thank you both for the married member to member dialect. I very much relate with Jihi and the struggle of transitioning from an adventurous, mentally stimulating career you love to being a stay at home mother where all you want to do is set the laundry on fire so you don’t have to wash it. It was a very very tough transition after 10 year active duty and where I met my husband and he baby trapped me. It is so healing to here other women who have struggled and maybe I’m not crazy for not instinctually, loving being a stay at home, mom. (That is a very nice way to put it, lol) Thank you Juhi for opening up, you are truly a super mom!! And thank you Andrew for showing your support and inspirational look on life! My husband overheard me listening to you guys and now he is hooked as well. Keep it up! P.S. The solo episode are so informative and you style is so clean and to the point. This truly has made it easier to understand and retain. Thank you
  • Isabella the cat
    Big fan
    I prefer the episodes where Andrew is not hosting with his wife. I feel like the information gets out in a more concise way when he is alone.
  • MegaJCal1989
    Fascinating podcast!
    Ex-CIA Agent Andrew Bustamante gives you the training and inside scoop on what CIA Agents endure both physically and mentally during both training and in the field. If you're looking to become a CIA Agent or are just simply interested in their lifestyles and what they go through, then this is the podcast for you. Stay tuned for more!
  • Brown Eye Board
    American Heroes
    I have the greatest love and respect for individuals who serve and protect our country. Finally, a CIA agent has their own podcast! Oppose to someone else outside the agency telling their story. It’s about time we become educated about what the CIA does. Thank you for your incredible service to our country! You are a cool cat!
  • Phobeian
    I was turned off but I’m back in.
    I was looking forward to listening to this podcast after not listening for a while. After listening to the first 12 minutes of episode 110(the title is what grabbed me) I couldn’t listen anymore. I hope you guys understand the impact of how inconsiderate and entitled you sound/come off as. With that being said, I skipped to the following episode and it was great. I enjoyed the mix of spy/espionage talk, personal life, and how it can relate to the current problems we are dealing with in the country/world. I crave hearing different opinions/view points and I think this podcast is a great source for that. Looking forward to hearing more.
  • EllyHB
    So entitled
    I hung on for awhile bc I felt the pod had so much potential to be great but just never seemed to get there. The pottery painting episode was the nail in the unsubscribe coffin for me though. You managed your time poorly and then blamed the business owner. Nothing gets done in 30 minutes with two kids. The owner knows this. People have lives, she may have had something she needed to be at on time after 5pm and was managing HER time responsibility and prioritizing her commitment above another sale. Your wife is so impatient and entitled. If you don’t even have time to allow the business owner to speak then you don’t have enough time. It should have ended there. You’re both completely in the wrong on this and teaching your kids zero accountability for time management or natural consequences of showing up late. Also, people who show up five minutes before the kitchen closes and act like it’s fine are complete jerks and tells me everything I need to know about you.
  • Galaxy TC
    Stop it about the pottery
    My gosh…just stop. it’s so ridiculous. Stop being so entitled. The owner knows her business dealing with kids. Maybe she had plans with her own kids. Maybe her kids were waiting for her at home to go somewhere. Just please stop!
  • bgdbk
    Guest suggestions.
    Great you have your own show. Haven’t missed any of your interviews. You should definitely have guests. Top three would be Joe Rogan. Michael Malice. Alex Jones. Also Patrick Bet David. I understand some of these might have to go on their shows rather guests on here Keep up the great work. For whatever reason you’re fascinating to listen to.
  • graybrick
    Not a lot of substance.
    Not an easy listen. Mostly a couple complimenting each other and referring to each other as their love.
  • Skiddtd
    Great potential, lacking execution
    First episode I listened to was “Starlink scam” and they didn’t mention Starlink until 30 minutes into a 45 minute episode. Never found out what the “scam” part was just a lot of talk about von Braun in the lead up. Would prefer more time on the topic, less time on the personal details and lead up
  • Sunday slacker
    Not everyone will listen, those that listen will learn. As I get older I wish I listened more. With that, learning, listening and working on being better. Thanks
  • EHNorquist
    Love the way things are broken down in a easy to understand way
  • clasanchez
    Awesome podcast
    I am learning English and I was always looking for a podcast that grab my attention, finally I found it. This podcasts it’s so interesting and I can’t stop listening, thank you so much.
  • Angchriskraus
    Highly thoughtful and entertaining.
    Preferences are spy stuff and social studies from your perspective. Love the honesty especially because there’s a smidge of “did he really say that?” Also appreciate the flip side of that because I think you both can potentially guide us in the ways to see and discuss and communicate in a less polarizing way. Looking forward to more !
  • Friend of Ted
    I’m loving the addition of Jihi!
    I love this podcast and how knowledgeable Andrew and Jihi are about the world. They are captivating! Thank you for your service to our country too!
  • Eazyhoskglakfo
    Insanely Valuable Podcast
    I came across Andrew a few months ago when he would appear on other podcasts like Konkrete and The Sean Ryan Show. He was extremely articulate and knowledgeable which led me to search him up and start listening to his podcast and Andrew never fails to deliver. It’s crazy because the knowledge that he gives throughout his podcast often times seems so simple and obvious yet majority of people dont or would ever think to implement certain lessons and strategies into their own life. Not only that, Andrew even breaks it down into smaller more digestible pieces, making it so easy to grasp and retain the concept, then later actually apply it in your life. He also gives the psychology behind many of the tactics so that you understand why they work. Andy you Jihi are absolutely killing it and your podcast has become my number #1 go to. Thank you for all your time, dedication, knowledge, and effort. God Bless you and all your loved ones.
  • Gem war
    I’m not worthy!
    Y’all are the best. There is so much useful information in this podcast I don’t even know where to begin. I found you through the Max Lugavere podcast and now I am addicted. The only question I have is about our pets as it relates to survival. That’s the one thing I don’t feel prepared for if something should happen. Keep up the excellent work. I could listen to y’all for days!!
  • jtalley72
    Great show!
    I always figure that statistically speaking I’m by default average. However, im more likely than the average person to take advantage of an opportunity to reach out directly to people in power or people who solicit input or feedback. So I like to think that my feedback is probably representative of many people or listeners who share my views but are less likely to write. Based on the curiosity that I likely share with a good percentage of your listeners, would you be willing to speculate to what degree intelligence agencies influence or direct the behavior of our top elected leaders? Also, given your insights, how involved do you both feel that U.S. intelligence agencies were involved in the assassination of JFK? Also, can you speculate on the nature of any military/intelligence “black ops” that you feel are likely occurring right now in order to keep the U.S. at the forefront of international military, economic and intelligence capacities? Thanks for a great show.
  • Trehumps
    While I respect you, this podcast is lacking. Too much chit chat with your wife about your kids and ice cream and how you met. “Ha ha ha. That was so much fun.” Might be better if it was half the amount of time and you talked about what the show title actual is. More spy. Less dry ;)
  • xderiwx
    Terrible Audio
    Terrible audio here. Seems like some content is good, but completely unlistenable. I can’t take the super low speaking volume of both hosts, just to jump into high volume screeching laughs.
  • Schway3190
    Came across this podcast and heard the discussion that Nixon was impeached. He was not impeached, he resigned before that happened because he knew his presidency was over. Also in regards to Trump not going to prison because there’s no precedence. Generally, there are two types of legal precedents: Binding precedent – Precedent that a court must abide by in its adjudication of a case. Persuasive precedent – Precedent that a court may, but is not required to, rely on in deciding a case. The gentleman is only referring to the latter. Lastly, your opinions are yours but biased. Facts need to be adhered to.
  • 1/2 MV(2)
    Life changing
    I think Andrew and his wife are Tier 1 Humans and the public is unmeasurable lucky to have access to their knowledge so easily. This podcast should be life changing if you actually digest it. Great job Andrew and Jihi!
  • zbronfman
    What is the awesome theme music?
    I absolutely love this podcast. I have learned so much. Discovered this about 9 days ago. Just finished season 5. Very informative and thought provoking. Well produced and enjoyable. I’m a a fan. Thanks
  • mwlarsson
    Practical, Insightful and Empowering
    This Podcast is what the world needs more of - practical and easily digestible knowledge and skills from a world class expert. It’s amazing to live in a time where we have access to his knowledge and skill-set …and from a genuinely humble, great guy and family man. Thank you for what you do Andrew - we appreciate it very much indeed.
  • jacob 2023 b
    If you want high quality information in an easily digestible format, you found your guy
    If you want a podcast that covers how to improve all aspects of your professional life, you got it. Amazing stories and advice
  • hurstshifter7
    Please don't listen to this podcast, it's Brilliant!
    Heard this fellow on SRS a few weeks ago. Now I cannot stop listening, and humming the theme song, 😂. Bite size pieces of insight and information you can apply.
  • n(joy)
    Outstanding in form and function #GetItDone
    Andrew and his team provide excellent insight and practical applications of tradecraft that will assist listeners in achieving the required skills to accompany them along to the journey towards, “the only goal that matters” ♠️ #우리는함께간다
  • Mattg888
    Great podcast
    Found you in the Shawn Ryan show then on lex Friedman and binged all your podcasts this past week looking forward to listening to more
  • Danieleigh3
    Getting me to think like no other
    Amazing podcast! If we want to preserve our future we must think outside the realm of possibilities. Andrew gets me thinking outside the box!
  • Butch Castle
    Down to earth!
    Came to your podcast from Shawn Ryan and the Shawn Ryan Show. Man, playing catch up!!! Awesome podcast. Awesome content. Down to earth and easy to digest content. Definitely in my top 5 podcasts now!!!! Keep it coming!
  • drie911
    Holistic community
    Everyone is able. This podcast is proof that the time and effort is necessary for Good communication. Some incredible real life examples of great leadership. Awesome promise.
  • PilotClint
    Informative and useful
    After watching Andrew interviewed on the YouTube Shawn Ryan show I was intrigued and wanted to hear more from him. This podcast was definitely what I wanted. I enjoy how each episode is right to the point and not too long.
  • ScottTheRecruiter
    Amazing podcast, and fascinating guest on whether shows Andrew goes on
    I randomly stumbled across Andrew a few months ago on YouTube and thought he was extremely smart and I resonated with a lot of his interview material. Ended up Googling him and went down a rabbit hole of watching other interviews, finding this podcast and even finding out we live in relatively the same area! Andrew is extremely intelligent, self-aware, has a strong presence, is highly articulate and explains complex concepts in easy to understand terms but still retains the intelligence community vibe. Very cool!! I’ve also followed another similar guy named Shawn Ryan for a couple years and Andrew is going on his show next week!! If anyone reading this review likes Andrew there’s a good chance you’d like that podcast/YouTube channel too. Literally been waiting for this mashup for months at this point lol. Definitely going to be a long-term fan of Andrew’s work and Everyday Espionage because a lot of his ideas, tactics, info, wisdom, shared experience or routines is immediately applicable. Very impressive. Plus, the guy literally served our country so he’s a patriot.
  • gifted bog 6
    Constructive vs destructive
    Found you on season 3 and listen from beginning, I feel that a lot has been learned. I have been a passive listener and may soon start to engage more. It sounds cool but after listening I no longer want to work in intelligence. Wink Hope this was done right -5 starz
  • Brooklyn Cop
    Excellent show
    I really enjoy the tradecraft aspects of the show, things that I can use in my life and my work
  • jmaestas1158
    Let’s go!
    Andrew, great to hear again and such a powerful message to start the year off to! I’m fired up! Looking forward to the next episode.
  • boner taster
    Thoughtfully presented great information
    I’ve been binge listening to this podcast over the last 14 days and it is truly a gem. From the swath of personal tips to teaching the fundamentals of HUMINT, this podcast touches on anything. Even if you are not focused on intelligence, you will get something actionable out of listening to this podcast.
  • morgan Loewenherz
    This podcast is incredible!
    I can’t say enough about the value, education and phenomenal storytelling Andrew provides in every single episode for 6 seasons. Wow! What a treat to learn directly from the source. I look at the world differently — and understand my potential is limitless. Keep shining Andrew. 5 stars +++ Highly recommend.
  • Johnny OTS
    If Bernie Madoff had a Podcast
    If you’re a sucker and you enjoy being lied to, then you’re in luck, this is for YOU!! Have a thought of your own…there’s a reason you’re not an intelligence worker, and that’s okay…
  • Hegemony42
    This is fascinating
    Listening to how Andrew breaks down and analyzes information should be mandatory for every one and it should be taught in every high school right now. Please do more long form... the appearance with Lex was 10/10 and am eagerly waiting for your Valutanment appearance (free promos for everyone)
  • Kavdnsmsl
    Just unsubscribed
    Heard Andrew on another podcast and was intrigued - smart, articulate while entertaining. Subscribed to his podcast and despite some marketing for his ancillary businesses, I enjoyed the content. 3/5 bc of the constant, pause, swallow loudly, lip smack, then resume. Hard to listen with AirPods.
  • Xenu77
    Mellow Type A ex CIA man turned Horrible
    Turned into multi level marketing cheerleader type. Unsubscribe ASAP. Good ex CIA wised up person he is not. US needs good smart people for govt jobs and duty. He seems a nice self starter above average but he needs way more years to wise up more. Get off the MLM mindset kick!
  • jeremiahs comment
    What an incredibly new perspective.
    Thank you for challenging my own person way of thinking. And forcing me to push my boundaries of what I used to consider the norm. Keep it up
  • Big James From O Block
    If you say so?
    Stories sound made up and far fetched but I listen when I wanna be lied to. 3/5 for now guys. Honest reviews only.
  • TCM Dr
    Instantly practical and valuable information to sharpen your edge
    I found everyday espionage on a recommended podcast list at the very top. It already had five seasons so I got to binge listen and do a saturation immersion with it. Even after 22 years in the military doing intelligence collection operations I learned so many new things as well as new things about what I already knew. The way that Andrew and Jihi compile and break down skill sets into actionable steps is invaluable because they don’t skip steps and constantly demonstrate the practical applications weather in the board room or in just personal relationships. I can’t recommend shadow lessons or the deep cover courses enough as well. For those people who listen to this podcast and really want to dig deep those courses are so reasonably priced and yet so invaluable. For those who need the step-by-step if I understand correctly there are even opportunities to spend some personal time one on one and get coached. There’s something for everyone here.
  • bborate
    Andrew and Jihi are the best
    Want to learn to hack your corporate life like spies hack into people/countries/governments? Follow along! I’d encourage you to watch on YouTube the 2 koncrete podcast with Andrew and 1 with Jihi about their lives at CIA. So good… so so good!! Thank you Andrew!! Oh and the emails and website are great also!!
  • Brooke Craven
    Awesome show
    Andy gives amazing tips and tricks on how to hack your life like a spy!!
  • BrieGF
    Great everyday tools to live a more successful life!
    Such a great podcast to use the tools of the intelligence “elite” and apply it to everyday life. So far, I have found that they are simple truths that universally apply!
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