Moonbase Theta, Out


Moonbase Theta, Out – a queer emotional sci-fi audio drama by D.J. Sylvis.It is 2098. The Moonbase program has been determined unprofitable. The last base, Theta, is twenty weeks from being decommissioned. Most of the crew is in stasis awaiting retrieval. Five remain – Roger Bragado-Fischer, Nessa Cheong, Ashwini Ray, Michell L’Anglois, and Wilder.Join the crew of Moonbase Theta as they reach out to share the beauty, the isolation and frustration, the love and enmity, the humour, and the tragedy, as all count down to the operation’s end ... and what comes after.

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Recent Reviews
  • Bdawg1983!!
    Tiresome language
    I’ll be glad when people stop cursing so much. Unattractive and unnecessary. Otherwise would be a good listen.
  • Tulips21
    Heartfelt Science Future ♥️
    One of the best pods out there! Unique yet realistic! I find myself routing for the characters and crying for them when they go through struggles🫶🏻 tugs at my heart strings in the best of ways. such a unique plot line I cannot wait to see what the writers come up with next and the beautiful voice acting that goes with it, keep it up pod team😽💕💫
  • NisaaK
    One of my favorite podcasts
    It was great to hear the season of this. Queer long distance love from the Moon to Earth in itself was a great story. And then we got more characters and storylines and it’s gotten even more amazing. I definitely need to listen again before the final season!
  • WijsMentat
    Boring, more ads then content
    Not for me. Short episodes that consist mostly of commercials (seriously). Unneeded virtual signaling to the woke audiance that has no merit to plot progression. Pass.
  • MorrSett
    Decent. Good bedtime listen.
    Season 1 was good. Nothing new here as far as creativity but, well done. Lost interest in season 2 early on. Predictable and a bit blah.
  • PhelineCat
    Season 1 made sense
    Season 1 made sense. Now I'm listening to the 2 and it's what I already heard. I don't understand. I know sometimes podcasts sail along smoothly for a few seasons and then there's a huge snarl. I have a few (several?) I just slide by thinking I'll untangle it later but I didn't know this was one! More stars for a listening guide!
  • Glitchrider
    You won’t regret listening to it. It’s not only great storytelling but it’s inclusive. I was able to recommend it to a non-binary friend who was down about the lack of representation. It’s a story about humanity, not exclusively a tiny portion of it.
  • GraceOM
    Predictable . . .but . . .
    I read enough sf that I have read a lot of these kinds of stories. But. This is worth listening to. Well plotted. Well written. Nice pacing. No spoilers so I will stop np now.
  • bluemeanieface
    Meaningless. I use it to fall asleep.
    Defies any expectations
    This show will reel you in with premise & format & then proceed to take all of your preconceived notions of sci-fi fiction podcasts & toss them out the window, in the best way possible of course !! A micro first season, a long-form second season, minisodes, a prequel, you name it, MBTO has it!
  • SciFyGeek
    It's all about the characters
    There is so much story packed into each episode. Season 1 is one voice, telling the stories of the other people at the moonbase (and on Earth). Season 2 expands the cast and we hear more about their day-to-day lives. It's easy to fall in love with these characters!
  • ~ Violet ~
    S2 is very cryptic
    Season 1 is so efficiently written, acted, and produced. Not a sound or moment is wasted. Season 1 has a single narrator operating in compressed time and space, but the episodes still feel giant. So many great choices made on every level to create the maximum impact. I absolutely cannot wait for Season 2. Updated: Season 2 is cryptic enough that the wonderful efficient clarity of S1 is undone. New voices are introduced, with great additional actors, but mostly the underlying writing is one note: frustrated incoherence. I suspect this show might be suffering a bit from having a single writer for what could be a wonderful collection of voices. This also leaves the listener hanging uncomfortably after S2. In terms of listener investment, two seasons is enough time to have earned some more advancement of the plot than is offered here. We are for sure gathering an interesting assortment of questions, and a couple stellar new characters, but there’s currently no assurance any questions will ever be answered. Will S3 bring even more unanswered questions? Some Audio Dramas live in this Soap Opera Zone where all plot lines dangle for seemingly ever, gathering more conflict and complexity, but not offering the listener resolution(s) to feel the plot is progressing. I’d love to know more about why these choices have been made and how the creators are hoping the audience responds to this setup.
  • Richard KL
    A Masterful Buildup
    A show about a communications officer doing their routine transmissions from a moon base in the process of shutting down, on its surface, sounds pretty dull. The repetition of routine statements, instead of being boring, become a vehicle for the actor playing the main character to express subtle changes in the character's mental state. What starts as exposition telling you about the base and implying things about the world later becomes a powerful tool for exploring the effect the events of the show have on him. The writing, the acting, everything about this show makes it easy to listen to, and makes it that much more effective when the characters have to deal with what's happening. Absolutely listen to this show.
  • denotts
    Storytelling at its best
    Lovely, heartbreaking and so full of humanity. Also, space. You really can’t ask for more.
  • StevenDL
    Something so very different
    I was hooked when I began listening three months ago, and was blown away by the care put into this tale. It’s scifi that gives you a real sense of what could be without providing a fully utopian view. Masterful. Thoughtful. Well done.
  • Lynnie Pop
    Different Storytelling Take
    And not your typical space story. The episodes are short and just told in the point of view of 1 man who you can’t help but fall in love with. He’s so genuinely sweet and you just want to move planets to help him. The voice actor has a personable voice that is also enjoyable on the ears. Dying to see what season 2 has for us with more characters. Moonbase Theta, out!
  • KaraPantera
    Shivers all over!
    Ohhhh man I just listened to the combined Season 1 episode which was phenomenal. The steadily increasing atmosphere of an impending doom had me at the edge of my seat throughout the two hours and I wound up chewing my nails down to the quick! This is a highly underrated podcast and is a must listen! 👍👍
  • Storyfabric
    Lovely Podcast!
    One of my favorite things is when a podcast slowly hints at something, foreshadowing the main conflict without directly addressing it, and this podcast does that magnificently! I can’t wait for season 2!
  • buttersuit
    Great story
    I loved the way the story is told in short segments that build a steady sense of impending but inevitable doom.
  • DahliaRiddle
    This show is fantastic. Episodes are short, and I ended up binging the whole season. It's heartwarming, and I didn't realize how emotionally invested I was until it just floored me.
  • Matt pypie
    Great show
    This one man monologue of a show is very well done. Even with only one person I still am able to feel the underlying tension of the base behind his words.
  • alittlejstillz
    Just excellent.
    This show is incredibly good. I love the juxtaposition of hard science and a shadowy dystopian future with the tenderness of true love. Roger's messages to his husband give each episode such beautiful humanity, further highlighting the isolation of Roger's position. You can tell the creator put a ton of effort into making sure the science makes sense for the world. Just an amazing show. Can't wait for season 2!
  • OstiumPodcast
    A Different Kind of Moon Story
    Moonbase Theta Out is enthralling and intoxicating and haunting and makes you unable to stop listening until you run out of episodes. A story about a man stuck on the moon organzing the wrapping up of long project and is done through his daily communcations with HQ back on Earth. Roger is allotted a little time at the end of each communication to leave a message for his husband, which he does each time and in many ways it is heart-wrenching and very moving. Knowing he will soon be returning to his love, but for now he is still stuck incredible far away on the moon. It is a beautiul story that starts out slow and simple and then builds and builds to a strong season finale and I really want to know what happens next.
  • Bumble C
    Gentle Voice in a Dark Future
    Moonbase Theta Out is many things - an official report on the weekly operations and gradual closing of a moonbase; brief, poetic messages of love to someone far away; a slow countdown by weeks and lives and conflicts to an end, most of which is delivered in the deliberate cadence of the main narrator. This beautiful and measured sure show is well-worth the listen.
  • The Bunny Adventures
    Some Small Spoilers Potentially
    I have always loved DJ's writing and this is no exception. I love how you can see and feel (at least parts of) the other characters even though you only ever really hear from Roger (for now). I think Leeman really helped bring Roger to life. He brings a great voice to the character even if he and the writer don't necessarily agree on Roger's pronunciation of data (I started to say creator, but they are both kinda the creators). Keep doing what you're doing gentlemen!
  • Rukland
    Moonbase Theat, (Cut)Out my ...
    Single voice show, short episodes, amazing story. The scripting for this is so good. Look I know you are looking at the list of episodes and going but they are all so short and there is only .. stop. Just do it. This story builds so well across the season that you are going to get to the end and wish the next season was already here. The thought that went into this is just amazing. I just wish...
  • xtined
    Sparse and impactful
    This story is masterfully told in five minute bites. We’re given only a taste of a richly drawn world and it is more than enough. Bravo
  • Raggedy Angst
    Wonderful wonderful
    This is fabulous. Beautifully written and acted, but now the torture of waiting for the next episode.
  • bobbysnacks
    Bite sized goodness!
    I loved the brief nature of this shows first episode. It builds the world in digestible chunks and im so excited to keep listening
  • Moon1031
    it's a lovely story and the characters are as well written as they are loveable. can't wait to see more!
  • Directive Podcast
    Wanting to listen to something but don't have the time to get invested? This show is great. Want something a bit longer? Set it to binge. Either way this show shines.
  • PracticingHuman
    There will be feels...
    When you start listening to this series you find yourself curious as to how they wrap up things on the moonbase with curious interest. Then you get pulled into the events as they unfold. Then you find yourself emotionally invested. Then you wish you could just... be.. there... Very excited to hear how it unfolds!
  • DreadPirateJene
    Moar plz
    Really digging the storytelling and writing in this. Just wish they were longerrrr
  • ezgo22
    Really enjoying this
    I love characters who are all quiet efficiency and warm affection. Roger has stolen my heart with his warm, slightly restrained, slightly awkward reading of poetry to a loved one.
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