The View


Called “the most important political TV show in America” by the New York Times, “The View” is a priority destination for celebrity and political guests with up-to-the-minute Hot Topics and invaluable conversations with Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, Sara Haines, Alyssa Farah Griffin and Ana Navarro. Watch “The View” live each weekday 11 a.m.-12 p.m. ET on ABC, or catch up right here with the podcast.

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Recent Reviews
  • darkprincealain
    So sad
    I feel like the panel should let each other finish their sentences more often. The conversation is hard to follow with all the loud interruptions. Having Jo Koy on was a disaster. All I heard from him were excuses.
  • Hamgirls!
    I love your podcast! I listen to each and every one! Nice to listen to each of them behind the table! I was curious that you don’t have one day set aside for one of your celebrities that were on the show and have a podcast segment with them! I’ve listen to a couple where you had the cohost and a celebrity together which was nice!
  • Fun7ime1
    The View and Jewish American Heritage Month
    The View recognizes just about every other ethnic and racial group for their accomplishments in their respective month except for Jewish American Heritage month, which is in May. I have emailed ABC several times but never received an answer as to why they have never recognized the accomplishments of the Jewish people during this month. Now more than ever it is very important to educate the population on the many accomplishments the Jewish people have contributed to mankind. I also agree with the mother of a Jewish student at Columbia who wrote in about Sunny Hostin sympathizing with the antisemites and pro Hamas students but not the Jewish students who are in fear of their lives. I never got the impression that Sunny was a friend of the Jews. She claims one of her relatives was Jewish, but talk is cheap.
  • tyedyemom
    I agree
    I agree with Sunny concerning Gypsy Rose. She should still be in prison, she is a manipulative, coercive person, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she kills her current husband within 10 years. Why do I believe that you might say, because when one of the panel asked her about the man who was her accomplice, all she could say was I don’t know what he’s doing blah blah blah, blah blah. If she even cared about anything, she would’ve said I’m gonna do everything in my power to get him out of jail. but she didn’t care about him. She used him to do the nasty deed he did it and he spending the rest of his life in jail when she’s the one, who should be in jail. And he should be out. Gypsy Rose is a coldhearted assassin.
  • PDGirl2000
    Lack of Jewish values
    I have listened and watched your show for the last 27 years. After hearing what Sunny Hostin said about the protest on campus being appropriate, I have to stop. I have a Jewish daughter on campus who has felt unsafe and fearful for weeks, and the lack of recognition of the treatment of Jewish students is unbearable. You do not share my values anymore.
  • hhggSeattlegal
    Peace to Palestine
    My opinion about The View has now changed. I no longer respect any of them. Innocent Palestinian children and babies are being murdered in the thousands by the IDF and The View does not care. They keep pushing the narrative that Israel has the right to defend itself but purposefully leave out the part that Israel is committing war crimes. War crimes are not defending itself, that is collective murder and destruction to innocent people . Simply existing is not a crime. 35,000 Palestinians have been murdered and thousands injured. The View, Whoopie, Sara, Joy, Alyssa, and Ana will be remembered for being on the wrong side of history. Sunny has stepped up in reporting the truth but she has not gone far enough. Shame on The View. Peace for Palestine 4/24/24 Sara quoted MLK in a disgusting attempt to rationalize ridiculing protesters on college campuses. Sara should reach out to the King family who would school her on what side MLK would fall on the peace in Palestine topic. Sara is using MLK quotes to distort MLK’s message. The far right does this often and she’s no better than them. How dare her. That is truly sick.
  • Mindey j
    Pop culture moms
    I appreciate you providing the podcasts when you are on break, however although they were somewhat entertaining I really miss your podcasts and can’t wait until you are back in session!
  • darknmoris
    Husband loves it too
    My favorite podcast. And thanks for the to, Brian, on asking Siri to play the podcast in the car. So much easier to find it! My husband and I love The View. We tape it and watch it every day. The panel is the best. Alyssa is a perfect addition. So smart and well spoken. I’ve learned from all the women because I’m a Catholic who now believes that my beliefs and choices should not be put on others. They are free to make their own choices.
  • Sunzzfan
    Why does everyone except Whoopi, have orange fingertips? Looks like Cheeto fingers.
  • JenWk0001
    Blessed to have a view
    These ladies are accomplished, informed, and courageous to share their opinions. In America we are blessed and privileged to express our differences in a civil manner.
  • _Cobra9mm
    Losers with no morals
    Stay away from this show they are losers who hate Americans and trump
  • GeeriG
    Request for a new point of view
    I would love to see a lady with a Jewish point of view. You have people of different cultures and colors, but nobody of the Jewish faith. I think this could be a good addition to the program. I do love to watch the view and I do watch it daily. but, I would like to see this addition to the point of view of the cast.
  • Kaybee567
    Behind the table
    I’m catching up on my episodes of behind the table. I listen to them as I work I enjoy hearing the perspective of each host individually Joy is a hoot. But there is a gap in your episodes, after January 19 there’s a gap until March 11. What happened?
  • Kiraz76
    Best group since the originals
    I have been watching The View off and on since its first season/episode. I’ve had to stop watching when McCain was on for what I think are obvious reasons. Alyssa has been a breath of fresh air and great addition to the show. Please don’t EVER get rid of her. She’s smart, educational, etc. I do have a little bone to pick with her however. Lately, she has been pretty rude to Sunny. For example, I just listened to today’s episode (March 13). Joy gave her opinion uninterrupted, Alyssa gave hers. When Sunny started talking Alyssa CONSTANTLY interrupted her. Then Sarah gave her view and once again, it was uninterrupted. It’s happened several times where Alyssa has only interrupted Sunny and no one else. Also, Whoopi’s shemotional moments anytime The Royal Family is discussed is off putting. She claimed that Sarah would receive backlash but I see it differently. Whoopi doesn’t come off well with how she reacts. It’s clear that she has some sort of personal relationship with them. Which is fine. But if she can’t handle the convo, she needs to just be quiet and let the audience hear what the other ladies takes are instead of being a bully. I honestly look forward to Fridays bc I think Joy is a better moderator. A moderator shouldn’t be a bully. And Whoopi has been a bully on multiple occasions when she either doesn’t like a topic or doesn’t like her cohosts views on a topic. And bc she’s “Whoopi Goldberg” the others don’t challenge her. Which is a shame bc her view is no more important than anyone else at the table. Sorry, this review was more negative than positive. I just had to get those two things off my chest. Joy literally brings me joy. Sarah always has nuanced takes which reminds me to think critically about issues.Alyssa’s thoughtful and informed takes on diverse topics from pop culture to politics and everything in between is admirable. I love Sunny’s legal mind, quick humor, and shade is “FANTASTIC.”
  • alliovitt
    If there is a debate, the girls should put on there that there should be two sound proof boots and the moderator should have a mic switch one if the person goes off topic that Mike is cut if the person overtaxes time and Mike is cut. Thank you very much. I enjoy the view.
  • tulipsohio
    I’ve been a Viewer since late 90’s and I So Yearn to watch the View live or catch up next day. As Years have come and gone it has evolved from 1997 to View today. I admire any and All Women and Guest Stars as Well as Events. A different View or Perspective is Valuable. The Podcast is Fabulous….. To Brian who has the Ladies relaxed and expressive to themselves with Discussions is a True Gem. Truly Education and Knowledge with Experience is Respected. Their Makeup, Hair and Clothing so fits their personalities. Thank You Ladies Past Present and Future and especially Brian. Your Style with the Ladies is Appreciated. Thank You Phyllis in Calif
  • mom_et
    My favorite Show and Podcasts
    Hi Brian, I’m writing to give my opinion about The View and Behind the Table. In regards to The View, I enjoy listening to and watching the women debate. As an older lady, I find Sunny to be rude and condescending towards Alissa and Anna. She interrupts Alissa and protests that Alissa hasn’t “lived in her shoes” or she’d feel differently. Sunny, that street goes both ways. Learn to listen as well as share. On another show, Anna corrected Sunny. Sunny tried to be funny and just ended up looking snarky. Share the floor Sunny, you aren’t the only person with an intelligent opinion. The podcast, Behind the Table is very enjoyable. All of the women are funny, knowledgeable, entertaining, and interact well with Brian. Keep up the good work!
  • happy- happy-Joy-Joy
    Sara podcast!
    I have followed Sara since the Today Show! I enjoy her positivity and also her honesty about what’s going on in our country. I am also an Independent and will always believe in having good role models as Sara for our children. Keep up the great work! Yours Truly, Joy Saley 😍
  • AmyJaneFranke
    Best show on TV
    I’ve been watching The View ever since 2016. Love watching these ladies everyday! Keep it up! Joy is my favorite host! Love the podcast!
  • Choco-carbaholic
    Current events with a dose of comic relief!
    Listening to the show via podcast makes it way more consumable for this working Mama! And I love every one-on-one episode as well!! Great job The View team! Because of you all I’m updated on world events while avoiding deep depression thanks to the respectable amount of comic relief!
  • hdhdhdjdhhdhdhjdjndkejdnd
    Te queremos Brian! :)
    Todos los episodios son muy buenos y espero que Ana pueda traducirte este comentario.
  • JMcKC
    Adore each and every one of you. I try to Never miss the show or your podcast. The ladies are intelligent, inspiring and beautiful inside and out. I know they pick on you Brian, but you are essential to the perfect mix. Thanks so much for all you do.
  • Masonic Home
    Absolutely nonsense
    Please shut down this venom filled podcast.
  • Hardheaded Woman
    Bah Humbug
    FYI: Many of us find it a chore to decorate our own homes; we really do not want to decorate your tree. When invited, I’ll bring you a nice ornament, maybe even a plate of Christmas cookies, will hang an ornament and then head to the food, which you better be serving.
  • JTDivalover
    Loooove the View and love these podcasts ! This is the best cast ever..Keep ‘em coming !! ❤️
  • 2MoonAlice
    Letterman’s final show
    I recently watched David Letterman’s final show and you were part of so many scenes. You can tell Dave loved you. And .. highly suggest you bring Michael Cohen on the show again. Your communication style is a joy to listen to.
  • StephLyngdoh
    Another Daily Favorite
    I listen to both The View podcast and the spin-off podcast every single day. They get me through my morning runs, and I learn so much about politics and varying views through them. Living overseas means I miss a lot of what is going on in US, and this show keeps me up to date.
  • WaterGrandma
    Love this podcast
    Getting to know the hosts better is the best. Especially what does not make it on the show
  • jsgp1422
    Great job
    I’m enjoying this podcast. I would love to hear more from Whoopi. Alyssa is so knowledgeable and fun and often gets cut off before she can finish her thought on the show that I would like to hear her on more often. I enjoy the fun “fluff” of the podcast but I would also be interested in hearing more hot topics and current events. Great job Brian! Keep up the good work!
  • Riah0803
    Fun and easy listen
    But now I need pics of Sunny’s dressing room/office.
  • Doodlebug '58
    LASAGNA! 😋😋
    Many, many thanks to Joy for sharing her precious recipe for lasagna. Cannot wait to try it especially since all of the hosts fight about who got a pan of it, and who didn’t! Must be AMAZING😉
  • Tatiana A K
    Love getting to know all the hosts better!
    Great idea! Love getting to know all the hosts better! Love going more in depth on what happens during the show or a topic the hosts have a strong opinion on and they need more than 20 seconds. Ok Brian, you too 😄
  • Salfro
    Great show… followed by wonderful podcasts!
    Look forward to both these everyday!!
  • Josie1018
    My first time listening to your podcast and I absolutely loved it. Bryan you seemingly are a caring, thoughtful and loving person. I watch the show everyday and tape it if I’m not home. Well today I learned a lot about Sunny but I am a Libra so I can relate to most of what she says about herself. BTW it’s very hard on the only child caring for elderly parents; I am currently caring for my 94 year old mother but I am totally blessed to still have her.
  • Eli-Ford
    Wichita, KS
    I am mail carrier that usually has to wait until the following day to listen to the show, and the new podcast Brian does. All the ladies, including Brian are definitely a treat in the morning. Thank you guys for that! And GREAT JOB Sarah for the Tyler Perry moment. You’re are so authentically authentic and is your brother single? lol
  • Ofoto user
    Great Podcast
    Sarah you are everyone’s favorite!! :)
  • Jon8891
    Obsessed with this postcast!
    I am the biggest The View fan! I rewatched every segment online over and over. This is the best panel so far! Getting more after the show is such a plus! I wish to one day be able to go to a tapping and hug aunt Joy. lol Qs for Ana & Brian: Who is your dream guest? and why?
  • kmusicman47
    Ana Navarro
    For the most part I enjoy the show but I have to say on today’s episode 10/23/23, specifically the Jada and Will section, Ana came off as a spoiled child, going off on a tangent about Mitt Romney completely discounting Sunny and Alyssa’s opinion on Jada and Will and using the whole time to read her little speech. Quite frankly it was despicable and embarrassing to witness. Do better Ana…all topics may not be to your liking, but your actions today were totally uncalled for.
  • Nuts4Bogie
    First Podcast ever. I loved it! Very cool. 🧡
    First podcast ever! I will listen to more.
  • Kikihirl
    The View Crew
    Love all of them on TV and the Podcasts….Brian is the best!!!!
  • ChattyPatty10
    Brilliant Idea!
    I’ve been watching The View since its inception and was thrilled when this podcast launched; even more thrilled to learn this will be a weekly occurrence! I’m generally not a fan of listen-only podcasts because they don’t usually keep my attention. Not this one, though. I love the intimate conversations with the co-hosts, the random tangents and Brian’s clever way of shifting topics. Keep this up and I’d love to actually SEE the videos!
  • Pink1204
    GREAT new season!
    Love the new members at the table…Anna and Alyssa. Always interesting and thought-provoking conversations. When I can’t watch it live I always listen to the podcast. The addition of the behind the table segments are great!!
  • JLQ6
    Where did the show podcast go??
    I like the behind the table but I still want the whole show!!
  • FishyFreckles
    Love the new, bonus interviews!! ❤️
    I’m a viewer of 22 years and I love hearing the hosts get even more candid and touching on topics I’ve been wondering about. Great table right now but would be better if Sunny tones down the attitude a bit and stops constantly hinting at all the celebrities she’s “friends” with. Excited to add the mug to my collection! Season 27 woohoooooo!!!! 🥳🥳🥳
  • JChrismond
    Love all of you forever. Fav on tv
    Re Anna Nicole Smith. He begged her tons of times to marry him for years. She refused because she wanted to make it on her own. And in her world she did then she married him. Probably nice relationship. Fun to watch a movie with. Didn’t have to fight him off. Didn’t fear him. Oh I see a good relationship. And she was adored without fear. Mind your own business America. Good grief. Me 👩🏼‍🦳🤍73 DeSantis says there was no such thing as Coviid. By the way Lepracy and Iand Malaria are in Florida
  • picklesgingy
    Love the Ladies
    I thoroughly enjoy the podcast! Especially since I don’t pay for a TV subscription service that has The View. My only issue is that episodes are often not posted here for hours or days after they have aired on TV.
  • Jomamadukes5
    Love the pod cast and all of you great women!! Thanks for telling it like it is !! 👍❤️
  • sPankyAce
    Terrible podcast
    Not accurate information and terrible all around
  • Hskrfan64
    Hate your show
    I know “hate” is a terrible and strong word but the fact that your panel includes a comedian/actress who’s opinion is based solely on just that…her opinion or “view” is so embarrassing and totally misinformed. She and Joy, comedians, really don’t add any professionalism as far as being totally informed about serious subjects. Whoopi should know that the holocaust was first and foremost based on race. It’s not a competition on what race was most badly treated. In light of certain Black athletes and celebrities who have recently made anti Semitic comments, Whoopi should be more educated before EVER setting foot on The View stage. Obviously not being educated, she embarrassed herself and an entire race. Do better, The View, and replace your hosts with people who know what the heck they’re talking about.
  • Amanda1111111
    The gaslighting that comes out their mouth hole is disgusting! I would rather listen to a basset hound birth babies all day than listen to this garbage!
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