The Holderness Family Podcast


Welcome to the Holderness Family Podcast! On Facebook and YouTube we are known as The Holderness Family. We make those silly songs and skits with our kids, but on this podcast, it's just us... the real us. The non-Christmas-jammies-us, the why-can't-my-socks-be-on-the-kitchen-counter-us (Penn) the why-do-I-have-to-go-outside-and-talk-to-people-us (Kim).On this podcast, we will share the real-life ups and downs of living together, working together, raising kids together, in what we hope is a funny and entertaining way. We will be taking questions that we are likely unqualified to answer (absolutely unqualified to answer) but we are hoping that the show will make all of your beautiful families realize you're not alone. You're not alone. We are all a hot mess... a HolderMess. The HolderMess: the Holderness Family PodcastThank you for subscribing and listening!Hosted by Kim & Penn HoldernessProduced by Max Trujillo
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Recent Reviews
  • Vivalaval258
    There’s a reason this show is so popular!
    Great production value and an amazing spread of topics. I loved the friendship recession episode – such a relevant topic in this hyper-connected yet hyper-lonely world we live in these days.
  • Joshuac311
    The Gen X Parents We All Need
    Penn and Kim are so authentic and kind. While most of their podcast episodes center on parenting, marriage, or ADHD; they speak about a variety of topics and are not afraid to call on an expert or admit that they need to do more research if something comes up that they don’t know about. They are simultaneously positive and realistic, which is a difficult dynamic to achieve and yet they do it naturally.
  • NLE65
    Great topic!
    I hardly ever take the time to write a review, but this was such a great topic and so relevant for me right now. I have a daughter who is a senior in high school, and a son who is in eighth grade they’re both moving on to the next phase next year so it’s a big year for us. And I’ve often asked myself that question for all the things I think I might’ve missed the boat on when they were little, Can I change that now? Also, I absolutely love your podcast and all your reels on Instagram ( am I saying that right? :)) And I’m looking forward to Penn’s book on ADHD coming out! Thanks for all you do!
  • Danielle from VA
    Let’s be friends
    The Holderness family podcast is like listening to friends chat who are funny, inspiring, relatable, always entertaining and full of variety. Congrats on your award in “Other” category, it totally fits. All your interviews and topics are so varied and awesome. Kim you are fabulous. Penn you are talented. I know you don’t leave the house much, but I would love to run into in public, however I don’t get to Raleigh at all.
  • ttttpadtole
    Clean, hilarious entertainment…
    The best marriage therapy is laughing together at our human foibles. The Holderness’ show us how.
  • nielsongal
    10 Years!!! I can’t believe it!
    I have followed the Holderness Family for these past 10 years. They have been such a bright light in, sometimes, the not so bright world. I have been able to laugh, and cry(podcast), but mostly laugh with your family and appreciate how happy and real you are. Here is to 10 more years!
  • MK Dayton
    I listen on Apple Podcast and in order to have the podcast audio levels are seriously off. I order to hear you, I have the volume way up. Then the ads are blasting and so loud. I have noticed it the last month or so. Please correct. Love the podcast!
  • z Malachi
    Best people ever
    If you have adhd or add this is the best for you I have been. watching these people since I was seven
  • InfG35x
    10/10 Recommend …
    If you love weak gimmicks, cash grab trend riders, and cute burnouts.
  • mbbkalmus
    Love you guys. Penn - not the greatest of all time. Just sayin’
  • Guitar*Slinger
    Water skiing! Yes!
    I feel you on the slalom skiing, bruh. Thanks for doing what you do…it injects some happiness and lightness into my days- and nostalgia!
  • lindy luvs music
    Love these two!
    I love your conversations! You make me laugh and you inspire me. Your topics are relatable and your guests are informative. One of my favorite listens.
  • V10264
    OMG they are more than hilarious parodies!
    I’ve been a casual fan of Holderness Family parodies for awhile (will never forget the first one - about the craziness of May set to a Boy Band song - it spoke to my soul and had me laugh/crying). Heard about this podcast (mentioned on Cozy Conversations by The Sister Project) - the episode with Dr Hope - great parenting tips that have already made me think about things differently- thank you!! Excited to cherry pick from back episodes!
  • KSSpeer
    One of my favorites!
    I'm at a different life stage then Kim and Penn Holderness but I love listening to their podcast each week. It's like spending time with your favorite family members, it's always entertaining and I've learned a lot as well.
  • mhennighausen
    Sober Curious
    I found y’all during Covid and just love listening to you both. Since you are curious about alcohol I wanted to write an excerpt from a book I am reading. This author has done her research. I have been sober for 33 years myself. The author is Holly Whitaker in “Quit like a Woman”. In chapter 2 she talks about ethanol which is in the alcohol we drink. It’s the same thing that we fill our cars with, it’s a flammable liquid used in antibacterials, an important industrial product. It’s largest use is engine oil, rocket fuel, deodorants, perfumes, antiseptics and her list goes on. Yet we shun gluten, processed foods, dairy, refined sugars, hydrogenated oils, we wear watches that count our steps, we run, and are hyper-vigilant in our exercise. THEN, at the end of the day we drink ROCKET FUEL! I think you both would enjoy the book. I am always enjoying what others say about alcohol even though I quit several years ago. We need to support each when everyone around us is drinking alcohol.
  • Compassionate wannabe
    Such fun!
    You guys are so real and open and caring, what a treat it always is to listen. I adore your relationship and your family closeness. Thank you for sharing so much of your lives! Yes, I listen to the end, every single episode!
  • J@nelley
    Love your authenticity
    I look forward to listening to your podcast every week. You are so relatable, real and kind. I enjoy both your serious episodes and your laid back chit chatting episodes.
  • Let’s Be kind
    Gun Violence
    Your interview with Ryan Busse was: Informative Heart wrenching Disturbing Thank you for saying every single thing I’ve been feeling! Thank you thank you! We have to do better. Gun violence against children is the definition of insanity. Keep speaking the truth. You are appreciated.
  • 59448622
    Host talks too much
    Enjoyed the show but I wanted to hear from the guest and the hosts would not stop talking. It was clear the hosts had not read the book the guest wrote. Hosts loved hearing themselves talk instead of the guest/expert.
  • Scared but dealing
    I never comment, but
    2 things. 1. Please have Ann Marie on more often and 2. please go off on tangents more often. I could listen to you all for hours. You are all great!!!! I’m older than you both, but I would like to grow up like you both when I get older.
  • lovejammies
    What about other rights?
    I hear you say “but what about my rights to feel safe dropping my kids off at school?” Let’s take this further! I’m “afraid” to leave my house to even go in my yard…. Why? Because my neighbors use all those poisonous laundry products and other chemically fragranced products that pollute MY air in MY yard! I can’t even open my windows because their use of Tide and Gain and Downey and axe and Fabuloso. Food I buy in the grocery store REEKS of laundry and cleaning product smell! Then there’s the people who pollute MY air with their fire pits!! THAT’s MY concern! My ar15 have never hurt anyone! It goes to the range for competitions and comes home to the safe. And I also agree with those that say: then go after the car manufacturers when someone kills others with a vehicle! There was a horrible accident on the 10 on Mother’s Day where multiple children were killed! Where are the calls to ban cars!?
  • KASB3
    I love your podcast! Just wondering, do you really talk that fast or do you speed up the recording?! 😉
  • Not Big Brother
    I think somewhere in the Constitution, in the 2nd Amendment, it says: Congress SHALL MAKE NO LAW…(and later on it says)…the Right of the People to keep and bear arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
  • AnnaLolos
    Thank you
    Thank you for your honesty and transparency with your anxiety and ADHD. I can relate to much of your discussions and marvel at what y’all are able to accomplish.
  • M3Half
    Thank you ❤️
    As a former teacher and current teacher educator, thank you for contacting your reps when there is a school shooting. If you look up “A Devastated Teacher’s Plea for Gun Control” on the magazine EdWeek, you can read my reflections on being a teacher and now mom. I’m also now a student at Michigan State, which of course experienced its own shooting in the spring. It’s trauma we’re putting our children through every day. Thank you for your work.
  • HaileyGoodd123
    My favorite podcast
    As someone with ADHD and anxiety, listening to Kim and Penn talk is like hearing to both sides of my brain trying to logic through a problem. 😂 On a serious note, as a relatively-newlywed, I learn so much about healthy communication from you guys and I’m incredibly grateful. Somehow you manage to discuss tough topics without being depressing, which I so appreciate. Love you guys!
  • lynnstrauss
    Reflective but fun
    I find every episode interesting and helpful. They are so articulate about the issues and emotions involved in marriage and family life. It really helps me to clarify my own feelings. Thank you for your take on everything!
  • DarkSector7
    Brings so much joy to my week!
    Kim and Penn thank you so much for creating this podcast, my entire family love your videos and I love listening to the podcast thanks to you guys whenever my brother doesn’t put on a coat our dad sings “This is not a coat you’re misinformed” it’s so funny Ty :)
  • Historian1956
    LOVE this podcast!
    You know how Kim and Penn say it’s the best part of their week? This podcast is the best part of MY week! I learn SO much from listening.
  • ProfLibby
    I stumbled on the podcast recently (last few months), and really love it. I see my relationship with my husband in their ADHD/anxiety pairing and have found their discussions helpful in thinking about how I engage with my own partner. I also really enjoyed the episode on peri/menopause, as no one else seems to want to talk about it (doctors give the brush off). Finally, inspired by one of your episodes, I completed my own mishuggena? muskeegee? in January! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • Mama lowry
    1/10/23 Mismatch episode
    Kim, I have been married 26 years. My husband is not a sharer like Penn. we used to fight about it early in our marriage. I wanted him to change but what I learned is he isn’t going to change. But he does try, let Penn said he is going to do. Just don’t be disappointed if he doesn’t do it. Sandy
  • Mary416
    Love it!
    Love the podcast and the Family Face-Off game!
  • hcmama2
    Show each other more love than randos
    Kim… Penn. I love your pod so much. This one really really resonated with me. I love how you both articulate complex relationship feelings and “stuff” so precisely. And you guys show us how to make a hard thing a little better with action. Hope your holidays are bright and wonderful. Love you guys.
  • mkhelm
    A favorite couple
    Y’all are one of my favorite couples. Incredibly respectful of each other. I listen to episodes even if the title doesn’t interest me the most because I always end up learning something and I always laugh a few times.
  • Mr. Stosic
    Marriage Contract podcast
    I loved your podcast. Thank you for sharing. You guys are awesome together. I listened to the end by the way. Say hi to Sam.
  • Missa1015
    Holiday Marriage contract
    Just listened to this podcast. Kim & Penn, I cried along with you. Thank you for sharing your vulnerability. I’m sure that wasn’t easy. I can relate to so many things in your marriage. Hearing it makes me feel “normal” in my marriage. I love the idea of the holiday marriage contract. I’m going to propose it to my husband. Can I have the PDF?? 🤣 Thanks for making me laugh, cry and everything in between. Happy Holidays! Melissa
  • One who enjoys pretty music
    Easy to root for you guys
    You guys have a natural charm about you. My favorite episodes are when you are talking about your kids Lola and PC, the holidays, or your day-to-day life experiences. When you did the podcast about Penn’s dad passing, I felt honored to be a part of that raw vulnerability and heartfelt conversation and celebration of life. I also loved all your amazing race podcasts. Praying for you and hope you have a meaningful Christmas!
  • nnylvb
    Entertaining and fun
    I’ve watched them on The Amazing Race and love how Penn and Kim balance each other out. I love how vulnerable Kim makes herself on the show being transparent about her anxiety. I love to hear how Penn supports her. I struggle with anxiety as well and would love to find a partner who can be as supportive. I honestly have not listened to very many episodes, however, from the ones I have listened to, I know that they can talk about serious topics while also keeping the conversation light and humorous. They are real people and very relatable.
    Keeping it Real and Fun
    Hi Kim and Penn! I love all of your entertainment platforms! I loved you guys before the pandemic, but your song parodies truly got me through the first few months of that craziness. This podcast is so fun to listen to. I love your banter and conversations about real topics on your mind. You have opened my eyes to different view points and I look forward to listening every week!
  • Melis421
    I look forward to new episodes of this podcast every week. I am in the thick of little kid life and all that comes with it but my oldest is creeping into the big kid years. Sometimes the thought of what is next can make me uneasy. This podcast gives me reassurance that the next phase is going to be just as great (maybe better?!) than having babies and toddlers. I love hearing about all the things their family is able to do together and I especially appreciate the honesty about what marriage can be like when you’re raising kids. The way that they respect and honor each other, make time for their relationship outside of being Mom and Dad, the way they cheer each other on in their respective interests/hobbies and just their overall love for each other makes this one of my favorite things to listen to each week. Thank you Kim and Penn!
  • Elizabeth Cranston
    Love this podcast!
    Just wanted to thank you guys on multiple counts… My family and I started watching your funny videos during the pandemic and they helped us laugh during a very uncertain time. We now follow your latest videos because they are so fun and spot on for so many topics. My husband and I read your book and loved it then I stumbled upon your podcast and it is my very favorite. I have learned and laughed and cried with you guys. Thank you for all that you do! Keep up the fantastic creativity and content!
  • Mikeyb510
    This could be me and my husband
    I feel like Kim & Penn are me and my husband’s kindred spirits. I absolutely love how funny, loving, and vulnerable they are. They are truly honest and helpful. I am able to laugh, love, learn, and cry, and it’s truly my favorite podcast
  • Zoe Kraj
    Love every iteration of this family!
    The podcast is awesome! No matter the subject, it never fails to make me laugh. Thank you ❤️
  • Haloheathr
    Funny, Relatable, and Life Changing
    I've been listening to the Holderness Family Podcast for 2 years now, and it is my favorite of all the podcasts I listen to. I find Kim and Penn's humor really entertaining and their honest life stories very relatable. They find excellent guests that always teach me something. I tune in to be entertained and leave having become a better, smarter person. What more could you want out of a podcast? Thank you, Kim and Penn! I am a better spouse, parent, and self because of your podcast.
  • karli 🤭🫠
    I love the YouTube channel
  • NJaeB
    My favorite podcast!
    Hi Kim and Penn Finally I’m not driving or listening to your podcast AND I’ve remembered to leave you a review! My wife has ADHD and we’ve decided I have “acquired” ADHD. Even though we have no children (but nieces and nephews) and may be a tich older (+10-15 years), we can always relate to your topics! Just like you find the time recording your episodes is a cherished time you share together weekly, we find the same for us as we listen to it together weekly! Thanks for introducing us to the Amazing Race! It took the two of you participating for us to finally watch and we love it and will keep watching. Can’t wait for your new game to be available! We’ll be first in line for ourselves and for our siblings. Thanks to you both for making each other better and helping us to make each of us better! Nancy & Flo
  • atompert
    Life changing, LOVE IT!
    I have so enjoyed getting to know Penn and Kim through funny Facebook videos during the pandemic. The podcast has opened up a whole new side and i love and appreciate the honesty and openness you bring to it. My husband and I have read your book together and it changed our marriage truly for the better. We learned so much about open, honest, and constructive communication. Thank you Kim and Penn for being such an inspiration!!
  • Deejayreyes
    How do you always know exactly what I need to hear?
    Omg. I love you both, your videos, and this podcast. My husband has adhd and I have anxiety, so I really relate. As for your most recent episode… My kids are legal adults now and I wish I had heard of the parenting coach idea about 10 years ago. Such wise info! Why is it not in every parent handbook from kindergarten to graduating high school?!? As I’m listening, there are so many things that I will still be using as I talk with my now grown kids. THANK YOU!
  • Ruby Forth
    Love these two!
    I first became familiar with Kim and Penn through their hilarious videos and recently learned they have a podcast! I was so excited to listen and learn about their real lives. Even though I don’t have children, and this podcast is categorized as “parenting”, I still find Kim and Penn completely relatable and enjoy hearing their take on the wide-ranging topics they discuss. They are real, down to earth, funny and big-hearted in every episode.
  • Megan E NC
    So fun, funny, and honest!
    I love Kim and Penn’s podcast. Every week is something different and entertaining to listen to, and they are so honest about their celebrations and challenges. I look forward to the podcast every week!
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