This Jungian Life Podcast


Eavesdrop on three Jungian analysts as they engage in lively, sometimes irreverent conversations about a wide range of topics as they share what it’s like to see the world through the depth psychological lens provided by Carl Jung. Half of each episode is spent discussing a dream submitted by a listener.

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Recent Reviews
  • bettynbear
    The best
    Hands down my favorite podcast
  • Hassiedrocks
    Must listen, mind blowing!
  • indigogingerkat
    Creative Therapy
    I can always manage to walk away with a new creative energy , or new perspective in approaching my life’s struggles :) The three of you are always a pleasure, much appreciation for you here and on YouTube!
  • emorris5219
    Powerful and healing
    TJL came to me at a point in my life when I was deeply lost. I needed something to help me become connected and whole but didn’t know where to get it from. I somehow found this podcast and gave it a try, and it sent me on a journey (still ongoing) to understanding myself and my life and becoming whole. These hosts do such an amazing job of holding the human experience and investigating different parts of life in a way that is both empathetic and honest. Not every episode is a home run, but that’s true of anything we do! By and large I think this is the best podcast I’ve ever listened to and has had a profound influence on my life.
  • Marcbaby3!
    I love this podcast so so much!! I’ve been listening to it for a couple years now and I find myself looking forward to every weeks new episode. It gives an opportunity to go deeper into once self and the world around us. I have shared this podcast with many friends and family who have found it equally insightful and meaningful. I’m so thankful for all that I have learned from this podcast over the years.
  • jimthehalfling
    This podcast is at its best when they have a guest for an interview. The early episodes are also really helpful. I struggle with the more recent episodes topic round table but that’s just me. The dream interpretation section often has unique insights but could benefit from the dreamer being a guest to present the dream as it sometimes strikes me that there are assumptions that need grounding. But this is a real fine podcast that helps get the Jungian ideas out to a new audience. I applaud and give it a 4.5 but am limited in the star rating system.
  • LunainLinen
    Enlightening Podcast
    I appreciate the perspectives of all three Jungians. It has aided me as a therapist with my clients, as well as providing insight into my own psyche.
  • Alexilala
    Unchecked Narcissism
    This show used to be really amazing when it was about the topics at hand. Now it just seems to be all about Lisa and she needs to be first and doted on and put on a pedestal. I’m hoping we can go back to the original purpose stated in the intro to the podcast.
  • Looneylovegoodshipschoni
    Three charming and intelligent analysts engage in captivating conversations that are an amazing introduction to Jungian thought. Uncannily relatable and sparking epiphanies, these conversations range from the personal to social. After listening for months, my dreams have become more cinematic. Thank you Deb, Lisa and Joseph!
  • tho14rn
    Transphobic co-host Marchiano
    Lisa Marchiano, alias Lisa Bell in anti-trans networks, has devoted her work to attacking the lived realities of trans, nonbinary, and gender expansive people. She is not alone in this in Jungian circles, but listeners should be aware of her transphobic positions before choosing whether or not to support her via this podcast. A Google search will bring you to her work.
  • Voxchops
    Deep and beautiful work is happening here, all delivered with a relaxed and playful vibe.
  • Joquetz
    Love it!
    Excellent and deep!
  • moreskinnydays
    Therapy Gold
    I am so glad I found this podcast! I have been listening for six months and have learned so much. It has completely catapulted my understanding of the unconscious. I listed to every episode regardless of the subject because there are nuggets hidden everywhere! Even a topic in which I think I have little interest provides oodles of information. Everyone I know has been to therapy, but nobody ever talks about Jungian therapy, dreams, or analysis. Maybe we should be!
  • J Dubois
    Enlightening and Inspiring
    I recommend this show to anyone who wants to keep learning about themselves and this strange world around us.
  • Nikushah
    Misses the mark
    I appreciate many of the teachings in jungian, philosophy and analysis in this podcast. Also, I appreciate the dream analysis. Over the years it has been more difficult for me to listen to the three hosts talk due to unexplored implicit, bias in themselves. They tend to be an unpacking and exploring identity concepts at a level of understanding that is elementary at best. The hosts tend to pull less from their clinical experience and more from scholarly and academic thought which leaves much for embodied understanding to be achieved. I wish the three podcast hosts well in their own paths towards self reflection, self study, and deepening understanding in realms of experience that they currently have little knowledge about.
  • Bob Mavrothalassitis
    I have come to truly enjoy this show with its well-selected topics and thoughtful exchanges.
  • rr5jr
    i loved this podcast until i found out its hosts are genocide apologists at best and genocidaires at worst 🤡🤡 the systematic punishment and killing of all 20k palestinians gaza (including up to 7k children and 80 journalists) IS a genocide, regardless of whatever mental acrobatics you want to make to rationalize differently. free palestine 🇵🇸
  • Nurse Keith
    A truly phenomenal podcast of tremendous value
    When I discovered This Jungian Life, my first thought was, “Where have I been all this time?” As a professional podcaster with over 10 years of experience, I so appreciate podcasts that are genuine, authentic, high-quality, and offered from the heart of the host(s). This Jungian Life offers so much value for listeners who want to understand Jungian archetypes, as well as various aspects of life and society as filtered through the lens of Jungian thought. The hosts are creative, thoughtful, funny, insightful, intelligent, and thoroughly human. I cannot recommend This Jungian Life more highly.
  • CorinneRenee
    This Jungian Life-review
    I have become a regular listener to this podcast. How these 3 discuss, dissect and create interest and discovery about pertinent and current topics has and continues to expand my awareness in ways that I have never gotten from any other medium. I feel like I can’t get enough-their perspectives are brilliant, relevant, vulnerable, healing and fascinating. Each podcast leaves me wanting more. I appreciate you-Joseph, Lisa and Deb.
  • Jose Gaspar LMFT
    Drawn more and more
    As a therapist of 13 years, I’ve always been drawn to Jung. As the world feels increasingly chaotic, I find my drawn to his work more and more and more. I love this show because it’s like sitting in on all the conversations I’m longing to have! Great show! It’s also helped me with my attitude of curiosity with my clients ❤️
  • FlipFlopReviews
    Best mental health podcast out there
    I love the dream analysis at the end of every episode! So good
  • vagal_nerve
    A great listen
    A wonderful window looking out into the 10,000 things of the world while simultaneously sensing deep into unknown parts of the mind
  • LisaLass
    Unexplained Phenomena
    A friend of mine made me a beautiful “Faerie Door”. When I put it on a bookshelf with other “precious things” the door was closed. My Mother-in-Law had died a few months earlier and my FIL gave me a beautiful tea cup and saucer that has little pink roses on it. I was so pleased to be gifted this cup and saucer and so it had a place of honor on the bookshelf. Two days after I placed the faerie door, there came this loud crack from the shelf and when I looked the cup had cracked in two. I couldn’t believe it. And so I told my friend, who gave me the door, she asked if I had opened the faerie door because you never keep it closed. I said I hadn’t and she said the faeries were telling me to open it up so they could freely move from this world to theirs. The door has never been closed since.
  • great ap. i love it.
    Love this podcast!
    Thought-provoking and fun for any fan of Carl Jung.
  • jester-to-the-people
    Anti-Trans Rhetoric & BIPOC erasure
    This was my go to podcast for a long time, but I am tired of hearing Lisa’s repeated anti-trans rhetoric. They are also running out of fables to discuss, often referring to the same ones over and over again. The podcast also never addresses systemic socioeconomic or racial-political issues in relation to the collective psyche or as a contributor to emotional distress. Any attempt to write in a dream that may touch upon these subjects will get dismissed (Lisa chooses the dreams to discuss on the podcast, so that tracks), but for those of us who experience the effects of racially-motivated violence daily, it for sure impacts in our dream world. It’s too bad because I really like the other two hosts who are whacky yet compassionate. Oh well, maybe a similar dream-interpreting podcast will pop up that doesn’t ignore the experiences of so many people ~
  • DME_Ski
    Comment on Latest Kalsched Podcast
    I basically enjoy this podcast even though I’m not into having dreams interpreted by anyone other than myself. I wanted to comment on the latest episode featuring Donald Kalsched. His work on trauma has greatly influenced my life and led to great healing. I’ve a ways to go but at least I’m finally on my way. I was initially hesitant to listen to this episode because I’m so tired of the “right vs left” and the “left vs right” junk we’ve been in as a culture especially in the U.S. As a registered Green I’m particularly happy to see caring for our earth finally being taken seriously HOWEVER not at the expense of blaming us “everyday humans” for the “problems”. Governments and Corporations are a huge problem and not many are addressing tinkering with the weather etc (as in Weather Modification, etc.). As well, when 45 was elected I freaked out but only to be eventually faced with a “left” that was just as crazy in their own way. But not many every day Democrats (meaning us regular folks) want to address the real problems and mental illness in our own party. We’ve made Saints out of obvious “Sinners” and we’re just as guilty as the “right”. This particular podcast left me feeling not very hopeful. Liberal Lunacy is just as dangerous as Azzinine Authoritarianism.
  • Astormflocetc
    Not For the Advanced Jungian
    While the analyses provided in each episode are interesting, I’m certain they lack (ironically) depth, particularly for the laymen. I find the conversations to be rather one and two dimensional. A particular problem I find is the heteronormativity and binaried perspectives. Perhaps a more petty complaint but, the old SNL skits that would make fun of NPR voices… this podcast plays into that stereotype quite a bit, and I find it quite pretentious. These issues might be solved if they were to incorporate more diversity in their analyses.
  • rubiscoS
    A gem and important work
    This podcast is a gem and the hosts are uniquely talented individuals who are able to communicate complex, intuitive topics in rational and relatable language. They’re rigorous in their thought process, are able to pull from psychology, mythology, history and art, and somehow make the ideas relevant. It’s really important, especially in our time, for people to become conscious and aware of the world around us, and this podcast has helped me do that more than anything else I’ve done. I wish them all the success and hope they’re able to continue the work for a long time.
  • MickArtasite
    Endless source of wisdom
    This is one of my favorite podcasts💙I learn so much from listening - for my personal life and work life as a newly graduated art therapist. I deeply enjoy each hosts differing perspectives and stories.
  • Chris Genoversa
    High praise.
    I love listening to your conversations. These are like fireside chats for me. This conversation about homesickness realty hit home for me, as do many of your talks. All these versions of loss the gentleness needed to move through the experience. Withdrawal comes to mind, or reluctantly waking up from a sleep. The disruption of the last couple of years, the ceaseless excursion from what felt normal to a new normal has been massively upsetting. Routines once taken for granted are now treasured. The odyssey the adriftness of it all. Last summer I traveled across the country at a walking pace, along several of the migration paths settlers i really sunk into the heart of the Loss the west bound settlers and the trail of tears forced off lands where millennia of ancestors lay at rest. The old world and the new world.
  • thelittleflowerpetal
    Thank You
    Meeting Shadow on the Spiritual Path was an incredible, much needed episode. Clear and illuminating. Thank you so much.
  • tumulta
    A beautiful gift
    I am so grateful for this show. I’ve consumed a fair amount of self-help and popular psychology, but never studied the major Western figures. For Jung to be the first is quite a ride. I love this introduction to a way of looking at ourselves and the world. You three offer the view with a softness and humanity that is so fitting, because that’s what seems to set Jung apart. There’s so much beauty, sadness, hope, and curiosity, not just “what’s wrong and how to fix it.” Listening is a treat I relish all to myself, like taking my brain on a date. Lastly, I’m impressed by how you three maintain balance. It’s so comforting how you show respect to each other and genuinely seem to enjoy this project week after week. Most co-hosts seem to get sick of each other and bail a couple seasons in. TJL is my happy place these days. Thank you for everything you’ve taught me so far.
  • the average twitch user
    Hosts voices
    The female analysts both have authentic ways of speaking (and lots of great stuff to say), the male has a whispering, pontificating vocal style which feels inauthentic and mannered - “therapist” speak. More of the women please, less of the man or more analysis so he can be more real. I have colleagues who also listen and agree.
  • Kat33*
    My favorite podcast
    Every episode I listen to teaches me something new and helps me connect with another part of myself or my life. I especially like the ones where they analyze fairy tales and stories! The Ugly Duckling episode is one of my favorites so far.
  • sparkles45
    I listened to dozens of these podcasts and loved them. Then I listened to the one on anger, in which they used Trump as an example. Why did you have to get political? I thought you were better than that. *unfollowing*
  • Ob3s
    The recent Medusa episode is a classic.
    Some episodes I want to take notes on every single line. I love the analysis of myths and fairy tales. The Medusa episode was incredible. Keep up the good work.
  • Bunny Cub
    Mental health TikTok
    Please do an episode on mental health Tik Tok which includes bizarrely exhibitionistic and ethically dubious videos by therapists and consumers who collect and proudly adversity their DSM “diagnose” like merit badges. What the heck is going on??
  • pclarmy
    This is a great podcast, I recommend it to anybody that wants to learn more about jungian psychology, or to people that are already familiar with his work. Great stuff keep it up.
  • Taggart 5
    S1 E254
    You guys are on fire for this one, wow!
  • T503916
    Un examined privileged positions
    I would have enjoyed being April fooled if it had been released on April 1st not March 31 and had it been 20 minutes? 49 minutes was way too long to drag that out and some of the conversation was heartbreaking but believable based on other moments of tone deaf colonized thinking that has been expressed in this show. Ie; Outward bound is notoriously an abusive program according to the children who are now adults working through the pain it caused them.
  • theorginalracer
    April’s fool
    You got me ! Every thought and stereotype of Americans were playing in my head . Good. Really good .
  • Liza505
    Life changing
    This podcast is my favorite and really means a lot to me. They delve deeply into topics, and allow me to see myself and the world in new ways. I have a job I drive a lot for, this podcast is almost always on. I find it insightful, thoughtful and truly life changing.
  • Margaret Vaek
    One of my favorite podcasts
    I intend to sign up for their dream school soon. I appreciate learning about the Jungian way of considering one’s emotions and life.
  • asdfhkliytcvn
    Tragic leopard
    I love the dream stuff, but that Aphrodite episode was super sexist. Wow.
  • August Consumer
    Empty polysyllabic chats
    The psychologist with the “broadcast”—fast forward. His speech is air. His co-speaker at least says something.
  • okkkkoi
    Great Podcast
    Im not to convinced about Jung, but I love this podcast. Ya’ll have great chemistry and I enjoy listening to your work from a literary standpoint.
  • S2595
    The gift that keeps on GIVING!
    I have loved every episode since finding this podcast…. But the latest episode (254) WOW WOW WOW- came right on time with an abundance of powerful topics & talking points that packed a punch straight to my unconscious…. Lots to keep reflecting and processing!! My favorite episode so far, I could have listened to the conversation continued for another hour.
  • susan pc
    Gourmet food for thought
    I am not a big podcast person but this is one I religiously listen to. I love the synergy between these 3 Jungian analysts! Each shares a different and valuable perspective. I am a practicing Spiritual Director who was trained in Jungian philosophy and this podcast really makes it all come alive! I hope to some day do your dream work training. That you for sharing this with the collective!
  • kurtcobaincrush
    Great podcast
    I like this podcast so much. The dream interpretations are awesome. Probably my favorite part. I particularly like Deb. She is the most relatable and I’d like to have a coffee or wine with her. One thing I’d like the podcasters to be more conscious of is when they are talking about themes to not just have a white, heterosexual, cisgender perspective. As a cis-questionable-gender lesbian, I often find my perspective left out of their commentaries.
  • Domsterxxxx
    Love love love.
    As both an energy healer and lover of Jungian theory, I so appreciate these talks. Even if you aren’t intrigued by Psychology and/or spirituality, learning about Jung is a huge eye-opener.
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