The Truck Show Podcast


Do you love trucks, Jeeps, customs, wheeling, fabrication, new products, events, and the latest in truck news? Then you won't want to miss this fun and irreverent look at today’s world of trucks. Hosted by veteran Los Angeles radio personality and producer Jay “Lightning” Tilles (106.7 FM KROQ) and truck expert and longtime automotive journalist Sean P. Holman (Truck Trend, Four Wheeler, Diesel Power, Truckin', Jp, Petersen's 4-Wheel & Off-Road, and OVR Magazine), the Truck Show Podcast brings a unique and entertaining perspective to all things truck, including those lifted, lowered, and everything in between.

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Recent Reviews
  • Gdtgjdgj
    Great podcast
    Good interviews and solid information for the most part
  • Geegto4
    My Favorite Podcast
    Fun and interesting. I’ve been a listener since Episode 1 and there is always great information provided.
  • C5 Rep
    7th 5 star rating
    Got a new work phone so I made sure to get you guys a 5 star rating. Great pod cast have listened to each one. Good or bad. Look forward to Monday to hear the newest one as I drive around Southern California. A sales rep for a small heavy equipment rental yard. I sent you guys the frontier spotting pic from my work truck while I was piloting our D8 to LAX. Keep up the suckage.
  • LilCez760
    A podcast you must listen to!!
    Sean and lightning are industry legends that humbly bring you amazing guests to every episode. They cover important topics, events, and the constant changes happening in our automotive industry. You don’t have to own a truck to listen, all content is still relatable, funny, informative, and educational!
  • Toyofreak
    You guys are the best!
    I’m on the road about 50+ hours a week for work! I love listening to your guys podcast to pass the time!! Funny, informative and great guest interviews. I even love the corky introduction musics and the “uh’s” you guys do in sync. You guys are talented. Highly recommend this podcast to anyone. Keep up the great work and mount those parameters.
  • Wheelerfreak
    Great show
    I’ve been a listener from episode one and can honestly say it’s a podcast. Light Sabre and Holeshot do a fair to middling job that is aided greatly by their awesome guests. The drawback to this show is me spending money on products they have interviewed guests about. Keep up the average job fellas and remember everything matters.
  • 9876543210!
    New phone, who dis?
    Awesome show, keep up the good work. Y’all keep me entertained while I drive to work and when I’m working on my 1974 C10, nicknamed the Peanutbutter Buster. I’ll send pics when it’s complete. Thank you for great sound quality!! Yeah buddy! Mounter those parameters And 5 stars!
  • chugges2008
    Thrilling “truck talk” debating a CR-V and a Mini… the only acceptable mini is an of from the 60s besides that the CR-V all day every day. Love the show. The episode back when the Ranger was reintroduced help me make my decision on getting a mid size truck and my 2020 Ranger and felt at the time was the best option, now It be a hard choice between the Ranger and Frontier
  • Sixes R.
    The best podcast. Five Stars!!!
    I’ve been a listener since episode one. Lightning and Holman are fun and informative, the kind of guys you want to have a beer with. Keep up the great work! Lightning, the jingles are awesome!
  • Dave.Thirtytwo.
    New work phone… 5 more stars
    Sean and Jay do a great job presenting an entertaining podcast committed to trucks, Jeeps, and SUVs. I started listening in 2018 and still tune in every Monday morning to catch up on the latest truck news and learn about new products hitting the market. Keep on Truckin ’ Dave.thirtytwo
  • ddbremer
    The Truck Show podcast is the best truck podcast
    I’ve been a listener since episode 6. Love all of the interviews with industry leaders, reviews, news, and listener emails that you bring to the show. This really hits home and brings things full circle for me as someone who works on the research and engineering side of the industry. Previously, I worked with Cummins for over a decade and then relocated to Minnesota in 2018 where I bounced around a few different companies before landing at CVF Racing and CVF Offroad in 2020. Working on the engineering side of things, most of the customer feedback that gets to us is the negative stuff. You know, the warranty claims and the problems that need to be fixed with new products. Internally within companies, it doesn't get much better with phrases like, "You need to reduce cost by X, and it must maintain the same strength and durability" and so on... I'm sure you can see how over time one can get beat down and think everything you make is junk. Fortunately there is The Truck Show Podcast that brings a refreshing reminder of all the positive customer interactions. You shed a lot of light on the fact that more than 99% of customer interactions that never get to us are fantastic. They actually like what we make. Or should I say love. Love to a point where they get, dare I say - tribal. Between arguing about whose product is better on Facebook or even getting a logo tattoo, the love abounds. Anyways, this is a long, round about way of saying thank you. I really appreciate what you guys do for the industry. You have earned a lifetime listener and supporter.
  • NickInJersey
    Remember everything matters
    Finally swapped over from Stitcher to this fruit based operation and you guys sound as good as ever. The list of previous episodes and guests is a wealth of information and I can’t wait to find out who you guys have lined up for new interviews. We also need more Emmy Hall and as always mounter those parameters.
  • #neveragain...
    Best podcast for us automotive enthusiasts.
    Great job fellas.
  • Drewpballs69
    New phone new review!
    5 stars! Best truck podcast for mountered parameters
  • Freedomchariot
    Best truck show podcast?
    These two have the knowledge, know how and friendship that makes this truly the best truck podcast on this earth. Five stars! P.S. lightning we need some raptor parts from banks.
  • SMLmatthew
    Great Show!!
    Keep up the good work! The podcasts are great to listen to and often times break up the tedious every day drive as a Truck Driver. You get tired of the same old play list on the radio! I look forward to listening to these podcasts!
  • Greg Madden
    Truck Show Awesome
    Love the show. The longest POD cast ever. Y’all talk 15 minutes before opening the show and then talk for 15 minutes after closing the show. To many squirrels running around in your heads. I love every minute of it and always look forward to the next episode. Thank you for continuing to do the show and pushing to make it better. 5 Stars!! I’d type more but CODE BROWN!!!
  • Phenaum
    Emmy 5 Stars
    Code Brown! Code Brown! Now that I left this 5 star review disaster averted and remember to always mount ur parameters
  • asmolich0053
    Best podcast ever!
    Hey guys! I bought my 1st iPhone!! Leaving a 5-star review was my first priority!! This is my favorite podcast!
  • Gus Mitchem
    Burger Wars Solved
    Love the show and happy you guys now have a equity stake in your work. Native Texan, now in Dallas and I’m going to solve the IN N Out / WB debate for you. Not going the way you think, based on INO being a clean place with happy and attentive employees that seem to be having a good time! That creates a nice place I want to experience with my family. WB on the other hand (most times) is dirty and especially since the development of the app don’t know how to take an order anymore. The employees aren’t happy or healthy and it’s usually a dreary place. There are still some great locations out there but not worth the gamble.
  • SD truck guy
    Great podcast
    Great podcast with good hosts and it’s of great information on trucks
  • David Turri
    5 star
    Awesome show great quality and awesome hosts with top notch guests!
  • JDOLLAR257
    Best podcast show
    I didn’t realize that when I got a new phone I get to leave another review! Kinda sad the Texas flag didn’t make it in to the pod shed but I’m love the bull horn idea! Sincerely yall’s native Texan
  • Notchofhvn
    Love the Truck Show Podcast
    Hi Lightning and Holman, I really enjoy the podcast, with all your quirky jingles and of course the gal with her PARAMEETERS. I like your insights and I hope you guys have much success going out into the scary world on your own. Hey Lightning have you heard … I gave you guys a five star review. Again, wishing you much success on your new endeavors. Matt Lee Neosho, Missouri PS. I am so jealous of Holman’s 392. I have a Gladiator and wish they would produce a 392 version, or even a 4xE. But I love my truck, even with the minivan engine!!!
  • Rjiad
    Long time listener, finally got an iPhone to rate you guys 5 stars!
  • jeremyekennedy
    Yeah buddy
    Keep up the good work! These guys have produced a great podcast for a long time. Tons of insight in the truck & suv market. Always booking excellent guests. Excited to see what they’ll do in the new season. Stoked to support all of your new endeavors.
  • R.L. From the Gem State
    Favorite podcast
    Lightning and Holman, all I can say is thank you. Been listening since episode 3 or 4 roughy. Just got a new work iPhone, and had to leave another 5 stars, right back at ya review. I wish you both so much luck on the new beginning. Talk about exciting! I understand the challenges of a small business, and I think you two will kill it this round with your experience and sage wisdom that comes with age, at least some age. A searchable catalog of products and brands that have been on the show in the past would be super helpful. Bring back the Bilstein and the Toyo guy! I could listen to them get in the weeds all day long. Gale is a national treasure. He’s another one that I can listen to all day long. I’ll put Holman and Lightning in that category too. I have one thought around the “Tow-a-sode” I kind of doubt you’re going to get a representative from a manufacture of whatever to speak on the subject. Strictly from a liability standpoint. But, why not get a hand full of people with tons of experience with the subject. Like maybe a SMITH system safety trainer. Or some truck drivers that done lots of it. I’ve towed everything from farm wagons hauling hay, cattle trailers, to cargo haulers, to gooseneck flat beds, to dual trailer milk trucks on in a previous job. I still hold an unrestricted CDL with all endorsements except hazmat and passenger bus. It would be some work for you guys to figure out who would be good enough to put on the podcast, but I think that would be may be the most educational way to go. Get four or five individuals with a wide range of experience from large to small. Most of the basics and concepts are the same. It all revolves around being safe and starting and finishing the day with the shiny side up. How everything is loaded, road conditions, and knowing your equipment are the biggest keys to success in towing. Good luck to you both! I’m excited to experience the next season of what truck famous can bring!
  • brs2427
    Five star review
    Thanks so much for all the great truck content. Very informative and entertaining. Audio quality is excellent! Start my week every Monday with the podcast!
  • @ojcazares
    The best!!!
    Such a great show.
  • awesomely Done!
    Please Advise
    I hope this message gets to someone who can help or advise me. The Last year and 1/2 has been the hardest time of my life. Maybe it’s a test but maybe it’s just my luck. I have been watching you guys since the diesel brothers days. I know that you guys know your stuff! Dave I’m in a huge bind. I don’t know if I’m crossing the line to ask for advice or help. During Covid I lost my business and my home and while laying in a hospital bed for 4 months with a broken neck and back, my wife of 18 years served me with divorce papers. I lost everything! I was a volunteer police chaplain and I pulled a guy out of a hole and broke my neck and back. My department didn’t back me because I deployed myself. This has Changed my life forever. I was a gang outreach pastor for the last 30 years. While in the hospital, I lost my home, and business, and then all my things were put in storage and stolen, and I couldn’t pay the storage, so I lost over $100,000 in tools and contracting equipment, That I had for my business. I am in an RV and can’t afford the payment on it and may loose it too but I am trying my best, because I lost my ability to work. I just started walking again but with some difficulty. I am on full disability now at $1189.00 a month and, thank God, I have a friend who is allowing me to park my RV in her back yard because I can’t even afford a place to park it in California, I have a 2013 f 250 6.7 diesel and I owe money on it too, and it may be repossessed if I can’t change something soon. But I have 140,000 miles on it and am having fuel pump problems. The dealer has my truck and I can’t afford to replace the whole fuel system. I don’t know what to do. I am asking you for your advice because I trust you as a person of integrity and the knowledge. Please whoever gets this message please pass it on to Dave. I don’t know what else to do except give up. I have been through almost dying from obesity, and getting that problem taken care of. Then liver cancer and 16 months of radiation, then a motorcycle accident and back surgery, then being paralyzed and loosing everything including my wife and business and home. It’s Christmas and I can’t afford to let my kids gifts, and now my truck is broke down and I don’t trust these dealers. I brought it to them several times before my warranty was expired and they just kept putting me off. You probably get 1000’s of requests for help, and I understand if you don’t have time to respond or advise or help me. I’ve included some pictures so that you don’t think I’m lying about my life experience. The dealership is quoting me like 10,000. And I don’t have $200 to my name. Please advise or help or pray for me image1.jpeg image5.jpeg image4.jpeg image3.jpeg image2.jpeg image6.jpeg image0.jpeg I’m at the end of my Rope Please advise me Please help me. Thanks Brian K. Shaw
  • 5KfromHI
    Funny, Fun and Informative!!!
    Gotta love this refreshing new take on getting the latest word in the world of trucks! Lightning and Holman are great and they’re bringing “live” interviews that you’re not going to get anywhere else! What surprises await in the next episodes?? I guess we’ll just have to wait - to hear! In the mean time, I enjoyed the first episode twice ~ once on a plane flight, the second, in the garage with my brother-in-law while installing a new light bar behind the front fascia of his Tacoma. What better time to listen to - The Truck -Show!!
  • Tyler028
    Yeah Buddy!
    Best automotive podcast since car talk ended, keep the suckage low.
  • Hownick44
    Awesome Podcast!!!!
    Hey Holman and Lightening!!!! I only say it that way to get on Lightenings nerves. Thanks for all the great content. I only found this podcast about 5 weeks ago, I’ve binged up to no. 50, but I keep up with the current episodes. It’s the only podcast I’ve been listening to ever since I’ve found ya, on my hour commute to and from work here in SoCal. 5 STARS
  • MoparPunk
    Awesome show.
    This is my wife’s phone. And this is a great show. Thanks for all the great content. Give me a Finnegan “Yeah BUDDY!”
  • 707Jake
    “5 Star Review”
    Hey boys! Thanks for all you do for us in the truck community! I have yet to find a more informative and engaging podcast that covers everything truck related. Long time listener first time reviewer. In N Out & the Lord’s chicken are #1. Maybe it’s the California pompous. Anyhow, keep mountering those parameters and doing the Lord’s work! -Jake
  • tcdontcare
    Your Houston family still listening
    Show has the best food and whisky paring out there. Lightning has great apparel and shoe information, And sometimes hands down decent truck insider news. #yeahbuddy
  • TruckerJones
    Awesome podcast
    Funny and informative love the jingles. Finally got an iPhone so I can leave a review
  • goat owner sound like holman
    Goat sound owner again
    Stole my first daughter’s phone to leave yet another 5-star review. Keep mounting those parameeters!
  • holman goat owner
    Stole the wife’s phone
    Stole the wife’s phone to leave a 5 star review.
  • Jeepstig
    Trucks? Foods? Tangents?
    If you enjoy listening to one of automotive journalism’s greatest truck nuts talk to one of radios biggest truck nuts about food and trucks, then this is the show for you! Yes, they are a pair of formerly hot, sweaty, ant covered truck nuts.
  • GmcDmax2005
    Best podcast!!
    I have been listening to this show since the single digits episodes. It is very entertaining with a great mix of technical info and humor. I look forward to it every week!
  • cjw405
    55555 stars
    Hey lighting and thunder buddy y’all are doing a great job my 8 years old son and I listen while we are in my Peterbilt we love the ram talk keep up the good work and ya buddy ps we can get the jingle out of our heads lol
  • Kimv11
    At first I thought you two were a little high strung but then I noticed the playback speed was set to +1 1/2 speed. It totally made sense because as soon as I slowed it down you guys were chill and I was er worried that you were two crack heads who tricked Nissan into sponsoring them. Carry on👍
  • Emmanuel C. mom
    5 star
    My son Emmanuel made me write a review!
  • The Cookieman
    Monitoring all 5 star parameters
    Top notch show that is consuming my life with a distorted ear because my ear bud is now growing into my ear hairs from the continuous binge listening!! I love the mix of info and comedy. You are educating and entertaining!! GREAT WORK!!
  • Erinbod
    5 stars
    My husband made me do it 🤣 he loves your show.
  • DuckmanBob
    Makes my day at work go faster!!!!!
    Lightning McQueen and Holding Pattern… Keep up the cheesy jingles and riveting content. Listening to you makes my day go faster while working and when I’m working DoorDash at night. If I could give you more stars I would. Let me have a Finnegan yeah buddy and some old school mountered parameters! Duckmanbob75 forever!!!!!
  • Gravel64
    Scott Lavalle / chandler Az
    Enjoy this podcast , guys are awesome, listen when driving my 2015 D max and walking the dog.
  • *notme*
    Mouth full of stuff
    The rapid speech is ridiculous. An unlistenable podcast. What a concept.
  • Cam from Michigan
    Great show!
    I started listening this winter while swapping a blue print 355 into my 1988 s10. I now listen daily while working my day job working on irrigation systems, great show guys keep up the good work
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