

The pop culture podcast for smart people who love dumb stuff.

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Recent Reviews
  • Thommy Dan
    5/5 šŸŒŸs
    Such a great podcast! Both hosts are very fair and reasonable. I loved the Anne Hathaway series from 2 years ago! šŸ’–
  • PonteLasPilas
    Vile and Shameless
    I listened to maybe 5 episodes and wow, the hosts are just nasty. At a time when most sane people are acknowledging that the Where is Kate phenomena got out of control and they feel bad for contributing, these women are basically trying to come up with lame excuses for their nasty behavior. They very reluctantly admit that they got a ā€œbitā€ carried away when they were spewing their bile and gleefully spreading lies ā€œthere is zero evidence of this, but letā€™s talk some more about the affair rumor ā€œ etc. Laughably, they claim that if only the Palace had shared more, maybe they would have behaved differently. Who are they kidding? I guess this podcast is aptly named because these hosts truly have no shame and will do and say whatever they want chasing ratings. Vile.
  • sarai234326
    I have been listening for awhile and while I donā€™t agree with everything, I do enjoy the pop culture gossip and recommendations. I just listened to the Kate cancer diagnosis episode. I think you guys, especially Zara, really let yourself off the hook. On the previous episode, you girls were literally cackling while talking about Kate Middleton. Listen to it back, itā€™s pretty disgusting. In this episode you were really stretching to make how you acted seem ok. It honestly makes your normal wokeism seem totally shallow. Do you really care about women? About a womenā€™s health? Do you care about health privacy? Or do we only care about those things if the person is not royal? Is not rich? Is not white? It is definitely disappointing. Iā€™m still listening and will change the review if I feel differently. It just would have been nice to hear someone 100% own up to behaving badly rather than a flaccid mea culpa at the beginning and then an examination of every possible reason under the sun that justifies that bad behavior.
  • mcn1130
    Such Fun!
    I love this podcast and all their takes and I love how they ethically consume pop culture. They have fun without being ā€œobsessed.ā€ My favorite balance of pop culture consumption!
    I wanted to like this podcast as a fellow pop culture enthusiast but wow the tone has been off. I can deal with the incessant ā€œ1000%ā€ retorts or the constant insertion of Taylor Swift into EVERY news story even when it doesnā€™t make sense (girls, she has not attended the Met Gala in years, of course she wouldnā€™t be at this one). But the Meghan and Harry episode felt heavily biased and almost hateful. It is very clear that these women do not like Meghan Markle, and glossed over her racist treatment in favor of calling her petty and annoying repeatedly. It honestly reeks of white supremacy and makes their attempts at being racially inclusive (like the aboriginal disclaimer at the end of each podcast) seem inauthentic. Here they had the opportunity to be an ally to a black woman facing unprecedented public abuse and instead contributed to the problem. No one is claiming Meghan Markle is a saint, but your coverage of her was far from fair and made me lose all respect for them at pop culture journalists and explorers. Iā€™ll get my pop culture hot takes somewhere that isnā€™t racist, thanks āœŒļø
  • bittymoke
    Are you in need of some intrigue?
    Fun, upbeat, entertaining, informative chat with your favorite girlfriends about pop culture and celebrity news. I love listening to this podcast. Co-hosts Zara and Michelle are smart and insightful while keeping things light and fun. I always look forward to listening to them because I know by the end of the episode Iā€™ll feel a bit better than how I felt before.
  • torisand
    My comfort podcast
    Like chatting with your girlfriends at brunch, but with more details!
  • cps93
    Pop culture besties!
    Iā€™m obsessed with this podcast. Long drive? Shameless. Cleaning the house? Shameless. Working? Still listening to Shameless. It is genuinely the only podcast Iā€™ve ever subscribed to, but I just cannot get enough. Zara and Michelle are my best friends via podcast, and you canā€™t convince me otherwise! :)
  • sarah__cardwell
    I look forward so Shameless every week!
    I love this podcast! And as a Swiftie I love that they talk about Taylor ! My favorite episodes are the scandal episodes. They really do their research and put in so much effort into making those episodes!
  • Ellep146794749527
    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
    As a woman from the American Southeast that was put on to the Shameless podcast about a year ago, I just want to say, thank you for existing. This podcast and media company is so female positive without being down your throat about it. You make itā€™s feel so effortless and beautiful. I feel like I learn more listening to this podcast about relationships and culture than I have up to this point in my life, in such a positive, supportive, and healthy way. Iā€™m probably a little older than your typical demographic (34) and was put onto it by a friend (40) but I want my daughter (16) to listen to everything you produce as I think it would be so good for her to have the relationships and friendships that you talk about throughout your entire media platform. I feel like you have opened my world and are helping me help her as a young woman to navigate this world. We binge your show every road trip and my husband is even invested in the content of the episodes as we listen together. Thank you!
  • no-whammies
    TS PR
    Iā€™ve been listening to this podcast for about a year. I loved it at first (especially the Scandal episodes), but the Taylor Swift coverage has been so excessive and unbalanced lately! Itā€™s almost like the team is on her payroll or something? The lack of nuance and the sheer amount of PR fluff has gotten ridiculous.
  • kelllllllllbelllllllllllll
    Thank you for existing. The pop culture breakdowns and all the scandal series are always so well researched/thorough. Being able to discuss such hot topics without being cruel isnā€™t easy but these ladies nail it every time.
  • 8riiana
    About pop culture but not cultured..
    Maybe the most recent episode was the worst to start on but how can you blatantly admit that youā€™re not cultured and donā€™t care?? This is not a bash Taylor swift post. I love TS. But it rubbed me the wrong way for them to sit there and say they donā€™t care about looking into new artist etc. Itā€™s giving very much white media centered. Iā€™ll listen more. Very willing to be wrong about this take!
  • Pengy_0612
    The best way to describe this podcast is that you're having a fun conversation with a good friend. At a time in my 30s when all of my friends are having babies and I (no kids for the next couple of years) live in the Northwoods of WI surrounded by people that don't connect with me in regard to pop culture, these ladies make me snort laugh. I look forward to Thursdays when I can listen to these women and not feel small or lonely. I just finished the most recent episode discussing gen z on social media and I looked through my photo gallery and thought of my best friend that didn't care about pop culture but let me go on rants and just enjoyed me being excited about something. I shot her a text letting her know I'm thinking of her and miss her fearsome. Shameless podcast lets me delve and dive into pop culture without having to feel guilty or, dare I say it, dumb. Listen to this podcast, even if you don't care about pop culture. I think they'd be able to persuade you pretty easily. Thank you to these amazing women for providing me this space! ā™„ļø
  • EmmaShey
    Fun episodes with great prospectives!
    I enjoy pop culture show that comes with a deeper conversation. Love how the hots break down different stories and scandals! Very thoughtful and fun to listen to.
  • AnnD-24
    A perfect podcast
    Itā€™s exactly what I hope for in a podcast.
  • katyperrytherealone
    I LOVE the deep dive episodes
    I found shameless earlier this year and was instantly hooked on their weekly episodes, but was even more excited to find their deep dive episodes! Iā€™m now working my way back through the archives with the YouTuber series and am really enjoying it as someone who truly knows nothing about that side of the internet. It really is the perfect show for ā€œsmart people who love dumb stuffā€.
  • Bethfauteux
    Shameless is Everythingā€¦
    ā€¦.that a podcast should be. I listen to a plethora of podcasts. Ranging from Bravo to True crime, I have my favorites under each subject matter. Shameless is absolutely my favorite over all. It has the research and journalistic integrity of a scripted documentary from any major news network, with the delivery of a casual but passionate recap podcast, sprinkled with thought provoking analysis of the subject matter- humanizing the protagonist of the story being told, and giving sometimes over looked context to stories that made such international headlines, we thought we knew everything about. That, along with the seamless transitions between each part of the story being told is remarkable. It is the type of podcast that you get lost in, like when you watch your favorite t.v. Show and canā€™t believe itā€™s already over. Itā€™s why I subscribe. Most podcasts I have supported are because I try to support the extremely hard work and dedication of podcasters that I enjoy. Shameless is different in that in addition to the support it deserves , it is also because I simply cannot wait to get to the next part of the story. I canā€™t wait another week to hear the next part of the story and look forward to hearing their take on the who, what, where, when and whyā€™s. Thank you for the content, entertainment, compassion and ridiculously hard work and passion that shows through in each and every episode. You encompass everything that I believe makes a podcast great, and beyond that you seem like beautiful human beings. You make my day brighter and offer an escape from reality when one is needed.
  • FannieMayPickens
    Making light of sick people
    The episode about Yolanda Hadid and Lyme disease was very disappointing. If you are someone who neither has chronic Lyme disease nor love someone who struggles so badly to just breathe and exist, you should thank God. Itā€™s completely heartbreaking watching someone you love waste away both physically and mentally because doctors are so far behind in understanding the disease and having knowledge on treatment. The CDC has just now recognized Lyme as a disease that can cause chronic symptoms. The fact that the medical system is so far behind in knowledge about many diseases doesnā€™t make them any less real or debilitating.
  • christinabeeeā˜€ļø
    Love them to pieces
    Everything they talk about has been so well thought out & researched. So refreshing compared to other pods that will make you feel less intelligent after a listen.
  • AM01reviews
    Really fun!
    This is a really fun podcast and well done. Only giving three stars because sometimes some of the more political commentary is a little valid or completely off the mark lol Iā€™m specifically referring to the Karlie Kloss/Taylor Swift episode lol. Overall really great pop culture/gossip podcast though
  • nbvc75432$@&
    So heartbroken
    I loved listening to these ladies until I heard them talk about David Beckhamā€™s assistant ā€œchoosing to enter the relationshipā€ā€¦ then ā€œnot responding with positive energyā€ like they were straight out of the 1900ā€™s. Iā€™m so disappointed in you two ladies. Please educate yourselves on power dynamics in relationships where a boss has sexual relations with a subordinate. You sound like my grandma, and Iā€™m certain I am old enough to be you mother. I thought you younger generations were learning from our past mistakesšŸ˜¢šŸ’”
  • EHM06
    The best
    My favorite podcast
  • Cececec68283
    I love this podcast! Avid listener.
  • ilooovebubbly
    Negative Nellies
    This podcast gives off negative vibes on every episode. They seem extremely insecure and they are no fun. They are constantly off base, bizarre, and the vocal fry is awful. Ewwwww.
  • Zaslover
    Love this podcast!
    I just stumbled across this podcast and am binging previous episodes. I love the deep dives and multiple part series! So good and well researched. Thank you for the great listen!
  • dririvinius
    Annoying Know-It Alls
    This podcast makes me very uncomfortable. As a gay male I take offense to these two acting like experts on how I feel. They ruin historic moments in pop culture with their jabbering on like dunderheads. If you want horrible takes that diminish greatest parts of our history then this is the podcast for you!
  • Anonymous2367046
    Really great!
    Iā€™m so impressed with this podcast! Itā€™s fun and they do their homework on the pop culture stories. A great listen!
  • Catherine McKenna
    All Time Favorite
    Iā€™ve never written a pod review and figured itā€™s about time! I hope this reaches my fellow American listeners because this has been my favorite podcast by a friendā€™s recommendation in 2019. After living in Australia and moving back to to the US, I havenā€™t missed an episode and have become a Shameless Stan through and through. I canā€™t recommend Shameless enough, thank you Zara and Michelle!
  • Ellie12416
    I canā€™t stop listening. I stumbled on the Paris Hilton/Nicole Ritchie series and absolutely cannot stop. These ladies are so great to listen too! Love, love
  • S1107perk
    Will always listen to Shameless
    I began listening to the pod several months ago and it has become something I look forward to every week. I am a stay at home mother in southern US with a lot of house work and home improvement projects going constantly. Having adhd can make concentration a challenge but having something playing in my ear while I work really helps me focus. I don't know whether to feel proudly accomplished or embarrassed by how many hours I have spent listening to Michelle and Zara but I have listened to every episode. As of today my unplayed tab is empty. 10/5 stars!
  • bun show
    Love them!!!
    I absolutely love these gals! Fun, funny, sweet, intelligent, & relatable. Iā€™ve genuinely enjoyed every episode. Iā€™m loving all the scandal episodes too! Iā€™m obsessed with Zaraā€™s take on social media anxiety. I keep very few followers/friends on social but I still I feel very similarly. When I express this to friends they think I'm just worried about ā€œlikesā€ but is soooo much more than approval from friends itā€™s just a noisy stressful place I feel required to participate in.
  • LAX826
    New favorite podcast
    I have been bingeing the Scandal episodes and am hooked! I love how Zara and Mich take a very balanced and empathetic approach in their deep dives. I also really enjoy the weekly pop culture updates. As an American itā€™s fun to learn more about Australian pop culture as well.
  • lbkintzer
    New fav podcast!
    I recently hear about Shameless on my other favorite podcast, Toni and Ryan podcast, and now Iā€™m obsessed! So happy I have years of Scandal to binge back on, truly fascinating stuff!
  • Eliza-Bee
    5++ Stars if I could
    I adore this show, even the commercials! I appreciate the obvious respect the co-hosts have for each other which extends to their ability to debate where they differ. Iā€™m catching up on years of pop-culture when I was sleep deprived and more familiar with Blueā€™s Clues. The highlights of my listening week!
  • maren bran
    i love this podcast so much - hilarious and refreshing to hear all the latest pop culture news and gossip. one of my favs!!
  • BusyLilPug
    Perfect Pod
    I found Shameless on TikTok and am I ever thankful! I look forward to noon on Wednesdays (in the US) for the weekly pop culture update. I love their fresh, thoughtful takes on the latest hot goss. I absolutely adore Scandal and your say Friday polls on Instagram. Z and M are intelligent and fun and make a great podcast!
  • Not engaged.. YET
    My fav binge podcast!
    I just recently found Shameless via TikTok and Iā€™m so obsessed with this podcast. The girls are so smart, funny, and intentional with their thoughts and the way they tell stories! I have gone back and listened to all of the old episodes which are great and look forward to every new episode they put out!
  • Marci_B_
    Love them!
    I was first introduced to this podcast via tik tok and quickly became obsessed. I am a 40 year old single mom in America- probably not their target audience, but I am currently on maternity leave which can feel lonely in the best of circumstances and depressing in the worst. Iā€™m fortunate to have great friends and family as a support system, but during the day when everyone is at work and going about their lives, listening to this podcast during the day is akin to having a coffee date with friends and has contributed to keeping my loneliness at bay. Thank you Zara and Mich for entertaining this aging millennial and making me feel like I am still in the know!
  • OMGG_Ana
    I love the Shameless series but unfortunately have to agree with another reviewer that the girlā€™s constant cries of misogyny, sexism, etc are really over the top. The standards they hold for men vs women doing the same thing in different episodes is really irritating and one-sided. Not to mention how long they go on rants about how the media spoke about topics and people in the 90s holding it to todayā€™s woke/feminist ideologies. I love the topics and the research they put into their shows, but it would be much more enjoyable if they werenā€™t constantly inputting their opinions that frankly come off as whiny.
  • onelilfan
    Love the pod but confused by direction
    I love Zara and Mich- their banter, the flow of their discussions, their smart analysis of pop culture events, and I love everything about their individual brands (humour, fashion, personality quirks). Scandal is absolutely bang on in terms of reading the vibe of the content people want to consume at the moment. However, I am, like many people, kind of confused by the direction of the mailbag and two cents. I feel it makes a lot more sense for people as smart, analytical and up to date as Z and M would move into analyzing content related to current affairs/ politics / finances in a way that is engaging and relevant for a smart pop culture focused audience looking to expand their interests, instead of going into the relationship advice space which is so well saturated. Weirdly, as a listener of both Shameless and Life Uncut, it feels like Shameless is trying to turn into Life Uncut (mailbag = Ask Uncut) and Life Uncut is trying to turn into Shameless (hooked hitched and hung up = Scandal). Just an interesting observation as to direction- otherwise love love your work girls.
  • Aspen_1994_
    One of my new favorite podcasts! Itā€™s so fun and easy to listen to. I was really craving a good pop culture podcast and am so happy I found this one. I love the hosts (and their producer). Their conversations are thoughtful and well researched while keeping it light and fun. LOVE their deep dive episodes into past scandals. None of my friends are as pop culture obsessed as I am, so itā€™s been a fun outlet for all the gossip I consume
  • yasmin.13
    Love Shameless
    Love catching up on all the tea with this podcast. They have a wonderful way of covering stories in an engaging, informative way. Love from the US!
  • SHenke314
    Such a fan!
    Iā€™m such a fan of this podcast and of Zara and Michelle themselves. I stumbled on this podcast a few weeks ago and as COVID-19 is spiking again in the US and the dark and rainy winter is hitting Seattle, this podcast brings me many laughs and so much happiness. I feel like Iā€™m having a glass of wine with my best friends. Thank you for the warm hug of a podcast.
  • Alw553
    Slow down
    I listened to one podcast and the girls talked soo fast that it was honestly hard for me to follow along :(
  • hmck10
    Informative, smart & funny
    Informative, smart & funny. This podcast pushes me to be better. It is one of the best parts of my week.
  • Luisa Manosa
    Zara is a beach hero
    Zara and Mich are the relatable feminist queens we need in our lives
  • m.alice.c
    Love love love
    This is the best podcast!! Easy listening, informative, funny, and all round great x
  • moosemanmorrow
    Hell yassss
    Have been loving these podcasts I listen too them all the time and I love all the side branch podcast as well. Thank you ladies for making hilarious and insightful podcasts.
  • deeny_ATX
    Obsessed with intelligent girl talk
    So happy I found this podcast! I love being informed by two incredibly intelligent, witty and kind hearted women. Makes my morning commute brighter!
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