The Jordan Syatt Mini-Podcast

Fitness #19

You and I are going to drink a lot of coffee together. Like, a lot. We’ll also talk about the gym, your workouts, nutrition, entrepreneurship, and more. Welcome to the Mini-Podcast - where we keep things quick, comical, and the opposite of politically correct.

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Recent Reviews
  • LizJinx9
    This is the guy!
    If there’s any one person you need to listen to, it’s this guy! Love his content. Thank you
  • hydeparkadmirer
    Israel Gaza war w/ John Spencer episode
    I am disappointed and appalled by this interview. It is clearly biased, suggested that what we are seeing on the news and social media is not true, that the bodies of thousands were retrieved from morgues to make it look like Israel killed them though they were already dead? This is a blatant denial of a genocide by a warfare expert and a host who have a very clear bias. The disclaimer at the beginning about how it is not ok to kill innocents doesn’t make up for the hidden message that what Israel is doing is justified. Over thirty five thousand people have been killed so far, and instead of providing support to the Palestinian innocents with this large platform, the host is planting seeds of doubt to convince listeners that what they’re seeing is not true. Unfollowed.
  • Tlw204
    Really interesting
    I wish more people were focused on facts whether it’s nutrition or Israel/hamas war. Thank you for your efforts to provide fact based information. Everyone shouldn’t listen to this one.
  • BRAMmom
    Great information
    Great fitness info. Great info on Israel. Really appreciated the episode outlining exactly how hamas functions as a terrorist organization and what Israel is doing to protect citizens. I appreciated the fact based format and staying away from sensational narratives. Thanks. I shared it with my adult children.
  • Hanny K
    Facts are Facts…Opinions are not Facts!!!
    One again, Jordan is on a mission to discuss and share the truth about a topic! His guest is a well known expert in the field and study of urban warfare. If you want to have a clear understanding of the facts about the war against Hamas, give this a listen and share it with your friends!
  • mischagirl
    Myths and Facts about Israel Gaza War-John Spencer
    Thank you Mr. Spencer and Jordan for the insight and facts about the Israel /Gaza war. I was completely captivated and hung on every word. I appreciate both of you being so candid and honest in presenting us with your inside knowledge and educating the audience. The podcast was well-presented and compassionate -thank you.
  • Candace Spaur
    Health from head to toe
    This podcast addresses it all! Jordan loves to teach and does it with humor, truth and respect!
  • Nutrhitcoach
    Truth about Israel
    Thank-you so much for doing this. More people need to know.
  • October 13 2023
    Myths and facts of the Israel Gaza war
    The unbiased, fact base information conveyed in the May 23 3024 Podcast is invaluable for all of us. This topic has become so emotional that we are putting ourselves in danger of not seeing the facts. However, John Spencer has laid out all of the information we need to know so that we can react accordingly and keep ourselves and our country safe. This podcast takes the personal bias, the feelings and the emotion out of the topic. If we don’t react accordingly to a clear and present danger, we all lose. Jordan, thank you again for your passion and curiosity to bring people like John Spencer to your audience. May we all be safe from evil!!
  • daisyy8a
    He just makes things make sense
    I love learning from him. once I found Jordan’s platforms; including this amazing podcast , I realized I was overthinking so much and I appreciate him sharing so much of his knowledge. Over the years I have come to truly trust his advice. It’s a very all around approach to health. After years of following on social media I also finally joined inner circle and I am only regretting not doing it sooner. I often share his pod casts with close family because its that good.
  • Jenjens31
    The best health podcast available!
    Jordan’s podcast (with producer Tony!) is a wealth of information that is absolutely free and he never tries to sell you anything. Highly recommend whether on a fat loss journey or not. His hearth health episodes are priceless!
  • Blissdesserts
    Absolutely my favorite podcast ever
    Jordan is the most genuine, HILARIOUS, legitimately helpful fitness professional I’ve ever discovered. His advice is tangible, easy to understand, amazingly articulate and honest. He has a tremendous wealth of knowledge and demystifies common questions/struggles people have in a way that is truly comical, enjoyable, direct—- just such an incredible resource to people. I can’t say more about how much I love him!!
    One of the best podcasts!
    Jordan’s content has been immensely helpful and timely. Enjoy the conversations! I’ve learned SO much. I always look forward to the next one.
  • Deanna179
    Encouraging, realistic and helpful!
    Jordan has a fantastic ability to meet people where they’re at and give individual, realistic advice. My favorite episodes are when he has a one on one with an Inner Circle member. He listens non-judgementally and works with them to come up with a plan they can actually stick to with small tweaks from what they regularly do. I’ve been listening for a while but was compelled to write this review after listening to another episode like that today (Adam’s Story). This has been a very helpful and encouraging podcast for me with very different advice than I’ve heard in most other spaces. I definitely recommend it!
  • LMAD1999
    Cannot say enough good things about Jordan
    I have been a follower of Jordan’s content for years and am always impressed and grateful for his sound guidance. He has a direct and down to earth approach that is also empathetic which is such a rarity. Keep up the incredible work! I’ll be following!
  • Mrpman64
    New follower
    I’ve just started listening to this podcast. I have fallen down the “wellness” rabbit hole. Becoming obsessive and stressed about foods. Listening to this podcast is a perfect balance of being healthy, but being relaxed and not scared of non- organic , non- gmo processed foods! Listening is really helping! Thank you so much for this! ❤️
  • millerinmt
    Thank you!
    This is an incredible podcast about health and fitness. I’ve really enjoyed the episode on blood pressure & weight loss medication! It’s been relatable and great to listen to. Thanks Jordan for all you do in the health world!
  • kellyjfenn
    Awesome Podcast
    I love listening to this podcast, when I am getting my steps in. This podcast is authentic and has real talk.
  • mccallgirl
    So informative!
    I just finished binging Jordan’s podcast from the beginning and am finally caught up! He has taught me so much about health and nutrition. I appreciate the kindness and humor that he sprinkles into his conversations. I highly recommend this podcast!
  • Hamprincesse
    Biased opinions based on biased information
    The son of Hamas episode left me scratching my head. Why did Mosab Hassan Yousef, who thinks highly of Israel, choose Christianity over Judaism? It’s a curious choice that the podcast could dig into more. What bugs me is the podcast not acknowledging Jewish voices that support Palestine, like Rabbi Brant Rosen. It feels a bit one-sided. And then there’s Jordan Syatt’s faith and food choices, like pork pepperoni on pizza. It makes me wonder about the consistency with his Jewish identity. Talking about the Gaza conflict, let’s call it what it is – a genocide. It’s not just a conflict; it’s a serious, imbalanced situation causing a lot of suffering. And when it comes to Mosab Hassan Yousef’s work, I’d like the podcast to question it a bit more. Does it provide a fair understanding, or is there a bias at play? Adding to the conversation, I’d love to hear more about organizations supporting Palestine. Groups like Jewish Voice for Peace and Amnesty International could provide additional perspectives, giving us a more rounded view of what’s happening. In the end, the podcast needs to step up its game in handling these tough topics. Let’s hear more voices, get a clearer picture, and have a more honest conversation about what’s going on.
  • TCC@0000
    Son of Hamas episode
    Thank you for having the courage and moral clarity to have this wonderful guest on your podcast and be on the right side of history!! Love love love to you and the show and all the people who make your show happen!!
  • D’AnneC5
    Best podcast!!!!
    Really really really really love this podcast. Jordan is just such a great human and very articulate. By far one of my favorite podcasts to listen to, along with his other podcast “How To Become A Personal Trainer“!
  • Msfink01
    Real talk and doesn’t sugar coat!
    Really like his podcast as he doesn’t sugar coat anything! He tells it like it is and provides real life examples to help you. All of them are amazing!!
  • Perfection is NOT the goal!
    Son of Hamas episode
    This episode was amazing. Thanks for sharing and all else you are doing to inform and educate.
  • Whoisrose
    Entertaining with solid advice
    This podcast is a great listen. I’ve learned so much and look forward to each new episode. The hosts have a good vibe that always makes me happy.
  • hadi422
    good, simple coach
    Jordan treats health and weight loss more as a lifestyle rather than a burden. The way he explains the concepts helps me approach my diet and exercising in a simple, sustainable way.
  • Megahertz101
    Israel-Gaza Conflict 101
    Jordan breaks it down so anyone can understand- historical background- great job.
  • sarahfly7
    Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Episode
    The conformational bias is very strong with this creator. I’ve been following Jordan for many many years for fitness content. However, he has opened up his content to being a supporter of Israel and the IDF and Zionism, and with that comes a responsibility with such a large platform to promote truth without bias otherwise you open yourself up to this criticism. But he has done the exact opposite by bringing on an IDF soldier. He has also recently asked a Palestinian to come on his podcast but proclaimed “no one is interested” after stating that to come on his podcast they must denounce the October 7th attacks by Hamas. However, he makes no requirements for Israeli speakers to denounce the civilian casualties. He makes no prerequisites for Israeli speakers. He allows them to spew plenty of their own biases while claiming this IDF soldier was completely objective and completely unbiased. As someone who listened to this interview on that episode, I can tell you it was incredibly biased and incredibly heavy with IDF propaganda. Bring a Palestinian on, sure. But maybe you should also bring an Israeli on who is against Zionism and against Palestinian civilian casualties, someone who doesn’t justify them like the IDF solider did.
    The real deal
    I just listened to Jordans extremely articulate and compassionate podcast on the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It was beyond eye opening- I loved the correlation he used between the conflict in Israel and the U.S. and native Americans. Brilliant. I am a Cherokee national citizen, my grandmother was born in Indian territory, not Oklahoma, before Oklahoma. She was allotted land by the US govt(ironic), which her family sold in order to eat. Was it a raw deal? Yep. Am I going to storm up their and reclaim the land- nope. My father grew up, put himself through college, made a great life for us. Bottom line: life isn’t fair, it’s what you make it. I can be a victim and whine and ask the government to get me out of my misery(hello? Trail of tears anyone? Maybe a smallpox blanket?) or I can forge my own way. Jordan makes the point over and over again that it’s not the Palestinian people or the Israeli people that have created some of the horrible situations, it’s the governments. Tale as old as time- men make up the government, men are inherently selfish, disaster and chaos ensues. (I mean mankind when I say men) If we could all love our neighbor, help the person right in front of us, share, be kind- is it that hard? Yes, I know, some days it is, but push past it people! Jordan Syatt is true to himself in this podcast and no apologies are necessary. He is a good, kind human, a good husband, father and friend. There are times in life when we have to speak our hearts- everything else be damned. If you don’t stand for something- you’ll fall for anything. Give me liberty or give me death- etc,etc.. God bless you and your family Jordan, keep doing what you do. I’m a fan.
  • 54DF11
    Best podcast around!
    Jordan is one of the most genuine guys around. He keeps it 100% real on his show and on his social media. I’ve been following for a few years now, and he’s the same as he was when I first started following. It’s been fun following his journey, and he has helped me immensely with fitness and wellness. 5* review for a 5* guy! Love you brother!
  • Kaydensmama
    Absolutely worth a listen!
    Newer listener and I’m hooked. Jordan is so freaking funny and provides super valuable information in an enjoyable format. The episodes on the Israel-Palestinian war were incredible and I completely respect the risk he took to spread knowledge. I can’t wait to get into more of the episodes!
  • Mason Sherman
    Thank you
    I love your podcasts and follow you on Instagram. This is my first review and I want to thank you for your Israeli-Palestinian Conflict podcast. It was powerful and taught me a lot. Thank you.
  • Bruce faldt
    Training with beer ?
    I am always looking forward to your next episode! Your common sense approach is ez to follow and you have dispelled many myths . In the days of magazines I do recall an article on a European soccer team that severed beer after game to replenish carbs. Yes this was the 80’s but Tony’s question in the 10-22 episode was not without merit. -thanks
  • Havlat6
    I appreciate your honesty and real world approach to health, fitness, and life in general.
  • MB3467
    Israeli / Palestinian Conflict Episode
    I’ll start by saying I PURPOSELY avoid the news, and accounts that cover the news, on a general basis. I feel like it really feeds my anxiety. However, I do want to be informed on what’s happening in the world. This conflict is especially scary and I appreciated this particular episode so much. The very tangled history of these lands was explained in a very thoughtful manner, and I feel everyone needs to listen to it. I’ll be sharing it with friends for sure. Five star review, well deserved. Thank you for taking this on.
  • Tplugge22
    Thank You
    Thank you for being honest and objective. This was a great perspective on the entire situation and it’s a breath of fresh air to have someone’s choices not be exclusively tied to money. Much appreciated.
  • baharbbbbb
    Confirmational bias
    It’d be helpful if you bring someone who is against zionism and thinks different than you for a debate. Bringing someone who thinks like you just to confirm your views and biases won’t be helpful
  • LoriTraywick
    Oct 13 episode
    Thank you for this!
  • Shari Maouri
    October 13th Episode
    So appreciate your willingness to speak the truth that people need to hear despite the backlash that you will receive.
  • LSTessler
    October 13th episode
    Thank you for sharing your wealth of information on this subject. I found this podcast very eye-opening and I am glad you made it. I have a ton more respect for you.
  • Stavashuri
    Thank you for all that you do Jordan. An insightful and intellectually honest presenter with amazing content
  • Jamanred
    Finally an informative unbiased source
    Jordan you knocked the podcast regarding Israel and Palestine out of the park. You took your no nonsense approach and applied to a very nonsensical situation. Thank you!
  • yo2flo
    Oct 13 episode
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and heart. I learned so much and respect and admire your courage. You’re a bright light. May we all just strive to be peaceful coexisting humans.
  • Jen in the Desert
    Best Episode Yet
    I have never written a review of a podcast, but your recent episode on the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict compelled me to do so. Your work on health and fitness it top notch - and I appreciate your humor which makes you stand out from the rest. Your recent podcast on the Israeli-Palastinan Conflict was well-done and balanced, especially for those of us with poor literacy on this nuanced conflict. You have inspired me to further educate myself. In the end, this is about humanity which should be the primary take away for all. Thank you for taking the risk to educate us on something that is deeply personal to you…and should be to all of us. Be well. ❤️
  • Moshuffle
    Keep going!
    Thank you for offering your perspective on the conflict between Israel and Gaza. I appreciate your honesty, vulnerability and compassion with this difficult subject which is totally in integrity with how you show up in the health and fitness space.
  • Kara!! :]
    I have immense respect for Jordan for always speaking his truth and standing up for what he believes in. I know it’s not easy. You are a gem in the health/fitness world and you do so much good outside of that world, too.
  • Chocolate Slopes
    Amazing podcast
    Jordon is truly an amazing person. I started following him since his nutrition/fitness advice is spot-on (I’m a registered dietitian) and have continued since he makes so much sense and is such an upbeat type of person. His podcasts and Instagram posts are inspiring, engaging and all around interesting. And if you really want to understand more of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, listen to his recent episode on it.
  • TLD Miller
    Oct 13 Episode
    Wow Jordan! This was a good one! I admire your courage in talking about what is going on in Israel. I learned a lot and appreciate your objective points of view on sooo many hot topics in our current world. Thank you!
  • j.m.l..
    Appreciate you!!!
    Jordan is one of a kind. Not only is he incredibly intelligent and well-versed in his field, but he’s funny well-rounded and just a good human. Thank you for not being afraid to speak up about what matters to you. My prayers are with you and your family and friends during this volatile time.
  • nicolesummer
    Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
    I just finished listening to this podcast and I have to say I’m so glad I did. It was a good history lesson and very fair for both sides. I don’t understand how he would get hate for this and I hope he doesn’t. But this is a really great episode and I hope a lot of people listen to it. Here’s to peace.
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