The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell

All Genres #196News #25

Drawing upon his experience as a former chief of staff on the Senate Finance Committee and as an Emmy-winning executive producer and writer of ‘The West Wing,’ Lawrence O’Donnell examines the compelling and impactful political stories of the day. Join him every weeknight.

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Recent Reviews
  • Che Block
    Class war
    War on the American people
  • B02@
    Why aren’t the dems running ads on Trumps promises to bring down costs while prices are on the rise. Tell the public that he is a liar, has always been a liar and always will be. You need to hammer him 24/7/365 for the next four years. MSNBC should lead the way hour after hour and day after day. Pound it into the heads of everyone. Keep it simple and stay out of the minutiae. The details are for the political nerds not the voting public.
  • LP - AZCA
    Stand with Joy Reid
    Stand with Joy Reid. New MSNBC leadership is trash.
  • justawnd
    I am so very thankful for Mr. Lawrence O’Donnell and his show. He has the vital ability to keep his eye on the ball and not be so easily misled by Insane Clown Posse’s attempts to misdirect.
  • edelweiss rosaries
    Now it's important?
    I've always loved Lawrence, but am disappointed that only now does he mention the situation in Gaza. Biden enabled all that happened. Both parties are complicit. Please care about civilian casualties BEFORE it is politically expedient to do so.
  • JT34245120
    Consistently Excellent!
    Lawrence O'Donnell brings knowledge, facts and clarity. He is such an important voice and a true hero in these times. 2/3/2025 episode was award winning newscast! Bravo!!!
  • paj40
    Best Program on MSNBC is THE LAST WORD
    Learn so much from Lawrence… his take is honest and helpful in navigating the false narratives out there. Keep us up to date during these next 4 years of a felon presidency.
  • chicka-doodle-doo
    Lawrence, please educate your colleagues
    You guys—you HAVE to remember that the average American reads at a SIXTH grade level. Do you think most know what an oligarchy is? Use regular language instead of $100 words most folks have never heard before. Use working class lingo! Say robber barons, fat cats, something! But oligarchy? Most Americans don’t even know what “authoritarian” means.
  • Actual US Citizen
    Missing Story
    What the HELLO...Musk is illegal under law in America due to lying on his citizenship application and should be deported. Read "WIRED" dated 10-31-2024. Please get on this story.
  • M Rollins
    Thank you!
    You were among the first to speak frankly about Trump’s narcissism. Truth is power and you are empowering a nation.
  • carson weston1
    Lawrence says it like it is. He is refreshing!
  • Pats73
    EpicAF human
    All You Need Is Lawrence O’Donnell!!
  • debllstl
    Rachel & Lawrence are my favorites!
    Great podcast. Thank you, Lawrence, for speaking truth in these dangerous times. Your take on Fani Willis’ letter to J Jordan, for example, was exactly what we need to hear. MAGA Republicans, like Jordan, do not deserve courtesy. We need to stand up to these verbally abusive, disrespectful, ignorant MAGA people in Congress. I, for one, appreciate that you are not tip toeing around the disgusting behavior that is going on in our country. Keep calling out Republicans’ lies. Keep calling out Trump’s criminality and his threats to our democracy. Keep reporting on President Biden’s hard work for our country. Keep calling out mainstream media for not reporting on the disturbing danger Trump presents. Keep reporting on our insanely MAGA-fied Supreme Court. Your voice and experience are greatly appreciated and crucial to our survival as a civilized society. Thank you, Lawrence, for standing with President Biden over Hunter’s pardon. It was the only thing Joe Biden could do, knowing that Trump is out for vengeance and will restructure our “justice” system to do his bidding. Had Kamala won, Hunter’s pardon would not have been necessary.
  • 11dalya
    Stop interrupting your guests
    First you explain to Alex that you have limited time with Pete Buttigieg and then when he appears you ask him questions, like how should we get Biden's accomplishments out to the citizens and then you interrupt him putting in your own answers. Then you tell him about the struggles you had when you were working on Transportation years ago. It can't always be about you.
  • PanAmKate
    Thank you for being real…
    Lawrence, you are now my go-to podcast for educated, intelligent evaluations for what just happened in this election. Your podcasts are not sensationalism, just facts. You may know how difficult it is for we “everyday” folks to find that these days. Thanks for keeping me sane by not deriding Kamala for the loss. She was brilliant! Who else but her could have run a campaign against a corrupt, illigiment, felon and walk away with dignity and grace. You’re the best. Please stay onboard MSNBC. Me and my friends need your objective reports more than ever these days. —Kate
  • Democracy for all
    Speaks on the truth.
    Lawrence you are my favorite Political news Caster. Always calls out Donald Trumps lies. Never afraid to tell the truth. Thank you Lawrence for speaking the truth to power. Your honesty is what America needs at this very moment.
  • desperately single
    Love Lawrence…
    … but always give Mary Trump more time.. she has insights to share!
  • Ccbg77
    Always real and informative! Keep speaking the truth!!
  • midwestBlue
    i think it was a great idea to play a clip of trump saying his violent and mentally challenged words! More of this because they aren’t saying it, trump himself is saying it and it is not doctored. trump’s team will start doing it now but of course it will be all ai doctored up and one big lie as that is the only way they, trump his magas and his campaign operates.
  • LaraGen
    I do not believe there will be another Jan 6
    insurrection if trump loses. He is not President with control over anything and his supporters have seen what has happened to the insurrectionists. I think the trouble will begin if he were to win. The Patriots of this nation will not stand to have their Democracy and Freedom taken from them. Thank you Lawrence O’Donnell for your outstanding broadcast. I listen to all your episodes.
  • "mouse"
    I won’t miss an episode
    This is one of the most important podcasts you could ever listen to. I won’t miss an episode for anything! Lawrence tells it like it is, always.
  • LLuvCoolJane
    Truth to Power - nobody does it better.
    Thank you, Lawrence you tell truth to power. Thank you for reminding us about George W. Bush and this terrible thing that’s happening to women and families in the United States because of Dubya, Trump and the Supreme Court. They will get theirs. You are still the best the absolute best, thank you! 🙏 🙏🙏🙏🙏
  • KarnPG
    Thank you, Lawrence
    You are the last bastion of hope in the news.
  • IoB.
    9/9/24 the accumulated weight…
    Of the lies, sanewashed by NYT. The Sulzberger family are millionaires, so why wouldn’t they try and make trump and co. Seem reasonable and legitimate? They will benefit from more of his tax cuts for the rich. Has anyone checked to see if the Sulzbergers contributed to project 2025? Thanks Lawrence for calling out MSM. You are one of the few.
  • @fatarae
    Lawrence O’Donnell is a national treasure.
    Thank you so much for speaking the truth with passion. Your voice is so essential in these difficult times.
  • VAgrrl
    Commercials in the subscription?
    Why do so many subscribe MSNBC pods still include commercials? It kinda defeats the point of paying; it’s just a great business model for losing paying customers.
  • AuroraTim
    Kindness, maybe?
    I generally like your show and am amused by some of your monologues; however, your treatment of Ayman last night because his interview went 1 minute over into your show was unprofessional, and I was embarrassed for you. Try some grace.
  • VBSunny
    Rude Reprimand
    I usually enjoy listening to Lawrence, but after he reprimanded Ayman Mohyeldin last night on the air, my opinion of him has changed. What he said and did was self-serving and totally unnecessary. Grow up, Lawrence.
  • Listener53
    Love your show Lawrence!
    You have a warm and calming voice, which I especially enjoy at the end of all of these crazy news days! Your previous experience is valuable in your assessments of senate and house actions. I never miss the show by choice.
  • Numidia124
    Leftist hack
    Smug liberal
  • Kyle of Minneapolis, MN
    Disregard, made an error.
    Disregard, made an error. it would be helpful if there were a delete review button.
  • The UK USA listeners
    Lawrence is the voice of reason!
    from US citizen working in Europe. NEW COMMENT 11/08/2024 A subtle UK TV putdowns re Trump. They have been playing old black and white movies and usual Summertime TV. One film in particular got me. It was almost too subtle. It is called “All the King’s Men” 1949. It would seem the lead villain, Willie Stark, played by Broderick Crawford, bears a striking resemblance characterization wise to Mr Trump. This was last week. It is incredibly appropriately well timed. So Trump is nothing new. Hollywood thought him up years ago. I recommend MSNBC also play this film several times. Maybe the penny will drop for some. The good guys won. Keep up the good work.
  • AJMac1
    Lawrence is a Master
    A master class in journalism every day on television and in podcasts!!!
  • Fatty2820
    Thank You Lawrence!
    Thank you Lawrence for telling us the real truth of what’s going on with the kooky mainstream media these days! There’s one high standard for Democrats and one very low standard for Republicans. It’s obvious, I see it everyday with the Wash Post and NY Times. They have completely lost it.
  • Selechegn
    Re Trump press conference & the tame Media
    Coin a new word: Foxalization
  • NeerahKC
    The best TV newscaster
    Thank you for creating an hour free of ideological political opinion. I hear historical perspective and first-hand government experience from Lawrence. It is not anxiety inducing. It’s just clear and calmly delivered.
  • Lucy2001
    Thank you!
    Your loyalty to President Biden has helped many of us get through this. You’re a national treasure.
  • AudibleAngel
    Most knowledgeable person on TV
    Thank you for being so great at explaining what’s going on in our politics. Also, thank you for not following all of the scared lemmings off the cliff with respect to President Biden.
  • SisterLaura
    Thank you
    Thank you for being fair to our President. He deserves this from everyone.
  • OAKLAND 59
    I am voting Biden. Someone who has respect for others. I would never vote for DS( DT). The most racist person. I have stopped watching most people on MSNBC. Because they are just about as bad as FOX for bashing Biden. Our Democracy is on the line.
  • Tarzjani
    Thank you
    4 more years, thanks again
  • Nebraska made
    Thank you for your sanity
    I have sure appreciated your shows since the debate between Biden and Trump. It makes me feel like I’m not alone . I say, what do we have a vice president for? Once again, thank you for your shows.
  • maxgramma
    I thank God for you Lawrence O’Donnell
    That is all. ❤️
  • cynchronized
    Minority Rule
    I watch your show everyday. Countless times I’ve heard you ask: Why do Republicans lie for Trump? Why don’t they speak the truth about the 2020 election and Jan 6? Why did they allow their party to be hijacked by Trump? Why are Republicans risking our country becoming an autocracy and the possibility that this might be the last meaningful election we have? Minority rule. That is and has been the overriding mission for Republicans. Those Republicans who surprise and disappoint you with their recent behavior towards Trump’s MAGA party are likely embarrassed about the way in which they are getting the minority rule they so covet. That should tell you just how badly they want to impose their unpopular policies on the rest of us. I am 72 years old and have been observing the Republican Party for a very long time. For decades Republicans have been doing everything they could think of to achieve and perpetuate control of our country. They know they do not represent the interests of the majority of Americans. That leaves them only with the option of doing everything possible to achieve minority rule. They have been doing that by curtailing the voting rights of the majority and promoting false populist issues like immigration and abortion. I implore you to start using the term “minority rule” instead of authoritarianism or autocracy. Authoritarianism and autocracy are vague terms to the majority of voters. I hate to say it but it is going over the heads of MAGA voters and voters who do not appear to understand the stakes of this election, such as young voters. MAGA voters believe they want Trump to have the power to do the things they want the government to do (or not do). It seems not to occur to them that, if elected, Trump could then do none of the things they want and many things they don’t want. Please talk more about that. Please lead Democrats to talk about Trump and Republicans in that manner. Don’t rely on voters to read books about how awful autocracy is. And, most importantly, don’t expect Republicans in power to be swayed by those ideas. In all likelihood, they believe they can achieve minority rule without all-out authoritarianism. They are whistling past the graveyard of democracy. Minority rule is an easy concept to communicate and to understand and it has the added bonus of encompassing all Republicans and the Supreme Court, not just the presidency.
  • Constitution modernizer
    Great interview. I wish there was a way to contact Lawrence because I would like to send him a copy of A MORE PERFECT DEMOCRACY: MODERNIZING THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. I think he would find a lot of ideas in it he would agree with should be implimented.
  • JeReynAZ
    Anthony Fauci: We love you
    We love you too Lawrence.
  • ABN0455
    What a joke !!
  • Debbie in AZ
    Where are all this week’s episodes?
    Please post the episodes so I won’t miss a word from Lawrence.
  • More Skin in the Game
    Lawrence O’Donnell
    The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell is without doubt the best show of it’s nature I have ever watched. Lawrence is pithy, sardonic, eloquent, and impossible to turn off. He drills down on the essential facts of a story in brilliant fashion such that I absolutely know he speaks the truth. The wonderful thing about him is he is not afraid to tell it exactly as it is and include with that delivery his personal opinion on the subject or person upon which he is reporting. I will watch him for as long as he will continue to flood my living room with his wise appraisal of this crazy world in which we live. Thank you Lawrence! You’re welcome in my home for dinner any time.
  • allideas
    Do not take revenge but leave room for God’s wrath
    It’s important for us as Christians to remember that while it's natural to feel hurt or wronged, we are called to respond with love and forgiveness. As Romans 12:19 advises, "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord.
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