Billy Yang Podcast

Running #84

Join podcaster & filmmaker Billy Yang as he sits down for one-on-one conversations with some of the most prolific and rising athletes, creatives, entrepreneurs and many others on what drives and inspires them.

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Recent Reviews
  • Johnnytwotimrd
    Thanks for the content…
    Love the show. Shame you don’t release episodes as frequently as in the past/ you sold out with a pay wall. No biggie - You only interview the same three people over and over anyway.
  • beadubclimber
    Keep up the great work!
    There are many great endurance sports podcasts. I listen to several of them. Billy’s approach, however, is unique in that he reaches exceptional depth with his guests. The listener is pulled in and really connects with the guest. His storytelling ability is incredible, as can be seen immediately in his films. It should come as no surprise rust this skill is also seen in this podcast. Well done Billy! look forward to each new episode.
  • Jess Kicks Rocks
    The recent conversation with Hilary M was just perfection. Cleaning the house for Thanksgiving preparations has never been so enjoyable. Kudos to you both!
    Bring me peace
    Can’t say enough, insightful, great listening, really enjoy Billy Yang’s work. Thank you
  • Mbgriffi
    A master story teller
    Billy is a masterful story teller; be it in his amazing videos or in his podcast. He always connects with his guests; and draws out their best attributes. I love listening and am always waiting for the next one to drop.
  • LoriSanchez
    Jerry Garcia
    Really appreciated this interview and introducing myself and other trail runners to Jerry and his story. Inspiring! This podcast continues to get better and better- relevant, fresh, real.
  • Sephorafan
    Dr.Andy Pasternak
    💥wow💥great interview!!! Thanks for answering so many questions! Reassuring & informative💗
  • Felixlikethecat
    New Billy Yang Fan
    I came across BY’s YouTube channel less than a week ago. I needed some inspiration while foam rolling and then quickly (like 13 hour later), realized that he also has a podcast. So far, I’ve listened to three of his podcasts and what I really love is that he’s present and connected and thorough without inserting himself into every point or story the guest is sharing. He really knows how to let the guest be the guest. I’m exited to listen to more and to watch more of his YouTube content while foam rolling. Thanks!
  • wyo.boy
    Awesome conversations about people, passion and trail running
    I’m pretty new to Billy’s podcast but I’m definitely hooked. As a novice ultra runner I enjoy hearing stories about the lives of some pretty amazing people and runners. I also get so much from the great chats Billy has with guests that have nothing to do with running. In short this podcast is bloody awesome!
  • utahlivin2020
    Love the Perspective
    I know I’m quite late to the game, but have been binge-listening to these podcasts on runs lately, and I love the perspectives and discussion with guests on here. Billy consistently delves not only into the running aspect of individuals on the podcast, but also facets of their lives, who they are as people, and tough issues they’ve faced. I never cease to draw motivation from listening to keep living maximally, no matter where I am in my running journey.
  • makreg
    Just finished the episode about the Skidrow Marathon. What an amazing story. Highly recommended listen!
  • Tyler Bergman
    Great listen
    Always a very thoughtful concersation, but good, quality entertainment!
  • Sea2stream
    It's Billy!
    It's a podcast by Billy Yang, of course it's gold!
  • fpoonline
    All-around heartfelt winner
    6/1/20 episode brought me to tears. Such a gracious, heartbreaking reminder that we always have a choice how to respond when we’re harmed. Wishing you, your family, and our whole country (everyone!) the best. Beyond that...Billy is an intuitive and incisive interviewer, offering just the right “next” question or comment with a skillful blend of psychological probing and storytelling acumen. Well-produced. A real gem for this recreational trail runner and film fan.
  • J Amanda
    Thank you for not being ordinary
    This podcast is an creative as Billy’s films. Well done! Thank you for letting get to know you and your guests better. Not just what they do but also why.
  • trailtrn
    Superb Podcast and Films
    I’ve really enjoyed the content that Billy has been putting out. I would highly recommend both his podcast and films!
  • Tiare Bowman
    Just started listening to this podcast and I am blown away by the amount of inspiration I’ve had since listening! So many amazing athletes and I’m billy asks the best questions and is easy to listen to
  • leasha mae
    Dangit Billy!! You always know how to bring inspiration and tug on the heartstrings!!!! Whether through past documentaries or current podcast topics and guests... Incredibly grateful for your passion and ability to share across the world. Whenever I’m in that low spot, I know I can tune in or watch an oldie you produced on YouTube. Thank you for that!!
  • Fleuret the
    Beautiful work
    What a great conversation with Amanda and Justin! Appreciate the vulnerability. Thanks Billy!
  • Mr_BRussell
    High Quality High Value
    Billy’s creative eye and attention to detail set the perfect stage for meaningful, profound, valuable conversations and a quality product. In addition, Billy’s authenticity and candor are palpable and refreshing. His videos and social content are next level. Looking forward to meeting Billy some day at an ultra. He’s one of main inspirations and ongoing motivations for my adventure into the ultra world. Thanks Billy!
  • grossb460
    Episode 047
    Listened to the episode with Justin Grunewald and Amanda Basham....the best relatable. So glad I happened across you on YouTube. I’m new to this community but I’m hooked. Thanks for everything!
  • Palgutt
    Great not only for Runners
    Love this podcast! Lots to help you not only see into the world of distance running but all the goes getting stronger in general! Always love seeing a new episode show up.
  • Tgyum
    Thank You
    Your podcast provides very entertaining content with your ability to connect with all your guests. The conversations are informative and relevant to those of us who treasure healthy living and distance running...I’ve been following you since watching Western Time and in my opinion, years from now, you’ll be known as an ambassador of distance running for our generation. Thank you for giving us all a voice. Tony Nashville, TN
  • gharghar
    Interview with Justin
    Great interview with Justin. One of the best podcasts I have listened too. When I got home from my run I replayed it for my wife and she agreed with me that it was great listening....keep up the great work!
  • DMBgrux
    Great podcast and documentaries
    Love this podcast. Great interviews!
  • smile4miles26.2
    Thoughtful Interviews
    Not your average running interviews. Billy gets deep into his guesses mind
  • Kenyata D.
    Great Listen!
    Just started running 2 years ago and have been pushing hard to get better. This show keeps me motivated through the hard times when I feel I could be doing more. It’s great! Thanks Billy!
    Thank you
    Billy I started listening to your podcast 6 weeks ago and have to say I’m a fan not only of the podcast but of your films as well. As a runner of 4 years now I’ve definitely gained some huge motivation from your topics, guests, and material. Great listen and a ton of fun!
  • ldjrunsandflys
    Always perfect for a long run
    Love the guests, topics, and honesty from Billy and his guests. I tend to save these podcasts for my long runs!
  • daveruns79
    One of the best!
    Seriously one of the best podcasts around. Well thought out, produced & meaningful. Keep doing what you do Billy!
  • julie.o.runs
    I can’t get enough. Like everything you produce, Billy, this podcast is amazing!
  • don't know another name
    Love Billy’s documentaries and now a podcast love it
  • Monty3777
    Late to the game
    I’ve seen BY’s stuff around for a while and for whatever reason I didn’t take the time to listen to his podcast. I’m so glad I found them and they are helping me through the beginning of a long training season. Great stuff!!!
  • Russ6406
    One of my favs
    As an ultrarunner this is one of my favs. However I think it can a good listen even if you aren’t into the sport. Billy is a good interviewer and has a great voice. Love the gratitude. Looking forward to seeing this grow.
  • Cmcmrun7
    Love it
    Billy has such a great interviewing style and amazing guests. Thank you, Billy Yang, for making exactly the podcast I needed to get through my dreaded treadmill long runs throughout the winter.
  • guil_vasq
    So freakin awesome!
    BY’s podcasts are awesome, real, down to earth and just truly inspiring. Keep up the great work and continue doing good work in this sport.
  • EduML008
    Genuine, candid, Billy has that something else
    First I gotta say, I love how he always thanks the listeners for our time. Idk, its just neat to me that he does that. The content? Man o man, it’s good stuff, I feel that I connect to the conversation he is having with guests. I learn a lot on the stories and the lessons that can be drawn from these folks are amazing! Keep up the great work!
  • Ktd310
    Billy’s interviews are AWESOME
    Give this one a shot - you won’t be disappointed!
  • ThaMessenjah
    For years, I've loved Billy's films. They inspire. They are filled with wonder and excitement. Billy has been able to convert that love for the visual to the audio. Billy, you are amazing. Keep asking pertinent questions and interviewing amazing guests. We all love you Billy!!!
  • jmsilva1
    Amazing work, this pod cast rocks me to the core. It goes there, it’s raw, real and truly makes an impact. Thank you for such great product!
  • cc439
    Billy's is one of my absolute favorites. His long-form interviews with athletes and "others" are wonderful. The in-person approach means that listeners are really treated to in-depth, vulnerable conversations. Wonderful!
  • dobe777
    I look forward to every new podcast. Billy is authentic and that creates an environment for the guest and the listeners to share in something special. Thanks.
  • Piratebrad72
    Great Stuff!
    Great podcast with cool guest!
  • H2Oman Runner
    Thoughtful and insightful.
    The medium needed his less strident and even tempered approach. From his first episode I was sold. Top of the list for ultra running fans...relateable and relevant. Enjoy!
  • drhymes85
    My go to podcast
    I never wrote a review for a podcast before, but this one is that good. Billy asks great questions, and has a very likable personality. Between his YouTube videos and this podcast, I have been inspired to start running on a consistent basis. Keep up the good work, and thank you!
  • TriciaMiller
    new favorite podcast
    Was super excited to hear Billy Yang was doing a podcast after seeing his video productions. It did not disappoint! Always talking from the heart and bringing the best out in the people he's interacting with. Please keep them coming, Billy! Really loving this one~
  • Jmc223
    Fuel for the soul and the adventures ahead!
    Incredible work on this new venture!! I am thankful to know some of my favorites athletes endure the same life lessons as myself. Keep going Billy. Never stop exploring.
  • Groove Killah
    Highest Quality
    Billy, thank you for caring about good quality audio! The content is wonderful, you're a cool dude and the guests are awesome! Again, very enjoyable from a quality stand point as well (coming from an audio engineer). Subscribe!
  • Mar9
    Billy is a great listener and that makes him such a great interviewer
    Kudos from Japan. Love every episode of the show because Billy has an exceptional ability to empathize and that makes him an amazing interviewer. Really bringing out the colors of the people he talks to.
  • Ch.Rose
    Simply awesome!
    Great stories from great people. Enjoy ever episode.
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