This American President

History #175

This American President delves into the lives and legacies of U.S. presidents through long form stories and interviews. It will challenge the way you look at American history. Hosted by Richard Lim and produced by Michael Neal. Art by

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Recent Reviews
  • jv152309
    Best One
    Whether you’re playing trivia, watching the news and/or a game show U.S. Presidents comes up very often. I have learned about U.S. Presidents when visiting its sites and reading about them, but there are some facts that I have never heard of. To me this is one of the best podcast.
  • got uuuui
    I love this podcast
  • Textdgh
    Covered Reagan Welll
    The episode on Ronald Reagan was done very well. He was very fair.
  • RockinRick8185
    Very well researched and presented without an agenda which is truly refreshing. Please don’t submit to those with an agenda.
  • Straightiron
    Horrible! Worst historical podcast.
    In Episode about Ulysses Grant an author throws up nonsensical hypotheticals repeating Lost Cause propaganda. 🤮Poorly researched.
  • AyWenz
    Love the deep dives
    This show is the vindicator of the lost presidents - those we don't remember well, or who didn't have sensational terms in office. Richard brings out the significance and richness of each administration in an engaging and thoughtful way. I'm always better for listening. Thank you!
  • Tigre467998
    American exceptionalist propaganda
    I have no patience for podcasts about American presidents that do not take their entire careers and relationship to slavery and the genocide of native Americans.
  • Eddie Ginsburg
    This American President
    Have only listened to one episode, the James A Garfield, but it told me more about him than I had known before. Most shows about him only speak about his murder, not about how brilliant he was
  • Rouxwife
    Not reliable
    I tried liking this as I love history podcasts. But after listening to a few episodes I started getting suspicious. This podcaster is not interested in well-researched history. He has an agenda, and he is eager to spread it. Plus, his method of presentation is boring. Fortunately, I quickly found a podcast that is well researched and has interviews with interesting and knowledgeable speakers (“Presidential”).
  • JoycieAnne
    Great podcast and greatly delivery.
    In a time when history is being rewritten, it was such a pleasure to find this podcast. Keep up the good work! Thanks!
  • Billy GP
    Enjoyable and Informative
    This American President podcast is a great gateway into the history of our country and the world. For those who believe history to be dry, try this show.
  • fuzzbuzz215
    Would be a decent podcast but..
    I know you and Rank are weird conservatives, but if you could not have outright bigots who snicker about pronouns off your podcast that would be great. I know you guys think its cutesie to whine about pronouns and be snowflakes about the taking down of statues of white supremacists but you’re not fooling anyone. You’d think historians who claim to understand the values of the Civil Rights Era would have a little more understanding of the recent push for liberty and respect by a minority group but I guess that’s a little too much to ask. For historians its weird to watch you and rank be consistently on the wrong side of history. In other words, stick to the history and keep your retrograde political opinions to yourself. Same goes for Rank too.
  • LClark2691
    Like Finding Gold at John Sutter’s Mill!!!
    I remember in college, taking a Psychology class & the subject of the lecture was memory. As an exercise, the Prof asked the class to name as many POTUS’ as we could in a specific amount of time. As a self-professed history nerd, I instinctually started with George Washington & moved forward, chronologically. Without a single exception, every other kid in the class started with the current president & worked their way backwards. So when I heard This American President for the 1st time, l knew l had found a kindred spirit in Richard Lim! The fact that his 1st episode was George Washington - arguably our greatest president - shouldn’t surprise anyone (especially given Richard’s connection to Mount Vernon!), but his 2nd subject, Andrew Johnson just blew me away! Choosing one of the most controversial (and, dare l say, despicable presidents ever) as the follow up to GW, was a complete & bold statement. I knew I had found something special - and it consistently is special. The way he unveils Johnson’s beliefs (flawed as they are), Lim exposes an infinitely more complex individual than l had ever considered. Lim also has a deceivingly low key, natural approach that belies his intellect. His interviews are brilliantly executed conversations with his well-chosen guests. I never get the impression that his guests are just trying to ‘pimp’ a new book, but just want to have a conversation with the host. Built for both the casual history nerd & the more serious-minded historian… Well-researched, stunningly informative and yet, remarkably entertaining - what else could you want in a podcast? Keep it up!
  • millardchillmore
    Top Notch
    Well-researched. Great content. Richard is a great host. Nerd out on presidential history with this gem of a podcast.
  • Anonymous12345678909887654321
    Compelling content
    This is my favorite podcast - the combination of history and storytelling is wonderful. The conversations with authors and experts are so interesting. I’ve learned so much and appreciate this very thoughtful approach to the presidency and those who have served in the office.
  • Szabinasnape
    The Title Should be "The Republican Presidents"
    This show deep dives into Republican presidents. But Democrat presidents are only mentioned in passing.
  • Leathers4123
    Very insightful
    Great podcast. Most history podcasts judge history through our values. This American President looks at history through an historical lens so you can a more precise idea of what was happening at the time. Love it!!
  • futn3340!?
    This podcast has lots of thoroughly researched information, and deep dive facts. Unfortunately, for me, the narrative delivery is so painfully dry, I rarely get through a whole episode. It sounds like someone reading from unfamiliar 3x5 card, anxious to finish. Humorless, impersonal, lacking any personal engagement. It’s a shame because I am interested in the material, but the tedium of someone reading in one monotonous cadence has lost me.
  • lovetolisten.historyrocks
    Intriguing and Eye-Opening
    The host is passionate about challenging the misconceptions and stereotypes we all have about US presidents, and helping us to truly learn and understand history and the people who have shaped the world we live in today. Through his well-researched content, and especially through the interesting human stories he uncovers, I've developed a greater appreciation and knowledge of history in my life.
  • Mark M. 1970
    My goodness, what a fantastic podcast! Detailed yet engaging… the hours I spend listening go by so quickly! Bravo to all involved!
  • JenMcV
    Opened my eyes. Thanks
  • SassyDancer101👯
    Great job
    Really enjoyed the episode on Zachary Taylor.
  • Jaret17
    Too Partisan/Conservative
    It has been made very clear the conservative lens through which this research is done. I would love for personal views to remain aside with a presentation of the nonpartisan good, the bad, and the ugly for each president.
  • the_rietveld
    Keeps getting better
    The latest episode with Mr. Jeff Nussbaum is awesome! The shoes keep getting better and better
  • cravendaddy
    Stop with the sports references
    Nothing more annoying than a straight man using sports analogies to help make history relatable. If it wasn’t for that, this podcast would be perfect.
  • Loopy Liz
    A Winner!
    From the fantastic theme music to the varied, interesting topics, this podcast has risen to the top of my favorites list. Richard is an excellent interviewer and the episodes which feature a guest conversation are particularly engaging, in my opinion. If you have an interest in American presidential history, I highly recommend you give this podcast a listen.
  • Lalpuzzlenut
    So interesting and educational!
    I love history, and learning more about US presidents, but have never been able to understand politics. This podcast has taught me many new facts about US history, and made politics so much easier to understand, by explaining issues fairly from different viewpoints. I’ve especially loved listening to the series on the Cold War, which happened when I was young, and learning and understanding it better than I did at the time. I also enjoy the interviews with different authors, and have made a list of their books to read. I’m so glad I found this podcast!
  • Nom d'guerra
    Incredibly Entertaining Podcast
    I have learned so much from this podcast. The show is incredibly well presented and produced. A must listen!
  • JamesEarly1234
    Best Podcast on US Presidents Out There
    This podcast is extremely well-researched and narrated. The episodes are long-ish and come out relatively infrequently, but trust me...they are well worth the time and the wait. I have listened to many podcasts about US presidents, and this one is hands down the best. Invest the time in will not regret it.
  • zsoltron1981
    Try to get some conservative speakers on your show
    I’m slow to catch up as I only discovered your podcast a few months ago. I am currently listening to your history about Nixon. In the beginning it was a lot of story base, which I was happy to listen to.Eventually I started listening to the guests that have been brought on to comment on situations from history. Personally I think a lot of that people you invite tend to lean on the left side of the political spectrum. Please try to invite guests who are on the conservative spectrum. Thank you and keep the stories coming.
  • Awesome driving hind
    Best history podcast of American Presidents!
    I have learned so much from these podcasts about the Presidents and the history around them. Highly recommended!!!
  • JefDavis
    Politics without being political. Kudos
    Astute interpretation of Washington's farewell.
  • MissRich90
    Insightful and thought provoking. Loved it.
    So we’ll done. Very timely for our world today.
  • KyleWarriorFace3
    Absolutely amazing!
    This American President is one of the most prepared, insightful podcasts I have ever listened to! From the day Richard started the series on Washington, you could tell just how much work he puts in to each episode. To the reviewer saying there is a “slight _____-wing bias,” there were episodes I suspected had a slight LEFT wing bias... And then next series, I suspected had a slight RIGHT wing bias… It’s almost as if… ~there is no bias~!!! If you say otherwise, I tend to suspect you are someone who is just a little too sensitive to history you don’t want to hear about! This podcast inspired me to create my own Facebook page about American history. Richard does an absolutely phenomenal job, and I recommend this to any history buff I meet.
    Great Podcast
    I consider myself a history buff. I recommend this podcast for similar people. I learned a lot from the Jefferson “Art of the Deal” episode in particular. Cherry-picking episodes of interest now. I know a fair bit and I haven’t heard anything wrong yet. It seems pretty “fair and balanced” so far.
  • dankpeeples
    Five stars despite the recent Paul Kengor episode. Felt more like Paul talking about himself and his fandom of Reagan vs a balanced conversation about “The Making of Reagan”. The whole recap Kengor does of Reagan’s acting career was repulsively subjective, and didn’t align w/ Reagan’s actual career. I like how this podcast normally doesn’t deify presidents (guests list pros and cons and oftentimes pushback against presidential decisions) but Kengor tends to fawn over the gold-polished image of Reagan he describes. Reagan’s acting experience played a major role in his political success, no doubt, but why no mention of McCarthyism and Reagan’s role in demonizing communism in Hollywood - and how that contributed to the McCarthy Trials and the derailment of dozens of Hollywood stars who were friends of Reagan? Whole episode felt unbalanced.
  • s??65834
    Excellent and balanced view of US History
    One of the best podcasts in us presidents
  • eeh_4
    Good history podcast!
    I really enjoy this podcast! It’s becoming one of my favorites. I hope they continue to produce regular content.
  • Northern Blot
    A slight right wing bias
    Thus far, I’ve listened to several episodes in chronological order. From the outset, I detected a slight bit of right wing opinion injected here and there in every episode. Aside from this distraction, the story telling is generally entertaining.
  • bleeding green in nyc
    Let’s be more careful with loose and fast analogies
    To say that the fight against a tryanical government was one of the driving forces behind the civil war appears to ignore the arguments of confederate governors, confederate state constitutions, and the confederate constitution. This includes the cornerstone speech itself.
  • WchBlok
    Great history podcast
    This is a great history podcasts, quickly became one of my favorites. The writing is great and I appreciate Richard’s perspective. When I first started listening I was a bit skeptical about how interested I’d be in hearing biographies of presidents, but this is so much more than that and I was quickly hooked. I don’t enjoy the guest episodes nearly as much as the regular episodes, but that is down to the various guests more than anything else. I think Richard does a good job interviewing them and asking intelligent questions but I’ve just found most of the guests to be a bit annoying.
  • GregN_CT
    Accessible History
    Richard Lim approaches his subjects as a narrative, a story to tell that provides context as well chronological facts. No spin. Well researched. A really good listen for anyone with interest in American history.
  • IranContrarian
    Peggy Grande Reagan episode
    My God, what the devil is this? I listened to the first few episodes and enjoyed them as great history lessons but this verges on fawning fan fiction. The description of his role as president of the actors guild and the fact that he ardently destroyed the lives of creative artists on flimsy evidence is an insult to the historical record. This woman sounds like a nice lady but good lord it adds nothing to my understanding of this man. Very disappointing for a podcast that held great promise for me. Oh and that ‘Reagan won the Cold War’ trope deserves to be explored beyond the most superficial banalities that are spouted here. Hate to bail on this podcast but I’m afraid I can’t quite hear it quite the same way again.
  • Miguelito2017
    Well Done
    Very detailed and informative.
  • Jeditanker72
    I listen to many history podcasts. This fills in many gaps left by others and helps answer many questions. The 1876 episode is one of the most informative I’ve heard. Highly recommend this.
  • hithere85
    Smart. Fair. Insightful.
    You’re my favorite podcast. I wait for your new episodes like it’s a soap opera.
  • VamosUnited
    Really fun and educational
    Richard clearly loves the presidents and his podcast is very enjoyable to listen to. If you are someone who enjoys learning new things each day, this podcast is an excellent addition to the rotation.
  • motortree
    American history enthusiast
    As an immigrant to this great country over 30 years ago I have always had a keen interest in American history and the American system. I really admire the depth of the content considering I came from a city that’s over a thousand years old. Fantastic podcast well written and delivered. I hope they continue.
  • noname9642
    Great Podcast!
    It is factual and unbiased and tells the story of each President. He lets you decide what to think instead of trying to shape the narrative in a certain direction. I don’t have a clue what the politics of the host are, and that is rare in today’s world. I wish there were more out there like this. I would highly recommend this to fans of American History.
  • Fosterm0
    Good and factual
    Love this Podacast! Need more episodes of narrator just taking about the presidents though. Very UNBIASED and FACTUAL, unlike other presidential podcasts on here. And the narrator explores each person through the lens of someone in that time era, it’s ignorant to look with a lens on past values and compare them with today. Good work!
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