Pod Save America

All Genres #39News #4Politics #1

Pod Save America is a no-bullshit conversation about politics hosted by former Obama aides Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer, and Tommy Vietor. It cuts through the noise to break down the week’s news and helps people figure out what matters and how they can help. They’re regularly joined by journalists, activists, politicians, entertainers, and world leaders. You can watch on YouTube or listen to new episodes every Tuesday and Friday. Subscribe to Friends of the Pod! Your subscription makes Crooked’s work possible and gives you access to ad-free episodes of Pod Save America and Pod Save the World, plus exclusive content and a lively Discord community. Learn more and subscribe at crooked.com/friends or on Apple Podcasts. For a transcript of an episode of Pod Save America, please email transcripts@crooked.com.

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Recent Reviews
  • 425w
    It’s Golf not Gulf
    Guys, get with it: It’s ‘Golf of America.’
  • ACristancho
    Zelenskyy Trump bonus show
    I’ve followed and listened to you guys for a while, but Tommy and Ben’s take on whether Zelenskyy messed up with his meeting with Trump in the oval office was completely wrong. Of course you guys are steeped in background that was great but when you said that he messed up by speaking the truth to power That was wrong and I totally disagree. It was good for the United States and for the world to see a world leader speak truth to power that’s all Zelenskyy was doing that wasn’t wrong and that wasn’t a mess up. It was an act of courage and valor, and you should’ve said it on your podcast.
  • Mmg from Portland
    Todays podcast Feb 28
    I loved this breakdown of the Trump + Vance “meeting” with Zelensky in the Oval Office. I’m so ashamed to have this these 2 weak little bullies leading our beloved country. Thank you!
  • GR8500
    Maher interview, and I bleed blue
    This is coming from a 40 year-old New York City liberal. The hosts act like children. Can’t even tolerate a different view point and debate a little? Just made Maher’s point for him about the illiberal left. What an echo chamber. Unfollow. If you want real news analysis and well-rounded commentary try Honestly, Brian Lehrer, Bulwark. These guys had their day and are already past their prime.
    Bill Maher
    You made a comment that Doge is moving too fast. Democrats seemed ok when the Biden administration changed the 5000 year old definition of gender. Progressives seemed upset about cutting spending and call it a constitutional emergency. Yet when Biden blew off the Supreme Court and attempted to write off 1.4 trillion of college debt and put that on the backs of the middle class that was ok. Might want to consider going back to being classical liberals before the party becomes irrelevant. We need two strong parties.
  • Che Block
    Love crooked media
    But is your only source for information Twitter? No new information here. Just same info + omg.
  • SJ Spec
    Point Counter-Point, Point!
    Usually don’t enjoy confrontational interactions, this one worked so well. You should both sit down again, maybe after Trump’s 100 days in. Well done Jon! You had the best line, (I’m paraphrasing)‘yes, but when I stopped, I was really good at it.’ Awesome!!!! :-)
  • Madssik
    5 stars
    More bravo recaps plz
  • Frymuchan
    Working class voters
    My son is on his public high schools wrestling team in Southern California. We are the only parents who were democrats and only a few others went to college, 95% of the families are Hispanic. When I brought up the campus protests every single one of these working class voters were disgusted. One cop said ‘what spoiled brats dressing up like terrorists and destroying property.” Another was disgusted that kids assaulted a janitor and faced no charges. Almost all of them are Christian and they had way more moral clarity than many Jewish democratic leaders. I’ve heard you say Hispanic voters are like white voters who are working class. I would say that you are telling on yourself that you don’t know any working class Hispanic families. They believe in the American dream. They believe in following the rules and kids respecting adults. The democrats are not showing those same values as they ignore the protests from 2020-which I agreed with until there was rioting and property destruction. These families were HORRIFIED by citizens assaulting police and destroying property. If there was any other group not being allowed to attend class-anyone besides Jews-democrats would be speaking up-but since it’s Jews they ignore it, some defend it. That’s a very privileged perspective, let the janitors and housekeepers clean up from these entitled rich kids. I would really encourage you to speak directly to working class Hispanic voters about the cultural divide-it would be enlightening for you.
  • Kale_Sucks
    Trans issues
    I am a regular weekly listener to both PSA and pod save the world. I listened to the episode with Lovett and Bill Maher with some curiosity and hope but ended the episode feeling very frustrated and pessimistic about how the Democratic Party and its constituents talk about trans folks (I am trans). Honestly I am sick and freaking tired of people who aren’t trans mis-representing the “facts” about trans people. Bill Maher did nothing but repeat all of the right wing propaganda and talking points out there about trans people and trans kids and Lovett did very little to push back on it. Stop saying people do gender surgeries on children because they don’t, stop saying children can self diagnose because they don’t, stop giving credence to this idea that trans women in sports is a threat to women’s sports and there needs to be more data because we aren’t and there IS data. Stop letting these view points go unchallenged, and if you aren’t going to do that then keep trans people out of your mouth.
  • EAisripoff
    Pollercoaater drivel
    Team Dan, twit Carolyn, and Bethany are the very definition of out of touch
  • F&LMommy
    Seriously Jon L
    You made Bill Maher look like a genius and yourself an in competent insecure douche bag. Why would he want to stay any longer, he was being interviewed by a moron. Maybe have cards with questions and then “if obvious response is…” so you can keep interview on the rails. Was so excited for him to have to defend his positions and you TOTALLY FAILED. Stick with Lovett or Leave it and leave serious stuff to someone else.
  • saveanimalsadoptdontshop
    You should be better
    Y’all are men with a platform and privilege that should be raising up the voices of under represented communities who are doing amazing work. Your thoughts would be more valuable in conversation with people who have to live with the repercussions of this administration’s actions and the people who are fighting for their rights.
  • Cool job y'all
    Bill Maher?
    Unfollowed instantly.
  • UofC Optimistic Sceptic
    Left wing bubble
    I try to listen to a wide range of information. After listening to several episodes i concluded this so much left wing drivel.
  • PodcastReviewer79
    Great podcast but bad advertisers
    This is among my favorite podcasts, but I feel conflicted about the promotion of unethical companies used in their advertising. Please do better with vetting your advertisers.
  • Dano1
    Deep State Pod
    Only listen to this to hear the far left lose their minds.
  • PattyMKelly
    I am a long time listener, but…
    I’ve loved all the Pod Save America guys for a long time now, but it seems like they’re stuck, like many Democrats are. They appear to listen to the likes of Stephen A, Smith, and Bill Maher, but the snarky and snide comments afterwards make it obvious that they’re not really listening to some opposing viewpoints I truly wish we could all pull together more, but until we can I need a break from it all.
  • Achoo Jo
    I’m sure I’m missing something, but
    I mean, sure, Bill Mahr is an old bleep and perhaps deserves to be challenged. And perhaps if Lovett would have let him talk none of those challenges would have gotten through because the dude would have never stopped talking. That’s legit but also the problem. Why can’t people discuss things like adults and respect one another enough to hear them out, fully, and then be able to respond? I know one answer: because you’re talking to a Gwen. Gwen is my neighbor who will invite herself over to a fire at my house and not let anyone talk. You hear her out for a half hour and then ask if you can respond. All you want to say (on the topic of pre-emptive pardons) is maybe the people at the top of government should have a “with great power comes great responsibility” kind of thing, something like how being the bearer of the ring made Frodo and Bilbo suffer for it in later years (though thanks for the Undying Lands!). That’s all I wanted to say and she would interrupt me and interrupt me and I never got to say it. Just that one thing! So yeah, I get it. But I am disgusted by it. I don’t want to see that in adults with things to say that I need to hear, both from the guest (new angles) and host (more establishment-du-jour type thinking.) I would like these without the sniping, the bickering, the hyper-correcting on “important” points. Just stop it. Let them talk, then you talk. And if they can’t let you talk, mute em! (I can’t mute Gwen. Yelling doesn’t work either.) Thank you for the podcast.
  • michalmia
    Can we just talk about HOW uninformed and uneducated bill maher is? Holy cow…he shouldn’t talk politics as he’s not only misogynist but clueless.
  • bemyrtle
    Omg Bill Maher
    Came to listen to one of the best podcasts out there, stayed to hear Bill Maher reveal that he thinks 69'ing is made up bc there's no way people actually can do it lolololololol
  • lanathellama84
    The guys gave an Islamophobe airtime
    Long time listener here. So disappointed in you guys. Bill Maher?! Seriously? Are you guys desperate for ratings? Didn’t think you’d sink so low. Shame.
  • KingHerby
    Talk to trans people about trans issues
    You people are embarrassing yourself. Either talk to trans people or acknowledge that you support their genocide.
  • A Fante
    Having Bill Maher was Great
    I’ve been a long time listener, and while I don’t agree with Bill Maher a lot of the time, I found it SO REFRESHING for the PSA team to bring on a voice that isn’t afraid to challenge or disagree with others and for the PSA team to go head to head with someone that doesn’t outright support or agree with everything they say. Hello, haven’t we discovered that the absence of this is a major issue for democracy and the Democratic Party in general? Glad to see the pod taking a risk to try something new. More of this please!
  • Girlboss21x
    Love the pod but
    Bill Maher is a douche. Do not have him back please :)
  • ja152606
    Bill Maher interview
    Good job, Jon L! That was a rough one, but I appreciate so much how you handled it. I appreciate you!
  • madimakay
    Latest Episode
    Truly and sincerely appreciated the latest episode of PSA with Bill Maher. While I didn’t agree with most of his views, it was so refreshing to listen to a conversation from two people with opposing views discuss our current political landscape. Lovett did an AMAZING job. 10/10!
  • Noelle80
    That Interview with Bill Maher
    Was one of the best pieces of content I’ve ever heard. I’m so impressed by Jon Lovett’s ability to stay coherent in situations like that, and I’m so grateful that someone as smart and thoughtful as him is an ally to marginalized people.
  • Toca Life: World LOVER
    Episode profile picture
    May I request that you just keep the show’s main picture for all the episodes? When you put Trump’s face on an episode it comes up as a large picture on my screen in my Subaru! LOL. I am like embarrassed about it and it makes me physically ill. I wasn’t sure if you guys are aware or not.
  • Billybill1984
    Lovett is hilarious
    So smart, so funny.
  • westb44
    Great Recent Guests
    Stephen A Smith and Bill Maher were great guests to have on the show. They were interviewed very well and brought different opinions to the show and were very thought provoking in their opinions.
  • Timpgav
    Bill Maher is such a dork. He thinks he’s the coolest thing west of the Mississippi. He’s so lame. Poor guy.
  • Thurjnebd
    An interesting left-wing take
    I find this podcast interesting to listen to, as a Republican, who is quite right wing. I find the insight from this shameless left-wing podcaster to be an insightful look into the brain of the democratic political party. Especially I find the confirmation biases that I have in my own mind to be true. This podcast seems to be essentially about how can they manipulate the public into trusting them. My advice to the podcasters on the show is to actually be trustworthy, not to try to look like you’re trustworthy.
  • BohemianMom
    Appreciate trying stuff out
    I believe these guys really do care about the Democratic party. Having Bill Maher on was a move to broaden perspectives. Thank you Lovett. We have to keep the dialogue going.
  • DontSayNothing
    Bill Maher
    Need more stars than 5
  • Dsmjd5
    Bill Maher
    I thought Bill Maher was just a misogynist. Seems he doesn’t like men either.
  • Algernonlives
    Bill Maher, seriously?
    I loved these guys in 2016, but the podcast bros just keep toeing the line for the establishment “liberal” elite. Provide a dissenting option about something, stop parroting mainstream dinosaurs. Why would you platform a smarmy boomer fossil that has done more to hurt the left over the last two decades than most of the Republican Party.
  • akw92626
    Discomfort is good
    I was starting to think maybe it was time to unfollow as podcasts were becoming so predictable and not apart of anything innovative as part of winning elections again. But I listened to the Smith and Maher episodes. While I'm usually in agreement of PSA thinking, having guests that challenge points of view is healthy and important. Debate is good. Keep it up.
  • carson weston1
    Bill Mahr
    I enjoyed the debate. I use to follow Bill decades ago. I do believe he has changed. I don’t believe I have changed. I don’t like to listen to him. I listen to Pod Save America. Good job!
  • MSKSA911
    Arrogance and ignorance are a dangerous combination Billl Maher.
    Thoroughly enjoyed Johns interview with Bill Maher. John is an incredible debater and made some very salient points against Bill Maher‘s uninformed and harmful ideas. Bill Maher should spend with a Palestinian. In addition He would benefit from spending time with a trans person, and a group of knowledge physicians.
  • LocalWokal
    A disappointing shift
    Used to love to this show. Differing perspectives are great to include in discourse. Bringing on blowhards who already have loud megaphones does nothing. BM has no specifics, no data, no facts to back his talking points, just an out of touch wealthy dude spouting hate.
  • RDKjr88
    Gone down hill so hard
    Used to be an avid listener but this group of feckless white dudes is way past their prime.
  • Walks talks and sews
    I’m giving 5 ⭐️, but
    Bill Maher is, to me, toxic. Better for me to not get too close or give too much time to men ( and women ) that leave me repulsed wo a lot of support, like Trump. I have to feel like I’m not alone too long with just his input. I guess valiant effort but with someone so preoccupied with being dominant, cranky, and challenged enough to walk out ( like T w Leslie Stahl ), what was it worth it? For me it was an affirmation of why I have never watched him or heard him and will continue now forewarned not to ever give him my precious time.
  • wackojacko1997
    A Conservative View
    I love this podcast. I'm a recent new subscriber. I'm conservative and **NOT** a Trump voter (ever). These guys are nuts. It's entertaining to listen to. I need to go back and listen to them before the election, because since I started listening to them after the 2024 election, I hear them point out some legitimate criticisms of Trump or what he's doing, but they're bizaaro world to me. Trump and Elon are cutting government, and probably not well -- but no one cuts government EVER!!! Even if they do it badly (I'm open to the idea that they are), I'm thrilled that they show new ways to kill spending or raise the issue. I love listening to these Obama Bros because they clearly don't understand why people voted for Trump (and again, I did not, but I like some of this stuff). Tom Homan deporting not just criminals (as he said during the inauguration), but any illegal immigrant? Why would you think that bothers me? Illegal immigration has been an issue since at least Reagan amnesty deal in the 1980s, and Democrats never upheld the border enforcement part of that deal, and it's been left a mess ever since. Has this podcast ever criticized the Biden Administration for spending that led to inflation, the slow-walking of aid to Ukraine, the schizophrenia about helping Israel after Oct 7, all the human rights abuses that are certainly going on after we left Afghanistan (something Trump planned and then Biden -- who had no reservations undoing Trump stuff -- executed horribly? I need to go back and find this stuff because these guys seem like the real life Pajama Boys dancing like the lefty theater kids with no real world experience. Listen to the Bill Maher episode where the interviewer keeps stepping on Maher (who isn't normally someone I listen to) trying to explain the nonsense trans-person debate with kids, or the fascination they have with DEI. I don't want to be cruel to someone with the mental issues that are inherent to thinking you're a man with a vagina. That's horrible for them. But that's probably always been true, and just because now "science" can synthesize chemicals and surgically sculpt flesh to simulate other body parts doesn't mean we need to teach impressionable teenagers across the nation about that. About the only thing I know about Martin Luther King, Jr. is some part of his speech where he hopes to be judged "by the content of their character; not the color of their skin." DEI throws that away. I expect Trump to lose in the mid-terms of 2026, and I'm not anticipating a JD Vance presidency starting in 2029 -- but if the worldview presented in this podcast persists, it's not unthinkable that Democrats could stay in the wilderness. This podcast is a nice barometer.
  • adelaski
    Slipping into broism
    I feel like the podcast is slipping from a smart discourse into trying to embrace ideas/segments of the population the polls allegedly show cost democrats the election. By that I mean having the likes of Stephen A Smith and Bill Mahr, both loud angry men who speak over and lecture the rest of us about how stupid we are and never take a breath to actually listen and acknowledge that they alone do not have all the answers, as special guests on the show. From going to community to embracing a version of MAGAism , somehow believing this will make Democrats stronger. I feel left out of this new alleged discourse and find it insulting that we are being force fed this condescending yelling as if this is the key to making democrats stronger. It’s not it’s just playing into the trumpian plan. I plain old don’t like it. But I give 4 stars because I know and feel your discomfort as you are doing this. And please pollercoaster guy, stop just dismissing ideas with a snide comment. I’ve noticed this more and more and I’ll write down specifics next time so I can share exactly what I mean.
  • Saraann03
    Bill Maher was insufferable
    He is a smart guy who somehow bought into many of the right wing talking points. You tried, but he’s way too far gone to listen.
  • JimmyInReview
    Bill Maher no thanks
    Yall are tripping
  • lowcountyr letgo
    Keep up the great work
    Long time listener. This episode with Lovett and Bill Maher is good. Maher is a guy to tough interview. Good job.
  • Dg22334123566
    Who cares?….Really?
    I love this podcast. But the Sunday episode with Bill Maher was disappointing. Jon Lovett said “Let’s air the racist Golden Girls episode. Who cares?” People with brain cells care. This is the first time anyone on the cast has sounded like their own stereotype-an entitled non-POC man. Do better. I know you can.
  • diana 1229
    bill maher
    i’m a fan , i’ve watched his shows religiously (😛). but I did not like the way he was talking to jon. and bill kept saying, “I’m not finished” like he was the adult in the room, when he spoke over jon several times. and bill acted as if only his opinion was right. i was looking forward to jon’s questions and bill’s answers. and then he left. he was so rude
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