Destiny Community Podcast

Leisure #209Video Games #43

Gaming Podcast covering Bungie's video game Destiny.

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Recent Reviews
  • MaverickJr24
    Love the show but FIX the volume
    Please please please fix the volume! Y’all are extremely quiet and then the ads come in about 10 times louder than your voices and it’s tough having to have the volume so high just to have a heart attack every time there is an ad.
  • PHocuseD06
    Unsubscribing with shift to new Friday format
    Miss when the Friday episode was focused solely on d2 and not with side quest
  • MarahEdits
    Destiny is ight podcast is amazing
  • mistakes2you
    Love it
    I love destiny it is so fun. so listening to a podcast about it is a great experience!
  • D31Pax
    Toxic podcasters
    Your community and gripe sessions are not interesting. Get new hosts.
  • Dirtydisk
    People who were engaged 5 years ago
    A great place to hear opinions from people who don’t like the game.
  • XxxRuinationxxX
    Ads are ridiculous!!!
    Only listen to Retro Slot which should be it’s own show entirely since it has nothing to do with Destiny. The ads that were used for older episodes have been taken out and replaced with an awful sound that an old CRT TV would make when you change the channel and the antenna doesn’t pick up signal. It’s extremely loud and completely catches you off guard. Plus the amount of commercials for this podcast makes it unlistenable. Do not recommend until changes are made.
  • I Chungy I
    Funny as ever
    The podcast has gotten much funnier/more enjoyable now that Tefty is off the show.
  • ManofFewWords
    Skill based matchmaking is good!
    It seems like it is brought up quite often. My group of friends were exclusively PvE until skill based matchmaking became a thing. Now we often enjoy playing various forms of PvP. All the complaining about the new pvp being too sweaty just sounds like you wish you could ruin someone’s day that’s trying to learn the game.
  • Roda1989
    OG listener here
    Just tuned back in to see what’s up in the community, Milan s the best part of this now, but it’s almost unlistenable Briar and watts literally interrupt Mylan every two seconds. It’s so jarring and annoying.
  • fjkjvbj
    Nutbushin’ For Life
    Love the show. It’s almost always extremely funny because how relaxed everyone usually is. It is also a great source of the lore for people that don’t want to read every detail in the game.
  • RGBW Spacewalk
    Too many ads and poor taste in ads.
    We should not be promoting literal gambling ads from a casino on a video game podcast… I always just hit +30 seconds skip the moment I hear an ad, without regard to what I was listening to, I don’t care if I miss it because of how annoying they are. They come up way too often, no matter how short the ads are. This was my first reaction and I won’t be listening to more episodes. Have also seen others talk about ads that should not even exist being played on here.
  • Isnand
    Like..come on
    The show any day, any episode is always fantastic. They need their own reality show like the office. These guys and girls are always funny and never disappoint. Unless its hearing more about no sinks in aussy bathrooms!
  • GyRoScOpIcPrIsM
    Much Ads
    Back to back ads preroll. Fine. Pays the bills. 3 more ads played back to back to back 20 min into the show… C’mon now lol. That’s just disrespectful to an audience making me hit skip more. I don’t care what the content of an ad is. Free speech is a thing and everybody crying about the -isms and muh feels being hurt are weak minded and probably were picked last in gym.
  • Shoot003
    Too Political
    I enjoy listening to fun banter and conversations about Destiny. Lately they’ve been making political statements on very controversial topics. Tired of it, so I’ll have to unsubscribe and listen to other podcasts.
  • nmhuisinga
    Should be called Elden Ring Community Podcast
    Better destiny podcasts out there
  • Av8tors32
    15 min of info stretched out to 2 hours. In desperate need of a show outline and an editor. Checked in again, still the same, way too long with childish banter. When you interview people let them talk!
  • The Conduror
    Love Destiny 2
    What’s Up Guys (and eaten Briar)! Hope y’all are having a great Christmas! Thank you for diving into Destiny and talking about it with so much fervor! I’m hoping y’all have some plans to do more talks with famous Destiny 2 Streamers like Sweatcicle, Luckyy, and Frabo!
  • Lee Havokly
    Too much
    Too many ads. It’s always ads for some football website. Like every 15 mins :/
  • Brooklyn benito
    I may be a bad player at Destiny, you are a bad player at LIFE
    Mercules is a bad player
  • BLG615_02
    Talking about Destiny 2
    I love to listen to u guys when I’m at work and not playing destiny I just wish u guys did more destiny podcast u guys should make a suggestion box to talk about things the viewers want to here in D2
  • M Ondaatje
    Your new ads make me push forward 30 sec 4-5 times. I may quit podcasts altogether if this is the new standard. Doesn’t help that the local ads are incredibly annoying I can’t believe people are getting paid to create them.
  • Gifunr
    You guys keep me in destiny.
    I haven’t played destiny much due to work, lifestyle and the backlog of games. But every Friday you guys alway keep me updated on the story, events, update and even you guys experience though the game. It feel that I never playing. Thank you so much for you work :).
  • BigOof1234
    Firing Range Review
    This review is strictly oriented towards the Firing Range podcast. I would rate DCP itself 5-5 stars. As a listener since Firing Range’s inception, I have to voice my frustration with CammyCakes as of late. I follow all of the hosts individually, and find all of their content on other platforms to be entertaining and helpful. That being said, lately I have felt that Cammy really does not mesh well with the other hosts. The recent episodes of the podcast have felt like “let the big boys talk until Cammy derails the conversation and then let’s move on.” The hosts will be having an interesting conversation until Cammy interjects with “well ‘I’ can pull off X… therefore X is viable.” But oftentimes his suggestions are simply too situational, too niche, or too out of touch with the larger portion of the community. Take his recent comments about Behemoth Titan on the podcast. When the overall community sentiment is that Behemoth was over-nerfed for PVP and PVE, to hear Cammy say that Behemoth is now “better” because of a setup that he, as a top % PVP player can pull off in situational engagements is downright insulting. Firing Range is at its best when the commentary is against a backdrop of the overall community sentiment. I tend to roll my eyes when Cammy brings up strategies that are irrelevant to 99% of the PVP community. His perspective comes across as elitist and really turns me off as a dedicated listener. I would really like to see the other hosts challenge Cammy on some of his more niche setups. Challenge him to relate his build to the community at large in terms of viability. I think this could lead to a more interesting back and forth than simply allowing Cammy to say whatever he wants without any challenges. I prefer Cammy on the podcast, because I do think he has moments of lucidity in his commentary. But overall I really would like to see him reel in his arrogant tone in order for the conversation to flow more naturally. Thanks for reading.
  • dawgnation001
    Hulk smash if you no listen!!!
    Nothing to say here
  • BerzrkJerk
    Trending down
    Just call the show “Twitter Questions” at this point and get it over with.
  • ArmyMistro
    Awesome and fun!
    DCP is truly an awesome Destiny Podcast to listen to! Long time listener, even back when thecrew started out as Planet Destiny. Now, as the Destiny Community Podcast, it just got even better. Plenty of insight into the world of Destiny, accompanied by some awesome guests, hilarious banter, jokes and talks. The haters don’t know what they’re talking about. Also, the BBQ Briar jokes never get old!
  • Coxination7
    What’s that smell? Cooked Briar? YUMMY!
    Absolutely love you guys and the show! I get super happy when I see that a new episode has popped up because you guys just bring such a positive vibe to these troubling times. The best parts are when watts cat demands for some camera action and when Tefty strokes his magnificent.......BEARD! It’s also hilarious when briar is reading out a Twitter question that literally involves him getting eaten in a delicious way and watching his reaction always puts a smile on my face, keep up the good work and definitely 5 stars, thank you! I also have a listener question if you would be so kind! If each of you could make an exotic weapon what would the name, type and exotic perk be?
  • HauntedBlueFox
    🤷‍♂️ what do they mean?
    I listen... to the Focus fire chat and every now and then to the basic show on here. lol nice they said Focus Fire Chat was a different channel. Not really... it’s same podcast different Channels like what SNTR has going on with different podcast and YouTube channels to watch. But I guess when you get all the likes. For nothing you can say as you please. Plenty of other Destiny Podcast, I don’t recommend this one.
  • GreenPaladin6212
    Some Friendly Feedback
    Update 2/5/21 - It would be so much easier to listen if Briar would stop cursing so much. It’s not necessary, I won’t speak for the rest of the team but they don’t seem to find it entertaining either. It’s just crude and limits where and when I can listen. If your going to have so much cursing at LEAST add an age warning to your titles so I and others can be aware that it’s not family car ride friendly. Older - For Briar - I often hear you talking over your co-hosts on each episode. I suggest bringing up the audio levels in your headphones so you better detect the right time to jump into the conversation. Specifically, I hear this happening to Ms5000 Watts and Teft the most. I do love your laugh. It makes me smile every time. For Fran - I believe your skills from IGN are underused. I think it would serve the show to have you take over one of the segments (like the TWAB reading for instance) or, develop a new segment. You have a lot of talent and I’d hate to see it go to waste. For Pope - You have a great, big, beautiful heart Pope. Although I would say you are very close to being out of the “Casual” group with every show with how many hours you play. Also, I think you have a perfect amount of energy for the guest interviews and with some professional coaching or just reading off a script verbatim you would really elevate the day interview segment each episode. As it stands, it’s really my least favorite segment because your questions run on into more questions instead of a clean back and forth. Keep doing them!! Just chase excellence along the way. For Teft - No feedback. For Ms5000 Watts - No Feedback.
  • Badazzbk1
    Say no to Sony
    Used to be a great destiny content podcast but now it’s nothing more than a Sony pony gob fest. I enjoy most of the hosts and follow them on other media channels but when it comes to destiny content they’re no SNTR presents.
  • Islandnomas
    Great addition
    I’ve been listening since DCP was called something else. I was very happy and impressed when side quest came along. Retro is another homerun. Thanks for all the great content gang.
  • Flynn22 shitgame
    Its really hard to listen now
    Get this fran guy off of here i cant stand listening to that guy talk
  • the1truetb
    Up and down
    When they talk about destiny: its great. When Briar goes “holyer than thou” on politics: this ain’t it cheif
  • Jedimaster1738
    I love the crew
    I like briar rabbit he’s given me some good life advice in this show
  • Outtlaww
    Boring Podcast
    Well honestly first a minor complaint. The jokes everyone tries to make falls super flat for me especially Briar and Watts. I feel they try so hard and just doesn’t land. Second, when MindofSnaps was a guest it really ticked me the wrong way that she doesn’t even play the game and actually makes someone else do it. To me that’s not the right type of guest to bring on. Third, I used to listen but I feel like it’s lost it’s charm it used to have and it was fun but now it just feels like people are forced to sit down and talk about a game they’re really bored with. Maybe my criticism is something to look into but for now I’m dropping the podcast.
  • MikeMartin1979
    Jumped the shark
    Was a long time listener and these are good ppl. I just think it’s jumped the shark a bit. Jokes are the same every time: make fun of warlocks, say how terrible it must be to play on a console or low end PC instead of a $5k gaming rig etc. It had a really good innings but the magic is gone.
  • BWhit87
    Stick to gaming and not politics
    Nobody cares what you think about current news in the world. People listen to hear gaming news.
  • Coreythebeast
    When did this show become political
    I’m a long-time listener on the show but I don’t want to hear your political biases on what’s going on in the world thanks
  • IGN Manager
    These guys and gals know what they are doing
    First class podcast. This is quality content.
  • TheMohican9
    They're great to get your information for Destiny, the banter and interest for their listeners really comes through.
  • Ventrew
    Come for Destiny, Stay for BBQ
    I started listening for tips and news on D2. And I got that, in spades. But I listen mostly to get recipes for baby briar back ribs. And the guests are fantastic.
  • ShawnG1313
    Firing range is amazing.
    All my favorite YouTubers in one place. Keep up the great work. I really enjoy all of the content.
  • cashtill
    From good to great!
    I have been listening to DCP for a few years now. Destiny has been a hobby of mine since day one and it's great to hear other like-minded enthusiasts share their passion. The hosts have great chemistry and when things start leaning on getting stale they mix it up by adding a fresh personality. It's funny, informative, and a great way to entertain yourself on long drives... if you are willing to take a deep dive into the world of Destiny. I even love the spin-offs podcasts that appear on the channel. Side Quest takes you on a entertaining journey of the wold of video games outside of Destiny, whereas Firing Range takes you on THEE deepest dive of Destiny's weapons and sandbox, exploring areas of the game where consumers (like me) are very interested in but never tread into. Thank you for doing the work for us! Like I said, it's been several years and the show has evolved from good to great with no signs of slowing down. Thank you for what you all do!
  • Maxcraft430
    Just found this
    Because of Community news podcast with paul and Sasha. You guys have to listen to that. It’s comedy and so entertaining about community news. I’m really glad I now know your show too. Will keep listening.
  • TorturedWit
    I used to listen every week.
    I used to listen every week but ad reads in the middle of the podcast ruined it for me. DCP should consider taking a page from the #1 podcast on the net by doing ads before and after the show. This gives the listener a choice to listen or skip. I know it’s a job but please don’t.
  • Grifonious
    Love the podcast, HATE the "Feelz" add
    Love the podcast! Definitely 5 stars. But Pope doing the feelz add sounds like he is drugged while doing the add read. It doesn't make me want to try the product and has me genuinely concerned for his health since he doesn't show up on the podcast anymore either.
  • Bonahahah
    Used to be great...
    In the past this was a great show that actually had people on the show who played the game and offered a good view on the game it’s just who can make the worst joke and try to be funny while in all honesty it’s just cringe.
  • rybear86
    Clear your throat before you talk.
  • Hah11112
    Waste of potential
    I used to love this podcast when they were more focused on the game, but now you can feel how they care less and less for the state of the game. They need to be more structured in their show format. I’m all for a little bit of rambling but lately it’s been less and less interesting
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