Cultivating Place


Gardens are more than collections of plants. Gardens and Gardeners are intersectional spaces and agents for positive change in our world. Cultivating Place: Conversations on Natural History and the Human Impulse to Garden is a weekly public radio program & podcast exploring what we mean when we garden. Through thoughtful conversations with growers, gardeners, naturalists, scientists, artists and thinkers, Cultivating Place illustrates the many ways in which gardens are integral to our natural and cultural literacy. These conversations celebrate how these interconnections support the places we cultivate, how they nourish our bodies, and feed our spirits. They change the world, for the better. Take a listen.

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Recent Reviews
  • kaikai 米凯
    Cultural DNA Podcast Injections!
    Rad! RAD! RRRRRRrrrrraaaaaaaad! Listened to Tora Rocha’s epp in the soil at The Gardens at Lake Merritt and I am now so totally wormholeing through the catalog!!! Fantastic show! Keep changing my DNA!!!
  • Mommat 1
    Who is joe gardener?
    I was so thrilled to listen to last weeks podcast. I felt like I was listening to 2 of my friends speaking. Jennifer, you and Joe are my favorite podcast friends. I smiled as I listened to your wonderful exchange with Joe. You 2 are certainly a gift to us all. Thank you
  • xggx
    A respite an an ear full of nourishment
    There are few offerings from the online world I genuinely look forward to, but this program is at the top of a very short list. Thank you Jennifer Jewell and team for creating this online space of inspiration and beauty for us all to gather.
  • bapdx
    “On Being” for Gardeners
    This podcast is full of thoughtful, contemplative conversations between the host and guests that the audience gets to listen in on. I have really enjoyed the back catalog, and tend to scroll back to the current month in prior years, since the content often has seasonal rhythms. Only complaint from me is that in recent months I have felt that the interview spends so much time on the guest’s background, childhood, or detailed path to where they are now that there is little time to hear about their current endeavors and how listeners might use their work as inspiration for cultivating where we are. It sometimes strays into backstory so long we don’t get enough of now and what’s next.
  • cproppe
    Jennifer Jewell’s Podcasts are Beautiful & Inspiring
    If you love gardens, history, social justice, community and education, Jennifer’s work will nourish your soul like fresh garden fruit. Her series of interviews with the Black gardening community this year were both timed perfectly for Juneteenth and stories that we all need to hear. Gardens and farms heal us after tragedy and trauma. I can’t thank Jennifer enough for doing this work in the style of a “Fresh Air” interview on NPR, these are brilliant and hopeful life stories worth listening too.
  • Fnaturalme
    Heather McCargo on the importance of growing from seed
    Well, I still sharing the podcast the Jennifer did with Heather McCargo on why it is so important that we all start growing native plants from seed. Genetic diversity is the answer. This interview really answered my questions and put down the argument about cultivars vs native plants. Heather and Jennifer brought it all out with an open and honest explanation-straight, no chaser.
  • ASobering
    A new favorite in my feed 🎧
    It’s obvious Jennifer puts extraordinary effort into every single episode of Cultivating Place. But what makes this show a true standout is the quality of the the guests and their stories. Jennifer finds speakers that truly care about being a positive force in the world, and shares insights that only a true practitioner can unearth. Don't miss it!
  • Erin0223
    Top Of The List For Listening
    I am a newly devoted gardener. A new home owner as well ..and DOES this podcast give me some motivational fuel. The high-light to my week is my commute to work in the early mornings, sipping coffee, and listening to Jennifer speak such beautiful truth. The way Jennifer shapes her sentences is truly like listening to an audio book. Not to mention she has some grand and empowering guests every week. Cultivating Place is my weekly reminder to stay in touch with our surroundings. Not to force nature, but to allow it …and to praise it. Five stars!
  • Ghjjjs
    I have enjoyed Cultivating Place but it definitely has an aura of elitism, wealth and privilege. Ironically a few episodes have been about interviewees altering their gardens to specifically grow plants from other zones/eco-regions!! Not exactly ‘cultivating place’!!
  • StalkyTalky
    Phenomenal Podcast
    So thoughtful and enlightening. I can’t say enough good things about this podcast. Jennifer and her guests bring so much to the table. Give this a listen, you won’t be disappointed
  • Catzmiaow
    Really good
    I love what I learn when I listen to this
  • kmvandergrift
    This podcast, hosted by the superlative Jennifer Jewel, is a balm to the soul in these times of strife. After each and every episode, I feel rejuvenated and calm. Thanks to the entire Cultivating Place team for this outstanding program.
  • Kestie77
    Master interviewer
    I love Jennifer’s calm style of interviewing. You can the question she asks are trying to get to the true representation of the person she is interviewing, not just checking off a list of questions. Such a great diversity of guests and their expertise.
  • ghb59
    Really enjoy this podcast, lots of great guests and subjects! Thank you.
  • Breezy Veazey
    Excellent Interviews
    Jennifer Jewell interviews so many people I never knew about and people I know but didn't really KNOW. I like the way she walks us through her guests' lives and paths to horticulture. She leaves space for silence and thought, so the interviews don't feel rushed or pushed.
  • Knit2
    Wonderfully Informative Podcast
    Cultivating Place hosted by Jennifer Jewel is really a most enlightening, caring for Mother Earth Podcast that is loaded w/valuable information from the varied guest that are interviewed. A Must Listen⭐️
  • Goldymanrwc
    Magical podcast
    I love this podcast for the wide range of horticultural topics, Jewell’s calm voice and interviewing style, and the great people she interviews. I always learn something and bought her new book that came out, which is just as informative and beautiful.
  • 555_Stop
    August 13th episode
    I was enjoying this show until she said that Merriweather Lewis discovered a berry while searching for the Shoshani (sp?) Indians. How can Europeans “discover” flora and fauna in a place that’s been inhabited by native people for thousands of years?? Thanks but no thanks.
  • Orangebird
    Wonderful listening pleasure!
    I have to tell you that I was looking for any gardening podcasts and especially one with the art of roses. I have listened to those two podcast on roses which I loved, but wanted more. So, I listened to six in a row. I usually listen to these podcasts when I can’t sleep but these were so interesting that I took my listening device with me to work on my art work, out in the garden, and to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I. listened to the podcast “Making a Life” and “Weeds in your garden”. I have to tell you I enjoyed every single one of them. Thank you Jennifer for seeking out the most interesting people to interview. I am hooked on your presentations and everything about the podcast.
  • ShugeesPlace
    Inspiring, educational and enchanting
    Jennifer is one of my favorite people. She has inspired me many times. She researched well for her show and her voice is soothing and every show I listen to I want to open up time to listen to more. I have a personal goal to finally listen to every one she has cultivated. 🥰 I’ll get there but each one is a valuable use of valuable time.
  • Nina in Denver
    New favorite podcast, great COVID coping
    This podcast is like visiting with good neighbors over the garden fence... neighbors with good stories to share and a breadth and depth of expertise that comes out at a relaxed pace that matches my own. I appreciate the reflective space that is offered, and silly as it may sound, I like the sound of Jennifer’s voice (nice added bonus).
  • Lindsey Barr
    This podcast speaks to my soul
    I just wanted to thank you so much for your podcast and book. Both provide me with a sense of calm during times like these. I love listening to your podcast while working in the garden. It grounds me and makes me feel connected to the natural world and reminds me that I am doing my part in my backyard to take care of the earth. Thank you thank you THANK YOU!
  • plantedathome
    Pushs me to GROW
    I so appreciate the diversity of voices and cultures of guests on Cultivating Place. Jennifer asks questions that prompt me to think beyond my familiar and accustomed garden narrative of privilege and abundance. Cultivating Place expands my perspective on time and place. Keep up the remarkable work.
  • GreenForTruckee
    The Best Gardening Podcast
    I listen to Cultivating Place to get a broader perspective of the larger world of gardening and caring for ourselves and the earth. I look forward to learning about the challenges gardeners from all over are facing and overcoming. This is the best gardening sounding board I know, please continue with your amazing selection of topics and eclectic guests!
  • MelissaMama
    Thorough and creative
    I so enjoy listening to Jennifer’s interviews and her unique perspective. Such a positive voice amid all the chaos around us.
  • Cultivating Place
    Always so interesting!
    This podcast does such a good job of highlighting different people around the country (and the world) who are involved in the gardening/plant world. Such a good range of different people focused on different areas of this area. Love it so!
  • CarolineHooks
    I love a lot of the episodes
    I think this podcast is a great source of info and inspiration. However.. I feel like a lot of the interviews are with people who come from a background of wealth... If all people have relationships to plants, then the interviewees should be a diverse group of real people. I wish that more episodes were interviewing people of color. I think this podcast can be a bit too precious about horticulture and plants. There are a lot of problems in this industry that are worth talking about too. Also, I hope that everyone being interviewed believes in science and isn’t a naturopath..
  • LaPortia
    “On Being” with Nature
    Gardens are balm for the soul, artful expression and a conversation with Nature in city, suburb, field or farm. Jennifer allows each interviewee share his/her passion, knowledge, challenges and origins of garden love and cultivation. Each show weaves a lively, unexpected, and intimate dialogue. We are privileged to participate by listening—thank you, Jennifer and guests. All is right with the world!
  • The Walled Garden
    The very best gardening related podcast in the U.S.
    This is a podcast for seasoned gardeners and ironically one that someone who has never gardened can enjoy. I very much appreciate the in-depth hour long interviews with varied guests tackling one “ big” topic intermingled with personal stories. Jennifer Jewel is a skilled wordsmith and has a clever way of examining all things relating to gardening on the macro and micro levels.
  • zLeigh3
    A Joy
    This is my new favorite podcast. Thoughtful and thought-provoking. Thank you so much. — Leigh from the Beekeeping at Five Apple Farm Podcast
  • NitashaMan
    My favorite podcast!
    This podcast is a true gem - not just for gardeners, but for anyone who can slow down enough to appreciate its important themes for the world around us! I absolutely love the soothing tone, and the depth of the conversations. Jennifer is exceptional and I’m so thankful for her work! Bravo!
  • jesskuh2007
    My favorite gardening podcast
    I love listening while working in my garden. I actually save them for garden time. Sometimes us serious backyard gardeners get so caught up in the never ending to-do list that suddenly it becomes stressful. So when I listen Jennifer pulls me back in to the true spirit of my endeavor. My purpose and place in this world, in my garden. And what an important endeavor it is both for my environment and place, but for my well being as well.
  • Eric Riddle
    Best in Class
    I have been cycling through many podcasts about native plants, bees, sustainably, etc. Cultivating Place has been a great place to land. Subject matter is focused, but diverse enough for every episode to be a learning opportunity.
  • 59years
    Love listening
    I like to think about gardening more than actually gardening and this podcast is just right for me. I hope that sounds like a complement because it was meant to be. Jennifer's enthusiasm and passion is contageous.
  • Birdy VA Beach
    A Delight!
    As a longtime gardener I’ve learned that gardening is a blend of science, skill, art and community. There are many, many resources for the science and skill parts of gardening. Cultivating Place primarily focuses on the art, community and spiritual aspects of gardening. I love it and look forward to the drop of each weekly episode. And, I love the Cultivating Place song - I find the refrain a wonderful affirmation for daily life - make beauty wherever I go. Thank you!
  • Honey Petal Plants
    Gardener, artist, small plant nursery owner
    Cultivating Place is an informative, graceful, intelligent, loving show. It is about gardening as an act and a metaphor. I have learned about many people and organizations that are important to me, and that challenge and inspire me. I am very grateful for these connections and for how Cultivating Place frames and honors this activity that is so critical to my well-being. Gardening is physical, nourishing, political, practical, and spiritual work. All of these roles intersect in this podcast.
  • Virginia BlueBelle
    My Favorite Podcast
    I love this podcast. I am a mid-Atlantic gardener, so a few of these episodes (like California natives and palm trees) clearly don't apply, but most are of great interest and some are even of local interest to me, e.g., visiting Jefferson's gardens at Monticello in Charlottesville, Virginia. I really enjoy Jennifer's side-commentary as well as the Q and A. This is not a how-to show, but a deeper why-we-do-it show. Highly recommended.
  • Alexa-UncorkedLife
    My favorite podcast!!
    If you’re interested in plants, gardening, ecology, and thoughtful and meaningful philosophical discussions about the importance of our wild spaces and our cultivation of them, this is the podcast for you. Jennifer Jewell is the most extraordinary host! She has a beautiful voice and a peaceful and thoughtful way with words. She asks insightful questions to her guests and spends a lot of time on the show providing fascinating and impactful food for thought on each topic being explored. Always a realist, never shying away from difficult topics and discussion of challenges of our modern times, but also an optimist. Such an important combination. A breathe of beauty and much needed positivity in our modern world full of much doom and gloom. It just may become your new favorite podcast!
  • Seeing Possibilities
    Plants and so much more
    A very wide range of plant related topics and issues are addressed in a very engaging and thoughtful fashion. The podcast takes a very expansive view of gardening, and will win you over with its enthusiasm and interesting information.
  • LindaLew1
    My Favorite Podcast
    This is a podcast that I can't get enough of. Every week there is a new topic and I learn so much and love listening to Jennifer's voice - it is so soothing. The latest episode about Monticello gave me the chills. Bravo!!
  • APassage
    A joyfully grounding podcast!
    Recently came across this podcast — loved each episode I’ve listened to. It’s calming, grounding, and full of joy. I’m very much an amateur gardener is giving me hope for cultivating my own place.
  • Lily🏧
    bernard trainor
    I do not know of a more thoughtful and engaging garden + landscape podcast...jennifer jewell takes the ordinary and makes it extraordinary...bravo
  • Courtneeeeee
    Fave podcast
    Diverse gardening program. I do have one warning however- you may find your library expand quickly after listening. Absolute pleasure listening each week. My favorite podcast by far!
  • JillAngel
    Inspiring, thoughtful and moving (On Being for Gardeners)
    Jennifer Jewell has a warm and very thoughtful interviewing style. Her guests range from revered landscape designers and gardeners with newly published books, to passionate home gardeners. It’s obvious Jennifer is a well-seasoned gardener herself, and I am always impressed by how familiar she is with her guests’ books, gardens, projects or blogs, and so the conversation has time to develop in meaningful directions. Often I'm moved as Jennifer and her guest put words to the magic and nourishment found in gardening and being in nature. Cultivating Place has encouraged me to embrace my own gardening style, to further explore my passions for my own home garden, has expanded my practical gardening and landscaping knowledge, and as a direct result of this podcast I am spending more time outside in my garden, and have even taken a few North State expeditions seeking a “Nature Fix”.
  • Skiergal21
    Engaging for the mind
    Cultivating Place is great listening. It is about nature and gardening and so much more. Each interview takes you to a wonderful place with fascinating people over a vast range of topics. I'm addicted.
  • MaryRoseL
    Literary conversations about life and gardening
    I love this podcast. It's the audio equivalent of a hot cup of tea on a rainy afternoon. Even if you are NOT a gardener (I am not) the topics and guests are fascinating and are about so much more than plant life. Plus, Jennifer's voice is the voice you wish you had in your head: intelligent, yet warm and smooth.
  • Rose Gardener and worm cultiva
    Peaceful, fascinating and thought provoking
    Jennifer is passionate about plants and has a delightful ability to connect with people. She seeks out the unusual and her topics are varied. From her interview questions it is clear she does her research and her guests respond in depth. She is skilled in leading them to talk about their early motivation and mentors who encouraged them along their chosen horticultural paths. She creates the space for the guests to talk, and is economical with her own words. I have the impression the guests share more openly than they expected to and the listener is privileged to hear that. Cultivating Place programs are thought provoking and yet very peaceful to listen to. They inspire me.
  • Pictonapd
    wonderful interviews with depth!
    Jennifer interviews people involved in different aspects of gardening, from producing food to photographing gardens to writing about garden history. They each have deep personal connections to gardening, which they share in these interviews. Listening to them makes me appreciate the act of cultivating the earth even more, and inspires me in my own horticultural ramblings.
  • Audio engineer/podcast lover
    Smart, thoughtful show with a killer host
    This show meets at the intersection of gardening, philosophy, design, spirituality and a little something extra. And Jennifer Jewell is truly your most capable, intelligent and thoughtful guide. Listening to this show is like having morning tea in the fall under a blue oak.
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