Playbook Deep Dive

News #214Politics #76

Welcome to Playbook Deep Dive, the stories behind the power. From Congress and the White House to bar stools and back rooms, POLITICO Playbook’s Ryan Lizza brings you interviews with the most compelling and important figures who explain what’s really going on in Washington.

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Recent Reviews
  • Wendygull
    Best podcast
    I absolutely love this podcast. Always makes me think and see things from a different perspective. I always learn something- even if I don’t agree with all the guests it is good to hear more than one perspective
  • alalrian
    Podcast junkie
    I look forward to hearing this podcast every week and am v rarely disappointed. Even on topics which have been over traffic’ed, the take is insightful and listen-worthy.
  • Calculatorless
    Episode after episode, the (only) 5 star rating system is definitely woefully inadequate..!! Absolutely rates as one of the best podcasts available..!!
  • Critime
    Mike Johnson interview
    Could you be any more deferential to this Christian Nationalist? Just because he made one morally correct decision shouldn’t make him immune from the rest of the right wing, anti-democratic, misogynistic stances he takes. And to give him a platform for his aw-shucks, toe-in-the-dirt degrading of Joe Biden with no pushback is disgraceful.
  • Balling penguin
    Kelly Ann Conway
    Giving a voice to KAC ( who gave us alternative facts, circular logic, lies, and what-aboutism), is a new low! Great job! I couldn’t hit the unsubscribe button fast enough!
  • nbvc75432$@&
    Kelly Anne Conway
    Is a puppet for trump- I can listen to Hannity if I want a brainwashed lecture, uncontested by the interviewer.
  • 425w
    “Right?” Remains Wrong
    Please train everyone (staff
  • The Mad Moleman
    Consistently Excellent
    If you want to understand how policymaking and politics really works Playbook Deep Dive is the podcast. Guests are frequently not the most famous politicos that you see regularly on mainstream media but rather politicians, staffers, civil servants, and consultants that are doing much of the real policymaking work. And Lizza is consistently amazing in his questioning to get down to what the real situation is and how the process is working (or not working); and often learning a small bit of personal information that humanizes his guests. I consistently look forward to the pod dropping every Friday.
  • bGuiles
    Thank you!
    Wow. Thank you SO MUCH for minimizing ads and placing them at end of episodes! And for delivering such excellent coverage in this and your briefer daily politics podcast, also new to me. Both so smart and helpful. Thank you!
  • G$jones
    Zero original thought
    For a show called deep dive I hear nothing but regurgitated CNN talking points. Oh Biden is old you say? 🤔 wow! People love to air grievances, but when the laughable republican primary is done and it comes down to Biden v Trump, people will remember. Stop wasting out time. Report on real things happening now. UNFOLLOW
  • zzxryjkk
    Guest should know better
    I loved the 11/17/23 segment, but your guest made an error. He complained about the difficulties in signing up for Part D, and blamed it on the Affordable Care Act. Part D was actually an addition to Medicare passed under the last Bush administration; it is not a part of the ACA. Your guest should know better.
  • dlksfjkdasnfkdasgidasjgaoi
    The abortion episode was disturbing and anti-American. SBA is misogynist / anti-woman organization. These extreme views that are aimed at stripping US citizens of fundamental human rights are dangerous. It’s 2023. It’s no longer acceptable to platform people who want half the US population to be returned to second class citizens who pay first class taxes because of their uncontrollable biology. It’s anti-American to legislate uncontrollable bodily functions. It’s also incredibly dumb. Honestly, it’s 2023.
  • Citizen Sane
    Really bad, right-wing claptrap
    This podcast, especially the one about abortion, reveals Politico for what it is. Their agenda is anti-woman, anti-abortion, pro-Trump. It’s clear as can be. This podcast is horrifying. I’d even call it anti-American. I give it zero stars.
  • John Vret
    Informative and thoughtful presentation of issues
  • midwestBlue
    epi started with an ad from the oil & gas companies so no thank you politico, I cannot support you by listening to you since you support fossil fuels and their lobbying in congress and their subsidies that are never and were never needed. why do we give them free money to cause global warming when I can’t get a free solar install. the irony is blinding.
  • MikeWellsy
    Great podcast
    This podcast helps me get a much better understanding of current political issues by providing insight from the people who are personally involved. I think Ryan Lizza does an excellent interview.
    Worse than awful!
    Tim Palatore appears to think we are all fools. Waste of time to listen to him for more than few minutes. He kept contradicting his own arguments. Interviewer comprised himself. Not much point in listening to this podcast.
  • btone911
    Weak journalism
    The Tim parlatore episode was pathetic. Openly allowing a Trump lawyer to sit on the show and badmouth most of the people he’s worked with was boring and petty. Politicos inability to task a capable journalist with this interview that had any experience in the political landscape of the last 4 years and push back on blatant lies is why I’m unsubscribing.
  • Elzie D
    Episode 367. And Paul Renner interview
    Tried listening again. Paul Renner. Terrible to give this man voice without questioning his supposed facts. He walks over the interviewer. First episode I’ve listened too and I am extremely frustrated by the hosts interview approach. Let your guest speak! Quit talking and listen. The filmmaker was about to share his thoughts on Trump and you took over and offered your own. Maddening.
  • donaldsburner
    Great episode but
    Vivek ramaswamy has no idea what he is talking about and should just stop
  • KBKayBam
    Used to be at least half-way legit — no longer.
    I am unsubscribing from Deep Dive, as well as the other major Politico-associated podcast, Politico Playbook. Politico seems to be devoted chiefly to advancing the priorities of their corporate owners, rather than reporting unbiased news. I’ve listened to dozens and dozens — maybe hundreds? — of episodes from these shows over the last few years; for a while I had been listening to Playbook every single day. More and more it seems the people responsible for producing content are either unwilling or incapable of pushing back against inconsistencies, dishonest characterizations, and even outright lies that are featured there, either in stories or in interviews. Instead, Politico prefers to let increasingly brazen disinformation stand unchallenged, and simply acts as a platform to spread whatever messaging campaign their subject — usually someone or something associated with right-wing politics — happens to be pursuing at the time. I’ll admit they sometimes provide interesting insider info on American politics, but these days the intended purpose of this ‘news’ organization seems to be legitimizing mid-right and far-right politicians, and sanitizing their histories and positions. While the ‘both-sides-ism’ at Politico has always been an issue — FYI refusing to call out wrong/bad behavior by one ‘side’ or the other, regardless of the legitimacy of their positions, is not being centrist or moderate, it’s just being a coward — this pattern of partisanship seems to have become particularly blatant since the 2021 purchase of Politico by the right-wing German publishing house Axel Springer and their billionaire CEO, Mathias Döpfner. Since then, they seem much more eager to try and put their thumb on the scale — usually in ways that benefit the personal finances and politics of their corporate owners. Unfortunately the idea that the people at Politico don’t know what is happening is ridiculous, so ‘bad faith’ and ‘bad journalistic principles’ are the only logical explanations for this behavior that I can see. In my opinion, it’s truly a shame for it to go this way. Having a news organization that provides some of that ‘inside the beltway’ insight on DC is invaluable. Unfortunately Politico no longer has the legitimacy of an organization that is devoted chiefly to Truth. Like many before them, they are now a ‘news’ organization more interested in convincing people to believe in a particular worldview, rather than providing newsworthy information in an unbiased way. Advancing their agenda is more important to them than expanding your knowledge. Which is to say, they are no longer a news organization in which you should place your trust.
  • FrankieBlu
    Always interesting
    …And I just have to add, Bob Good R-VA sounds like a typical sanctimonious bloviating politician. Tough to get through his hurt interview.
  • wallyinsf
    Please STOP talking with your mouth full! (Revised
    It is really distracting trying to figure out what you are saying with a mouth full of Halibut (or whatever you were eating). Some people listen with headphones on and I can hear every bite (not just this recent episode). Now if you are interviewing at a bar I will listen, when you are at a restaurant I turn it off, and the recent show is a great example. Not that you care Ever since I wrote this review the problem I had seems to have gone away. I assume there had been just a lot of people with the same complaint, either way I’m happy not to have to listen to you eat at 4:30am. Thank you …
  • superannoyed999
    Potentially good topics and guests, but interviewing them in a noisy restaurant is unbelievably annoying. Why?
  • 3dd
    Please learn the art of audio interviewing
    Trying to listen to these “conversations” is frustrating. Everyone involved is smart and has interesting stories to tell and points to make, but they all talk at once, talk too fast, and all I can hear is a mumbled mess. The hosts and producers need coaching.
  • statedept1515
    Too little pushback to extreme ideas
    A lot of silly things are said that aren’t responded to in substantive ways. Maybe the format is to blame if there’s not enough time to dive deep(er)
  • jaymarcnorthamerica
    Just listened to a podcast giving summers credit for predicting inflation. He sounds like a neoliberal. How would things have been different if we hadn’t given out money? Weren’t we fighting a recession by ensuring jobs and providing basic needs for many. How much of inflation is due to the huge corporate welfare or the much smaller money sent to the people?
  • ark7788
    Ryan Lizza, great interview with Steve Schmidt.
    Great interview. Just wish it had been longer.
  • iWatchApple
    Love it!
    Episode 360, 'He absolutely betrayed me,’ was very riveting and surprising. Thank you for showcasing the different voices and points of views that make up the political system. Great content. I will 100% keep listening to this podcast.
  • tvg64
    Steven Schmidt interview
    Not worth airing at all, what a moron that guy was and never gave us any actual information about Meghan’s behavior or what the McCains did to him. He also called it a “geo-blastoma” while claiming the cancer runs in his family which tells me he’s not very bright and by extension that must apply to everyone running this country.
  • ArcherNova
    Disappointed with juvenile attacks
    An attempt at an NPR-level reporting but keeps failing with snarky anti-trump rhetoric. We want mature conversations. Not teenagery and snarkiness from the host. See, e.g., cast 252. I’m a wide-consumer of podcasts and this keeps happening on this podcast, temporary host or not. I do NOT care for it. *****Stop being part of what is wrong with today’s news media.***** Stop juvenile attacks. You say you don’t like it? Then show us. Don’t do it. To be respected you act respectful. Be professional. A screeching bomb goes off when you don’t. Do better.
  • DKRies
    Always rewarding
    No matter the topic of the week, this podcast is always worth a listen. Even when you feel like an issue has dominated the cycle and been reported/discussed ad nauseum, this podcast finds a fresh presentation. I mourned the loss of Ryan Lizza from the New Yorker’s Political Scene podcast, but he’s leveled up. h/t the production team - there are many political talking-head podcasts, so instead this show takes listeners into the field to give texture to interviews, even if ‘the field’ is just a phone and the texture is simply banter between reporter and subject before the formal questions begin. (One caveat - maybe no one should be interviewed while they chew their breakfast?). Bravo and thank you for your work.
  • fhdgsvac
    Why are you eating while you record?
    Listening to the 1/14 episode and the guy being interviewed is chewing/eating into the mic for over 30 minutes. Absolutely disgusting 😵‍💫
  • TJ Shadwell
    About As Non-Partisan As Mainstream Can Be
    Politico has gotten a bit of a reputation as a left-leaning medium and their website deserves that. But, as a Libertarian often looking for non-partisan reporting, I have to say these podcasts seem to stick mostly to just reporting w/o extolling. Sure there was an episode that seemed Biden friendly, but there was also another that benefited the win of GOP Governor-elect Youngkin. It’s tough to avoid a partisan slant in reporting these days but I feel this podcast walks the line about as well as can be expected.
  • Stephen Deb.
    Ben White is the Physical Embodiment of the Twitter Problem
    Most shows are pretty good. But every time Ben White gets on the show, regardless of the host, things get wildly more partisan, filled with more one-side arguments, and filled with more wild conjecture and hyperbole. It cannot be that hard to report the news, inform people of the information they need to know to make informed decisions, and keep your personal opinions out of it. But every time Ben gets on the podcast, it’s an echo chamber of Ben’s partisanship where the host feels the freedom to hype up Ben’s conclusory ideas of “Republicans = mean-spirited hypocrites, Democrats = do-no-wrong, pure-hearted actors.” Mitch McConnell is doing the same thing now with the debt ceiling the Dems did 4 years ago, and now they have switched places. But only McConnell gets called a hypocrite. This is trash journalism.
  • Junkys200
    No longer journalism
    Once they brought it Eugene Daniels it was over.
  • kirstigatorgirl
    Why old the background music???!!!
    I listen to podcasts to hear people talk, the background music is TOO MUCH.
  • 9988773
    It’s honestly a thing anymore?
    I’m not really seeing how the host is coming at current issues with any honesty? I like to hear arguments from both sides, but this host and the guests that I have listened to so far don’t really use any real arguments, and they claim that the other side is spreading miss-information while they present “arguments“ (more like a quasi rebuttal opinion with next to no evidence to back their claims). Why aren’t there any honest left-wing new sources…?
  • your skinny penis
    This company is definitely very bias to the left
  • Thisislopez
    Specifically about ep 309 ... the “ummmm,” and “hmmmms” and the “okayyyys” by the male host distracts the wonderful thoughts and insights of the female guests. Why not just let the women speak without taking away the spotlight?
  • kdaddy95
    Burgess is the man
    The episode with Manchin and Murkowski was fantastic. More Burgess please!
  • Crose2010
    Love the music
    And a great conversation!! This is exactly the content I have been wanting. A Real conversation with real members. Excited to hear more.
  • fuzzystarcloud
    good stuff
    I enjoy the non inflammatory info in this show. Thank you wonderful nerds 💐 (the vaccine episode was really good. Eugene Daniels is a great guest host)
  • Reticeny
    Great podcast
    Informative, pithy - no wasted words.
  • Nesorneb
    Skewed Episode 288
    Episode 288 is a one dimensional perspective lacking any depth & infused with bias. The implications of anti racist and critical theory are foundational to this episode. These are ideologies that are solely a Progressive perspective and only marginally a Black community perspective. This is disappointing coming from Politico.
  • John_F_
    An overproduced repetitive podcast that takes some interesting issues but fails to develop them. It doesn’t help to repeat one idea over and over using different voices. It is close to being shallow and sensationalist. But there is hope - the podcast could develop the ideas a lot more and seek out more points of view.
  • Mushi67
    Stop with the overproduction
    Don’t need sound effects. Don’t need musical cues. What the heck happened to this show? It went from serious and interesting to... whatever it is now. Change it back please.
  • Kekleblahsat123456
    Great podcast
    Great podcast. Informative with great guests. Not a fan of music in background. It distracts from guest interviews otherwise so grateful for these topics!
  • we are the neighbors
    Stop the sound effects
    I listen every week, but after a minute or two I had to turn it off on Friday. Please stop the weird distracting sound effects.
  • Lee & Lynda
    Why won’t people point out that TikTok users embarrassed trump. This is a part of the Storey no one discusses. Disappointing.
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