Andy's Girls: A Real Housewives Podcast

TV & Film #109

Andy's Girls with Sarah Galli is a semiweekly podcast that dives deep into the drama on and off Bravo TV. A mix of C-SPAN and "Iyanla Fix My Life," episodes focus on the psychology behind the Real Housewives franchise. Named a 'Certified Bravoholic' by Bravo, Sarah is joined by rotating guest co-hosts, from Real Housewives themselves to prominent culture writers, comedians, and Bravoholics.

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Recent Reviews
    Celine Dion episode
    The Celine Dion documentary recap was well done. I love hearing Sarah’s analyses of Bravo and pop culture.
  • asdfjjfsadghj
    Listen for the analysis; stay for the melodic hyperlexia
    Sarah is mother. La mere of the stream of consciousness monologue. The Ariana of podcasters, Dame Galli must be so strongwai 💪🏻 from lugging such valuable satchels of gold 🥇from her cloffice to our homes so often. I always smash that play button ▶️ immediately when I see a new TIP or Andy’s Girls.
  • housewives fan 11
    Bravo is on its last legs
    I stopped listening to this podcast once the focus switched from housewives to crappy shows like summer house and vpr. The new season of Jersey is out now, but they keep running the same plot lines again and again. I wish Sarah would expand the pod more regularly to non bravo shows. I loved the episode she did on the jinx. Lastly, it is alarming the amount of disinformation Sarah shares on ig. Her understanding of the MidEast has clearly not evolved past elica lebon’s 90 second explainer videos. A quick run on google would show why this lady is seldom a reliable source. Maybe crack open a book.
  • taken 1!
    Complete Hysteria⚡️
    Her Instagram posts as well as her pod is A constant statement then complete hysteria- Cackling- giggling- full belly laughs that disrupt The flow or lack there of - of the show 🚫‼️ Always a calamity- taking place in her life… Tiring… not a escape⚡️😵‍💫🙃
  • 4lulu2
    Andy’s Girls: A Real Housewives Podcast
    This is my “go to” podcast for all things Housewives. Sarah does a deep dive on the actions of the housewives which makes it interesting!
  • Naniyoten
    Keep Kate as an Editor, not a speaker
    OMGsh, listening to this guest, Kate, was like watching pain dry… I get that she’s the editor of Variety, but did she not understand that she needed to SPEAK full sentences?? Koodos to Sarah for CARRYING this eps. I couldn’t listen past the first 10 min.
  • dianna nicole
    Your Rafi Chat
    No notes 😍 love the convo.
  • TxInAkCaId
    West is the closest thing to men?
    An unemployed man who films a reality show at the beach in overalls and work boots is the closest thing you’ve seen to a man on Summer House? And yes, you have been emphatic and heated about just about everything since Tom Sandoval. I keep coming back to this podcast thinking it will get better and it doesn’t.
  • Rachael Christenson
    Love West!
    At least West decided in advance to cut it off with Ciara instead of cheating on her. I’d much rather have that happen than someone cheat on me. 🤷‍♀️ he shouldn’t be getting bashed for cutting things off.
  • cmg6676
    Used to really enjoy this podcast. I find Sarah funny and pretty awesome recaps but her use of the word genuinely is really going over the top. It’s become an ick and I can’t listen anymore.
  • CW2172
    Wonderful podcast. (But stop letting that one scam advertise here.)
    Sarah is my favorite podcaster. Most of the critique of her in these reviews is undisguised misogyny and antisemitism. (Her VOICE? It’s her voice! Like it or don’t listen!) With any podcaster, you should like them in the je-ne-sais-quoi way as well as ways you can articulate; the reviewers who don’t take to Sarah should simply stop listening instead of writing targeted insults. However, as someone who is so savvy that she calls Mellancamp “Teddi Jo Carrot” (LMAOOOO!), Sarah should not be letting Ro advertise here. AG is my favorite podcast, but weight loss ads don’t belong here. This is the single reason I’m considering stopping listening.
  • ihatelisarinna
    Awful, 45 year old humor, with a side of misinformation and victimization
    According to the host, the world truly revolves around Ms. Galli. You’d think that with the state of her life and the constant drama she takes part in, it would give her an ounce of self reflection to realize she may be the problem, but alas. She spews misinformation and then limits any discourse as a means of “protecting herself.” Just take a gander at her Instagram comments. She is more than happy to put her opinion of people out there, but crumbles at minor criticism. Her guests are below her and she deserves to speak first, most and loudest. It’s truly ludicrous. She also really needs to either a) learn to actually produce/edit a podcast or b) hire somebody. The sudden cuts to a 7 minute commercial is actually insane for someone who claims to be a podcaster. The latest episode was unlistenable due to audio issues. Sounds about right for her brand. Don’t forget, she’s truly evil in her heart.
  • KelsBells777
    Sarah is amazing
    I listen to numerous podcasts but only a few I get really excited when I see a new episode, and this is certainly one of them. Sarah’s voice is so soothing and I love how in-depth she goes when recapping not just Bravo shows but anything, even when I don’t necessarily agree with her. And to then add Bravo Bravo Ducking Bravo! Man I felt like I won the lottery. Keep it up Sarah.
  • sanvie4848
    So smart and so funny
    There is nothing better than a quick wit, great insight and overall smart approach for a podcast. I love it. Thank you.
  • angelle226
    Spoiler Alert
    It’s really bad
  • Sids1Mom
    If you hate men this podcast is for you!
    Although the concept for the podcast is good this woman is nearly insufferable. If you can get past the high pitched whine of her voice brace yourself for her hypocrisy. She complains about situations being “gendered” but then proceeds to bash on just about every male on every show basically equating them all based on their gender attributing thoughts and statements and actions that actually never happened. She is so biased based on gender she sets feminism back decades. She can also be so nasty to some people while crying over someone else’s perceived nastiness. Could not even get through her last podcast (the solo ones are not worth listening to most of the time) and her wordiness - like adding “in real time” when it doesn’t even make sense screams wannabe intellectual.
  • Kea764314
    Generally good
    This is a good pod, but it’s less about the psychology of bravo and more about the hosts opinions…like most other pods.
  • smurz13
    Please fix the ads
    Sarah is a really smart podcast host and she brings on great guests. She’s definitely an acquired taste, but I have acquired it. She also puts out a lot of content which is really appreciated! But Sarah please try and listen through an episode and hear how jarring and long the ads are! A sound bumper or just saying “now a quick break from our sponsors” would do WONDERS.
  • JennaT9
    Could do without the God-&$@*#
    Such a solid podcast. I could do without taking the lords name in vain though. It’s disrespectful to your listeners who may be religious. I understand that’s your prerogative, you really have such a good podcast and I always enjoy your opinions but I could really do without that. And I’m probably not alone. Love you though 😂😘
  • ItsHaht
    Thoughtful and endearing
    This podcast brings about deep analytical but fun deep dives on all things bravo. I don’t even watch some of these shows and yet I still enjoy listening and keeping up with them through these insightful breakdowns. When Sarah has one of her guests, it’s even more fun (although I think her and Louis Peitzman just low key friend-fight most of the time). Love this pod-it’s my fave!
  • Schmicky28
    Long commercials
    Everything is cool till the 10 min commercial clicks in. Please spread it out.
  • busting par
    Judging Jo’s looks?
    Are you that gorgeous to judge others? I really disliked the VPR podcast
  • Blu McCoy
    For someone that preaches feelings and not being a nasty human, she sure does. Seems like it only applies to the characters she likes. Talking about people’s looks, just because she doesn’t like them? Nasty
  • kristen bae
    Love her thoughtfulness
    Sarah Galli gives such a good dissection of everything Bravo. She’s able to see so many sides at once and yet take a stance when needed. She also has great guests!!
  • Paula and Larry
    Great pod
    Sarah you are great. Your pod is so entertaining! Thank you!
  • woo5678
    Its okayyyyy!!!
    So I appreciate the long detailed recaps and deep dives into the bravo shows….however she gets a lot of info wrong. No matter how emphatically she says something or how many SAT words she uses, sometimes she’s just way off base. I like the show, but maybe take yourself a little less seriously and it would be more fun! I also find her severe handling of Lindsay and treating Carl with kids gloves to be pretty hypocritical of other opinions she has.
  • WRTherulers
    Jersey Shore
    I totally agreed with bravo bravo ducking bravo about the Jersey Shore connection!! I am one of the 3 people she said watches it but they have evolved and VPR should take note. Love your Pod!!!!
  • ginny91794
    Lack of empathy
    The way Sarah constantly disparages Jo’s (from VPR) “uncomfortable” personality is really cruel and unfair. For someone who claims that their podcast is about “psychology”, you would think she’d know better than to constantly put down someone who is neurodivergent. I hope she can gather herself soon and apologize because it’s really not a good look.
  • OhanaCiao
    Potomac Review
    Your opinion is heard & respected however move on! You complained about Giselle to the point you couldn’t get passed it. You beat us over the head w/ it to the point you couldn’t get into anything else. Why would you let Giselle get to you this hard & I'm not a fan either but your better than this! We get it you said the same thing over & over in different words! This could of been 15 min pod but the repeating is maddening! Sorry just sayin!
  • shaligher
    Entertaining and thoughtful
    Intelligent. Psychological. Political. ENTERTAINING!! Detailed and thought provoking. Sarah has excellent guests. Love the different perspectives. Carlis king is tough to hear
  • Bravo is my escape
    A meandering delight
    I love how Sarah can deep dive into the complicated dynamics of the housewives in such a light and fun way, even when the topics are serious (such as when she has discussed mental health struggles). Sarah’s love for the housewives and general zest for life are so refreshing. If you want a recap show, this is not your podcast, but, if you want a show that explores the nuances of housewives and other Bravo shows, this is the podcast for you. While I don’t always love her guests, Sarah is a gracious host and welcomes differing opinions in such a respectful manner.
  • HubbleLife
    Fair Judgement
    Sarah gives Fair criticism even of her favorite housewives. I totally respect her opinions. Especially bc she will invite guests who disagree. It’s always lively and fun. Sarah I also enjoy Taking It Personally.
  • EPIC MOMMY!!!!!!!!!
    Lea Palmieri
    Lea Palmieri has the most delulu opinions I have ever heard. The comparison of Larry David and Lindsey? What planet does this woman live on? Love Sarah Galli though!
  • Tired Housewife of 6
    Fellow NewYorker
    I believe you have to be from NY to get this podcast. Love this podcast and the unique views on all things Bravo.
  • Kim Gurley
    2 Great Birthday Week Episodes!
    Happy Birthday! And I’m now following and obsessed with Sarah Hearon. Hope you get that pic with Craig. 🍅
  • jennknife
    Endlessly entertaining!
    Always fun and entertaining. The Emily episode was great-you two have a great chemistry!
  • UpliftWithJen
    Smart humor!
    Smart humor! I love her ❤️
  • Shaneman001
    Sarah is hilarious!
    I love tuning into this podcast! My favorite content of bravo to listen to. Thank you!
  • Mel3241
    Love listening!
    I love this postcast. I found you to be funny and insightful and I thoroughly enjoy listening. Thank you for how kingly you treat guests and analyze Bravo situations.
  • smrblingqueen
    This ain’t Andy’s girl anymore
    This podcast is simply not what it once was. It’s sad that the host has strayed away from the origins and original intentions of this podcast. It’s hard to find a recent opinion of Sarah’s that isn’t contrived, beaten like a dead horse, or at the detriment of squashing her guests opinion/feelings. It’s giving Dorinda vibes and it’s time for a “pause” 👋🏻👋🏻
  • Kathleenh85
    Solid, thorough, fun podcast!
    I love this Bravo pod! She has fun episodes and is so great with other people. Always an interesting discussion and goes to unique places.
  • Trixie vonSleepyFace
    Stop. Interrupting. Your. Guests.
    What is the point of having a guest on the podcast if you’re going to constantly interrupt them and scream-whine every time they express a different or dissenting opinion?
  • sayitwithme
    First time listener. The way Sarah reads the ads for this podcast is ridiculous. It’s cringey to say the least. The whole 10min of “I don’t know how to use a VPN for my two week trip to Europe” blah blah blah First World Problems. This Podcast was neither funny or entertaining.
  • Kayslay 7777
    Love “Andy’s Girls” so much!!! Can’t wait for your episode on “Housewife and The Hustler” part II”
  • Howdy Hay!
    Tracie Morrissey
    Please don’t have her on anymore. She made the comments last time “I don’t care if a housewife is racist” and on this recent pod, she also had some terrible takes about Brandi. Not a good look for you
  • CelestayG
    Love this podcast, but…
    Fabulous Bravo commentary! But Sarah please stop being so combative with your guests. Sometimes I wonder why they come back because your tone is so rude when you disagree. Please listen back and reevaluate how you speak to your peers. I wouldn’t write this if it was a one off but I’m noticing it more and more.
  • Lolo13419
    New to this podcast and housewives series
    I’m new in this arena BUT you guys are the FIRST housewives podcast that I’ve listened to that discusses these women and their alcoholism. Jesus!! It is fascinating to me that it barely comes up. They talk about being black our drunk but never talk about changing it. It is SO gross!! These people have kids and I’m no prude but the parents behavior is disgusting. They are 50 and older and it is horrible. How embarrassing but of course, I’m not the one on TV, spending 60K per YEAR on “glam” sessions AND making millions of dollars so who is the fool? I might watch a show or two and then listen to your podcast and other housewives podcasts. If you watch two episodes, you find out who is who and then all I need to do is listen to your podcast. I like hearing the way you all see things and it’s interesting.
  • Russell Marx
    For better & for worse the pandemic changed this pod
    Listened dating back to Bethenny vs. Carole so this was tough to write out. The usual tics that people lowly rate (guest interruptions) have always been there so I’m less rating it low for that, but given that post-pandemic the host is expanding her guest reach it can definitely be a more uncomfortable dynamic created. I also still am mad in how Sarah can be so aloof in how she will tell somebody they didn’t know they were in NY just because not everyone wants to live in the UES. I mention that there was some good in how the show shifted in expanding beyond just people in NYC (sorry, Evan Ross Katz wishcasting is uninteresting to me) due to the COVID lockdown but the bad part of that includes a sense of entitlement tied to the perceived soft power of Bravo, with Sarah quite transparently wanting to be righteous. It’s a mistake to think people watch Bravo as an agenda-driven delivery system meant to uplift people/beliefs when each Housewives show has at least one dark sided event or backstory (Sarah often ignores this, eg her love of the Manzos when their mob ties and what Dina alleges is straight up Sopranos-style thuggery). I understand Sarah worked at events with people in power before but these Bravo stars are people who signed up to be on TV with the expectations of getting money & brand deals. It’s sometimes not that deep. It seems Ryan and Damian are no longer welcomed back to the show due to some political split over global events of the past fall. That is unfortunate as they felt like the few people who’d challenge Sarah on her points and could also deal with her interruptions. Sarah is still merging outrage at Palestinian citizens being murdered with antisemitism as if progressive Jews who are anti-Netanyahu do not exist nor can any reasonable person can be outraged at both. For somebody who sought BLM clout in 2020, she sure wanted them to stay silent on state sanctioned murder of innocents. Anyway, I have fallen off this show mainly because her hyper-fixations on topics trickle into multiple episodes that are really not that interesting (and as somebody who works in audio editing, she’d do herself a lot of good by getting somebody to edit the show for her as she could probably save herself a lot of grief by not self-editing. In her defense, RHONY falling off and even with the decent reboot definitely messed with the flow. She only really likes RHOBH and falls off talking about other stuff repeatedly. Her jumping on the Scandoval bandwagon when she swore off talking about VPR for YEARS just feels like she’s chasing engagement than having strong feelings.
  • E.Mills.
    One of the best pods out there - I love the in-depth dives and examinations so much I had to join the Patreon. I also just love how much Sarah loves to have differing opinions on her show - it’s lovely to hear real discussions rather than everyone always acquiescing to keep the conversation light. And I love “normalize changing your mind based on new information” - I need it on as shirt with Sarah’s logo. Lol
  • C1207
    Typically good, but…
    …there are definitely episodes where it feels like she is trying to diagnose these people. One, it’s reality tv, calm down. Two, not appropriate unless you’re a trained professional. And stop interrupting the guests so much - they should be able to make their points too!
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