The Laverne Cox Show


Years ago, a therapist said in our very first session that there are only two things that we can truly control in our lives - our own perception and our own behavior. That's it. Nothing more than that.  Each week, The Laverne Cox Show will feature intimate conversations with folks who help me to see and think differently so that maybe I can act differently. It is my hope that this becomes a place that fosters perspectives that might inspire new behavior in each of us, which in turn gets us closer to becoming the very best versions of ourselves. Let's have a spiritual makeover together.

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Recent Reviews
  • dharma rose
    AFAT- assigned female at transition and practices woman face.
  • DJKena
    Truly Incredible!
    Laverne Cox’s podcast has quickly become one of my absolute favorites! Her understanding of incredibly challenging subjects beyond trans-rights is breathtaking. She has comprehensive knowledge on social justice, intersectionality, caste, privilege, club culture, music, and so much more. Laverne approaches every topic and conversation with grace, empathy, compassion, and kindness. I love this show. Thank you Laverne for giving the world this gift!
  • Mattiebbbb
    Love this podcast!
    I love hearing about Laverne’s experiences and interviews with interesting people. She is inspiring to me on so many levels. I appreciate how seriously she takes this podcast and her vulnerability.
  • ltcol20
    Laverne Cox
    I so enjoy listening to your pod cast. I am being taught about a world that is vibrant and loving and real yet not easily found, especially if one is not a card carrying member. I am a 60s child who wanted to go help Black people register to vote but was still in HS, no talk of such activity being planned in my hometown. I have worked with many Black people yet never developed a friendship. This pod cast gives me a glimpse into your lived reality and how it is different from mine and most white people. The 2 pod casts that really showed some differences were the ones about Privilege and the one about the criminal system. I knew much about these 2 topics, I thought. You gave in clarity and depth. And you did it without rancor or blaming all whites. Without hate, without anger. Yet you gave it the solemnity it deserves. And I throughly enjoy listening to you Laverne and your amazing laugh. Thank you from an old white woman who marched for your rights, gay rights, ERA, supporting those with AIDS. All the activism’s in the 70s. I still am learning and praying our world and country stay livable for freedom loving peoples.
  • wval35
    Very powerful podcast
    Love this podcast. Especially loved the interview with Olayemi Olurin. She is a rising star for sure!
  • Frau Rombach
    I love this series with all my heart and soul. Laverne Cox and her guests provide thought-provoking dialogue around an array of fascinating topics. I’ve personally enjoyed every single episode, but I confess to strategically sharing episodes with friends and family members based on their specific interests, personalities or beliefs (to affirm and/or challenge) cause whether it’s a moment, an episode, a guest or the series as a whole, there is honestly something here for everyone. Oh and she does a really great job of treating the subject matter with both the respect and levity it deserves which engages me in a way that does not leave me feeling deflated like so much media does as of late. As long as she keeps dropping episodes, I’ll be listening.
  • Saida Cora
    I love this podcast!
    Such brilliant socio-political commentary and amazing guests. This podcast always leaves me feeling grateful, empowered, and curious about how to be a more informed and embodied human and citizen. Laverne is a thoughtful interviewer and dissects high-brow academic knowledge with an accessible and inclusive lens. I am excited whenever there’s a new episode and also very grateful to be alive in the same timeframe as the amazing Laverne Cox. Thank you for you!
  • Chai2ne1
    I love this podcast with my life
    My everything
  • Ariahsky
    Food for the thinking mind and feeling soul
    I love, love, love her podcast. The first season brought me to tears so many times as revelations dawned me like I was earth experiencing an alien invasion lol. Just, all the references to the tools she uses to navigate this world, especially as a trans woman of color-were so helpful and validating in ways I didn’t even know I desperately needed. Since her last season, I am a much healthier stronger woman of transgender experience and I’m way more capable of having tough conversations without feeling like the perspective of all life outside of me in attacking my existence. I love these conversations. Thanks so much Ms. Lavern, and keep doing the work for yourself honey because the spill over you share as a result is sooooo good!
  • bigtruckin71
    Supreme Court episode
    I so thoroughly enjoyed listening to you and Elie Mystal talk about the Supreme Court. I was pumping my fist in the air to punctuate all the great points made. Thanks for this episode and I totally agree with your thoughts at the very end. Be well❤️
  • MagickGirl76
    Season 2!!
    I’m so excited for season 2! You have been missed! Your sincere and thoughtful explanation of what has been happening with you made my heart ache. You handle such hard topics with a gentleness. I’m so glad you are back!
  • Steeeffi2
    Life Giving!
    I am so happy to find my new favorite podcast. Laverne is wise and fabulous beyond her years, and her conversations feel like a chosen family home. I cannot get enough and am so grateful this exists! Thank you so much for being such a source of power and light in this world.
  • Vanyitchka
    Laverne Cox is my idol and was a major influence in my finally coming out. She is an intelligent, strong, woman that speaks truth. This podcast reflects all of her characteristics and presents an informative show while being tremendously entertaining! Can’t wait for more episodes.
  • DesignNurd
    Laverne Cox for President
    Yes, gawd!
  • gamesywamesy
    Pls create a season 2!
    Love and her voice and perspective is so important and needed! ❤️
  • thetwinofoscar
    My favorite show for all the things
    I love Laverne Cox Podcast. She covers so many issues and ideas that seem important to me and the world to heal. My favorite podcast by far! No matter who you are or how you roll, Laverne will touch your soul!
  • *dk**
    Ms. Cox deserves everything she asks for—I love her insights so much! Please season 2! Your episodes are like nothing else-so much love!!
  • Pomptribe
    A treasure!
    Deep, honest conversations regarding complex topics with brilliant as well as fun guests. Everyone is so real, passionate and inspirational. Listeners will walk away with invaluable lessons and “tools”. Alok and Berne were sensational. I laughed, cheered, took notes and shed tears of joy because I’m certain that these types of rare talks are a vessel that can transform should we choose to listen with our hearts and souls. So, what else is true? Laverne is the gift that keeps on giving. May her life be sprinkled with endless blessing.
  • fionajdawson
    More, please! More!
    I absolutely LOVE listening to Laverne Cox’s podcast and her guests. Laverne is a brilliant and vulnerable interviewer and I learn many things from each interview. Please keep going and deliver us another stunning season. Thank you! Fiona
  • DWChi07
    I can’t put into words how much I love this podcast. The guest, Laverne’s vulnerability and the topics seem to outdo the previous show. Thank you for producing an amazing show!
  • fibisawesome
    This woman is brilliant. I so appreciate her perspective, her heart, and her intellect. She also has really wonderful guests.
  • 1onlyTrist
    Excellent and Intellectual!
    Excellent and intellectual podcast!!!
  • Camille Virginia
    Laverne keeps it real - and brings unique insights
    Laverne is sharp, witty, and always has amazing interviews with interesting people. I love how she gets to a level of depth with each guest, bringing her hilarious personality while also letting her guests shine by sharing their stories and expertise. I love Laverne, highly recommended.
  • Fthisnikcnames
    Keep it real please, you are great
    Enjoyed just about every episode, always a learning experience which is what I appreciate the most. However, “Dr” Dispenza? Please keep it real, that was a fail, with high risk of misinformation.
  • monkey_family
    Laverne Cox Podcast is raw
    Laverne does a wonderful job of owning her feelings and discussing them. She also listens to her guests and allows them time to process her questions and answer accordingly (many people don’t know how to listen and she does)! She also is brutally honest. Love this podcast and this amazing woman!
  • soulofanoctopus
    I am so loving this podcast, but was a bit alarmed to be listening to an episode on fatphobia and diet culture, and the leading advertisement is for Sonabello whose whole business is focused on the removal of fat. I found it a bit hypocritical.
  • xcxcxcxvxv not my name lol
    Fire Episode
    As I’m listening to you lovely ladies starting to think back when when I was younger I can nod my head obviously and completely understand and a agree with the conversation. I have to say I became entranced and socially in love with Dr. Joy DeGruy from Fanti and hearing her again speak is absolutely amazing hopefully she will come back with more insight love and understanding for all of us. Thank you again for the conversation. Please keep em coming, ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾💕💕💕💕💕
  • Bullet 35
    Overcoming self Doubt
    I really enjoyed listening to your Interview w/Dr.Neff , I got a lot of great insight and information, For along time I didn't love my self ,as a child my mother always sheltered me , because of my Cerebral Palsy , somethings I wasn't aloud to do on my own ,and I'd would be called Retarted .so the only solution I had would wanting to do was to kill my self and even as an adult I'd wanted to end my life , I got some help , it's been almost a year now and I'm starting to enjoy life and loving myself .
  • AlgaeKat
    Love Laverne!
    This show is amazing and important and I am so grateful for it. I did want to mention that an add just played for laxer fat removal and getting a ‘summer body.’ It was really odd to hear next to the discussion of how women’s bodies are policed. My feeling is that this advertiser may not fit the values of Laverne, her production team, or her listeners. Additionally these adds are likely harmful to many of you listeners. You all may want to change that. Thanks and love the show.
  • darlinggirl22
    Thank you!
    Love the show! Thank you for all you are. I don’t know if if anyone on the podcast team has control over ads, but a “summer body” laser fat removal ad just played. I think ads like this are harmful for many listeners and seem out of line with the values of the show. Just a note <3 thank you!
  • dblan90
    I didn’t know I needed this podcast - thank you for working so hard to bring change to this world. I love you! ❤️
  • Christina Lynn
    Great topics & guests!
    Laverne is absolutely fabulous; you can tell she's genuinely enraptured by her guests. She asks good questions, has amazing, informative guests, and covers a great diversity of topics. Also, her voice is so lovely!
  • Ski!!
    So important
    Everything about this is wonderful and it’s among my favorite podcasts, thank you for the open hearted honesty you bring to us at all times!
  • ramaljb
    Relatable, Insightful, & Much More
    Each episode of The Laverne Cox podcast is a total masterclass. I learn so much each time about a range of topics relevant to our everyday lives including the transgender experience, race, and much more. The questions Laverne asks are profound and demand informative perspectives that challenge all assumptions, societal constructs, values, conventional knowledge, and the status quo.
  • OkrahWinfrey
    More please!
    Laverne, your voice is so pleasant and your content has so much depth. My only complaint is that it just goes by so fast 😩. Your voice and your point of view is so important. This podcast is one of my favorite things.
  • SK Wilder
    Stunning and Inspiring
    I am immensely grateful for Laverne Cox and her work. I’m a therapist and she helps me continue to grow as a healer and as a person. Thank you.
  • Dclarknearsighted
    Love the Laverne Cox Show
    One of the most insightful podcasts to come out in 10 years!!! My favorite podcast.
  • 4ZombieLuv
    Thank You!!
    The first podcast I heard was with Brené Brown and Ms. Laverne was asking the some of the same questions I had in my mind! Very insightful and inspirational. I am happy to be learning even more with other guests. I’m a student of CSUMB and was lucky enough to have Laverne Cox as a key or speaker! She is just as honest, smart, funny, and caring in a zoom meeting as she is a Podcast! Thank you for sharing great info and being so dynamic. Ya, I’m a fan!! 👍🏽☺️👍🏽🌈❤️
  • ShadowWings
    Even more incredible than I was expecting
    This show is absolutely required listening, no matter where you are coming from. Laverne Cox is an incredible listener and thinker, and really does her research, about both the interviewee and important topics and theory in general. This makes each episode packed with insights and conversation that gets to the heart of the issues discussed - and there are plenty of light moments as well! I have recommended episodes of the podcast to people in my life who aren’t as informed about trans people, mental health, and weight/beauty, and it has been an accessible introduction for them, since Laverne does a good job of making sure concepts are thoroughly explained, without talking down to people. She is such a skillful interviewer as well, jumping in at exactly the right time to emphasize an important concept, to let something sink in/digest, or to ask for clarification. I learned something new each episode, and it is so thoroughly entertaining as well. I feel really grateful that she has brought this series to life!
  • gwmdancer
    I love this show so much!!!
    Every single episode has expanded my mind and my heart. Laverne shines, her guests are phenomenal and she meets them with wisdom, curiosity and heart. It’s beautiful and I’m so grateful for it, thank you!!!
  • Mamallamadingdong
    This show is a game changer
    I can’t get enough of it. So much truth, honesty, and intimacy. Every single episode has helped elevate my thinking. I thought I knew a lot about these topics. But I am honestly learning SO MUCH. THANK YOU LAVERNE!!!!
  • staytunedla
    Brilliant and refreshing
    So happy to have this to look forward to every Thursday. Honest real talk that resonates because its stimulating to the mind and relevant to today's world. Current and exciting!
  • JTatti
    A podcast full of hope and connectedness. So timely. So necessary. So inclusive! I’m so glad I found this resource and grateful for the work these beautiful people are doing for all of us.
  • Chicagofit
    Love it!!!!
    Absolutely enjoyed this fellowship, nothing but love. I wish you both continuing success😊🙌🏾❤️
  • tx2684
    Listen now
    The ads don’t do this show justice. I’m not dating. So seeking partners while trans isn’t a hook for me. The depth of queer/trans theory discussed is so good. The sensitivity of diverse experience is revered. The plurality of voices and perspectives is great. Regardless of your background, give an episode a listen. Challenge yourself. Trans people can learn from this podcast. The most conservative Christian Americans can learn from this podcast. It is clear that All Are Welcome™️. I look forward to new episode and more in depth conversations.
  • frank av
    Thanks for coming to my ears rescue. Tell it preach it love it.
  • GratefulDarlene
    Laverne & Alok
    While I’ve enjoyed every episode so far, this one was amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I feel that I’ve been encouraged, educated, slapped in the face, humbled, and encouraged again. I feel hopeful, but now see the work I have to do. So grateful for this show.
  • gidgetfaye
    I’ve enjoyed your podcast. As a 55 year old woman it breaks my heart to hear you struggle and pine over your age. Age just is. My hope for you is the ability to embrace it. In life you only have two options: you get older or you die. Sending love your way.
  • Llll1234?!
    Laverne & Alok - Incredible
    I have enjoyed and learned from so many of these episodes, but the one with Alok should be required listening for every human. Thank you both for existing.
  • Sonofableep
    Favorite podcast
    This has quickly become my favorite podcast! Lavern is an incredible interviewer—she is so thoughtful, insightful, inspiring; she asks all the right questions and slows down to emphasize all of the parts I need to digest. Her guests are equally incredible. So grateful for this new podcast!
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