Wholly Human with LeAnn Rimes


LeAnn Rimes first shot to superstardom as a teenager. In the decades since she’s continued to use her powerful voice as an acclaimed singer, actress and author. With Wholly Human she turns her attention- and intention- to helping others overcome the fragmentation that keeps us from feeling more complete and connected in today’s world.

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Recent Reviews
  • Donder1
    Great podcast!
    I love how soothing your voice is and how caring you are with each guest. Laughter is good too. Please consider that the drab color of your pic doesn’t quite fit you. It kinda looks like prison colors. Love your show thank you for making it! Deedee
  • Julez1618
    Thank you 💖💞
    You are a special, beautiful soul and I appreciate you for sharing your truth and bringing light to so many lives. I love your podcast. It’s my favorite and I tell as many people as I can about it and hope it helps them too. Please keep being you’re amazing, genuine self and keep sharing. You’re amazing and truly changing lives ♥️
  • Runrgirl262
    I just started listening to your podcast. So far I’ve only listened to a few. The Gabby Bernstein episode…chills!!! Loved it♥️. Looking forward to listening to more episodes. Thank you for sharing you and your content!!!!
  • KittyCats1984
    Thank You!
    LeAnn, I just downloaded this podcast. I know, I know. What took me so long? Anyway, I like to listen to it when I go walking early in the morning. I love how you’re so open about everything and I definitely feel like I can relate to you. Look forward to future seasons!
  • Capcas55
    Trusting fear
    LeAnn, sorry it’s taking me this long to discover the podcasts. I just listened to the first one “Trusting Fear” and wow, I discovered that I really haven’t found my place to land yet. I also discovered that I’ve always have had fears in my life and never really addressed where my fears are coming from. Fear have kept me from growth. Thank you for this eye opening podcast. I’m looking forward to listen in to the other ones hoping that they will. help me to become a more Wholly Human. I was trying to leave a review also for “Stop Striving, Start Thriving” with Amber Hawken.k. She was incredible and brought back to life things about myself that surprised me. I discovered that I’ve really never been validated and been afraid of letting myself go. Amber gave several examples that made sense and I need to learn how to cultivate trust. Thanks also to LeAnn who’s so inspiring and for sharing her experiences so we can learn.
  • Lucky*7777777
    This Podcast is changing my life!
    Thank you so much LeLe!! So many of your traumas are similar to my own. And the guests you interview have answered so many questions for me! Keep sharing and inspiring. It is so appreciated!!
  • VMBarbaro505
    I can’t get enough!
    LeAnn’s willingness to be vulnerable is admirable and inspiring to say the least and I’ve learned so much from every episode. The guests she has on her podcasts leaves me feeling like I’m experiencing a “session” with each of her personal resources for free. This has been the only podcast that has truly kept me wanting more, making it my favorite “self-help” and “spiritual” podcast. Thank you, LeAnn!
  • BrookeAllisonMudroch
    Fantastic!! ❤️
    I absolutely love this podcast! LeAnn and her guests are so insightful and thought provoking. I truly admire LeAnn’s journey to improve her life as well as the life of others. I appreciate her candor and vulnerability and can tell she speaks (and sings) from the heart. Her guests are fascinating and I’ve learned something new from each episode. Thank you LeAnn for bringing us such fabulous and wholesome content!! ❤️
  • Loretta 2022
    Loving this podcast! Huge fan of Mel Robbins, which brought me here. I grew up listening to your music. So much talent! Glad to see you in a great place! 😊
  • DRD18VK
    Could you add the guest’s wholly five to the episode description? Enjoying listening to the episodes. Always good to know you aren’t the only one dealing with anxiety and struggles.
  • CandyBarone
    Refreshing SOULfood!
    I listen to this podcast nearly every day on my walks with my dog. It truly fills my soul. I love the openness and vulnerability in the discussion. Both LeAnn and her guests are so real and genuineness. I love the exploration of topics that are often pushed aside. Far more substance and soul is this podcast than most of what’s out there, and what we find on social media.
  • La143
    Leann is the best!
    Love this podcast so much! Topics are on point and hits my heart everytime; I learn a lot and get inspired by them. Leann is the best! Thank you Leann, for creating this beautiful podcast! More please! ❤️❤️❤️
  • Pan17384939392
    Glorious Heaven Disguised as a Podcast
    This podcast is everything good and whole and pure in the universe. It’s Christmas morning. It’s angel hiccups. It’s divine devotion wrapped up as an audible potion to restore heart to Earth. Get this in your ear bones immediately. Let its truth tickle your rough spots and call you forward with a helping hand and open arms.
  • malfoxley
    Great show!
    LeAnn, host of the Wholly Human podcast, highlights all aspects of feeling complete in today’s world and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • EricaBushwell
    Awesome podcast!
    LeAnn, host of the Wholly Human with LeAnn Rimes podcast, highlights all aspects of health, wellness and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • BookBoy33
    Visibility Matters
    Being your genuine self really matters. And LeAnn Rimes has found the space to be her genuine self. She has made some very public missteps. Most of us are fortunate that our mistakes aren’t on the cover of People Magazine. And the most beautiful part of LeAnn Rimes, she has allowed the messy way her life came to fruition to become a wholeness that we can all admire. This podcast is beautiful. It is raw. And it allows people like me… people who are spiritual and thoughtful and also ambitious… to see someone else who can make a mess a message. Thank you LeAnn! Can’t wait for more!!
  • MelissaAaron
    Spot on
    I’m absolutely blown away by this podcast. It is the perfect balance of self help and spiritualism. LeAnn is the best!!
  • WokeListener
    Compelling listen
    I don’t particularly subscribe to the level of self help and new age spiritualism that is expressed in this podcast, however, it seems to be genuine in the sharing of experiences of those involved, which makes for a compelling listen.
  • CC412
    Finally a great podcast!
    I’ve been looking for a great podcast for months and this is it!! It’s real, and great topics. Plus, it has clear audio! Most podcasts seem very self absorbed, but I feel very aligned with her journey and it feels like we are on it together. Her vulnerability is so refreshing and honest. 🎈🎉
  • joipatsteal
    Yes! This podcast is making me think differently...
    I have loved this podcast. I am less than half way through the episodes. It has changed the way I react to difficult situations. It is cool to me because I think you, LeAnn, and I are around the same age so I “knew you” from my adolescence. It’s very uplifting and inspiring that a famous person from my own timeline is stepping out in this way- bettering herself and those who want to better themselves. Thanks for being vulnerable, honest and totally yourself. Happy to have found this. Keep it up! So will I! Joy
  • JackDaddy8
    Matt Kahn on Leading with Love
    I haven't had too much exposure to LeAnn Rimes and my friend recommended it. OH MY! The conversation they had was absolutely gorgeous and exactly what I needed to hear about self love and compassion for ourselves and all. When LeAnn shared her chant at the end...it gave me chills and brought me to tears. Thank you.
    I would give Ten Stars if I could
    This podcast is enlightening, accessible and approachable. Cutting edge healing and awareness experts sharing their gifts. Thank you for sharing their gifts and your own journey with all of us.
  • Steph Spreading Love
    Love this podcast. So insightful and learning so much ! Grateful
    Thank you for sharing with us your curiosity. Your desire to learn. All the great souls you are talking to. I love the music question I ou ask everyone at the end of the interviews ! It’s fun. I look forward to learning more together and it fills my soul to be able to have a place to dive into these ideas that I love so much 💓
  • CityGenesis
    I asked God to help me grow, And it started to rain.
    LeAnn has a point of view unlike any other. That’s a fact. And she’s providing discourse on an important topic, the human experience in all its complexities, and adding insight to the discussion. Life is about living and learning. And life is also about helping each other. With this podcast LeAnn is tapping into exactly what is always on our hearts and minds. Understanding who we are and our relationship in the world is at the heart of what brings us peace. We are all a part of the body of Christ with different strengths. We are all here to help each other grow and we are blessed to do so.
  • sherrre
    Nice podcast
  • AmyEliz333
    Excellent choice of guests and meaningful discussions. The episodes are the perfect length for me to listen on a walk or lounging at home. LeAnn allows her guests to shine and share their stories.
  • Cubwoof
    Didn’t know how much I needed this!
    I have been a fan of LeAnn’s for a lifetime and being able to dig this deep into her world has been so uplifting and transformative. I look forward to this podcast every Monday morning when I do my jog. It’s been an amazing way to set up my week and to deconstruct what I have been holding onto and let it go. Thank you for making these topics accessible to everyone. Namasté
  • Shineyourligjt
    Thank you!
    Thank you for this podcast. I am on quite a journey right now and without this podcast and your guidance I don’t know where I would be. Love this podcast and look forward to it every week. Keep spreading your love and light. 💫
  • dnfje
    Taking advice from a mistress ?
    I don’t take advice from a cheater. Yuck
  • nm12543
    Hard to focus because of play back speed
    This is such a powerful message. It’s difficult for me to listen to because it sounds like it’s recorded and then sped up in playback. It’s really difficult to focus when the voices sound this way
  • Steve Sza
    These are so very well done!! They will keep you engaged and are most informative! I’ve listened to each episode and some twice! I’m very much looking forward to more of them! Great job!!!
  • Atexun
    Major snooze-fest. No, literally, I fell asleep 1/4 way through the first one.
  • EmLeFay
    Another passé celebrity trying to remain relevant? Just go away.
  • iseeinframes
    Wholeness. Connection. Love.
    This podcast is a beautiful exploration of practices designed at healing, growth, and finding purpose through wholeness and connection. LeAnn guides us on a journey to loving ourselves by connecting us with people who have helped her tap into a mind, body, spirit connection. I love her soothing voice, the way she truly listens to each of her guests and allows the conversation to shape organically. The added bonus is that through her guests she has introduced me to new music - including her new album CHANT. 🤍 Thank you for sharing these special conversations with us, LeAnn!
  • jlewis336
    Way too many cliches and fluff reiterations of garbled self help. It felt like she never got around to making a point. Meh.
  • dopigvhjfry
    I thought Brandi’s podcast was awful. You definitely won the “worst podcast” award.
  • Ksera91354
    Thank you! 🙏
    I need this journey and am glad LeAnn is leading us! I admire the work she has done and the journey she is on and her authentic story that she so generously is sharing with us.
  • Soberlunatic
    How can a woman who betrayed other women help make me “whole?”
  • Soph F. Is in the house
    So heartwarming
    LeAnn Rimes gives us her most vulnerable self in order to give us advice on how to become more whole in our own lives. You can tell she put her heart and soul into this and really cares about the well-being of others. Such a beautiful gift she has given to us.
  • z de s se el b💾 cc
    D d s
    D dthe D ddd. D seiogurt📀💿 s of Sox ex as A Wc Cz🖲 six lo le
  • kdlittle04
    Always loved LeAnn
    I fell in love with LeAnn when we were young girls, and I first heard her sing. I grew up in a very abusive home, and I would escape to my room and pretend I was her when i would listen to her music. As we both grew, I focused on my military service, and kind of forgot about the escape of her music. I was sad to see her blasted all over the internet like everyone else was saints and she was the only sinner. But it brought me back to watching her progress. I too learned about breath work/yoga/addressing your past. LeAnn, it is an absolute joy to watch you on this journey. Your vulnerability is literally a breath of fresh air. You have evolved into someone who cannot be broken, because you know who you are...thank you for doing the work, that brought me back to you, and for sharing this journey on this platform. It makes my commute to work, far less anxious. Your voice is soothing, and your knowledge relatable. Congratulations on creating your podcast 💚
  • celinelovef
    Thank you!!
    Hi!! LeAnn, Thank you for this podcast it’s really inspiring to me. I just started watching it today and I love it. And I am 18 years old but I love listening to you. I have had worry thoughts and dark days in my life lately. And since I found this podcast it’s helping me so much!! So Thank you! I also love your music and it’s helped me so much in my life. Please keep making music/ writing songs and doing podcasts they are so great and relaxing. have a peaceful day!! Hugs& kisses, huge fan Amelia❤️
  • d.kilcollins
    Worst podcast I’ve listened to in a long time. She likes to hear herself talk
  • Lynette from USA
    LovE, LovE, LovE this podcast !!!
    Hi Leann, You speak so honestly straight from the heart. This is by far the most engaging series I have ever listened to and look forward to more xxx
  • truelies1111
  • Becky6583
    Really Enjoyed!
    Love the vulnerability that you are willing to share. Thank you!
  • dead presidenrs ru
    Stumbled and fell in love. And the music..wow🌻🦚🌸
  • Bananapanic
    Why would you listen to this?
  • Angie in Ohio
    So Great!!
    It’s been great being reintroduced to you. Your performances on The Mask was incredible . I stumbled upon your podcast and you are so eloquent. Keep singing keep doing your podcasts! You have a fan here!
  • Ginker84
    Love love it
    Couldn’t walk away from the talk. And really love the songs. Thank you LeAnn!!!
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