Unjust & Unsolved


The Innocence Project estimates that there are currently over 20,000 innocent people locked away in US prisons. These cases remain unsolved. Each week, Investigative Journalist Maggie Freleng tells the story of one of those people and takes a deep dive into the crime they were convicted of. Through her original interviews with the convicted, their lawyers, families, and friends, Freleng chronicles each inmate’s fight for exoneration and their hope that justice can still be served.

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Recent Reviews
  • DeacRipps
    Too politically bias
    These True Crime podcasts could be SO good. Bit most of them have such a liberal bias that they don’t seem to be looking for truth but someone to blame. Republican or “conservative” DAs, prosecutors, judges… are berated while more wrongly convicted are in states with Democrat or “liberal” DAs, prosecutors, judges… but they get a pass.
  • misskristhepriss
    Miss Hearing From You, Maggie!
    I binged this podcast while at work, and love it! It’s inspired me to try to get involved in any way I can help! Thank you Maggie for your work! Would love to hear more!
  • atwistf8
    From New Jersey,
    Maggie, Let me start off by saying, I NEVER do this....unless I’m moved. Your narration of the house ‘pest’ I just listened to had me laughing out loud!! Yes, some, about the family moving into their new house, but mostly because of your clever and witty writing. Don’t you worry, you’ll be rolling in cash and success if you keep writing,if that’s your dream. Millions is awaiting for talents like yours, just be a slave to the work(although your work seems effortless), not to the money. If I’m moved by your writing, there are countless more. Thank you for the 2 times I listened this Easter morning while sitting by the beach eating breakfast. It was truly wonderful! You are truly gifted. I’m jealous, but appreciative to have stumbled upon your podcast! One of many fans, AJ From Florida.
  • Fdxgbhcd
    Love this!
    I really enjoyed these stories.
  • Meekoboo
    Important work!
    Love this podcast. Great journalism and investigative reporting. These are American crimes against it’s own citizens. So important that these stories are told and we are informed and educated. I pray all the innocent are released soon and actual guilty are punished.
  • Abbhevmad010305
    Love it
    I’ve listened to every episode at least 3 times, this was my gateway to Maggie’s talent and now I’m hooked.
  • kaybee817
    Riveting and relevant
    Maggie does such a good job telling the stories of possible wrongful convictions! She’s doing such good work for people who need it!
  • Penny D H
    Recently found gem
    Maggie I love the detail of your coverage. Your strong convictions of caring and wanting to really help others shines through all the episodes.
  • CaymanIlika
    Real journalism
    Thank you for your tireless pursuit of truth and justice!
  • Ellie49270
    Great listen
    Thank you for an awesome podcast! 🖤
  • Mmadonna3149
    This DB is a Fan!
  • Maryek63
    Maggie. Thank you for speaking the truth.
  • Taytay ray
    Just sharing some DB stars
    💫 💫 💫 💫 💫 ❤️
  • Ctina23f
    So Biased
  • KatyCorbeil
    Not only is Maggie brilliant, compassionate, and thorough, she is a good person. She fights for justice in every sense of the word. We need more people like her doing the work!
  • JulieD4678
    Maggie is an amazing podcaster and human. ❤️
  • Tollie527
    Call it Maggie’s Ranting. Everything isn’t racism. Everything isn’t police brutality. Moving on. Journalist. Yeah, right.
  • FrannyJM
    Listening to this podcast is a MUST. It was done so well. Thank you Maggie and obsessed network
  • lg&lg
    This podcast has done the work & now it’s our turn to show up.
  • JessHynes11
    Maggie is a BEAST! (In a good way!)
    First off, I love Maggie. Secondly, this pod is awesome and I love that it offers a semblance of hope!
  • Rach Dan
    I love this show and Maggie!
    I love this show and anything the Obsessed Network comes out with! Highly highly recommend.
  • radiantlyrosy
    Unjust & Unsolved
    The work you do is invaluable, thank you for advocating for these innocent people, and for telling us how we too can help. The title to your podcast is the absolute perfect summary. Thanks again.
  • TPMarMiss
    I love, love, love this and all the hard work you do for these wrongfully convicted people. Please keep it up! I will listen!
  • sea1114
    5 stars
    Maggie- thank you so much for telling these stories. As difficult as they are to face, you walk us through it all. Thank you !
  • Myblckwings
    So ANGRY- in a good way
    I’Ve been trying to avoid this specific podcast. Because not having a real resolution to these cases keeps me up at night. Now listening to these episodes makes me so angry. Because of the misleading evidence and the things the cops or lawyers have said. Ugh! It’s sad and aggravating to know that innocent people are behind bars just so the system can blame someone. Makes me angry, but I am hooked. I also have to say Maggie is gorgeous and her voice is alluring, and makes me want to know more about these cases. I think it’s amazing to take the time to listen to these stories to give these people a voice, instead of being forgotten.
  • Shell6262
    I’m a fan of her and I think this could’ve been great
    I’m not huge into constant bashing of racism, cops, I’m all about helping people that have been wrongfully accused. but it always boils down to racism it just gets to be too much.
  • Riverton Girl
    Maggie does an AMAZING JOB
    Maggie does an amazing job telling the stories for the wrongfully convicted!
  • melaneeee
    Love this podcast
    I knew wrongful convictions was an issue in our country and I usually would avoid listening to the stories because it hurts me heart so much, but I neverrrrrr knew how bad it actually was or how obvious it could be to everyone else that someone is innocent but they sit in prison for years. This podcast gets me all riled up and ready to volunteer anything I can to help those going through this.
  • LeahsBorders
    Amazing podcast! Everyone should be listening!
    Wrongful convictions are a massive injustice in this country, and Queen Maggie is bringing these cases to light and I am 100% here for it! Keep fighting the good fight Maggie, love the podcast! Thank you for telling these stories!
  • Voo Mama
    The Queen!!!
    I mean, come ON!?!? Does it get any better than Maggie Freleng? The answer is no. Just subscribe already and stop reading reviews. You're welcome
  • JMCpshw
    David Thorne
    Just listened to David Thorne episode bc I seen she made an actual series on it. This was a very good podcast, very interesting. Definitely hope David Thorne’s case is looked into.
  • 22hemp22
    Fact Check: False
    She gets a lot of her facts wrong. Disappointed cause it had potential. She uses her personal beliefs to twist the truth, classic tainted journalism.
  • DINARTnyc
    Love Maggie, heard about the show from TCO (true crime obsessed), love the show, wholly enlightening. I started the shows and couldn’t stop, am currently playing them straight through. I am so moved by these stories, and love that the Patreon supports these victims. Listen to this podcast. You won’t be disappointed. And if you’re an amazing human take action to support these individuals.
  • b3arl0ver9
    Wow so many unjust cases
    I am hooked. Here in my home town we had Daniel Villegas case and now it makes wonder how many more cases like this have happened. Great work and I like to hear from the people and the family .
  • WendyPdxGrrrl
    Opening Eyes
    This Podcast brings to light the injustices within our judicial system, which robs innocent individuals of their lives, freedoms and with lack of timely righting of these wrongs. This Podcast has brought even more cases to my attention than those I was aware of. Thank you Maggie for bringing these stories to light and giving them the attention they need. In hopes that this coverage in addition to the work of counsel which takes on these cases, gets these individuals the freedom and corrects the wrongs they have suffered. <3
  • Joshuausher
    Maggie is incredible!
    Subscribe to this true crime gem!
  • JenWW76
    Heartbreaking true stories
    It’s obvious how much Maggie cares about these people and the truth. I couldn’t get enough. Thanks for all you do.
  • AmyKimb
    Everything Maggie touches is GOLD! Through her reporting, you can absolutely tell that Maggie truly cares about these individuals. I am SO grateful for everyone, like Maggie, bringing light to these cases. Keep fighting the good fight.
  • Danielle@1985
    Must Listen
    Maggie does an exceptional job with each case!
  • Kevinr5
    Need more
    Need more episodes
  • Kerilynnrocks
    Weird Cadence when speaking
    She has a weird pause between every word. I don’t know if she’s reading it or if she actually speaks that way but it’s both distracting and annoying!
  • carlysigne
    my fave
    love the journalism, story telling, investigating, etc. definitely won’t ever regret listening.
  • Oooh That Nickname is Taken
    Didn’t expect to sob, but here I am…
    Binged listened to Murder in Alliance, so naturally I came here next. Quickly falling in love with Maggie’s work. Listened to the Ronnie Long episode while working & was uncontrollably sobbing by the end… I was a visiting room baby, with my dad having been in prison from the time I was 9 months old to 26yrs old on a case that should have been self defense & then my uncle who was finally exonerated after 17yrs for a crime he did not commit. Thank goodness for DNA (when it’s actually tested). So I’m extremely passionate about the wrongfully convicted. Listening to Ronnie at the end brought back memories of when they both came home. That man deserves far more than $750k for 44 years!! Omg that was infuriating to read online after this episode. I know each state is different, but my goodness that’s nauseating. I can’t wait to cry to more episodes, but more importantly to get involved & help in any way that I can. There’s too many that have the out of sight, out of mind outlook. Wrongful convictions could happen to anyone. Which means the victim isn’t getting Justice either!! Prisons are the modern day slavery & we have got to put an end to this. Thank you for the hard work you are doing Maggie!!! ❤️
  • lincase
    Awesome podcast
    I am so glad I found your podcasts I can’t stop listening! Thank you for bringing awareness. Our justice system is truly broken.
  • MyrraLani
    Please disregard the 1 and 3 stars that was submitted on accident. I give Unjust and Unsolved 4PLUS STARS
  • CassandraRamLoz
    Highlighting A Very Broken System
    What Maggie is doing is incredible. Bringing attention to these truly dusturbing cases of wrongful convictions is tough but necessary work. I hope more people listen to the podcast and get involved.
  • Stephanie 063017
    Love Maggie and her voice. Very good work she is doing.
  • DixxieBelle
    This young lady found her calling & we are the winners. I love all of her stuff, the MIA is top notch. She’s compassionate, down to earth, level headed & just plain smart. I can’t wait to see what she does next!
  • kimmylooloo
    Thank you for helping me!
    I found Maggie while laying in bed with COVID. I have binged all of Murder in Alliance and 4 episodes into Unjust and Unsolved. I found MIA through listening to Crimes of the Centuries (also a great show). I was reading the reviews and saw several people talking negatively about Maggie’s voice and delivery and I do not agree. Maggie’s voice is soothing, strong and very easy to follow and enjoy. I joined Patreon because I wanted to view the case file for David Thorne and it did not disappoint. I liked being able to see what they see when telling the story. All in all I am Obsessed with Unjust and Unsolved and Maggie Freleng, Thank you for helping me through this awful illness!!
  • tgiw21
    Unlistenable - host’s cadence is a crime
    SO PAINFUL to listen to Maggie speaking. Seriously. OMG. Never once have I heard a more annoying cadence - so DISTRACTING it literally prevents people from following her podcasts. I’ve heard this about the host’s speech pattern and inflections for a while now - thought I could ignore it. Honestly, it’s impossible. Why doesn’t she read the reviews?! Constructive criticism so she can get these stories out to more people. Her other podcast is even harder to get through. In fact she’s lost countless followers of true crime due to this weird way of speaking. She does good work and clearly is a good person but many of us can’t even get through Episode 3 of Murder in Alliance - she may be gaining listeners but she’s losing more overall. Wish she’d pay attention to this feedback so her audience would stick around for her impressive investigations. Such a bummer.
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