The Trey Gowdy Podcast


Trey Gowdy former federal prosecutor and four term United States Congressman from South Carolina brings his one of a kind style to the podcast platform. Every week you’ll hear original commentaries and power player interviews. Don't be surprised if his former congressional colleagues stop by from time to time as well.

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Recent Reviews
  • pandemicfool
    Frequent Flipper
    Not a bad podcast for entertainment occasionally. However Trey will jump on whatever bandwagon is popular on any day he wakes up. He will take Pfizer jabs until they get tired of giving them, and make others get some too! He will feel sorry for the criminal Joe Biden and if Trump wins the presidency, he will be there to lick his boot! Glad he got out of politics because we need strong men with a spine and he just can’t deliver that like the GOAT DT!
  • kyjenki
    Please engage in facts.
    Please listen to non Fox podcasts to hear people engage with facts. On non Fox podcasts, hosts read directly from the court transcript. It’s great Trey attended multiple days, but he did not present evidence from testimony while discussing the trial.
  • Linwall1
    Has a dangerous precedent been set?
    Our courts should never be the venue for a political debate. Based on your description the court involved in former Pres Trump’s trial is guilty of rank bias, of putting politics ahead of justice. Our country cannot long survive that sort of manipulation. Thank you for your analysis.
  • Gr8Call
    I used to really respect this podcast, but…
    Listening to your podcast, I was struck by the inconsistency in your approach. You criticize all Republican challengers to Trump for not clearly articulating how they are better or different, yet in a one-on-one interview with Tim Scott, you only asked him softball questions. This made me realize that while you preach the need for policy delineation, you fail to press candidates for those very answers. Fast forward to the guilty verdict for Trump. You dedicated an entire episode to questioning the judge and his rulings but have not addressed the lack of integrity shown in the highest court or the significant delays by Judge Cannon in Florida. This lack of balance makes it clear that you are no different from the talking heads on both sides. You had me fooled into thinking you might bring integrity back into political commentary, a light in the darkness. I do enjoy your non-political commentary and will continue to listen for those insights. However, I'll avoid episodes where objectivity is absent. It's disappointing because I really hoped you could break the cycle.
  • toughminded
    Trey, as one who has an appreciation for sarcasm, I will miss your sarcastic remarks. 😥😂
  • naval person
    Enjoy your podcast but what is baked spaghetti? You could explore Southern cooking more.
  • NASCAR_Follower
    A Prosecutor's Handbook
    Trey, great podcast into the insight of a state district attorney. 9k warrants vs. 120 trials, the math doesn’t work.
  • Murraygirl
    Shirley king
    Wonderful podcast about Bert. Very touching. 😊
  • CWP-retired
    Thank you for all your podcasts. They are always interesting and well done. Great guests and wonderful conversations.
  • RH Reader
    Gowdy & Chaffetz
    Bravo, what a terrific podcast, I have heard the two of you before on one or the others. You guys could pack venues if you ever decide to go on tour with your stories of your friendship from Congress. Thank you so much.
  • hawkeye fan #1
    February 15, 2024 pod
    Trey, I love your podcast and they way you present questions that make me think about what I stand for, my values and why. Thank you. I agree with the fact you say the spouse of candidate should not be past of the Trumps mouth. Also Nikki’s 21 yo son should call Scott names, but then you went on and on about a 21 yo mistake… really. I know you can do better.
  • Winnifred165
    One of the two
    I listen to your podcast and read your books🙂 Also, a fellow introvert👋🏻
  • kicjj2
    Trey Gowty
    Where do I submit a question?? I seem to always have one. Thank you both.
  • South Florida Traveller
    Of those to whom I much is given...
    Jj feed Gowdy: I am very jhope you’re enjoying “retirement,” but hope, more stridently, you consider returning to office. The country needs you and specifically your blend of bedrock common sense/work ethic/trial lawyer’s commitment to preparation/h@...I have a son heading to Erskine College in the CD fall and I’m going to have him start listening to your podcast. You and I think alike, but kids don’t listen to their dads...thanks for your service and the enjoyable podcast. $ Sincerely, A south Fla trial lawyer s ehtu hg I’m
  • YuriGri
    Truly great !
    It’s truly a blessing to hear to Mr. Gowdy podcast ! It’s just sad that he retired from Congress !!! Also, I wished he had podcast more often ! Great job !
  • DisappointedBinx
    I would like to delete this podcast
    I would like to delete this podcast. A major disappointment recently.
  • JJScott d
    I love this podcast
    Thank you Trey for an amazing podcast. And I love Tim Scott and I’m going to support him for president.
  • Nae177
    If you’re tired of the flame throwers . . .
    . . . Check out Trey’s podcast. Thoughtful analysis and commentary from someone who knows well how things work: politics, the justice system, and golf. I don’t care about the latter but the rest of the content is worth it.
  • Texasjaybird60
    Comments on Alex Murdaugh case
    I did not follow news on case but thought Gowdy did a great job talking about justice system in general in recent podcast. Great the rich and powerful held to same standards as the rest of us
  • drsca
    Thank you Trey love your show but
    Just wanted to let you know that I skipped everything that had murdaugh trial in the description I am protesting the amount of attention that trail got
  • BaylorDrug
    A lighthouse
    Outstanding program; why I listen-The question that is unanswered, Nikki Haley at The UN - was RIGHT on Russia……to no avail You would think they would not want to lose her , but they let her go . Combat arms is not going alone at state- combined arms win.
  • Bingiel
    Great podcast from a great man
    Trey is a very thoughtful thought invoking man I really enjoy the Q&A’s and he’s really missed in the congressional realm I’m sure he had a great reason for leaving , hope he has thoughts of returning at some point because a great mind like his is needed in the halls of congress
  • there is no name not taken
    Mary webb
    I listen to Trey each time he has his broadcast. Tues/thurs. I think it is unfortunate that he is no longer in the white house!! I find his comments as very thoughtful and provoking. I also watch Sunday evening on fox Sunday ! He is very modest, but I think underlying he is an excellent commentator and lawyer!!! Today he had a Democrat politician on. The man may be a great person, but still Democrat. We need republicans a week before vote!! Turned him off Today he had Dan Crenshaw who is a hero from the military! As well as a man who has thoughts like the common voter. He recently was re-elected!!!! Yay TEXAS
  • abp4567891234
    Are you familiar with CFSY (campaign for fair sentencing for youths)? Please consider interviewing.
  • Buttermilk Buzzard
    Love the podcast, but....
    Dude, I love the podcast, your knowledge and insight...however, the hard “S’s” that you’re hitting when you talk is killing me. Please invest in a “De-Esser” or EQ those frequencies down. Sounds like Herbert or whatever the old man’s name is on “FAMILY GUY.” This is my only complaint.
  • Sage551
    Trey Gowdy is like “an old soul.”
    I love listening to Trey Gowdy’s stories. It’s like listening to my (long-gone) grandfathers. I’m 72 years old. Sounds to me like Mary Langston has a crush on Trey. Eh, if I worked for him, I probably would have a crush on him, too.
  • Walter's Person
    Dan Crenshaw
    I am weary of the flame throwers that seem to dominate politics & airwaves. Your interview was a welcome reminder to be on guard against my own flame throwing reactions cloaked in righteousness. God bless you & Rep Crenshaw.
  • Mad Mimi 65@$
    True Threat to Democracy
    Trey, this commentary was one of your BEST! It makes me sad again that you left Congress. My hope and prayer is that these words will be shared millions of times. Everyone should hear them. Everyone. ☀️
  • Anne Custer
    Trey Gowdy
    I find Trey Gowdy’s podcast to be entertaining as well as educational. He is very intelligent and a bit humble. I enjoy the smart conversation between him and his guests. Also, I like that he always appreciates what his guests have to say.
  • Fraziet
    Are you right-handed or left???
    Did you seriously just take 6 minutes (I backed it up just to check) to not answer the question? Once an attorney…. Always an attorney. Hahahahaha! This made me laugh out loud literally. It really wasn’t a trick question. Always enjoy your show! Have a great day!
  • GoodGriefToadie
    Mullin interview
    Loved your interview with MarkWayne Mullin. So fun and funny, and I also learned things I didn’t know about him. Good to know he’ll root for OSU during Bedlam. I won’t be as generous in supporting the Sooners with their other games though. The part about January 6 was fascinating. Thank you for talking about that!
  • TravelCorner
    Solid Legal Analysis
    Wonderful, thoughtful commentary in every episode.
  • chbrreed
    BYU Duke Volleyball Game
    Trey needs to educate himself on the story before giving commentary. I was excited to listen to his podcast for the first time, but was very disappointed.
  • dont cancel us
    Was Mr. Trey at that Provo volleyball game? Thx for pod. Just helping “The Referee”. Rich
  • AubreyB
    Duke v BYU
    Do your research. The racial slur was never even made. It was a false allegation that has been proven false. It NEVER happened. Maybe talk about why it was covered heavily when the allegation was made but never reported on when proven false. False allegations should be punished because they devalue true victims.
  • FreddyJns
    At least check the facts
    After almost a full week of the racial slur at BYU being proven false the least you could do is a little research before perpetuating the false narrative. Check will your FoxNews colleague Will Cain. Or give Jason Whitlock a quick listen.
  • LuckiSmith
    From the rank-and-file comes Trey Gowdy
    How could anyone deny the fact that Trey Gowdy, who came from humble beginnings, represents the potential wisdom, the intelligence, the wit and witticism of an ordinary, rank and file citizen. He represent the best of our nation. And I believe that someone from the rank and file, like Gowdy, will turn this country around.
  • SumlinLee
    Love me some Trey
    Really appreciate the drive to fairness. Keep that up. The interaction between you and Mary Elizabeth(?) is awesome. Great podcast!!
    Trey, I wanted to reach out to you. I wanted to thank you for all of your insight, guidance, and help along the way. I have listened to you for a long time and I have always valued your thoughts, as I continue to build my own understanding of our great country. Mary Langston, you have the sweetest voice. I hope you’re doing well.
  • baltimoreboy
    Trey, all I can say is u are a gentleman.👍👍from Greg O. In The blue crab state Maryland
  • FanofTrey
    Trey Gowdy
    Trey underestimates how good he really is. Love his Sunday Night show and his Podcasts, you are real and honest. Thank you sir for the breath of fresh air out of all the fog!
  • Pam In Omaha
    Intro song
    Trey and Mary Langston, I believe that this intro is part of a an instrumental that I’ve heard on the original TV production of The Stand. I have no idea who wrote it but that might be a way to find out who did. Pam Ishii A Fan
  • Phil & Patti
    Incredible interview gentlemen (think that ok for you both😉)….you have similar demeanors and your humility as both guest & interviewer is so refreshing! Thank you both! God bless you & God bless America!
  • Professional Yobbo
    Love the podcast
    Harold “Thanks For Having Me On” Ford Jr. is eminently qualified to be a senator. Has the filibuster thing down!
  • Sevesmom
    A 6 Star Interview and conversation
    Today’s podcast with Harold Ford Jr. may have been my favorite conversation Mr. Gowdy has ever recorded. These two great men who worked on opposite sides of the aisle reminded me why we hold out hope that civility still exists. I felt like I was listening in to their private conversation. My only complaint was that they didn’t talk golf. Please have Mr. Ford on again. It seems like he has so much to say.
  • KPL1960
    The BEST Podcat!
    Trey is a rare sane voice in an insane world. If you want the absolute and unbiased explanation of legal issues, this is a must listen too podcast!
  • robione_1
    Need more of it!
  • Aquazon77
    Jennifer Griffin Interview
    Mr. Gowdy; Love your podcast. Your interview with Ms. Griffin blew me away. So good! Please have her back at some point. I learned more today than I thought possible. No spin, just information. Thank you.
  • @WhoCares@
    Why not!
  • jfann57
    Robert George
    I listen and enjoy Trey’s podcasts each week. I have to say this is #1. Love listening to Robbie George. And I do not get the chance often. So Thank You! And Merry Christmas!
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