She Makes Money Moves


There’s power, especially for young women, in talking about money: how much we make, how much we spend—and how money impacts our identities and our relationships. She Makes Money Moves, a podcast from Glamour and Condé Nast Entertainment, is your invitation to join the conversation. Hosted by Glamour editor-in-chief Samantha Barry, She Makes Money Moves shares intimate, unscripted stories from women across the country along with advice from financial experts to help guide these women—and women everywhere—forward. Subscribe now to join us, as we help women raise their voices and make money moves.

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Recent Reviews
  • EAChristee
    Confused Podcast
    Season 1 was great, I was looking forward to a similar-structured second season but it seems to be a random topic every episode- there’s no commentary on how the listener can apply the discussion to enhance their finances.
  • DeeCeefromBos
    First season was great! Now, huh?
    As others have said, the first season featured excellent advice for managing different aspects of your finances (investments, salary, buying property, etc.). It featured practical suggestions, and they were good about considering different financial situations. This new season, I have no idea what happened. It’s just silly, vapid interviews with random people no one cares about, taking about their jobs. It’s awful. I hate when podcasts do this with no warning. Change their format and shove junk you’re not interested in down your throat by piggybacking on a podcast you already subscribe to. This new podcast isn’t worth listening to, & I’m solely staying subscribed in the hope the old podcast will return.
  • treehouse50
    Been waiting too long....
    Have stayed subscribed in the hopes the season 1 host would return. No such luck. Bye-bye.
  • Smizz0106
    Great podcast!
    I love the point of view and information. Definitely good take aways from every single episode! Also, for those reviewers complaining about season 2...The Science of Beauty is a completely different podcast! It is just being shared to subscribers of other podcasts (this happens all the time to broaden audiences). Science of Beauty is fantastic too, just a different topic.
  • Ima listener
    A Must Listen to Show!
    Samantha's podcast is so engaging and she brings on some super awesome guests! I highly recommend giving this show a listen!
  • J-tillo
    So addictive, so impactful, so helpful...
    There is not one episode where I’m not taking something away that improves my everyday finances and lifestyle. No fluff, no gimmicks, just straightforward talk! I miss Samantha Berry and this podcast, I’d love new episodes.
  • Mscott555
    What happened?
    Once upon a time, this was a money podcast geared toward women’s empowerment. Now it’s a beauty podcast? I had to unsubscribe.
  • Badassegg
    What Happened Here
    I really enjoyed this podcast Season 1 and loved all the financial advice. Advice on beauty and improving my appearance is not the kind of female empowerment podcast I signed up for. This is disappointing
  • Carcidicono
    What happened to the podcast
    Season 1 was awesome and I couldn’t wait for season 2. I didn’t even bother listening to the second season when I realized the content was a completely different topic and host. I don’t know why the podcast changed so much but I unsubscribed. I would love a season 2 with a focus on finance again.
  • lalajuheb
    What happened?
    I don’t understand why the host was changed, nor why the information discussed as changed. Please bring the original host back. This is a waste.
  • Juni3B
    Please Bring Back Samantha B.
    The new hosts are cool an all, but she made the show. It felt more relatable,
  • glescher
    Bring back the old host
    I miss Samantha Barry. No offense, but the news hosts have a different dynamic that has completely changed the tone. It was a great podcast before but now I’m on the hunt for something new.
  • Jae Bird
    Insightful and empowering
    I love listening to this podcast to teach me things my parents never did. Every woman should know these things to grow stronger and create a path for others to follow. Updated: I miss the old hosts!!! It’s sounds more forced conversation now.
  • MauradingOrange
    Women supporting women
    Love the conversational tone of this podcast & feel like it’s helped me shift my thinking around personal finances. Can’t wait for the next season!
  • =}
    Great finance podcast
    I love getting all types of views on managing finances. I don’t necessarily agree with all the advise but appreciate the advice. This podcast covers great topics.
  • Imnotanofficer
    I love how they start every episode with a real woman and her story. I love that it’s breaking down the taboo of talking about money.
  • Chantelhowe
    You Must Listen!
    I went looking for a podcast on financial advice and lucky me! Found this one. I have been singing its praises ever since. I encourage women wanting to gain knowledge on how get their finances in order to listen to this show. I can hardly wait for Season 2!
  • clarkae2
    So informative and encouraging
    First, the hosts voice is so soothing and comforting that I just want to listen to her read the phone book! But the soothing nature of her voice is so reassuring in a podcast like this about finances, which can feel scary and overwhelming. I love hearing real women talk about their finances and the real tangible steps we can take to become smarter with our money. It’s super empowering as a female, as a spouse, as a mom and as an entrepreneur
  • Taylor Gillespie
    Can’t stop listening!
    Each episode has so much powerful information that will change the way you look at money forever! Thank you for all the valuable information!
  • dwick76
    Please bring back Samanatha
    I loved the first season with Samantha as the host. I listened because the information was great and her voice was calming. The two people in Season two episode one are more difficult to listen to... the calming voice of Samantha works because this is a subject that can make people anxious. I don’t know that I’ll listen to season two without her.
  • kms570
    Valuable, even when not applicable
    I can’t relate to every situation covered by the podcast, but I feel like I’ve come away with new insights/thoughts regardless. Some of the episodes have become applicable since I started listening, and I love having a resource I can turn to. Thanks for reminding us all that it’s ok to talk about money, advocate for more, and it’s also fine to not know everything.
  • EEJ19
    Great- Please Diversify Story Locations
    My friend told me about this podcast yesterday, and I’ve already devoured several episodes! I love the stories and the financial advisor support. One thing I’ve noticed, however, is that all the stories I’ve heard thus far are folks living in New York. Would love to hear from folks outside of NY for cost-of-living and geographical diversity.
  • Swethainty
    Few episodes aren’t working
    I love your podcast. Just please make sure that I all the episodes are working. I’ve been trying it for couple of days. There seems to be a technical failure.
  • Anita Inspiration :)
    Making Money Moves
    What an awesome podcast! No matter each person’s situation, there is something to learn for everyone. Thank you to Glamour and iHeartRadio (and all the guests and contributors!) for bringing to the forefront a myriad of stories and financial landscapes that can affect any one of us. There are many lessons to learn here and lots of helpful tips to use to prepare your financial present and future!
  • dijonchanel
    She Makes Money Moves
    This is one of the most relatable podcast for any and all women. I can relate to each episode/topic.
  • khalsey502
    A Must Listen
    It so refreshing to hear stories of real women with real debt and to know that we’re not alone.
  • Reviewer____42__
    Bandaid Advice
    I’ve tried to like the show, but ultimately the failure to address underlying causes of financial distress means that the advice given is about remediation. The final episode I listened to was about “Emily”, a “single” mom seeking advice. Emily went to an expensive college for a worthless degree, which her parents advised her against. She then switched to community college once she realized her parents were right, but she still had plans of touring the world as an opera singer once finished. Instead she got pregnant, but decided having a child wouldn’t change those plans. She was away 18 hours a day(!!) and left the father to take care of the child. Then when getting a divorce she somehow managed 50-50 custody, even though she was only home 1/4 of the day (I presume she slept at some point). Her daughter has grandparents that spend money on her, and she’s upset that they do, because she can’t. She also wants to set aside tons of money, including a college fund for her daughter so she doesn’t have to work three jobs in college. The shows advice is sound, in that they tell her to pay off credit card debt first, then save for herself over her child. However, this completely misses what got Emily into this mess and the advice they should give. Child planning should have been the main focus, as Emily obviously was not prepared for a daughter. She hasn’t been present for her daughter, and is jealous/upset about those that have been. Maybe you should’ve waited to have kids until you were ready to fit them into your lifestyle “Emily”, as opposed to shoe horning a daughter in. Maybe you don’t need to save for your daughter’s college because she won’t need to work three jobs to get through college because she’ll know not to have a child while trying to get a worthless degree to go singing around the world. Family planning goes a long way.
  • CamilleT86
    Exactly What I Needed
    Great show for women who want to know more about finances and money, taught by women who give their professional and personal perspectives. Love this show and have been recommending it to everyone I know!
  • bbop5493
    Rich Ladies Only
    I really enjoyed this podcast when it first came out. They had women with similar problems our family has. Then, after about the sixth episode of hearing how these women that are making $90,000 plus per year are “struggling,” I became a little irritated. The majority of women make $50,000 or less per year depending on location and position. I make about $25,000 in a healthcare administration setting and so do most of the ladies I know. The solutions they give for the “problems” are seriously common sense. Except for the parts about investing. That takes more time and effort to understand and learn about. Plus, I have not heard any stories of women who work minimum wage positions to help inspire those who are living in poverty. I am unsubscribing. I may give this a try again if they have some episodes that are more relatable to the majority of women.
  • Raychele Patrice
    Very helpful!
    Tiffany “the budgetnista” referred this podcast so I knew there was some value in listening. Topics discussed have been extremely eye opening and useful. Guests posses real experience/ concerns and the expert seems to provide great advice. I look forward to weekly updates and I’m always taking notes.
  • bebet2
    For rich people only I guess
    Don’t listen to this unless you want to hear successful neoliberals complaining about how anxious they are trying to “survive” off of $120k a year (roughly 4x the national average.) Gross. This podcast has very little good advice for anyone who is legitimately struggling financially.
  • NaperNancy
    Where was this 25 years ago?
    The title of this podcast should be “What I wish I’d known in my 20’s and early 30’s”. Kudos for creating an easy to listen to and information filled podcast. I’ve listened to several episodes and am recommending it to my college-age daughter as well.
  • alondra9999998
    This is the first podcast I’ve listened to that 1. DIDNT bore me to death and 2. Ive learned so much from. I look forward to listening to this podcast every week!!! So good
  • Raachdee
    Helpful advice
    I love listening to this podcast for helpful advice about saving and investing. The tips shared are practical and allow me to set goals. I look forward to listening on my drive into work!
  • Dmperry
    A real gem!
    This podcast is a rare find, and so well produced! I look forward to every episode!
  • meesh999
    Just okay...
    Some of the stories are great and provide lots of helpful information. Then there are some that are so pointless that common sense could help you through. Going to give it another episode before I unsubscribe.
  • Manda Z.
    Wonderful idea, shaky execution
    I love the concept of this podcast - women speaking openly and honestly about finances - but the format means women aren’t actually speaking to each other. They’re each going in to record their scripted and edited portion. The other issue is the subjects they choose tend to be pretty fortunate in that they have a lot of control over their financial situations. That simply isn’t the case for most people. So the weekly advice of “make more money, save it, invest it” isn’t that helpful to most listeners. I’d love to hear women speaking directly to each other conversationally about their situations, and advice that is more specific and detailed.
  • OntheUp&Up
    Interesting, soothing, encouraging!
    Love this show. Has such great advice and truly interesting stories. Sound quality is fantastic plus the host’s voice is so lovely to listen to!
  • Nanci C.
    Empowering and Educational
    I am really enjoying this podcast! As someone who has never been educated on handling money this is a great educational starting point, and very empowering!
  • svallo10
    Thank you for listening!
    I saw some of the reviews about the ads being annoying and too long and I completely agreed. I think Glamour actually took into consideration the reviews because when I listened to the latest episode, the ads were a lot shorter! It's nice to know our comments are being heard!
  • MissRyah
    Great Podcast
    Great podcast. Way too many many of the same exact commercials! They don’t even change
  • Free Jules
    Everyone Needs This
    Getting past the taboos of talking about finances is so empowering and a great catalyst to alleviate burdens of tackling money for women, especially now. Or if you’re a man and wants to gain insight, fantastic too! As a new graduate, I find this podcast illuminating. Many thanks!
  • Lydilop
    Look forward to it every week!
    I wish they produced more episodes than one a week- I love this podcast. I listen to it on my commute and it’s motivating and covers interesting topics and stories.
  • Emankcin777
    I sent this to my daughter
    One of my colleagues suggested this podcast and I recommended it to my daughter. We need more podcasts like this for young females.
  • Linyas
    Way too many ads
    Really enjoy this podcast, but three ads in a 30 minute podcast is a lot and disruptive. 1-2 is more the norm.
  • HollyGreen15
    Good but...
    I really like the concept of this podcast, but the ads are extremely distracting.
  • nadiaisthebestest
    Just found this!
    A friend recommended this to me and I didn’t think I’d like it as much as I do! Really well done...
  • mel_2612
    Great content but Ad are too excessive
    I absolutely loved the content and the material but dropping an ad every 90 seconds kills the experience of listening to it .. I understand as are necessary but keep it to a minimum plz
  • Kmj7156
    Short, Sweet and Meaningful
    The episodes are short and attention grabbing with real life stories. Most importantly, they’re tailored to women - I feel like I’m finally hearing something I’m interested in. I’ve enjoyed the first few episodes so much I called close friends and told them about it! Here’s to financial wellness!!!
  • Et c'est parti.
    Great interviews
    I learn something every episode!
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