A Legitimate Salvage (The Expanse)


Never seen The Expanse before and want to get in on the ground floor? Let some long-time podcasters, pop-culture journalists and Doctor Who fans join you as we visit—or revisit—one of the smartest streaming science fiction shows.Podcast artwork by Antony Johnston; podcast theme by Shahid Kamal Ahmad.

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Recent Reviews
  • mogli3
    Necessary listening
    If you’re an Expanse fan, this podcast is as good as it comes. It’s not just a stuffy recap. It’s insights and analysis. And I’ve really come to love the balanced perspectives, the commentary on race and gender, along with all the sci-fi nerd stuff that’s interspersed by the commentators. Good job team! I’ve already shared with all my expanse-obsessed friends. Can’t wait for season 6.
  • Kash613
    It’s like, you know, like, ok
    I listened to a the first episode and was intrigued enough to subscribe because there are simply not many Expanse podcasts. Unfortunately after a couple more episodes some of the vocal ticks of one of the hosts was too much to continue. The constant saying like and you know and some really bad explanations of or speculations on the episodes is just grating. If you can look past those things give this podcast a try. After all it’s not like, you know, like many others.
  • TheDudeNeverBowls
    I’ll keep listening because it’s like rewatching
    But that’s all. And then it fails in that a lot because they skip over so many important scenes. Mainly because they get in the weeds about the dumbest things. They worry so much about Alex neglecting his family without ever once mentioning that he is addicted to piloting spaceships. That’s just one example. I’ll digress. Anyway, I listen to every existing Expanse podcast, and this one is easily the worst of the lot. And it’s bothersome because these are obviously very smart people, but they so miss the point of some of the biggest things in The Expanse. I will still continue to listen.
  • GreshamGuy
    Ready for the Future
    Don't even hesitate. These folks are the best imaginable team to guide you through the incredible day after tomorrow that is The Expanse. Be you from Earth, Mars, the Belt, or the Outer Planets, you will not be disappointed.
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