

The best source on our cultural identity is not the official, historical record — ask any anthropologist, it’s the town dump. Ephemera — those things that were just barely saved, and in some cases not saved at all — emanate with secrets we can only glimpse and mysteries we can never completely answer. The stories may be unfamiliar, but the themes are universal; this is a looking glass, a window into our own fragile, material existence that begs the question, “How will I be remembered?”

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Recent Reviews
  • is rhis name taken?
    Please make more!
    This podcast stirs up so many feelings. A nostalgia for things I have never even known. A yearning to know people heard on a short tape. A desire to see things described that no longer exist. An admiration of people who preserve bits of “unimportant” history. I’m listening a second time to the whole series (ok,I skipped a few), and am enjoying it all over again.
  • babsoftheroundtable
    No. You can’t do this to me. This is actually the best podcast I’ve found. Can’t listen to it constantly bc it’s not that kinda cast. But, once a week or so, tune in for something wholly unexpected and thoughtful. The rang of topics is refreshing and I need more. In particular, I very very much appreciate the historical music episodes.
  • Fluffster Normalpaws
    All Stars
    All The Stars. Clap clap clap. Love it!!
  • Anthony Wilson
    What? It’s back?!
    Maybe my favorite podcast ever, but I thought it was done a couple of years ago. Every episode is fascinating.
  • jaydendragon
    Mostly awesome
    I loved the first season, and the theme of the show overall. It’s fascinating stuff for those who like obscure wonders. From there, I feel like the show has degraded in quality over time, content wise. The episode subjects have drifted away from what I understood the focus of the show to be, covering subjects that feel hardly connected to the idea of “ephemerality”. I hope that things improve.
  • miss cgh
    Generally excellent
    I’ll echo most of the positive reviews- this is a lovely and well produced pod. I’ve found myself intrigued by topics I thought I’d skip (synthesizers- who knew?)… but there’s definitely an episode here and there, more often recently, that I’ll skip through and not finish. But all the gems mostly make up for it
  • KSU22KCKCeast
    Great show
    5 stars
  • SueRovens
    Very Interesting Topics!
    I'm only part way through the second season yet I've learned quite a bit about so many things I didn't even know existed. The concept is great and so far, most of the subjects have been fascinating. Sure, every one isn't going to "be a hit", but that's just personal preference. The only issue I've had to this point is that sometimes I'm not sure who is saying what. It comes off a little muddled as to the when the host is interjecting commentary or not. Still, a good podcast and I would recommend it.
  • seth wallace clark johnson
    Video rental
    Great podcast! But how did you do a two part episode and not go into Redbox?? Those are still out there.
  • Lazy N Productions
    A good interview show…
    …if they would just let the interview be the focus. The podcast is over-produced to the degree that it distracts from the interviews and is near-unlistenable. Then, of course, iHeartRadio’s mandatory three ads every 15 minutes break right into the episode without warning, ruining any chance of success the extra experience the “soundscape” is trying to create. Some ad bumpers would be a good idea, especially with the shock and awe type of ads that iHeart tends to favour. I came here specifically from Strange Arrivals, which is produced by the creator of this podcast. Thankfully the soundscape-style is muted on Strange Arrivals (which also has ad bumpers), unlike on the “UFOs” episode of ephemeral on which this review is based. I won’t be listening to any other ephemeral episodes.
  • MissElla02
    Achingly beautiful
    This is hands-down one of the most gorgeously written and produced podcasts I’ve ever heard in over a decade of listening. It’s a journey for the imagination and the mind, and each story is lovingly told over a beautiful, high-quality soundscape of audio. I absolutely recommend this to every curious romantic for hours of emotionally-stimulating and educational listening.
  • Jconway1002
    The best kept secret in podcasting
    I just can’t say enough about how much I love this show. From the very first episode I was hooked. The vintage 1950’s home video which is so mundane was suddenly brought to life for me in a way I didn’t even know was possible. It’s made me so much more appreciate the ephemera in my life. The production value is beyond anything else I’ve heard and I’ve been listening to podcast almost every day since 2012! This is such a gem and I can’t tell you how many things I’ve come love because of this show. Top three episodes to date are: “self release” “acoustic fossils” and of course, episode 1 “Pilot” Do yourself a favor: put on some good headphones, grab a drink, sit on your porch and let this show transport you and inform you!
  • SideDishLongmont
    Excellent stories
    I rarely (which is to say never) write reviews but I feel so strongly about how great this podcast is that I finally felt compelled to rate and review. I’ve listened to this pod since its first year and love the theme and host. The stories are excellent and the host allows the story to be told, rather than dominate the dialogue and/or over production. The most recent pods about Archival records are truly amazing and helped me appreciate some lost music and style that would otherwise go unnoticed. Keep up the amazing work and I’ll keep sharing this pod with friends.
  • ManzyG
    Great show
    Love this show since season 1. Hope for many more seasons.
  • 86carr
    Losing relevance
    I enjoyed season 1 and was eager for season 2. Season two has lost value for the sake of diversity.
  • fjskekfic
    Second season- The second season isn’t great. It doesn’t have the same focus as the first season and is just kind of “meh.” I finish listening to episodes and think “wait, what was that about?” They just don’t stick at all. I only continue to listen because the first season episode “Reputation” is in my top 10 best podcast episodes of all time, so I’m hoping they come through again. First season- I’ve really enjoyed most of the episodes of this podcast—they are interesting, well-edited, and cover obscure topics. I feel like I actually learn something when I listen to most of these. There are a couple, though, that are just super navel-gazey. If you want to try this, listen to “Reputation,” which is the best episode, and then listen to the first episode, which is one of the worst. That will give you a good sense of the show.
  • MKimG
    Great show
    Love this show especially the episode acoustic fossils
  • LB19845
    The sound design is incredible
  • Ultraman Hayata
    I’ve listened to Diaspora seven times.
    What’s wrong with me? So excited for Season 2. Hard to live up to season 1.
  • Baffldovrit
    Perhaps because this type of audio voyeurism reminds me of endless tapes of my childhood, captured with no real purpose or intention, caught on a small cassette player, this is absolutely one of my favorite podcasts. Yes, I’m a complete eavesdropper & cannot get enough.
  • Nope Taylor
    Time machine available here - just step in
    This series transports the listener. I look forward to new episodes so I can escape if just for a short while. I also prefer podcasts episodes that are single stories mainly. Ephemeral will not drag the story out like the serials of the first half of the 20th century. Defiantly worth subscribing.
  • Brushrock
    Great start
    A great collection of fascinating, almost forgotten histories. I love the attention and care in which these stories are researched and told here, reclaiming their place in history and educating listeners at the same time. The standout episode is definitely Episode 3, Diaspora. I will say the bonus material is less great, so don’t bother with that. Looking forward to Season 2.
  • GerritElzinga
    Absolutely LOVE
    I absolutely LOVE this podcast. The fleeting idea of Ephemeral recordings is something that everyone should have knowledge of. I hope this podcast changes your life like it did mine. I think about it regularly, as it hit me deep in the feels. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
  • Susan Spring
    Emotional, Beautiful
    I’m overwhelmed with how beautiful this podcast is. It’s thought provoking and invokes such nostalgia. It’s about something I think about constantly as I age and watch my children and grandchildren grow older. It is so poignant to remember those important moments in our lives that are so fleeting through archival footage in tapes, photos, children’s drawings, recordings, letters, family handwritten recipes and journaling. We can thoughtfully pass on our heritage to those who come after us. I highly recommend this beautifully done podcast. You will be so happy you found it.
  • The Real Zen Boy
    Crafted with Love
    Thank You for your care and attention in bringing us hidden gems from our world throughout time.
  • Tony4@joe
    I am grateful for the opportunity to listen to this wonderful podcast. Ephemeral has opened my mind to every moment of my life past and present. Thank you
  • 72stingray
    Can’t wait for season 2
    This show really caters to my interest in pondering obscure topic. Really enjoy it.
  • East Bay Rider
    Like listening to 2 psuedo intelectuals trying to impress each other with infinite minutia and personal anecdotes. SNORE Good for background noise but something you don't mind walking away from while it's still playing.
  • MHarrisPDX
    A truly beautiful and unusual show
    Such a big fan of Ephemeral. Incredible audio editing, phenomenal storytelling, and everything one could hope for in a creative venture.
  • JLMiraldi
    I am fascinated by the past and by ephemera and I have found this podcast to be absolutely enchanting. I love it!
  • erikakor
    This has become my favorite podcast within two episodes, and imagine my joy when I saw there was a new episode available today! I find the subject of the podcast, endlessly fascinating, and has led to so many conversations with my family over memories, personal artifacts, joy, sadness and even racism and prejudices. Do yourself a favor, and start with “Diaspora”. I laughed and cried, and cried.
  • luvit1939
    I love it so much. Found sound and blasts from the past. It's like Fugative Waves on NPR before the Kitchen Sisters became propagandists. Keep on keeping on. Don't fall into the trap of going toward a political route.
  • Meerkatopolis
    Absolutely worth a listen
    One of the most riveting yet melancholic podcasts I’ve heard. Ephemeral has me aching for the past while celebrating the temporary moments we have managed to preserve.
  • Ash8787421780
    Aimed to a niche market, this will bore the average Jane to sleep.
  • 🤖🐧
    Excellent podcast
    If you like 99pi or Here Be Monsters, this is the podcast for you. I recommend the DuMont episode but they’re all great.
  • phaserbreakfast
    Bingeworthy, not cringeworthy
    Fantastic concept, flawless execution, and a truly pleasurable emersion without the usual trite podcast horse doo doo. Excellent storytelling.
  • Mogadeet
    Some gems; some tedium
    Some of the episodes, such as “Diaspora” were engrossing. Some of the others were boring. The episode on the Collyer brothers was well done, but the story has been oft told and the subject of many books and podcasts. The series is marred by unnecessary and irritating background sound effects. These don’t add to the story and make the podcast seem amateurish.
  • BurnTheTapes
    Life is Ephemeral is Life
    This podcast is everything an audiophile could ask for. Matt's involvement with anything is always a treat, but this show in particular has really inspired me in my own pursuits. Can't wait for the next season. The last episode made me tear up.
  • Rigssss
    There are so many things I could say regarding how this podcast makes me feel and the effect it’s had on me. But I’ll just leave it at this: this podcast changed my life. Thank you.
  • Rusty Rebar
    Some things go away for a reason.
    Nice 1st few episodes. But by the end I realized why some things are SUPPOSED to be ephemeral and fade away.
  • Kodiak drama queen
    My new favorite podcast
    I have long been a fan of how stuff works podcasts, but this is the first podcast that has completely blown me away. This is the first podcast where I have gone back and re-listened to episodes multiple times because they are so good! I have listened to “Reputation” 5 times and it still gives me goosebumps to hear Mary Gail sing. I can’t wait for season two!
  • John Willa
    Hits so many facets of good podcasting
    Historical, cultural, mystery, emotional drama and it’s very well produced to boot. At times it feels as if the team that makes this is desperately and successfully saving what has made us who we are today.
  • Eric Schnelten
    I’m hooked
    All it took was the trailer and I’m hooked!
  • br3353
    Count me in!
    I heard the introduction on SYSK with a Chuck and Josh and I’m listening to Episode 1 now. Count me in as a subscriber. What a great new genre for my podcast library. Keep them coming. B.Reese
  • Mortis
    This is AMAZING and VERY interesting!!!
    This is a really interesting podcast! Hopefully there will be MORE!!!
  • Janeway27
    A must-listen
    This show is both fascinating and beautiful. As a historian and archivist, I truly appreciate the look into stories that would otherwise be lost.
  • mary_moe84
    Can’t wait for more
    Each story/episode really sticks with you - reminds you of something nostalgic, teaches you something new, frequently gives you unexpected goosebumps. Loved it immensely.
  • Aging-scene-kid
    Ephemeral, i•fem’ėr•al, a. [Gr. ephemeros, lasting but a day, short lived—epi, and hēmera, a day.] Short-lived; fleeting; continuing or existing one day only.—n. Anything short-lived as certain flowers.
  • Light worker 73
    New listener
    Hey Alex. I’ve just started listening to your show, and love it! Keep it up. Looking forward to season 2. Thanks for teaching us.
  • silence_event
    Nothing is permanent!
    Love this show!!! I’m forcing myself to savor each episode and not binge them all. Great sound design, great theory, great topics, on and on... Please dont stop... anytime soon.
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