The Imbalanced History of Rock and Roll


This is a podcast that was created to discuss the humongous tree of music known as Rock and Roll. There are thousands of branches. There is so much information out there with even more to be learned. Together, we are going to have fun talking about our passion, the Imbalanced History of Rock and Roll. Between Ray and Markus, we have 50+ years of rock and roll radio experience and a thirst to know more! With your input we want to begin to balance the imbalanced. We look forward to connecting and sharing with you as we dig deep into the music. Proud part of Pantheon - the podcast network for music lovers.

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Recent Reviews
  • Kurt Shaver
    Great RnR infotainment
    I have been listening to Marcus and Ray’s podcast for three years. I really like this podcast for the variety of the shows (history, interviews, Top 5,…) , the research that they do, and most of all, their passion for rock and roll. It’s clear these two are old friends that go back along way. Their back and forth always seems so comfortable on the show. I hope to buy them a beer at the Crooked Eye Brewery someday. Keep it up fellas.
  • pbarn2000
    Another music history podcast ruined by regionalism
    I’ve given this podcast around five years to start really digging into the history of rock ‘n’ roll but instead all these two guys do - and it’s not necessarily their fault - is talk about things only they know about, and people they know about bands from the northeast. There is no research; there’s nothing else going on and they should realize that there are no good music history podcast out there and they HAD a chance to become one… For every Monserrat episode, there’s about 20 “random guy from a band nobody’s ever heard of since 1965” interviews. #unsubscribe.
  • Joeycaveman
    This is great informative music podcast
    The guys do great job with the research and bringing it to us in an entertaining manner. Don’t always agree with there top fives. But I have found new old music through them so I say thanks
  • Juleshajek
    Blue Swede not Blue Magic!
    Seriously? On the One Hit Wonders show they talk about the remake of Hooked on a Feeling and credit it to Blue Magic. Nope, Blue Swede. Couldn’t have fixed that in post? Worse that they did it in the first place.
  • BryanCUFF
    Poorly researched but occasionally fun
    The hosts of this show frequently get basic facts wrong. While i frequently find myself wanting to correct their mistakes I still find myself going back to this podcast. There are definitely better music history podcasts out there but this one will do
  • Joebernoli
    Great show
    I got a late start with this podcast but have been steadily knocking them down and have finished off the first year (2019). I got a few chuckles at Marcus's subtle reference to Fletch in the 2019 Christmas episodes. I've learned quite a bit from these two and enjoy their takes on the music. Keep up the good work boys! I look forward to catching up to the latest episodes as I make my way through all the ones prior.
  • C02Y73
    5 stars
    Great content, fun subject. The eps on Jamaica and the delta blues are my favorite so far, please keep it up. I could swear Ray was Jeff Bridges by his voice, ty for the education on the Cramps, am going to drink up all I can find on them. Lastly I was at Ocho Rios Jamaica October to November of 21 and every thing was amazing except I heard no ska and very little reggae. Very disappointed.
  • Cannella67
    Great content
    I just listened to your episode about the day the music died. I will be listening to many more. You guys do a great job. I’m a rock ‘n’ roll trivia and early rock ‘n’ roll geek. This is good stuff.
  • msrosie4
    Thank you
    I’m a little late to the podcast craze. Working as a nurse during Covid has been really stressful, so I started taking long walks and listening to podcasts. I’m a huge music lover. Mostly 60’s and 70’s music . First day found Christian Swain. After devouring all of rock ‘n’ roll archaeology and deeper digs, I stumbled across the Imbalanced History. Markus is the Darkus and Ray Koob are super knowledgeable and fun to listen to. I learn something new every episode and wish I was sitting in the same room to chat with them.
  • romanoj70
    Imbalanced history of rock
    I listen to both of them in Philadelphia on WMMR. They know their music. We are learning more together as this goes on.
  • pchamber
    JDM 50 Anniversary
    Thanks for bringing back some great memories!!
  • Durst98
    Audio kills the production.
    It has potential but can we stop with the over-compression? Completely destroys the show. Lossy file compression creates noise from pumping audio compression and limiting. Baaaad, not pro.
  • JefeTanejo
    Best Rock and Roll Podcast Out There
    Every episode is well researched and a fun trip down memory lane. Two great like minded fans of Rock and Roll with different perspectives. Highly recommend.
  • Rverduzcoaz
    Learning so much about Rock!
    Been listening for about 2 months and am almost caught up with 2 years worth of rock and roll history! Ray and Markus have a great chemistry together. Love the 5 fave segments and love learning about all the family trees of so many incredible artists and bands. Made my commute so much more interesting!!
  • Aegpoole
    So Cool
    Love Rock and Roll!
  • Paul Schlimm
    Always Something New!
    Ray and Markus put on a good show. They do a lot of research, and I learn something new every episode. The production and presentation are first rate, too! Give it a listen.
  • Heath The Awesome One
    ZZ TOP
    It’s it’s pronounced “Green” Hall. The town of Gruene Tx and Gruene Hall is pronounced “Green”..... everything else is pretty good
  • frogcalderon
    Not even 7 minutes into my first episode, i’m hooked. Heck yeah! Awesome content. Great delivery. 🙌🏽
  • sat8s
    Open Minded
    I love their open minded approach. They are humble and ignore any critics who say they are light on research. That’s just someone who wishes they had the cool idea to do this podcast. Rock on PHILADELPHIA!
  • scottmc59
    Weak on research
    I enjoy the first two or three podcasts from these guys about bands I didn’t know much about. Then I listened to their Alice Cooper episode. They got so much wrong and skimmed over some of the best parts. They showed up at 7am to audition for Frank Zappa but the forgot to mention that it was scheduled for 7 pm. Guys, you missed the funny part! And the band didn’t split because of solo records. The band quit him because he got all the attention. He changed his name legally to Alice Cooper to prevent them from using the name which they all had legal rights to. I could go on.
  • sherrylynnerocks
    I’m loving this podcast!
    Check it out if you’re a fan of music! They delve into everything you would want to know about the imbalanced history of rock & roll. Ray and Markus deliver the goods! One of the best podcasts going right now. I’m looking forward to the growth of this show!
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