In Your Dreams with Chris Gethard, presented by Casper


What’s the most puzzling dream you’ve ever had? Maybe it was a fear dream, a love dream, a death dream, a recurring dream… or just complete nonsense. Ever wonder what it could possibly mean? Chris Gethard (Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People) and Gary Richardson are here to help you figure it out. On their new podcast, In Your Dreams, Chris and Gary team up to help you unravel the mysteries of the dream world.Listeners are invited to call (810) DREAM-68 and record the story of their most memorable dreams. Then, each week, Chris (an admitted layman) and Gary (an expert of questionable credentials) offer up their analysis of the most interesting dream submissions. Plus, some very special guests join in to help with the analysis, and to talk about their own bizarre dreams.While their expertise may be up for debate, one thing’s for certain: Chris and Gary are on a serious mission to get to the bottom of their listeners’ most puzzling nighttime musings.

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Recent Reviews
  • Mermaidva
    It’s great!
    I don’t really get why this podcast only has 3.5 stars on iTunes. It’s very good and I would definitely recommend it!
  • 44Karen
    Chris Gethard is a Genius...
    It is 2019!!!! Nearly 2020. Still loving this podcast. I love this type of humor. Wry. Chris has long time been a favorite of mine. I have always wanted to meet him and be his best friend! :-) The guests were all so funny and helped make this podcast perfect. I giggled a was a fun listen. The reviewers that did not get it, or were upset that their dreams were not taken seriously?....are you clear yet this was all for fun? And yes...Casper matresses are most excellent!! Bought one because Chris loves his so much!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Now back to Beautiful/Anonymous :-) !!!!!
  • HayleyKenny
    This is hilarious, I wish they’d make more!
  • Mis Misty
    I love this
    This podcast is so funny. I loved this type of humor.
  • megforyou
    Wry humor I love!!
    I stumbled on this, and love it!!
  • Taylorryay
    A bad look all around
    This whole podcast is a joke, seriously. It left a bad taste in my mouth about Casper mattresses and the comedians who were on this show. Incredibly cringey, and hacky, I’ll never get this time back. It could have been really cool if it was serious and not full of dumb jokes and fake fights.
  • noshedo
    I have never laughed harder in my entire life.
  • TheGrandMasterSpinner
    Really interesting subplot, start from the beginning
    Plot twist is occurs on episode 6
  • wagner754
    Professional and Measured
    I was skeptical at first but Gary is clearly trained to the highest level a person can be in the field of dream analysis. His expert professional analysis is a breath of fresh air in a sea of podcasts run by a bunch of phony dream analysts.
  • Ivan.S.Orellana
    Prime Gethard comedy. Gary is the best!
  • Relzin
    The Casper Sleep Podcast
    This podcast doesn't exist for any reason but to plug a sponsor. The whole thing is a joke, obviously, but it's the way it's pitched as a true dream analysis podcast, vs the reality of the podcast as little more than half-baked (and seriously unfunny) comedy.. that was the most frustrating part.
  • Just another d20something
    Ok, but there's better out there.
    Great idea but they did not pull through too well. Love Beatiful/Anon. I realy really like Dream Boat Podcast better as a dream analyis podcast. They're weekly and the hosts have better chemistry.
  • BrianZauss
    Chocolate milk is delicious, I don't need that type of negativity in my life
  • SFerrell
    Some Sort of Brilliance
    This podcast slyly inserts a narrative that had me hooked and engaged the entire time. A piece of performance art that didn't let up even at the very end. Committed. Funny. Loved theme song too. Totes recommend.
  • PandaAttack
    It's a joke, which is good and bad
    I thought it'd have an actual dream expert and a comedian analyzing peoples dreams. That would've been cool. Instead it's more of an improv comedy type thing. Luckily I quickily realized that so I'm not too salty about being lead on. It's a bit amusing once you get the joke. Even if the dynamic is amusing, I can't help but wish they actually got a dream analyst. The dreams are really interesting to hear, I feel kinda weird that they're using them as a joke because it seems disrespectful.
  • Butterflyfairyrainbow
    So dissatisfied
    This podcast is like listening to one long Casper commercial. It's really terrible and I typically like all podcasts.. I'm disappointed that this is even on iTunes
  • iG0ldfish
    Chris Gethard and Guests are great.
    Chris Gethard and his guests are good, but the dream analysts guy Richard is odd. No Jungian or Freudian dream interpretation but his own Richardsonian interpretation? He doesn't dive into what he means by trained expert. He took some classes? Sounds very disingenuous. Oh and according to Richard your a child if you like chocolate milk.
  • Ana5613
    Was this for real?
    Was this for real?? lol if it was supposed to be funny I don't get it. It was sort of funny but went too overboard? I was hoping for better. An actual dream analysis podcast would be really cool.
  • tornadoallie
    Unnecessary False Premise
    I was super excited to find a podcast about dream analysis, and honestly if they had just been straight forward about it being comedians talking about dreams I would have been totally on board. The fact that they marketed it as a serious podcast with an actual dream excerpt though just led to serious disappointment on my part. Half this podcast is either a bit about the background of the fake expert, or plug for Casper that goes on way too long. Dreams are interesting enough without the bait and switch.
  • Skristinrob
    Lost business
    Because of this joke of a podcast, I will never be purchasing a Casper mattress. This entire podcast was a huge joke and fake. I don't think any of the colors are real and the people on the show hosting and guest hosting we're definitely fake and the whole thing was rehearsed. This was a huge waste of my time.
  • Hate gimmicks
    Is this for real? Or some awkward sketch comedy??
    Gary is confrontational and so full of himself and so convinced that he is an expert but his analysis and expert opinions are so far fetched it MUST be sketch comedy. If so, it is still poorly executed. I have limited time to devote to podcast listening and could better use my time elsewhere.
  • Roxy L.
    One big product placement. Don't waste your time.
    What a convoluted way to advertise Casper Mattresses. I would totally try them out, but I definitely think lesser of them now. Still going to listen to E9 and continue listening to BA with Chris.
  • jpb138
    Improv Fun
    Big fan of Gethard's work, this was short and fun to listen to overall. Comedians just having a good time, I don't want to spoil anything.
  • StephanieBrigley
    I love the show beautiful anonymous I listen to it every week! But this podcast is just everyone arguing the whole time and guessing dream analysis. Awkward!
  • sarahck17
    Pretty annoying
    Tried this show because I love Chris Gethard's Beautiful Anonymous and thought it would be similarly entertaining, but it's not. It's advertising trying to masquerade as entertainment. Chris and the guests are actually kind of entertaining and that might have potential as a comedy show, but Gary is way too serious and takes the fun out of it. Sorry Gary. Also, I get that it's an advertisement for Casper, but the constant reminder about that is a major turn off.
  • sesquipedaliant
    I went through the process of finding my iTunes password to leave this review.
    Casper should give everyone $100 off their product for having listened to this overly-sponsored 'podcast'. Love Beautiful Anonymous and wanted to support the host on this new project. This is an attempt at comedy with overtly placed ads. Both Casper and the hosts are better than this project.
  • Ayeentee
  • CItlin
    This is a joke, and yes Chris and Gary are both in on it. I found it cute for most of the season but the last few got so aggressive it lost its appeal. They didn't execute the joke as well as they could have. Big disappointment.
  • Beeeaaaannnnn
    Absolutely Hilarious!
    I will never be able to hear the words "Huey Lewis and the News" again without going into a fit of giggles.
  • Lexsegov
    I get the joke, but no.
    Gary is cringeworthy and the rest is just so irrelevant.
  • gillian912
    Potential but Gary is awful
    Seriously. I don't subscribe to this, it has been in my feed hijacking another podcast that I do subscribe to. Something I would normally be interested in but Gary is combative and all over the place and generally annoying. Can not listen to this.
  • MMarieJuno
    This is Amazing
    Disclaimer: Okay I have only listened to one episode thus far--episode 2--and I cannot stop laughing. It's the kind of banter and comedy that can't be explained. It's like when you try to recount a story to someone else and you're laughing the whole time and they're giving you this look like whaaat? And you don't know why they aren't hysterically laughing with you... I don't know how you guys manage to do this without laughing the entire time. I'm a writer and I can't even figure out how to write why this is so funny to me. I suspect people will either LOVE this or absolutely hate it. Don't sweat the people who hate it. It's just hilarious. Keep making art--especially now.
  • jdrach85
    Cool concept, awkward execution.
    I didn't know how to feel about this for a majority of the time. I was interested to hear comedians and "professionals" discuss dreams, because they can be bonkers. It was pretty clear within the first couple of podcasts that there were no "professional" dream analysts on the show. After coming to that realization, switched to the understanding that these were just a bunch of comedians dorking around. There were a FEW funny parts, but not enough to detract from the obviously and painfully staged dialogue and continued assertion (albeit deteriorating assertion throughout) that "professionals" were present. I couldn't get through half of the final episode before completely checking out. All that being said, I still hope Gary got a Casper mattress out of it.
  • Zfgggdgetygjjtddfdr
    This podcast is genius on a whole new level.
  • Slayner117
    Only gets better as it goes on
    I feel silly for not getting the premise in the early episodes. Listen closely, and keep going through the episodes starting from the first. It's great. Chris and Gary have good rapport and the premise gets better and better as it goes on. Trust me, keep listening!
  • 123jani2235
    Quirky, more than it seems
    I've never listened to a show like this one. The show it is pretending to be is engaging and the guests are high quality. The show-behind-the-show is a lot of fun in a very wacky way. Not sure where they're going with it, but enjoying the trip.
  • Kickingcandy
    I wanted to like this
    Hard to listen to. Wanted to enjoy this because I love beautiful people but this just doesn't work for me.
  • Giraffe Lo<3r
    This show is silly and fun. A lot of these reviewers have no sense of humor about it.
  • aaugusty
    I love the way this podcast blends Chris Gethard's earnestness to explore people's intimate lives and Gary Richardson's top-notch and completely accredited psychoanalysis.
  • EC king
    Good Concept, poor execution
    I really hope this is indeed a joke. The fact that the show is sponsored by a mattress company makes me think the whole thing is a farce. If this is an actual show, it needs serious work. The host comes across as pompous and full of B.S. And in reality there is no real content.
  • srhlcf
    This is hilarious!! Thank you guys for making me laugh out loud. I listen to Beautiful Anonymous and enjoy that but this totally cracks me up. Great comedians improvising about analyzing dreams…. and doing it so well. Keep it up!
  • Dlwilson007
    Nice try but it's not working
    I listened to the first two episodes through Beautiful Anonymous (5 stars on that podcast) and I'm sorry to say it was disappointing. Whatever is real and whatever is comedy, it is failing on both accounts. I would give one star, but added a star for the concept, because whether real or a joke, it's a great idea. Just wasn't delivered. Good try! :)
  • Abbyiorg02
    Entertaining, trying too hard for drama
    At first, Chris was trying to out Gary for not being a dream expert, talking crap on him while Gary is "stretching" or getting a drink of water... promising to edit out those parts. Now while Chris is going to the bathroom, Gary confesses he isn't a dream expert? Ok, you guys are trying too hard to create drama. Why would Gary think Casper is going to give you a free mattress after admitting you lied to get on the show for a free mattress? I feel like Chris knew that already.. Am I going to keep listening? Probably. Am I annoyed? Definitely!
  • Girdwoodbarb
    Need New Co-Host
    Love Chris, love the guest hosts, love the premise, but Gary seems full of himself. He describes himself as one of the top experts in the field of dream analysis. I do not believe that he is even in the top 10,000! I am done listening to this podcast until I hear there is a new cohost and dream expert.
  • SynthpopHero
    legit laugh out loud funny
    really though, I listen to a lot of funny podcast, but this one actually made me laugh out loud. so good. Sadgirl1994 has it absolutely right
  • Naropa Institute
    It's humor, people!!
    Love it! I'm definitely on the sherpa track with this podcast. ❤️
  • Jenw523
    2 episodes in....
    After listening to the first 2 episodes I have definitely decided that Gary is a fraud and just wants a free Casper mattress. I am not sure why he leaves in the midst of the episode so that Chris and the guest can talk about him either. I really wasn't going to bother downloading this podcast but it's like one of those things, you know it's wrong but you can't look away.
  • Nelsg2010
    Not real
    I feel like everything they say is totally made up and he has no idea what he is doing. Plus there is a lot of arguing that goes on. Would definitely. It recommend this to anyone.
  • SkylerJune
    Is this real?
    I just listened to the 2nd episode... that was nuts. I mean, it was entertaining but for reasons that are not related to the topic of the show. Seriously wild dynamics between hosts and guests.
  • Steve123402
    Don't waste your time
    The whole thing is a scam. The co-host, Gary, is a fake. This is painful to listen to. Made it three episodes thinking they'd work it out but can't go on.
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