Ratchet & Respectable


Demetria L. Lucas, cultural critic and author of A Belle in Brooklyn and Don't Waste Your Pretty, muses on pop culture shenanigans, dating and relationships, and everything worth watching on any size screen. #ratchetandrespectableFor advertising opportunities please email: PodcastPartnerships@Studio71us.com  We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy

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  • missgeegee2020
    Stop with the excuses!
    We love you D. We have already accepted the podcast is gonna be late. We gonna stick beside you. Please stop opening every episode with an excuse for why it was late. Just keep that part and get on to the good stuff. Love you. Bye!
  • fe_niix
    On Point!
    A colleague shared this podcast with me for a recent train ride and I’ve enjoyed this podcast ever since! Demi and I are close in age and I find myself enjoying and almost completing her sentences at times. Wonderful to hear varied perspectives and opinions on numerous topics! Thank you Demi you’re on point!
  • Sw3$
    Always looking forward to hearing Demi’s latest shenanigans. So much fun. Thank you for good solid content.
  • Jreymorena
    10 Stars
    This is my favorite podcast! I love Demi☺️
  • 7LadiBugs
    Beyonce Is Not God
    she always goin off about something. Acts like everybody is supposed to like Beyonce.
  • Ashvoyage
    It's okay
    Podcast is good if you need something to pass the time. She doesn't really discuss anything of substance she just vents. When she reads ads she over annunciates and sounds like a robot.
  • caribqueen63
    Thanks so much Sis! I’m enjoying each one! I looooooove the Guilded Age too, loved your re-cap!!!💕
  • aye lord
    All of your episodes are must listens! The story telling is entertaining and captivating! Well done
    Here’s to another 500 episodes
  • Demi1982AvidListener
    Love Demetria
    I look forward to this podcast every time it comes out and I find myself thinking “what would Demetria say?” About topics of the day 👌🏾love
  • Dulce B12!
    Shameful Yesss!
    As a faithful listener, I can’t believe I hit the nail on the head with the couple that wasn’t pleased with your interview. I remembered when you spoke about it at that time. Bob & Sheila would have been too much for this episode…
  • Poem44
    No real aim
    This pod has fallen off. I used to enjoy the cultural and pop culture segments. Now it’s seems like a personal diary that poorly edited peppered heavily with ads. Not engaging or seems to care about audience retention.
  • Ctayyy
    Missing something
    I’ve been a faithful listener for quite awhile but I believe that pod is missing something. A production team mostly. It’s poorly edited, always late, and inconsistent in its content. Like many others noted, it’s way more ads than actual episode. The lateness is almost comical at this point. Demetria travels often and it’s apart of the appeal but I believe she thinks we care about her personal life. It’s almost like a diary and extremely offputting. Where this podcast shines is in it’s examinations of cultural happenings, the pop culture segments are where the gold is! But this chick like to tell her business. The fast forward button is your friend. I hope she begins to tread lightly on the personal musings and give more effort into producing a great podcast that explores pop culture in a relevant and meaningful way.
  • AKA Queen Mab
    Waaaay too many ads now, and too little entertainment commentary😕
    1) I'm 100% ok with some ads in a podcast — but not when they're running for almost as long as the content! It's gotten SO MUCH WORSE this year and is ridiculous at this point... 2) Hearing about Demetria's daily life is cool but, like the ads... there's way too much now. Please bring back more of her commentary on entertainment culture.
  • Mahlet
    More content please!
    I’ve listened to this podcast religiously since its inception. Really good stuff and a voice very much needed amongst the masses. Lately tho, the scales have tipped heavily toward more ads and less content. I get having to make a living but when ads take up almost half of the time, not only is it frustrating but it also cheapens the quality as well.
  • Ninasym77
    This has become one of my favorites
    Demetria is insightful, hilarious, and her ability to tell stories especially about her adventures are the best! Sometimes it feels like inner monologue and others it is like I am catching up with a friend. Join the odyssey and listen
  • Hdjbujcg
    The ADS!!!
    This has been my favorite podcast for awhile now, but the ads outweigh the content. An episode can be 42 minutes long, but the ads take up 18 minutes of that time. Episodes now feel rushed and incomplete. I understand that she is out of the country and I also understand that ads pay the bills; however, for such a great podcast it would be nice to have more content.
  • KPompey
    Good show, love the travel content
    Btw Airbnb has been giving a lot of people loads of trouble lately. I think I’m going back to hotels indefinitely. The company and hosts are becoming more and more unpredictable and sketchy.
  • Tyvito
    The hypocrisy…
    I remember when someone wrote in to say the opening “Ladies and Gentlemen..” wasn’t inclusive. The tone in your voice said “oh please..idc” when you discussed it. Then when you started saying “and all of those…” the very first time was said with your usual tone when you say something that you think isn’t worth your time. But nowwwww, you’re the voice of inclusion. Lol. It’s so funny. But as a avid listener, the hypocrisy is always front and center. Remember shrieking when the Queen died like it was Beyonce? Chile….
  • Fan o' good Syfi
    Awesome podcast
    Thank you for sharing your life journey in Ghana and black culture updates. It’s clear you’re doing what you love, and thank you for sharing it with the world! You already know this, but remember that people are more likely to complain than compliment, so for every bad review, there are 10-20 listeners who love your podcast yet never post :-) The 10-20 who never post are your true target audience and let the others keep it moving. UPDATE on July 29 2023 Also, thanks for being so inclusive because we need to be reminded that oppression and exclusion isn’t just something to be fought when it comes from the less melanated. We can be inclusive and still be authentically Black.
  • ccbylondon
    Just Go Ahead and Listen
    Demetria has always been one of my faves. Years ago I stumbled upon her IG which lead me to her books. Since then I’ve supported all of her work. This podcast is no different. True to the title, it’s the most perfect balance of ratchetness and respectability with a heavy sprinkle of travel. Add this to your podcast rotation today 💗
  • Buttaworth
    It’s definitely Rachet
    Horrible ad placements and seems like the topics aren’t researched but on the fly. This could be a good podcast but it seems like more of an obligation instead of something Demetria wants to do.
  • Sheedah's View
    Happy Birthday D!
    Happy Birthday Queen. Thank you for the podcast. I too loved traveling around Europe. Keep it coming.
  • roxythefoxy79
    Thank you. Thank you
    I'm so glad I found this podcast 1 year ago. I know Demetria's name from her days as a writer on a small publication. To be blessed 2x a week with her insights, humor and love of all things black brings consistent joy.
  • 08prettygirl
    We understand but not a good look.
    I am a day one listener and I wanted to share that this current episode is so far below the level of content we usually receive from you. I am one of your listeners who has no problem with late episodes or sometimes questionable edit’s because the content is always top tier. But I am honestly disappointed in this episode to the point I could stand to listen to the end. I was very excited to hear you speak with your friend and learn about her project. I hate to leave a message in a negative light but it wasn’t the best spotlight for your friend or you. I was a fateful listener during the pandemic when the interview sound was extremely questionable but stuck it out because you were doing the best you could as a one women shop. I know she is incredibly busy but maybe a retapping is in order? As a dedicated listener I always pray for your health, success, and safe galavantings. I will definitely be back after your well deserved and earned time for you!
  • berni2012
    Too many loud ads,but entertains and is sometimes informative
    There are too many loud ads,but this podcaster can be entertaining and is sometimes informative—especially about the backstory regarding how creatives get things done in the US entertainment industry. The loud ads, including those read in a louder, clipped voice by the podcaster, make me fast forward and interrupt what could be very enjoyable episodes. If the producers come up with a way to not have so many loud ads that interrupt the content so awkwardly,they will keep current listeners and increase the number of listeners.
  • JoJo ATL
    Great content but…
    Feels like I’m listening to one of my girlfriends for each episode. Only minor downside is that there’s literally ad breaks every 5 minutes. Totally understand that sis needs to get her coins but has more ad time than 2+ hour episodes that I listen too, this diluting the value of the ads. Is there a way to find a balance with content and sponsors?
  • KaiBoogie01$
    You Rock!
    I love how organized Demetria is in her presentation. The podcast transitions seamlessly; easy to follow. Keep it up! A breath of fresh air, a real one, a girl after my own heart. I’m so happy I didn’t let that reality show portrayal of you steer me away.
  • PrefHERred
    Long Time Stan
    Back here after a long time and just wanna say the theme music is nostalgic and exciting ❤️.
  • Khac17
    Praying for you to regain peace of mind
    I’m in tears as I listen to your story. No one should ever have their sense of safety stolen from them. It is one of my biggest fears, especially as a woman. Please take your time to heal and recoup. Even if it means ghosting social media and podcasting. Sending love and prayers from Philly!
  • Ebonia416
    A Favorite Podcast
    I absolutely love this podcast for so many reasons. I look forward to Tuesdays and Fridays to hear about what DLL is up to and to get her take on current events. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I am inspired to see the world!
  • Sokolati
    Sending you love and light and praying for you.
    I never comment and I'm a long time listener. Demetria hearing all that happened broke my heart. You did EVERYTHING right! Do not doubt that. Your audience is here for you and we love you.
  • TStith
    Good vibes
    I hope you are well after the entire ordeal. Know that it is NOT your fault. & you deserve to feel safe. You deserve to be able to rest and peace.
  • dew579
    I believe you and unfortunately been in a similar situation praying for you
    And your safety and wellbeing
  • M. Zizzle
    We love you! You are heard and deserve to be and feel safe
    You are in my thoughts and prayers… I happily listen to you as if you are my older sister biweekly. What happened to you is not your fault and you not deserve any negative pushback or energy regarding what that predator attempted to do. Shame on him and anyone else that blames the victim, you are a victim. I stand with you and love you as a sister from another mister!
  • pissedatiTunes
    We love you
    Take some time. We’ll be here when you’re ready ❤️
  • Tdardy213
    Thank you!!
    Thank you for sharing your experience! You have definitely experienced some trauma. People are stupid!! And unfortunately you have had to experience a lot of stupidity. Yes, you need some therapy and this is coming from a therapist. You need to get it ASAP. Get the support that you need. We are here for you!
  • H. Ark
    sending blessing, grace and good vibes
    heard you latest pod i hope all is well with you and give yourself grace about your situation and god willing you be better. god speed and safe travels.
  • Samwhite5
    Emmy Worthy Podcasting
    I don’t know if Podcasting is a category in the Emmys, but THIS podcast deserves an Emmy. We have been on a journey with Demi for a couple of years now and it has been nothing but genuine excellence. I would give R&R 10 starts if it were possible.
  • Jhas H
    I look forward to it each week
    I love Demetria and I love her podcast. She not only talks about what is going on in entertainment but current events and how they impact minorities and women. She also talks about her experiences and how they have shaped her and brought her to her current place in life and that makes her relatable. I’ve been following Demetria ever since her GMA and reality tv days and back then I liked her but this podcast in a way makes her feel as if she is a friend and this is just girl talk over some wine. And her choices of special guests are superb. Sending her much love and light during this difficult time. Just letting her know that I am one of the people in the world that is supporting you, no one should ever feel violated.
  • V.I. Vision
    Hello my beautiful black sister! I too am traumatized by what you experience. We have been praying for your safety and enjoying the stories of all your travels. Thank you for exploring Africa on our behalf. Shame on those women for blaming you for this experience. Many of us stand with you. We want you to know we love you! #SeeSomeSisterhood. Hello! My name is Audrey Lester! Thank you so much for reading my compliment and giving me a shout out. I really appreciate it. I wear your hoodie all the time! I live in Washington DC. While wearing the logo hoodie, a fan screamed out to me from her car! Shout out to all the fans in the Washington DC area!
  • Priscipline
    I’m genuinely tickled anytime Demi sings
    Demi is my friend in my head… real bad! She is a representative of all the “radical” ideals that I have for my fellow woman/man and those who don’t identify as either. Anyone hating should take a page from her book (literally or figuratively) and see some world. I’m thankful for all of her insights on her journey thru the motherland. It’s putting a fire under me to be in the same position some day and experience a culture and people that is so close but so far from the world I know. I am all the way tuned in.
  • Ash11236
    Her heart isn’t in it
    Ratchet is the shortest podcast I listen to, but it has the most ads. If you discount the ads, there’s probably 10 minutes of content. Demetria doesn’t go deep on any topics, just a quick overview. She doesn’t talk about what’s in the news since she’s no longer in the US. Since she's galavanting worldwide, I feel the podcast is inconvenient. A nice little check but not something she wants to focus her efforts on, and it shows. The editing is always choppy, she is late to drop, her prep work is all over the place(please get a producer), and she’s always talking about how tired she is. If Demetria put more effort and heart into the podcast, it would be amazing. She has a fantastic POV, and I enjoy it when she talks about her travels or what’s going on in her life. But like her short-lived YouTube, this podcast is going by the wayside. I had to unsubscribe.
  • Man61979011
    PLEASE don’t change the way you review your shows. If they don’t understand spoiler alert idk what else you’re supposed to do! You’re a friend in my head and you always have great recommendations. I’ll be waiting for the Snowfall review on Tuesday please and thank you 😂❤️
  • fanny dashwood
    A Must-Listen
    I really love tagging along on all your travels. And I love your takes on what’s happening in the culture. This is a well-rounded podcast and it inspires me. Keep up the good work.
  • SugarWugar
    This podcast is REALLY up and down
    I’m not sure what is up with this podcast as of late, but Demetria seems like she’s just here for the check. In a 45 minute podcast, 25 minutes is taken by ads. Then, the other twenty minutes are “hot topics” regurgitated from The Shade Room comments. This podcast was in the zone when Demetria was going to Ghana/was in Ghana. Not sure if Demetria could use a break, but I’m taking one! Blessings!
  • gymbarbie19
    Time Stamps.
    I wish you’d put time stamps on this podcast. As much as I enjoy this podcast, I listen for the hot topics. And sometimes you updating us on your life just goes on and on like. I promise idc about your life but I’m also not saying don’t update the rest of your listeners. Time stamps are must in these cases.
  • Jkylamom
    Don’t speak to her in public
    If your a fan don’t talk to her in public. She doesn’t like it and will enjoy trashing you on air. You have lost a listener. Not that you care anyway.
  • StylesK
    What Is This?
    Ratchet & Respectable has no format or purpose. Between the TV show & movie recaps which often have spoilers and the constant complaining this woman does, I don’t know what the purpose of this podcast is supposed to be. Demetria is over 40 with an unhealthy girl crush on Lori Harvey. I also find Demetria VERY condescending. She’s made some questionable comments about listeners who have shared that they are inspired by her & she in turn maligns them on various episodes. Such a bitter woman. The podcast needs a lot of revamping because listening to a negative Nancy complain & vent on poorly edited, ad filled episodes that have little to no substance is why I’m unfollowing & no longer listening.
  • always621dreaming
    Living vicariously through you!
    I love your take on life. Wishing you all the success and happiness, long time listener 😍
  • alicem110
    Good substance but...
    Too many adds and really poor editing, I'm not sure if she keeps repeating herself or stuttering or if the editing is terrible, or both.
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