Minority Korner


Are you easily confused by terms like cultural appropriation, cisgender, toxic masculinity, twunk, queer, black girl magic, and woke? Or maybe you’re tired of explaining terms like these and you need a community that gets you! Welcome to Minority Korner, where we take an introspective look at the world. through an intersectional lens. Join James: a queer, political, comedian, self proclaimed, sexy blerd (that’s Black Nerd) and each week he's joined in the Korner by another fabulous minority tackling pop culture, the news, media, and history all with a little self care, and self love sprinkled throughout! It’s time to Learn, Laugh, and Play, right here at Minority Korner- because together: we’re the majority! (Part of the Maximum Fun Network)

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Recent Reviews
  • jackitup
    Would love to listen to podcast while I’m driving but the volume is too low Even in my headphones
  • iKnerd
    I absolutely love this podcast, HOWEVER ADJUST THE VOLUME!! The volume levels on this podcast are just outright awful. Please adjust the volume somehow.
  • Waiting For Verity Willis
    What have you done to me
    I was listening to another podcast and the host started to say “pand-“ and my brain immediately filled in “emi Lovato.” Someday, I may find it in my heart to forgive you for that. Great podcast, though.
  • aosmitty13
    James and his content are excellent
    James is such a brilliant and entertaining host who brings a light to even the darkest topics while still educating people on their far reaching implications!
  • AJST1987
    You really will live, laugh, learn, and play
    I’ve been listening to Minority Korner ever since I saw James on the Black Panther Purple Carpet in 2018 and was like “Oooo who is that with that gorgeous smile?” 😂 Looking him up, I’ve found Minority Korner and never looked back. A lot of political podcasts can get hectic, but not here. I am always listening every week while driving and have a good ole time. James has really developed this podcast into something special, making improvements and listening to feedback. You can tell he really cares about making a difference in the world. Each week, he has a different guest on the podcast as they talk about different topics from political issues, to comic book movies. There’s never a dull moment and I feel fulfilled each week after listening. Give them a shot, you will not regret it!
  • Starfallz
    Good content but hard to hear
    I really appreciate the content of this podcast but it is mixed so faintly that I have to turn up the volume all the way to be able to hear it. :/
  • CB201900875
    Love it!
    This is a great podcast!
  • ethomas207
    Nobody makes black history more engaging
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for about 6 months now and I look forward to a new drop every Friday. James is amazing and has consistently wonderful guest partners. I have learned a TON of history, had fun listening to discussions on pop culture, current events and more. Kwanzaa 101 was outstanding. His 25 minute check in after the capitol riots was everything I needed at that moment. Feels like I have a weekly visit with friends who leave me better off than when I joined the conversation. Do yourself a favor and subscribe.
  • andyg723
    A shining light in these troubled times
    A very informative podcast that helps to contextualize the news right now. I’ve found myself still very stressed and listening to this podcast has helped me deal with that by providing actual information and direct actions we can take. A must-listen to any podcast library.
  • Erudy163827638263
    Great find! Needa mention the sound quality.
    Love love love the show! Have been listening without fail for the better part of a year. Super informative every episode. And yal are so sweet and charismatic, that it truly feels like I’m listening to a couple of my friends give me the facts on topics I wouldn’t have known otherwise. I wanted to quickly mention something on a technical level though. Something has happened in the past several weeks, where your sound has completely faded out in the apple podcasts app. Like I can’t even hear you at all unless I have whatever listening device turned up to the top volume(have tried in my car, with headphones, and two different sound systems). That comes with the problem of feedback and fuzz coming through if I have the volume high enough to hear your voices. I’m still listening every week, but wanted to bring it to your attention just in case there is an easy fix with the post production mixing. Seriously keep it up. Absolutely favorite podcast of 2020. I can’t wait to learn more!
  • 43Bex
    Informative, entertaining and fun
    James and co. bring so much. This show balances fun pop culture, serious discussions about current events, and history lessons that have been overlooked. When things get heavy, James and guests are good about sitting in it, then propelling the listeners to do something about it. They make it look effortless, but it’s special to have a show that looks at the good and the bad that doesn’t leave you feeling horrible, but, instead, empowered.
  • NoraSpaceAce
    More Disabled Folks, Please!
    A truly excellent podcast, fun and engaging! My only issue is how little disability rights are talked about. Given the fact that we’re in a global health crisis atm I’m surprised we haven’t heard an episode addressing anything from a disabled perspective in recent months. Voter suppression via inaccessibility, healthcare, and day-to-day casual ableism all can and should be addressed by disabled activists on this podcast. Please don’t forget us! Still giving y’all five stars because I truly do love this pod
  • 2Stepha
    Great history lessons
    I love how this show compares what is going on now with things that have happened in the past. I have learned a lot, and love that. The host James is great. One thing that is kind of irritating though is when Nnekay is on, she interrupts and talks over the host a lot. At first I thought that it was a problem with the audio’s timing, but I’ve noticed it on multiple episodes.
  • Therapy Junkie
    Literal Therapy!
    I recently started listening to Minority Korner and LOVE it. I’ve been wanting to educate myself on black history and current events, but every source I tried overwhelmed and depressed me in a huge way. MK has the perfect blend of levity and gravity to help me face hard truths about my culture and belief systems. Because, get this! Bouncing back and forth between happy, playful emotional spaces and painful, heavy ones is a therapeutic technique (somatic experiencing) that allows one to process difficult concepts without feeling existentially threatened by them. Thank you for pulling me out of my one-note ignorance in a way I could handle!
  • Grace E. H.
    Wonderful, important, and educational.
    I started listening to Minority Korner recently and it has been really important to me. Thanks to MK and other resources and creators, I’m learning about history I never knew happened and the realities of life in my country. I love this podcast SO MUCH.
  • genemaggio
    Love this show!
    I love the perspective and tone of this show. The topics feel relevant and also carry an important theme. Great guests and a perfect host. Keep it up!
  • JML2988
    I love this show SO much
    Minority Korner is INCREDIBLE and I am so thankful for it! It’s funny, informative, well-researched, thought-provoking, and entirely lovely. One of my all-time favorites
  • Kitten a Little Bit
    Should be required
    I recommend this podcast to so many people. It has helped me learn so much. I love James, and all the guest hosts.
  • Hahahjkdea
    Episode 254
    Anyone who wants Agent Orange out of office NEEDS to listen to this episode.
  • Barennaker
    I can’t get enough, it’s so phenomenal. Y’all are doing such incredible and meaningful work. Thank you thank you thank you.
  • Ken..C
    Powerful and educational
    You need to hear this. I need to hear this. Fascinating, insightful, moving stories, both personal and historical. It is so important to learn and hear these things that we (esp. us cis white het male old guys) do not learn or hear about. Wish I had started listening before now.
  • A. R. King
    Love Love Love
    my podkasting (get it? Korner? podkast?) experience was looking a little White™️ about two years ago, and when listening to another Max Fun show an ad for MK popped up and changed my podcast feed for the better—as someone who is queer and mixed race, listening to james and friends speak on things i care about, being honestly be SO relatable and funny is a breath of fresh air! only just now realized i never left a review and had to fix it IMMEDIATELY. listen to minority korner for great info, activism, and that one Patti Lupone “where are my backup singers?!” video forever on repeat in your head.
  • Your girl, Ellie
    Your girl, Ellie
    Doing my part to give reparations by un-selecting all of the white-hosted MaxFun shows I listen to and only aiming my donations at the incredible Black-hosted shows like y'all. But that can be our little secret. Love you all and love the podcast!
  • AquaPhin
    Thank you, thank you, thank you
    I’m so thankful for this podcast. It’s incredible that it’s there! All the time! For free! Every episode is full of information and eye-opening takes. I couldn’t ask for more from a podcast.
  • gnomes88
    What happened to Nnekay???
    She was the only intelligent voice in the show. Really bummed she’s gone
  • rjp94109
    Amazing podcast
    I recently started listening to this podcast and have been learning so much about black history and anti racism. I love James’s (and Nnekey’s) energy and he makes me laugh. So it’s the perfect combo of educational and fun. Love love love. Thank you James!!!
  • drmrsharper
    love this show!
    I’m a recent subscriber and I’m totally hooked! I look forward to the next funny, insightful, well-researched episode that keeps learning about intersectional topics entertaining and engaging. I especially appreciate the fact-check segment that shows such an admirable commitment to accountability and accuracy in reporting and journalism. Love you, James, keep it up!
  • Whatevercove
    Essential listening
    Minority Korner is at the top of my must-listen list each week. It views pop culture and current events through an intersectional lens, which has helped me see the world beyond my position of white, cis male privilege... which has in turn helped me to be a better human being. No hyperbole. But it’s more than just that; this show is entertaining as hell. Good for heart, mind, and soul, Minority Korner is an easy 5 star recommend for me.
  • surbertshorts
    Learning so much!
    As a white lady, I have learned so much from this podcast and also laughed. Thanks for doing the work, it appreciate it!
  • Penumbra Fan
    Utter Delight
    Every time I plug into MK I feel seen, get a dose of much needed cultural and historical perspective, and laugh every other minute. Thanks for this amazing podcast!
  • soheillevi
    Engaging, Entertaining, and Educational!
    Minority Korner is a delight to listen to. James Arthur is an amazing and charismatic host, and he manages to find amazing guests every time from all walks of life. The perspectives that are offered on current events and topics in this podcast are fantastic, and it’s also incredibly informative. I have learned a great deal that I would not have known otherwise just from this podcast. In addition to being educational, the podcast is incredibly engaging and funny. I won’t even realize that an hour has gone by when I finish an episode, because to never fails to hold your focus. Can not recommend enough!
  • Arconna
    A Much Needed Voice
    While the show is listed as comedy (and, indeed, it is pretty funny), I especially appreciated James' (and his guests') effort to provide insight into an intersectional view of the world. Their pride flag episode is deeply informative while offering the hosts' persponal perspective on its current use. Basically, there's so much to get out of this show, whether you share the identities discussed or just want to know more. It's worth every second!
  • Mabimbam fan
    Love it!
    I don't listen on Apple Podcasts, so I signed in just to leave this review. Minority Korner is must listen material every week. I love the episodes that give historical perspectives on modern problems.
  • DreamWeaverCat
    This podcast is so fantastic! It's open, honest, geeky, educational, and so lovely in so many ways. A wonderful combination of history, current events, pop culture, and so much more, delivered with insight and a lot of heart. Highlighting a lot of truths I had no idea about and giving me tangible action that I can take in my community. Highly recommend!!!
  • Teresa Mae
    Found this through the MBMBAM feed drop and have made it a part of my regular weekly podcasts. Thank you for all the history, thoughtful conversations, and fun chats!
  • graceem50
    This podcast gave me both the courage and the information to stand up to my family and speak about anti-racism.
  • Ecarg Smada
    Eye opener-
    Absolutely in love with this podcast. After listening to the feed drop episode I had to go back in the archives and WOW I have learned so much. Every episode reveals truths I didn’t see prior, and pushes for tangible action. After every episode I feel empowered to step up, speak up, listen, and make changes in my community. I’m so glad I was exposed to this platform for growth and change! Thank you Minority Korner!
  • KateMunz
    AMAZING podcast
    I could listen to James intereview people all day. Extremely thoughtful and informative, James and his guests cover everything from pop culture to current politcal events (and history too!). His connection with each of his interviewees is everything and there are times I can't help but laugh outloud because they are so funny together. Also my favorite parts are when James synthesizes an idea, it's almost like a 4th wall moment where he's speaking directly to his audience. It's beautiful and moving each time. I'm a Max Fun memeber because of this podcast!
  • lydiasaurusrex
    My new favorite podcast!
    I recently was put on to this podcast via MBMBAM, and now I recommend it to everyone now who trying to learn or want to learn more. I laugh and cry during almost every episode and I love it and thank you for this show! ✊🏼
  • MadameMacbeth
    I have learned so much in the short few weeks I have listened to this pod. The history deep dives are interesting and I wish they taught us these things in school. I thought it may have had something to do with going to school in the south but even my northern friends did not know about these things. Time to redo those history books folks. Thank you James!!
  • thefaeriesrevenge
    No one but Disney villains wants poison apples
    James's metaphor about poison apples is so apt. Every week he has something so quotable. Loved last week's plastic bag blowing against a fence.
  • D3athm0nk33
    Love it!
    Wish I'd found this podcast sooner! Very informative takes on everything from pop culture to historical and present day events. Also makes room for humor and positivity at times.
  • pod_1!
    Great Podcast
    I love this podcast! It’s super educational and engaging!
  • ArdentAshe
    This podcast is AMAZING!
    I was introduced to this podcast by the feed drop on MBMBAM and I am SO glad I was! Although I am a trans non-binary queer person I am white and was raised very strict conservative and (negatively) religious. I am so thankful for this podcast and the energy put into it constantly and that it is available so that I am able to continually learn and learn and keep learning and unlearning all the things I need to learn and unlearn. Just thank you! It’s amazing and literally EVERYONE should be listening to it all the time!
  • leslieguzzmann
    I love this podcast!
    Found this podcast recently and I love it! I learn so much and James is so energetic and funny and he has such great chemistry with all his co hosts. Also heard about Vote Save America from him and adopted a state 🤘 Thanks for the amazing content James :)
  • rls94
    Must Listen!!!
    Really good show that not only tackles real issues with facts and information but has a lot of personality and is a pleasure to listen to.
  • Nerfed Birds
    First time listener, late to the pod
    Thank you for putting together an excellent podcast that is both entertaining and educational. As a cis white male, I am far from completely woke, but I’m trying to open my eyes. Keep putting the love and energy you do into this great work, especially the Rewinds now, a nice way of catching up with previous episodes. Again, thank you so much!
  • winnisquam
    Entertaining, Educational, Excellent
    As a white male who grew up with many privileges, I’ve been trying to listen more to voices of people of color and LGBTQ individuals. I love this podcast because not only do I get an opportunity to gain some perspective, I also find it very funny and entertaining. Two thumbs up, check it out! PS, thanks to this podcast, I was inspired to “adopt a Senate race” and yesterday, for the first time, I made 41 calls on behalf of the Maine Democratic Party in the hopes of flipping the Senate. Thank you for the actionable ideas!
  • Mmmmmagic3461
    So grateful for this show
    My actual name is Karen, and this show is helping me not be “a Karen.“ Much needed in understanding history and current events! I am so grateful to James and guests!
  • pullse0202
    Thank you!
    Thank you for creating this podcast and putting yourself out there. I really appreciate learning the views and experiences of others. As a sys white woman I wasn’t sure where to turn as it is way to exhausting to ask my minority friends to inform me. This podcast is funny, informational and like talking to a best friend. Please don’t stop and thank you for your hard work!
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