This is the latest news in English from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/.

Recent Episodes
  • NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - English News at 03:00 (JST), March 05
    Mar 5, 2025 – 14:57
Recent Reviews
  • Jacques Graton
    Entertaining Podcast
    I am dissatisfied with the “Landmarks” segment. The same landmarks are presented over and over. I am sure there are many other beautiful places in Japan you could feature.
  • BMBMBM1234
    Don’t delete old episodes
    I like this podcast however you need to keep previous episodes
  • Me-ness
    Great podcast I have one suggestion
    I really love this podcast, and my favorite part is when they do the endings segment with landmarks. I would love to see more episodes that have the landmark portion included in the episode. I find those ones to be especially interesting.
  • futbolista1027
  • honolululistenet
    Voice quality !!!
  • tokioite
    Need a summary of contents and native English news readers
    Typically virtually all podcasts include a summary of the contents for each podcast, yet I never see a summary for the NHK podcast episodes. Also, I would prefer the news be read by a person who speaks English as a first language or at least in a less stilted manner than the current news reader.
  • gizmogizmoggizmo
    Do you only have one episode
    Hi I enjoy your programming on the tv but sometimes can not be at home to watch. Does this podcast only have one episode?
  • GApodcast_23
    Decent news but not made for podcast format
    The show has the best daily news in Japan as far as I’ve found, plus NHK is the public broadcaster and I have always loved CBC, NPR, NRK and other public broadcasters. Problem is: the show is clearly made for video format and there are often “musical breaks” where something visual is probably happening that we can’t see.
  • why i like or dislike dis app
    good but i have a suggestion
    it's great for seeing the world through a japanese perspective and to get news on japan in general, but please leave the episodes up and stop deleting them as soon as the new one comes out! atleast wait a week before you delete the old one!
  • Tavernade
    Listen every morning
    Love listening to it every morning, just wish it didn’t update so inconsistently. Right now the iOS app hadn’t updated in a few days, while others have.
  • Route 247
    Cannot access since June 4, 2021
    Access stopped as of a few days ago. Please check.
  • 2009 mac owner
    Accurate world news when you need it
    A reliable resource for unbiased accounts of daily world events.
  • Talos42
    A trusted international perspective
    I like and appreciate that NHK tries to only provide facts about issues and incidents around the world, sometimes referencing a differing opinion from another party or organization but avoiding asserting conclusions for the audience. Also, big fan of Tsietsi Monare giving the weather reports. Stay safe!
  • Chelsea 557
    An excellent international perspective on the news
    It is increasingly important to seek out an international perspective on the news, and I've found an excellent source in NHK. Many reviews here complain about the lack of Japanese-focused segments. There are always one or two segments focused on Japan, but what you'll find here is a broad approach to World News from Japan's perspective. (Language learners: NHK offers the same briefing in several different languages. I listen here first, then head over to the French language edition for listening practice.)
  • STUchida
    Please, re-focus on Japan
    Recently noticed an increase in U.S. and world news and less on Japan. I turn to this podcast for news on Japan and with a Japanese perspective. Your program loses value for me as you lose focus on Japan.
  • G•Zhong
    Frequency of updating
    I was wondering how often does the NHK update the podcast? It seems that the English News of NHK is not a companion to the NHK ラジオニュース in Japan. I am much appreciate the news, but I hope the programme can be updated more often.
  • Johm taylor
    The best!
    This is the best English language news podcast on the internet.
  • pandacat_robo
    NHKワールド・ポッドキャストと同内容の、日本語バージョンが欲しい。 各国語版があるのは良いことだが、それを海外へどのような内容で発信しているのか、日本の公共放送である以上は、日本語視聴メインの日本人にも知らせる義務がある。 *日本人向け別内容のNHK ラジオニュースではなく、海外向け発信NHKワールドポッドキャストと同内容の日本語版
  • I'm sure it is good
    I love the NHK news podcast. Never stop!
  • AuthorAnnalisa
    Thank you NHK
    I enjoy the format. I feel that after listening for a year I know each reported voice. It is good to hear other countries reporting local and world news. I could be wrong, but this news company seems unbiased, and gets more information that most journalist companies I have listened to. Facts are more clear than opinions.
  • Jadesabre1
    NHK World News Japan!
    I love this podcast! It gives me a good insight on what’s happening in japan and around the world as well!
  • ボンカレーはどう作ってもうまいのだ
    もうちょっとエピソード多目がいっすね。 そんだけです。 ごわす。 おーーーーーい 俺は関西人
  • jingai
    update the graphic
    don’t have rounded corners in the graphic image for the show… looks wrong in itunes. fix! minus one star. yes, i’m serious.
  • jaltcerna
    Make last 3 podcasts available in the feed
    I've been enjoying this podcast for a couple of years now. I've just one problem. I live in the US east coast, and the iPhone podcast app does not properly download the 14:00 and 19:00 podcasts when I am sleeping. So, can NHK make the last 3 podcasts (for example, 14:00, 19:00, 21:00) available in the feed so when I wake up I can download all three? Right now only the latest podcast is available in the feed.
  • Con_Fliegenpilz
    This was great news. :) I was very impressed. I would love love love if they made more. Please make more!!! XD
  • Codeacula
    I absolutely adore NHK's English podcast. Very high quality, excellent news, I only wish there was more.
  • Masa928
    Sounds like esl teacher's english :p
  • DruidicFirbolg
    Great, just news no sensationalism
    This podcast is all information and I love it. Thanks for cutting the garbage out and giving real news!
  • MikeyMyke
    VERY up to date out of Japan. It's great that it's updated so frequently. Just the news and not lots of commentary.
  • Hakata New Yorker
    Her voice is very nice!
    Thank you
  • mrpi3.14159265358979
    Wonderful Newscasting
    Wonderful newscast. Very detailed and the newscasters are very well spoken.
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