Drag Her! A RuPaul's Drag Race Podcast

by Headgum

Welcome to the INTERNET'S ONLY drag race podcast! Comedian and self-proclaimed Drag Race her-storian Mano Agapion dives deep into the latest episodes of drag race every single week for your gag-ger-taint-ment with a heavy focus on laughs above accuracy. Joined by special guests like Rachel Bloom and Nicole Byer as well as former contestants like BenDeLaCreme & Peppermint, this pod is TRULY walking children in nature! You will be obsessed with this pod's deranged observations about the queens, the lip syncs, and each other BUT THAT'S NOT ALL- this is the queer pop culture kiki you've been needing, hunty!

For all the tea on previous seasons of Drag Race, including All Stars and international seasons, take a look at our past episodes.

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Recent Reviews
  • dnl.crrll
    Make your own kind of Rusic
    Jesse Esparza, the level of unprofessionalism, far too much. *shakes head*
  • hosts up for elimination
    What you really need
    Please never invite Jesse Esparza or anyone from Bad grace back what a snooze — like Mano they are BAD boogers — Jesse was the most disgusting mess , she is NOT that girl
  • KyrosThunder
    Don’t Bother
    Listen to a different drag race podcast, after years of listening I’m done. Unless you enjoy rambling stories that aren’t funny or relate to drag…. then this is the podcast you!
  • Thinkbp
    Who cares about ET in a wig? Stop having people who don’t watch the show as guests
  • _NYOnion
    Between Pat Regan & Jesse Esparza, I don’t know if I can handle this level of SUPERFAN for drag race! I felt a little bad for Mano because these two and the other ridiculously qualified guests have SO MUCH drag knowledge! Wow, I love listening to experts on the topic and show we all love on the ONLY drag race podcast! Wow, Jesse should open up his own Drag Race Wiki, he’s so knowledgeable.
  • Yin c
    Mano discovered a new way to call someone (specifically Angelia) ugly: “It’s nice to see a comedy queen doing well in a season full of pretty girls”. No notes!
  • itsdavie
    Amateur sketch
    Mano could be a crack head, that got hold to the wrong stuff. And it told him to podcast and play a leprechaun. ☘️ 🌈
  • DiDubz
    Love it but please talk about drag race more
    I love this show when it gets down to it!!! But one recent episode had about 35 minutes before they actually spoke about drag race. I love you guys, but that’s a little bit excessive 🤣
  • DJtex
    All Stars 9 MTQ
    I get no one watched Celebrity Drag Race but the S16 finale stage is the same stage they used for S2 Celebrity Drag Race.
  • AlexWhitK
    Great guests!
    Love Rachel, love Pat (sorry about his dead wife who he def didn’t kill), love Oscar, love meatball, love Nicole! God love ‘em all!!!! Slay Mano!
  • itsallmyfault77
    Never stop
    Drag race will go on forever therefore Drag Her must go on forever. Where else will we the people get our drag race hot takes on the whole Internet? This is the place to hear a true super fan chat with hilarious guests about all the chirps and burps in the long running series. Plus he kinda wrote for the show one time so that’s a huge plus. Am I a rude gay that thinks some guests are better than others? Yes Does that need to be included in this review? No ma’am Five stars
  • 6892528jb
    Bring back Pat Regan!
    Don’t listen to the other fans. The Pat Regan episode is one of the best ones!!
  • Jukebox10
    Here is the T
    Mono and Oscar are pure GOLD! Love both of them sooo much!! However, anybody who isn’t a regular Drag Race Viewer is terrible on the podcast. Whenever I hear that, I immediately switch podcasts. I don’t want to hear their opinion on anything RPDR related. Also, pls no more Rachel. LOVE HER, but not on here lol. Love you Oscar and Mono!! Pls keep bringing back Oscar or make another podcast together! ❤️
  • Dragon Big Daddy
    Too negative
    The review of the grand finale! And he has a guest who in his first few sentences reveals (a) he’s only watched a few seasons, (b) he didn’t watch all of this season, and (c) he fast forwarded through the finale. Come on! No. I liked this podcast at first but now it’s just too cynical. I’d rather listen to someone who actually likes the show.
  • JustTGS
    You’re a WINNER - S16 Finale
    Love DRAG HER, the one and only RuPaul’s Drag Race podcast with host Mano Agapion!! Truly look forward to new episodes dropping Monday mornings (the only thing I look forward to on a Monday morning as I listen why I’m getting ready for work in the mornings)! Love supporting a fellow North Carolinian!! I loved Season 16 and I feel in love with Nymphia Wind on her first episode and declared her my winner from day one!! I was thrilled with her crowning and couldn’t wait for the DRAG HER - S16 Finale episode to drop. However, I was sadly disappointed by this episode as while your co-host seemed charming I was disappointed that Pat had only fast forwarded through the episode and it seemed you all were more invested in talking about his “dead” wife - may she rest in peace! The Banana Queen and all the contestants deserved a better send off for an extremely entertaining season!! Was Oscar, Nicole, or Rachel not available?!? Look forward to the podcast RU-deeming itself with All-Stars 9!! Shout to my girl, ROXXXY Andrews - can’t wait to have her slay the runway (hopefully the musical challenges are limited - I don’t need her killing anymore rhymes). Thanks for the laughs and your witty perspective on all things Drag Race!!
  • Dfacta7
    Love the show!
    Love this show, but what’s up with this last guest on the finale episode? Do they even like drag race? They stated they never watch the seasons, they fast forwarded through the episode, etc. It was such a bummer for this finale episode. You even commented on the bored crowd during the finale and the guest felt like that crowd. Maybe have another fan on next time - Oscar is amazing!
  • Ginger van der Snatch
    Circling Back
    One time Mano asked if we think La Grande Dame wears deodorant and I just wanted to stop by and say I hope not. 5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • BBSez
    The Most Erudite of Drag Podcasts
    Thank you for being the brilliant buffoons we all want and need in these troubled times! The vacillation between The Critic, the panopticon, and well-placed poop jokes is precisely what the people want. It’s me. I’m the people. Kudos, mama, for spilling.
  • ChelseaRoseA
    Love when Oscar and Mano do the show together!
  • Onyah703
    My favorite
    While there are, of course, no other Drag Race recap podcasts, I have listened to a handful of other podcasts that will occasionally spend some time discussing Drag Race, and this one is by far my favorite. It consistently delivers hilarious guests, hot takes I agree with about 85% of the time, and the neurotic level of attention to every judgy little detail that I require. And I can’t get over how quickly and reliably new episodes drop every week! Thanks so much.
  • Mister Pahh
    Good show
    A friend of mine introduced me to Drag Her. So far, I’ve really loved the insight into the show. My only issue is that the guest sometimes has to reign in Mano (recent episode with Oscar), as Mano was interrupting quite a bit. Granted, while I can appreciate the issues surrounding UKvtW2 crowning, a bit of restraint would have been welcome. Issue aside, I look forward to next week’s episode! ~~~~~ 04/08/2024 - Update! I didn’t expect for the review to be read! To address Rachel’ comment about me feeling the need to be specific in a podcast review because I’m not able to be specific with other in my life: it’s not false. I’m sorry that the comment was harsh. I don’t know you that well and transposed my own insecurities and concerns and that’s not fair to you. For context, I have a terrible habit of interrupting others and—surprise surprise—I’m not keen when others do it to me. Further, I tend to be on the quiet side, so its easy for others to speak over me. I’ve been actively working on trying to give others space to speak while learning to establish boundaries; however, I’m a work in-progress. LOVED this week’s review of book branding episode. Rachel is an absolute gem and love her and her allyship. Mano, loved this episode and your banter with Rachel, as well as discussing production. Looking forward to next week!
  • mandyandy17
    Oscar Montoya
    5 stars
  • Oscarforvp
    This human saves us each time he graces us and puts Mono in their place! Haha. Love this show and I’m v grateful for my partner turning me onto drag race and drag her. Keep speaking truth. 😊
  • KramKram72
  • Bricen B.
    the best RPDR podcast!
    I look so forward to these podcast drops because they make me laugh out loud. I love the coverage of UK VS. The World - much love
  • UMichRCS
    What a treat to my ears each episode!!
    My favorite thing I hear during the UK vs the World: “Silence Me!”Slays me. Mano and Oscar (and sometimes Nicole and Rachel) deliver on the critiques, Chirps and Burps, and some funny funny commentary, as well as some true love. I listen to every episode and it brings a brightness to my day every time.
  • jillbeanzie1
    Bring back my break? I mean… Oscar…
    For being the only drag race podcast, it’s really great. Mano said that Canada Season 4 was his favorite of this past year so I started watching it - it is amazing! I want some more Oscar Montoya, but it must be hard to book him now due to his critics choice award… maybe he’ll be cancelled and then can be on the show regularly. But seriously, the chemistry between Oscar and Mano is so hilarious - it always improves my day! Keep on keeping on Mano! You rock!
  • CaroHuerta22
    Why review a show you hate?
    I understand critiques but it sounds like the host and many of their guest hate the show. That’s honestly what it sounds like. If I hated a show this much…I simply wouldn’t watch. There’s a difference between critics and then just being hateful. There are too many of drag review podcast that balance that line and it’s enjoyable to listen to cause at the end of the day…we like this show, wild, I know. Anyways had to stop listening.
  • ginger snaps69
    But actually… it IS the only drag race recap podcast
    Mano, you often say it as a joke or Maybe as proof of your vast powers of delulu, but I did a search for other podcasts, and kudos mama for spilling because no one out there is going it like you! Your energy, your quips, and your jokes make it an enjoyable listen, and you always have great guests - who know that they’re talking about. Truly, other podcasts are dour, or completely unstructured, or resentful of the show or just boring - a cardinal sin! And you are never that. I don’t think people realize it takes hard work to put out a consistent and entertaining product. So thank you!
  • TangoR3D
    kudos for spilling
    Mama, kudos for that. For spilling.
  • annahotdogs
    Just wanna say kudos mama for spilling every week
  • liss2727
    rupauls drag rant
    I wasn’t watching UK vs the world but seeing your pods released every week pressured me into it😂 caught up on the show and drag rant now and I’m obsessed w both please keep it coming!!!!
  • m.c.walker
    Mano is wonderful!
    I love Drag Her! I appreciate Mano’s takes, and being introduced to so many other funny people. Also, my favorite podcast theme song ever! I love the UK v the World rants! Please keep doing them! Thank you for bringing me so much joy, Mano!!
  • The Cat’s Pajamas
    Keep Rantin!
    Would have rated this stupid podcast five stars much earlier but I’m a millennial who had to google how to do so. Not sure why Mano hasn’t paused his delightfully unhinged views to walk us through it (queen scroll to the bottommmmm of the show’s page). 10/10, would listen to Mano describe and critique any aspect of life.
  • brian o.
    My fave
  • Chelseasplease
    Since this is the only RuPaul’s Drag Race Podcast on the Internet
    Maybe the producers will hear me when I say that they should hire Rachel Bloom to write the Rusical’s and bring Mano on full time to do whatever it is he does.
  • lenon2896
    Muy triste que las personas en este podcast, desprecien el talento de una persona de latina/color para decir que ella no podía hacer lo que la ganadora del episodio hizo. Nos damos cuenta la sociedad en la que vivimos, donde una persona privilegiada decide quitarle la oportunidad a dos personas de color sin ni siquiera estar abierta a una audición. Cómo van a saber lo que la otra puede hacer si no tiene la oportunidad de demostrarlo?.
  • Etain3
    Needs some corrections, lol
    In Russian (and other Eastern European countries) culture ballroom dance, ice skating, and ballet are masculine pursuits for boys and do not have the same homophobic stigma that carries through into American culture. As long as they express traditional masculinity in their art, it’s okay, and that can include Swarovski crystals (if they’re lucky). I’m not saying this isn’t problematic as far as diversity of expression beyond the binary, but conservative or traditional parents are generally very happy to have their sons pursue these arts. Plane Jane quit due to pressure from school friends, NOT from home and that makes perfect sense. It’s the same with the traditional Evzones guards in Greece. Americans might giggle or snark, but they fit in with (hot) traditional culture. And next time when you have one of the most effervescent and charismatic queens, Salina EsTitties, on let her sparkle instead discussing her unfair treatment she experienced for half the interview. Move on. Don’t help her possibly ruin her chances for All Stars. I had to stop listening. Thank you. I criticize because I care. You are a fun host and I loved you on Binge Queens.
  • Matty from FL
    *clap clap* Bring back my pod!
    Awesome podcast, love it - RuPaul’s Drag Rant for UKvsTW coverage was delightfully unhinged energy, though I’d love it even more if it was Oscar and Mano rapid fire shouting at each other about it for 25 minutes Speaking of which, more Oscar! On the pod, off the pod, everywhere! Oscar and Mano featured together on a Dropout show when??? Make it happen Sam Reich, who absolutely maybe probably might listen to this podcast. I love this podcast even more than I love RuPaul trying to gaslight us all into thinking Burger Finger is good.
  • Ly0ns
    What a treat
    In the words of Mhi’ya Iman Le’ Paige this podcast is GREAT!
  • ilovequesosfaceo
    Great show (mostly)
    Oscar and (most of) the guests are so great! That being said, I don’t listen super often because the theme song is maybe the worst song that has ever been made.
  • proveggie
    More Nicole Byer please! She’s a delight
  • OliviaUnlimited
    Safari lol
    Love you Mano and Nicole!
  • eracathegreat
    Oh heyyyyyyy! Seriously though I love this podcast and especially when Oscar, Nicole, or Rachel come on the pod. 10/10 podcast.
  • PandaGe3k
    Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar
  • Seagarah
    Guests can be a real drag
    Could we get just one consistent host per season. Some of the guests are fun and some are just a snooze and then I feel like Mano has to watch what he says. WE LIKE C*NTY MANO! When a guest starts by saying they don’t like drag race…. Maybe it’s time to hit pause and re-record
  • ellyn.s.
    Luv huh
    OFC the only Rupaul’s Drag Race podcast has the best host and guests!! Y’all have been cracking me up for years, please don’t ever stop what you’re doing!!👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🍫🍫
  • Ivanwood
    Loved the show although a little obnoxious at times..
    And I will keep listening 😁😁😁 drag is life y’all ♥️
  • NiteiKnight
    I used to like this podcast and have listened for a few years now, but between the constant "banter" between Mano and Oscar, the continued "joke" that this is the only Drag Race recap podcast, and now active ripping into subcultures Mano doesn't know about or care to understand, I'm done. Unsubscribing. Best of luck, hopefully it gets better but at this point I'd rather listen to Race Chaser (yes, other Drag Race podcasts exist. I know that was a joke, I don't care). Not like anyone's gonna read this anyway.
  • ...sergio...
    Alexis boo-schelle!
    Sooo boring interview with Alexis Michelle!
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