Binge Mode: Marvel


The Ringer’s Mallory Rubin and Jason Concepcion return to take their signature deep dives into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, covering all 23 films!

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Recent Reviews
  • Gelmo123
    Amazing pod, sloppy editing!
    Mallory and Jason are the best and a true delight, would listen to them talk about anything. But gotta say, in the marvel series especially, the editing is just terrible. Many episodes have seemingly random cuts, either skipping over things or going back and repeating entire long sections. Sometimes multiple minutes of blank space at the end. The hosts/researchers have done such wonderful work on this podcast, but feels like the editors/qc people fumbled the ball on the 1 yard line.
  • Michelle B26
    Where are the HP episodes?
    I love Mallory from Bachelor Party, and I loved the first Harry Potter episode, but there aren’t any other ones showing up. Where are they?? They didn’t only do, did they?
  • Junior Space Lizard
    These two got me hooked on podcasts as a medium. Please come back
  • gsr852
    The hosts ruin this podcast!
    I will never be able to get enough of all things MCU. That said, when I found this podcast, even though it came to a close two years ago I couldn’t wait to dive in. The amount of time and thought given to each film was something I was looking forward to UNTIL I started listening, and the two hosts absolutely ruined the podcast. Both hosts constantly laugh at ever other word that comes out of their own mouths, and the mouths of one another (I’m glad they found each other amusing, but I missed the joke… every so-called joke). On top of this human laugh track on steroids, their respective laughs are like nails on a chalkboard. Such a disappointment!
  • Katsocool
    Best Harry Potter Pod
    Miss these guys 🥲
  • schragelbagel
    Fave Pod Ever
    I always come back just to relisten to Mal and Jason together! I’ll forever miss them together nerding out 😭😭
  • I.Hate.This.Game.
    best pod ever
    my dad and i absolutely love binge mode and all their glory
  • Buford the pug
    Tremendous Podcast
    Can listen to Mallory and Jason chat about anything and it would be entertaining! I found them on Games of Thrones rewatch! I was doing the series all over from the beginning ; and found their Show! It was the Best part of my own rewatch. Please do more rewatch shows on popular series. Love to hear a True blood, Dexter, TWD , or any show you chose I will listen! You are both a delight ! Thank you for keeping myself and my Shih Tzu: Madison Penelope company. A grateful listener Julie and Maddie P from Jersey
  • concernedfriendofthepod
    Bro, stop screaming
    I love the idea. The dude needs to stop with the screaming and the sound effects. Not pleasant to hear shrieking in your ear. Such a shame bc it’s well researched and Mal does a good job overall. He drags her down by interrupting and cackling
  • Rita Ora Who?
    Very educational!
    I watched through all the Marvel movies in order and this podcast helped explore the details I may had not noticed and the comic history behind each story and character. It felt like meeting with a couple friends every week to have a conversation about movies we loved. A very well produced show and looking forward to listening to the other seasons when I get to them. Also, if you like this podcast check out The Ringer-verse!
  • tinyyenna
    Binge Mode: Harry Potter is my favorite
    I haven’t listened to the other versions yet, though I plan to, but I am obsessed with Binge Mode: Harry Potter. It’s my favorite Harry Potter podcast and I find myself listening to it every time I re-read the books. It never gets old, I discover something new each time, and I love love love how thoroughly they cover the books and lore. AND Mal and Jason crack me up every single time. My only complaint is that there aren’t more Harry Potter episodes for me to listen too, guess I will just have to finally watch and listen to GOT. Thank you guys for all you do 💖
  • cansamos
    Bring it back!!!
    I miss this show so much!!
  • Bhighkin
    Excellent and in depth
    Mal and Jason really dig into the underlying themes. You can tell the deep passion that they have for the subject matter. If you’re a big nerd (like me) who loves stories this show will make you appreciate stories on a deeper level.
  • FancyLemonade
    The best pod
    Will forever be the best pod. I wish Jason could join mal on ringer-verse but alas we are stuck with the midnight children
  • MattMCBE
    The best
    Love this
  • Boredsox78
    A literary and cinematic joy
    A true splendid podcast that has made driving a joy, allowed me to consider new perspectives, and brought back all the fond memories of my adolescence and early adulthood. Time to go do another rewatch of the MCU, thanks to this wonderful team
  • Miniminoe
    BEST Podcast Ever
    To anyone who says the hosts are the problem, YOU are the problem. Mal and Jason literally built a community based on their shared love of story telling. They turned book reports into must listen content. They held events and shook hands, hugged, and laughed with complete strangers (like myself) and made us feel like family. I miss the podcast with all my heart but come back and listen just to relive that sense of community they built! Thank you so much for putting in so much time and effort into Binge Mode! -Maneikis
  • Phattrainer
    If you’re A Marvel fan this is a must
    These two go deep in details and Easter eggs in the MCU. I can’t say enough good things about this. Enjoy.
  • JLK77
    Love for the work
    Two people who have a real and honest passion for the movies, TV and books they talk about. long time listeners get some extra laughs thanks to learning the personalities and idiosyncrasies of the hosts over the years, but everyone gets great discussion and thoughtful breakdowns that come from a real love and respect for the content. A great listen. Hopefully it continues.
    Good idea, awful execution
    The idea is great, and it would be incredible content if more than 50% of the show were those two laughing and cackling at each other. I listened for Game of Thrones first and the initial 7 seasons were good enough content to fight through the above, but the 8th season is incredibly terrible and I can’t even get through it. Aside from the constant laughing at each other’s jokes taking you out of the conversation, every single episode is just them reading a pre-written, self-important monologue about whatever. It’s truly awful.
  • rhea_vuerrrrrr
    If you’re not a fan of Adderall, you’ll probably not connect with this. There’s great depth of knowledge here, but the hosts are actively working to be awful. Too bad.
  • Blorpal
    I love them
    The woman is so entertaining just her voice makes me laugh. Don’t really care about the Marvel movies that much but it’s still fun to listen to.
  • K$$$$$$
    Love this podcast. Be prepared to need out with Mallory and Jason as they dive “DEEP” into Marvel, Star Wars, Harry Potter, GOT, etc. Their on-air chemistry is so fun to listen to. Cheers, thanks Ringer!
  • kimnewc
    Binge Harry Potter
    The Harry Potter episodes are amazing. Huge Harry Potter fan, but they also explain a lot if you're not (spoilers with fair warning each episode). Such good content and intriguing discussions of all 7 books and 8 films and the wider Potter universe!!! As they say!
    A great podcast/ idea for next binge mode
    This podcast is great! I heard about this from How did this get made another favorite of mine, no regrets from listening. They really study and enjoy the topics they choose. You can tell by the detail and care that goes into every episode. It’s not for young listeners, but it’s good for long days at work and drives. Next binge mode idea avatar the last Airbender! Great story line with theFranchise growing bigger especially with the announcement of avatar studios. You’ll have a lot with the first three seasons of the original, four seasons of Korra, the comics, and the two Kiyoshi novels. You can also try to live action movie but there’s no movie in Ba sing sae.
  • stormteam sick
    Are you actually trying to leave binge mode on the title without Jason in the pod? Disgraceful
  • the original hansokolow
    Dive Deep with Jason and Mal!
    Such thorough, thoughtful, and entertaining deep dives into the stories we love. I love the analysis and the love for the material. And they are fun and hilarious, with great podcast chemistry. Get into it!
  • SZ2012SZ
    Top notch analysis and entertainment
    I love listening to Jason and Mal. They have a wonderful way of presenting insights about my favorite media, and I always turn to them first to quench my podcasting thirst. I am not embarrassed to say these two have made me quite sentimental about story and its importance - and I’ve even cried in a good way on more than one occasion. Thanks for all you do!
  • Dannae42
    Stop the hate people
    Dang, for all the love and care that is clearly put into this podcast some people need to chill in the comments. So the hosts like to make silly jokes and do some dumb voices... who cares? I do the exact same thing with my friends but I just don’t have a podcast. Jason and Mallllll clearly love the MCU and their passion for the subject really comes across. Honestly, 5 stars for the constant callbacks to Obidiah “TeChNoLoGy” Stane.
  • Kdmdjdjdjd
    Mallory Rubin sex podcast please.
  • VHS-05
    Amazing PS make the Archive happen on Apple!!
    You guys are awesome!! Keep it up. Mallory your insight and perspective is second to none, please keep giving us more of that:)
  • Yeung24
    Too much laughing
    I wanted to like this podcast because of their content, but I couldn’t handle the incessant laughing. In the season ender I was ready to stop listening within 10 minutes. I couldn’t even catch what the guy said sometimes because Mallory laughed over him.
  • Cccaryyy
    I love this pod. Such an amazing deep dive of all your faves (I mean ALL of them) in an organized, exciting way. Not to mention fun hosts and fun bits! As a closing note I’d like to make it known that I would kill for an Avatar: the last Airbender Binge Mode. That’s all!! Listen to this podcast!
  • Ty.s.
    Good research, bad jokes, infantile execution
    The effort to take on something as mammoth as the MCU is notable. JC and MR do a good job. But I can only give this two stars because of a few things - 1. The voices are not good. Just annoying. MR’s laughter is so obviously forced, there’s no reason to egg JC on. But we get the exact same jokes every single episode regardless. 2. More of a pet peeve, but for a podcast that constantly talks about “Marvel’s villain problem,” you would think they would actually explain what the problem is. I understand that it boils down to comics-notable villains that are reduced down to be one-offs in the MCU with basically no sticking power, but MR and JC never say this once. If I hadn’t read any source material, I would probably be confused. 3. The whole “Nat and Clint’s relationship is sketchy” bit. Is it meant to uncover a plot issue? There is none. Is it meant to be funny? It isn’t. Is it meant to stigmatize non-sexual male/female friendships? That seems like the most likely goal for how unapologetically both of them attack this theory with no apparent concept of any male-female dynamic that isn’t overtly sexual. Which leads me to 4. The middle school-level obsession of who’s hooking up with who. MR and JC are completely incapable of watching a scene where a man and woman are alone together and not immediately making it sexual. Cap and Nat on the run in Winter Soldier? Obviously hooking up according to our genius hosts. Wanda and Vision together in IW? Marvel wasn’t overt enough, so we’re going to dedicate time to explore exactly how them two can be intimate. Steve and Peggy dancing at the end? Not believable unless we imagine them going to town on each other immediately after. And finally, 5. MR’s approach to attractive male characters is downright creepy. When describing the beginning of IW with Tom Hiddleston on his knees in front of Thanos, MR so cleverly retorts, “just where I like him.” Cue raucous laughter from both hosts, more jokes about MR marrying Hiddleston, etc etc. Just imagine if, at the end of the movie, they describe Wanda on her knees and JC says “just where I like her.” It wouldn’t even make the cut, but if it did, he would get fired once everyone heard it, no question.
  • NYC22spl
    Cringe mode
    Was excited and then, after 3 minutes of cackles and screams, was excites no more.
  • Rtbh2oski
    My NEW Favorite Review / recap.
    Mallory and Jason - you guys could chatting. Simply my favorite thing! Came for the GOT back in the day... stayed for EVERYTHING! My favorite Nerd friends. 🤪.
  • BAWeems
    A feast for your ears
    Mal and Jason are my two favorite podcasters to listen to. They really know how to tap into the nostalgia of my experiences with these titles. I laugh, cry, and scream about characters like Umbridge and Stanis. Every episode is like sitting down with my two best friends.
  • Cheekz89
    The perfect couple to listen to “nerdy discussions”
    Truly love this podcast! I ended up here eventually from being a big and long time fan of Bill Simmons podcast, then eventually found out about the rewatchables and then eventually this one... great stuff. Started listening in 2020 and im very pleased with how they consistently bring dope content in a very hilarious way, especially the star wars and MCU content! This duo should continue to do sci-fi genre shows and movie series because y’all are very gifted at pointing out all the details that make these movies and shows so wonderful! Im hoping you guys can do a stranger things series at some point because for one that show is the bomb, and two, we only get one more season of it so now would be a good time to prepare pods for that.
  • Goodmusicsupporter
    The best
    Mallory and Jason bring an abundance of humanity, laughs, and extremely thorough insights into every episode. They’re like those friends with your best interest that know how to have fun but also keep you accountable. Has never failed to bring joy to my day. Thank you guys!!
  • Nate1975tttt
    So enjoyable
    I love Mal and Jason. Their deep dives into various IPs has provided me so much entertainment since Game of Thrones. I know some reviews criticise their jokes and screams but the familiarity of their opening is fun IMO. Jason’s Sanctum comic dives have helped me rekindle my interest in comics from my childhood and Mals overtly sexual obsession with Cap makes me laugh every time. Keep up the content. Can’t wait to see what they have in store for Season 8
  • IrishHeels56
    Would be better without the voices and laughing
    The voices are terrible and sound nothing like the characters he’s trying to sound like. And the constant laughing at the same stupid jokes over and over again ruin it. Once they actually talk content of the movies and comics, it’s actually a really good podcast. Only listened to Marvel, don’t think I could sit through the others if they’re anything like this
  • KB517
    Love Binge Mode
    Mallory and Jason are the gifts that keeps on giving. Looking forward to what they will binge next♥️
  • John Cherry
    Too raunchy for a movie fan podcast
    Skip it and listen to something else.
  • agm445
    Fun overviews
  • wiz_dropbomb
    Love y’all. Gonna miss y’all.
  • HeelsInDC
    Favorite pod
    Favorite pod. Hate the Ringer let Jason get away!
  • Bsndndn
    Binge Mode
    Binge Mode makes me feel like I don’t appreciate the stories I love enough. Listing to Mallory and Jason talk about these worlds and hear the joy in their voice is like visiting these stories for the first time again.
  • Scott H L
    Sometimes good, most of the time unbearable
    I’m giving this 3 stars because of the sheer effort put into a lot of this. These two have truly put in some work here and it’s worth noting. However, and I’ll keep it short, most of these podcasts are extremely difficult to hear. The voice impersonations get annoying very quickly and you get the feeling that JC wants badly to be an actor and bc he had this woman laughing at everything he says, feels emboldened to go on and on with his unfunny comedic routines. MR making constant sexual references like an 8th grade pastor’s daughter is very odd. This isn’t a prude thing, it’s just weird bad it doesn’t fit almost ever. There’s a lot to like with the comic book connections and such, but you will have to endure 45 minutes of annoying for every 15 minutes of interesting. I’m going to guess that it will do well, because there aren’t many others doing this, but it can be done MUCH better. I don’t know why JC is no longer with The Ringer, but I must say job well done. This guy is essentially going through a failed audition in every episode. If it weren’t for his comic book knowledge, I wouldn’t have listened past the first episode. Rarely do I ever make it through a full episode either, as is. TLDR: kudos for the work, but mostly it didn’t work.
  • NE Steph in SoCal
    Love these two
    The best
  • Darthtater212
    My Favorite Pop Culture Podcasf
    Found these guys duing their GoT podcasts and have loved them ever since. The HP, Star Wars and Marvel series are must listens
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