The Real Story


Global experts and decision makers discuss, debate and analyse a key news story.

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Recent Reviews
  • Waywardbridges
    Let them finish!
    Good topic selection BUT…… if you wanna listen to a podcast where a complex question is asked by a host who then gives 4-5 experts less than 30 seconds a piece to answer before cutting them off with more facts that the experts themselves were trying to contextualize — this is the one for you. I literally have to turn so many episodes off because I get interested in the topic and then hear the host cut a guest off to ask or answer the same question they just asked the guest… like for real. Invite less ppl so that they have more time to talk and then shut up and let them finish.
  • 😉💙🙃
    26 August 2022 Space Exploration
    Interesting podcast on space exploration both of the moon and eventually Mars. If we spent these monies on saving our own planet, we might actually overcome the problems of Climate Change. I understand the ideas that we can do both, but let’s not ‘throw out the baby with the bath water.’
  • Kerinjsh
    Enjoyable Diverse Topics
    I enjoy listening discussions of this podcast
  • parenrs
    Biased BBC
    The BBC reporter is so clearly biased against the Swedish Democrat politician. He gave her facts of immigrant crime. She accused him of that immigrants are unjustly accused of crime. She excused their rioting as justified because Koran was defiled.
  • Furpep
    Rather one-sided panel
    The program on Sweden was terribly one-sided in its panel and analysis. Also some forget their aid of Axis powers in WW1 & 2.
  • LennyandBubzy
    BBC news , Thursday 24/ 22 , 8 am EST
    BBC host had an interview with Ukraine representative , she criticized president Biden and brought up Trump ( who is another criminal , incompetent and an idiot ) , as he was right and Biden is wrong around a NATO question , she was stopped by the Ukraine rep, and was reminded that Trump almost took america out of Nato , that she is wrong , but she stopped him because of time !!!!!!!! Is this what is becoming of BBC ????? For a host to say Trump is right and Biden is wrong around UN and NATO !!!! Somebody in BBC has to talk to her , her question and the way she phrased it is totally inappropriate, i thought for a second i am listening into some Fox news host Thank u
  • Justin from Albany
    Excellent podcast
    I greatly enjoy listening to this podcast because it does a deep dive into a single topic that’s making news in our world. The guests are very informative and I will keep on listening.
  • Mcher611
    Great analysis of important topics
    Find the in depth analysis to be very informative and adds color to current events!
  • Ihavechecks
    The best current news podcast
    Focused on one topic from contemporary events around the world. Straight forward information with a multifaceted view usually doesn't work well but is done wonderfully here.
  • avm1406
    Ritula is the best!
    Great show with wide selection of topics, panelists and perspectives
  • **kiankins**
    Excellent program
    Intelligent questions and guests. Brexit episode was illuminating covering large as well as subtle issues and controversies
  • The Dodg
    Thorough. Well backed up.
  • Mo Sena
    Real news analysis podcast
    A welcome podcast in these times of sound bites. In-depth analysis of a theme, interviews where the question is not longer than the answer and opportunity to see different sides to a story - the real 50 shades of grey in news
  • Nxt Gen Cowboy
    This is one of my favorite podcasts!!! The in-depth conversations/debate that provide context, insightful perspectives about a single topic, current event, political situation, conflict, laws, natural disaster/event and so on are second to none! My favorite episodes when they cover an event that has been reduced to a headline or a soundbite and they truly shine a spotlight on a story that has been otherwise overlooked or lost in the relentless tsunami of newsworthy stories that occur everyday around the world! At the end of each episode I feel well informed and been exposed to different perspectives and given a solid base to have generated my own unique take heard different sides and given the information to draw my own conclusions. To me that is what news should do, provide a baseline understanding of the topic and presented you the tools to research more into the topic so you choice... but podcasts like this provide a good basis for what it means to be informed on current events!!!! They don’t tell you what to think but rather present the proper context, provide diverse perspectives, give you tools and tips on where to look if you like to know more. Being well informed takes work, commitment and effort, The Real Story is a good tool for those who desire to be informed! Keep fighting the good fight!!!
    Leftist tripe
    Virtually all of their episodes have a panel made up of big government, socialist, climate worshiping leftist professors…with one squishy person that is center right at best to answer the other side. It should be called, “He Far-Left Sanctimonious European Story” instead. Skip it.
  • KBGunny
    Iran 40 Years On
    I didn’t listen to the entire podcast today. The wrangling between guests got on my nerves. However, immediately before I started listening to The Real Story, I listened to the 1st Throughline podcast episode. I understand the topic of The Real Story this week was Iran from 40 years ago until today. If you commented on the US/UK coup of the legitimate Iranian government in 1953, I didn’t hear it. If you didn’t comment on it during the balance of the episode, you told only a small part of the real story that excluded useful and critically appropriate context. I do listen regularly but was disappointed in this episode for the lack of historical context.
  • LoriWeck
    Best in depth reporting
    Important uncovered topics, program panels excellent, 5 star rating from a post-graduate educated woman in North America.
  • Zhang.Fei.
    intelligent analysis
    This stuff is intelligent, interesting and thought-provoking.
  • PattyBiologist
    Balanced, thoughtful discussions
    They do a great job of choosing panelists representing a broad range of perspectives, usually including academics, politicians, and stakeholders.
    Great analysts, poor host
    The guests featured on the podcast are well informed, provide excellent analysis of the given topic, and communicate effectively. Unfortunately, the host sees herself as an expert as well and constantly interrupts her guests, forcing them to answer leading questions which results in a conversation biased toward her own views. The podcast ends up being a platform for the host rather than a deep-dive into a relevant subject. If the host were able to table her ego and allow her guests to share their expertise, this podcast would be fantastic.
  • arron2234324
    A refreshing myriad of balanced and engaging voices and news
    In a sea of dumbed down or dull news, the real story is a jewel of nuanced and in depth analysis that is presented in an engaging way. Good work
  • Katie Hedge
    Interesting topics and excellent journalis
    I love having a place to go to better understand the topics I hear in the news throughout the week. Ms. Gracie’s role facilitating discussion between people from various sides of an issue helps give a multifaceted view of a topic in a time when news media too often only show one side. I look forward to this podcast every week.
    Provides much needed context to everyday news stories
    Currently, listening to an episode about Yemen and am so glad to hear the panel discuss why we hear about Yemen in the news everyday. They fill in the wider viewpoint details necessary to understand why this story is so meaningful to us who aren’t living in Yemen and experiencing the devastation and chaos. Looking forward to more stories like this on other topics.
  • VeganBob
    Stops and Starts
    The content and guests are great, but the host constantly interrupts guests as they’re making their points. Half of these interruptions are to dumb down whatever they’re saying in the name of clarifying, and the other half is suggesting “we’ll get to that part later...” too strongly controlling the narrative of the podcast. If the host would just chill, the podcast would be monumentally better.
  • Dave900TC
    Excellent In-Depth Analyses
    The review of the current state of Law in China was well moderated utilizing an effective and knowledgable spectrum of experts, interviews with practicing and persecuted Chinese lawyers, and well chosen questions. I learned a lot and will be listening again with high expectations.
  • NewsJunkie56
    Well Done
    This stuff is intelligent, interesting, and thought-provoking - something not seen too often in today’s media landscape. Props to the team that puts this together! Keep it coming!!!!
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