The Political Scene | The New Yorker

News #81Politics #30

Join The New Yorker’s writers and editors for reporting, insight, and analysis of the most pressing political issues of our time. On Mondays, David Remnick, the editor of The New Yorker, presents conversations and feature stories about current events. On Wednesdays, the senior editor Tyler Foggatt goes deep on a consequential political story via far-reaching interviews with staff writers and outside experts. And, on Fridays, the staff writers Susan B. Glasser, Jane Mayer, and Evan Osnos discuss the latest developments in Washington and beyond, offering an encompassing understanding of this moment in American politics.

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Recent Reviews
  • biblio-addict
    What a Discovery!
    Thanks to "Inside the Hive," for introducing me to this smart, thoughtful podcast; with Susan Glasser, one of my favorite author/commentators. During this constantly alarming civic moment I can't enough intelligent dialogue about what is happening politically.
  • junebugnight
    Grounded intelligent informed candor
    What we need
  • knit or miss
    Outstanding podcast
    I look forward every week to hearing what these three very smart and thoughtful people say about political developments and their impact on the country. They are the best of all the many podcasts I listen to.
  • Babsburke
    I Trust You Three Most
    Joe Biden’s shuffling gait was a metaphor for the lostness of his verbal grip on reality. A terrible performance that goes way beyond the parameters of a debate. It’s a copout to regard this crisis a a momentary performance failure. It was a snapshot of his capacities today—unconstrained by the support of a teleprompter. I’m with your analysis 100%. Thank you
  • another Beth
    Mayer, Glasser,and Osnos help me stay sane
    So restorative to hear three distinguished journalists discuss politics from an informed perspective—I hang onto every word. Thank you!
  • blackfincloud
    Great show
    Excellent analysis and discussion from New Yorker staff writers and interesting guests. If you like to think about politics, this is a show for you.
  • Joe Hanlon
    Great information with professional context
    I look forward to this pod each week. These three have spent their lifetimes reporting on politics, threats to our world order and Washington. Context, content and an accessible delivery. Love the funny banter and friendship also on display.
  • earl95
    very useful discussion of current events
    I find this show/ podcast to be particularly helpful in understanding the meaning of the events of the day. In the current times it is incredibly difficult to get accurate commentary and interpretation of events and of individuals. I highly recommend anyone to listen to this weekly.
  • Jim Hull MA
    Best Political Insight
    Superb journalism and political instincts
  • LauraCouch
    Calm, wise, intelligent and informative
    I’m a fan of left-leaning political podcasts, and I never miss an episode of this one. Susan Glaser and Jane Mayer, especially, are consistently wise and thoughtful. If everyone out there listened to them, we’d live in a more reassuring world.
  • Amateur Pol Hack
    Dedicated listener
    Three of the best political analysts on the beat. Never miss their weekly podcasts. If you want to know the insights and implications of the latest political issues of the day, The Political Scene is the place to go
  • Bowed Bookshelf
    Great podcast with lots of insights
    Bringing Sarah Longwell in to give her perspective was interesting and informative…but I dread putting more of 45 out there to make us afraid of what he would be as 47. The less we see/hear him, the better my life will be.
  • Seattleguy5
    One of the best!
    I love this podcast, it’s in my top five for sure. I have always meant to write a review but what finally made me do it was the recent episode with Sarah Longwell. Absolutely fascinating, like drinking from a firehose. One of your best episodes ever. So much info. Please have her back on as much as possible. Thanks!
  • Oma Lovell
    My all-time favorite podcast.
    Such intelligent conversation - a national treasure.
  • skoooze
    My favorite
    Love this show - smart folks talking about important issues.
  • sfncar
    Please tell Sarah
    that dems talk and reps throw things. That’s just the way it is. Democrats are nice folks — Republicans aren’t. Sorry to be so blunt but if you don’t get that you haven’t been paying attention. That being said, I agree that Sarah knows her stuff. But as long as she’s going to complain about dems not acting the way she thinks they should I’m just going to go listen somewhere else that’s worthwhile. Bye…
  • westherwTche
    Podcast on June 8th, 2024
    I’m a big fan of OMG (aka) Osmos, Mayer and Glasser! And, just for the record, I like Jane’s voice just the way it is. I did particularly enjoy Sarah Longwell’s ‘guest cast’ today. Hearing both sides is always one step closer to understanding. I’m also a longtime NewYorker subscriber. Guaranteed good journalism.
  • Alicia Encinitas
    Love the Friday Political Scene
    Every week I look forward to the Political Scene with Susan B. Glasser, Jane Mayer, and Evan Osnos. They offer great insights into the week’s happenings in a fun and interesting conversation. A great podcast!
    Great show minus Susan’s interruptions
    Fantastic show but man Susan steamrolls the great Jane Mayer CONSTANTLY. Pump the breaks girl and let her speak!
  • BradBromling
    Lighten Up
    This is one of the very best podcasts available— and I listen to a ton of them! I am sad that Jane’s voice is rough, but she is so incredibly interesting and has so much to add to every conversation. I feel the comments against her are inappropriate and wish everyone would just lighten up. Jane feels badly about it and doesn’t need to be shamed on top of that. I pray Jane enjoys a complete recovery, but even if she doesn’t, I will always look forward to hearing her perspectives.
  • nojbav
    Evan and Jane are great…
    But Susan talks over them to share utterly banal points, and she talks on and on, saying nothing. Agree with others here that she brings the caliber of the show down.
  • AL_5785224
    I want to listen but just can't...
    I want to listen to the podcast. I continue to subscribe, and each week I tune in hoping Jane has gotten over her laryngitis. But this seems to be a permanent thing, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why they keep her on an AUDIO show. I get through about 10 seconds each week, and then I just can't anymore. It physically makes my throat hurt listening to her. Get her help or get her out. It's unlistenable.
  • Tristan Jones Sails Again
    Our stellar trio
    I loved you all before this show, and to hear you together is a delight. This review is for Jane Mayer. She is a national treasure, a brilliant researcher and a determined and brave journalist. If anyone out there has not yet read Dark Money, it is more relevant now than ever. Please read it. And please never silence Jane’s beautiful voice.
  • roseytebles27
    Love the content but hard to listen to one host
    This is a fantastic podcast and I hate to bring this up but I may have to stop listening because of it — can anything be done about Jane Mayer’s increasingly raspy voice? It sounds like she always has a frog in her throat and I’m starting to just turn it off when she’s talking. I know it’s not her fault and I love her insight but it’s making the podcast unlistenable for me — could any editing or audio enhancement make a difference?
  • mmr424
    Always smart and informed
    I’m worried about Ms. Mayer—her voice sounds raspy lately. Is she OK?
  • Mariah MDT
    Put the blame where it belongs
    I love this podcast. But in discussion about how the Dems have had a failure of imagination about the abortion issue in which Jane mentions Hillary’s speech was 2016 and how the Dem party didn’t make it an important part of the election —- the blame needs to be laid at Bernie’s feet. He said reproductive rights were “a distraction” and even though Hillary got the nomination, Bernie’s toxic influence shaped the election. (And he was the first to talk about election interference in his primary. 🙄) Name him. Say it.
  • ChuvkDallas
    Always good
    The three members of the panel are smart, at times funny, and know their politics. They seem to genuinely like one another.
  • historyty7
    You missed something
    Your recent discussion of the political change of Democratic Party Senators and Joe Biden toward any d to Israel failed to mention the primary results in Democratic primaries. The uncommitted voters who cast undecided ballots sent a clear message to the campaign that they needed a change in Borden’s approach to Israel. It needs analysis to determine how much this domestic political influence led to Biden changing course.
  • omelettetron
    Expected more Jay Caspian Kang
    Talked at length about the Tik Tok fiasco without mentioning the fact that American Tech Companies will benefit tremendously by forcing Tik Tok into a corner. They spend millions and millions lobbying our government with anti Tik Tok propaganda. Closed door meetings with our clueless gov reps getting advice from the tech scum of our country (the scum responsible for ruining the internet) is obviously going to influence gov in their favor. To solve the problem, we need internet regulating legislation across all tech companies, but it’s not possible because tech scum are in the pockets of nearly everyone including you and me.
  • the_ice_within
    Great content but SG needs to stop interrupting
    Everyone has great insight but SG always shuts down or interrupts the other hosts which is rude and not great to listen to
  • Felix Frederick
    Brilliance Bathed in Affability
    The Political Scene is the high point of my listening of the week. Susan, Evan, and Jane are the smartest columnists anywhere. The touch of magic that makes the Political Scene special is the affability that is readily evident among three brilliant friends.
  • CarleneWebbBurton
    Book reviews
    Excellent choices, thank you for the enlightening conversation!
  • nullofu
    Susan Glaser
    I’m finding that Susan’s overall analysis is arrogant and unhelpful. She comes across as a know it all who can’t admit when she’s wrong. She literally comes across as a hyper partisan hack who wrongly assumes her analysis is absolutely correct and the others don’t know what they’re talking about. It’s obvious and unbecoming. Am enjoying this podcast less and less because of Susan Glasser.
  • CSHaig
    Respect eachother
    Comparing this to other political discussion podcasts (Slate’s, for example), this is actively painful to listen to as the hosts continuously talk over each other and denigrate each others perspectives. Please cut off each others mics when one person is talking or something, because the current format is appalling
  • vbnyc2
    Whi would imagine Susan Glasser is the Cassandra of our times
    I agree with other recent reviews. Susan Glasser who is very smart, for some reason, not only has to always jump in to emphatically voice her prognoses of doom, she often has to drop her insider creds too. Disappointing. I unsubscribed, checked in again and it’s now escalated into combat. We are here at the New Yorker for insights, and an elevated perspective, not punditry, which you can find everywhere else.
  • fanfromohio
    Round table
    Lately I find SG to be too combative. She is very smart, but so are the other two. JM has an amazing amount of reporting experience and she is often shut down or shut out. EO has a great radio voice and is the best moderator. I am listening for their intelligence, experience and respectful interaction. Let’s not lose the latter.
  • pattiocon
    Voice problems
    I think these three people are brilliant journalists. Wonderful writing, incredible research, fair perspectives. Two of them have well timed, pleasing voices. One of them is like listening to the proverbial fingernails on the blackboard. And yet she wants to do as much talking as she possibly can by interrupting frequently. I wish she would back off on speaking so much.
  • MichaelMapes
    Consistently Solid
    Diverse range of topics and guest: consistently worth listening too.
  • 😉💙🙃
    26 February 2023 🙃
    Ty Cobb? Ty Cobb was a baseball player who died in 1961… Am I missing something?
  • R-M-G0
    The political scene - Fridays
    The weekly Friday episode is really the best analysis of its kind I’ve encountered in any medium. The host for any particular episode has obviously created (and gently enforces as needed) a thoughtful structure based on the content. A master class. Intelligent, informed, respectful, and appropriately humorous. “Wielding the blade of an enlightened tongue.” RMG
  • Jweibl
    The New Yorker, still great, but showing its cracks.
    Some really brilliant work here. I enjoy the podcast throughout the week but think it feels like an afterthought grab-bag other weeks (specifically Monday and Wednesday). Lots of plugging other work or things you can read more cohesively via the magazine if you subscribe. I thoroughly enjoy Friday (who are we kidding - SATURDAYS’ episodes) as the three hosts are so knowledgeable and offer a solid contrast to each other. Bothered slightly by its production delay and seemingly random weeks off, making it less consistent than I’d selfishly like.
  • JessAndre
    Terrible editing and totally biased
    Besides being totally biased and one sided, who is editing this show? The Feb 16th episode released on Spotify jumps around, repeats parts and cuts other parts off. Did anyone working there even listen to the podcast before releasing it? You can’t write reviews on Spotify so I came here to leave the review.
  • buthidae2
    Like, like,
    Like, one expects like New Yorker contributors to like know more like words than “like”. Like, If you can’t speak like, stick to writing, like.
  • Oystrmn
    The best
    Osnos,Mayer, Glasser, the best and most experienced journalists with the backup of the New Yorker team.
  • Susanfriberg
    Very good
    I do like the Friday podcast - Evan Osnos is smart with a great voice and too kind letting SG hog the show. JM is so great, with such deep experience.
  • Listen2Enlighten
    You need to do a pulse check
    I’m less inclined to listen to any NYer podcasts especially this one when you (especially Susan Glaser) talk and talk about Ukraine funding but not about blank checks to Israel. Why isn’t the connection to the billions of $ for the military war machine and oil not being addressed - especially when the US is implicated in a genocide (if you don’t agree then is ethnic cleansing better? War crimes?)? This status quo, and frankly cover up, reporting is embarrassing. The latest episode on why Biden won’t get re-elected and not one mention of the outrage over Gaza? I know you all are not keeping up with how we’re getting our media over the past decade, but I know you know that the US public is making our voices of discontent quite known, even if the NYer, NYT, etc aren’t covering it. Sad, I used to enjoy the NYer but you’re too reliant on Washington circles who are so out of touch. Where is the ‘news’?
  • patconnor
    Best Weekly Political Roundtable
    My #1 recommended weekly roundtable. Tune in to hear a deep dive of political news with a caliber of thinking you won’t get anywhere else. I started listening because Jane Mayer is one of my favorite reporters, and I found Evan and Susan to be equally good. Excellent across the board.
  • NCTriangle
    6-Stars Podcast
    I love this podcast, and never miss a program. Evan Osnos, Susan Glasser, and Jane Mayer are so current with their analyses of the state of politics in the United States today. Admittedly they have a bit of a liberal bias, but they know their subjects exceedingly well. For anyone who wants an intelligent conversation, this podcast is for you!
  • Fuhunbcfgbg
    Kinda skewed views
    Don't reference a lot of what's going on in Palestine with why Biden so unliked rn and make it seem like his age is the biggest thing. Noticed this for awhile and am finally over it and moving to less biased news.
  • iamdrb
    Great podcast
    Love Clare Malone. Please offer an ad-free feed option like ones offered by The Atlantic, Slate, NPR, Crooked Media, etc.
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