Pod Save America

All Genres #39News #4Politics #1

Pod Save America is a no-b******t conversation about politics hosted by former Obama aides Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer, and Tommy Vietor. It cuts through the noise to break down the week’s news and helps people figure out what matters and how they can help. They’re regularly joined by journalists, activists, politicians, entertainers, and world leaders. You can watch on YouTube or listen to new episodes every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

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For a transcript of an episode of Pod Save America, please email transcripts@crooked.com (edited)

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Recent Reviews
  • Kazza23nyc
    Even on the worst political day when I think I can not stomach any more politics, this podcast calms my nerves. They are smart, realistic and strategic.
  • Gsegvjutvbj
    Working for Trump now
    Ageism is apparently very fashionable and it seems these boys are more concerned about looking uncool than getting sent to reeducation camps
  • Prometheus---
    The Team Biden has been gaslighting us all along
  • SF-J
    Best Political Pod
    I needed to find a place that talks politics, and it’s littered with old establishment dems. This is the place!
  • CraftyTulipMama
    One of the host says democrats are not a cult!! This very podcast is cultish that you have to have a podcast to save America and stump for Joe Biden. This is a joke right.
  • DeDreamer
    These boys ignored every single person who came on their show to tell them the problems with Biden's canidacy before the primary. Now faced with the consequences of their own choices they've decided to panic and sabotauge the candidate they supported. They've done more damage to the democrats than any debate ever could. They really ought to leave off and start the job hunt.
  • Che Block
    Kamala Harris Tim Ryan?
  • Yes &
    Convicted Fraudster
    Trump has been banned from operating a business in NY!!! This needs to be talked about more, along with all his other flaws.
  • Indi4U
    Closing Argument
    While Biden defenders have stated that this was an anomaly and his people would never have agreed to a debate if he wasn’t up for the challenge, there is telltale sign to the contrary. The Biden camp opted for choosing what side of the stage to stand on rather closing remarks. Now we know what they knew which is they weren’t confident in what he would say and how he would say it and didn’t want us to be left scratching our heads with his final words.
  • AV252
    Bedwetters of America, Unite!
    Frat Boys trying to save America, one hyperventilating day at a time
  • Simone678
    Democracy or Else: R E A D T H I S N O W
    Just received my copy and started it today. As advertised, it’s a great hybrid of: knowledge, humor, political savvy, and tangible how-to-get-involved-tips. I love this show for its unvarnished heart and passion, and appreciate each of the hosts for raising the level of direction in how we can improve democracy for the well being of America. Keep it up and thanks for bringing so many (other) smart guest hosts on board throughout the summer. It’s been a great refresh and expansion on your smart discussion.
  • huron94
    Appreciate you for being honest
    And giving voice to what we’re all thinking. The fact that y’all are getting flak is astounding. It’s mortifying that we are in this position, but appreciate the debate and not sticking your heads in the sand as others are. This should not be this close a race and yet here we are. Unbelievable
  • Mike's Bike
    Lucy O’C
    Bedwetters. Hard pass.
  • gymaholic
    Going strong since Keepin’ It 1600
    Love it! #KeepCrookedProgressive #FriendOfTheUnion
  • lack methods
    I love this show and support every single person who makes it happen
  • jlw212
    Thank you for your debate honesty
    Longtime listener, first time reviewer! I greatly appreciate your podcast, and your ability to cut through the noise. I have been disappointed by the lack of honesty within the Democratic Party and in other media outlets about the true state of the race- I applaud you for your courage to say what all of us are thinking: We need to rethink whether our candidate can win and act accordingly. The threat from Trump is too great to ignore what we saw on Thursday night. Keep on trucking, regardless of the naysayers gaslighting us!
  • ErinJean
    Super Bummed
    Have been a faithful listener for a very long time, but the past few days have been extremely disappointing. I mean - is there even a point to buying a book when the author’s can full on meltdown and about face after 90 minutes ? :( hope they can recover, but some humble pie needs to get served…
  • AnnaSewell
    Good for a laugh!
    Useful idiots.
  • Hoosiers530
    These coastal elite clowns think they are experts on politics in real america when in fact they are grifting blowhards that have become a destructive force in the Democratic party. As someone who used to respect all of you i can confidently say all of you are lost in your own hubris and nonsense and you are nothing but a detriment to the challenges we face.
  • listener954
    Thanks for the honesty!
    What a s%#€ show of a debate. And, parroting a NYT column, what happened to that terrible bad cold the next day? Biden was probably sun- downing. He almost called Jill “mommy” ala one of our ancient past Presidents who was finally outed as having early Alzheimer's while still in office. I don r hate writing this as much as I thought I might. I despise the orange ape but Biden and his family are showing themselves as being of the same ilk. Honestly, you all sound like jackels-in-the-box when it comes to reproductive rights. I assure you there s nothing great, fantastic or awesome about having an abortion. What is necessary is to have it as a safe choice for women who find themselves unexpectedly pregnant . Biden is old— but what makes him so ick is his hubris in not stepping down. I have to hold my nose to give him credit that he deserves for his term because it turns my stomach that he didn t step aside for a younger candidate. And because of old Joe s hubris we ll likely get stuck with the bilious dictator, the butt-ugly craziness of trump. Both of these egotistical old dodders have disgusted a large part of America.
  • Billybill1984
    Not good
    This is a five alarm fire. When I listen to you chuckleheads yuck it up on stage in response to it, I can only think – we are doomed.
  • Linda Javadi
    Stop the Dangerous Division.
    You boys disappointed me this weekend as I tuned in to hear your latest edition. You have obviously decided to join the clickbait side of this crazy world. If he is forced out by a media-driven frenzy, of unnamed insiders and pundits, it will be the greatest miscalculation and tragedy in American politics in a century. Sorry… total fail while you stood on stage sucking up applause. This is simply put, Authoritarian Rule or Democracy. Stop the Division.
  • Mysterio.
    The staffers who oversaw the massive losses for democrats across the country from 2010-2016 pretend to know things and be important. They do not and are not.
  • Jester 587
    Debate Night
    Thank you for your accurate and honest takes on the debate. I’ve been a listener for years and never left a comment but felt compelled to after seeing you guys criticized in numerous articles and on Xitter for giving voice to what we all regretfully and painfully watched the other night. Someone had to start this conversation and it took great courage to do so. Keep up the outstanding work you all do.
  • roscoesilk
    You guys seem to really enjoy this, really good at getting into the weeds. You are actual experts. Please work for whoever gets the nomination. If you don’t you’ll be partially responsible for what happens next. Further to 3/12 You don’t seem to realize that Trump doesn’t want tests, tests mean worse numbers. This is not an example of his usual incompetence. Biden’s having some trouble in Florida. Do you guys have some time to help? I remember Hillary had some trouble with her campaign people, had no idea about Cambridge Analytica, and wound up walking slowly in the woods. Please don’t let that happen to Joe. 9/15/20 Hassan was emphasizing how bad, incompetent, comatose the moderators were and someone (Tommy?) contradicted him, both sides with Joe. The moderators weren’t that bad he says, the real culprit was Biden. Do you think the people who watched needed to be reminded of that? They needed to hear the unconscious moderators weren’t that bad? Tommy shooting for a job (sans skirt) with CNN when they fire everybody? First time I’ve been really disappointed with you guys.
  • KermitDermit
    Just like the republicans
    Not a good look to be backing off your critique of Biden and need for replacement following criticism by the party faithful. You, like many others over the past 10 years, rightly criticized republicans for kissing Trump’s ring rather than doing the right thing. Credibility dwindling.
  • zucked up
    Done with this show and the whole Crooked universe
    PSA got me through the Trump years, but it became less relevant after Trump less office, and the weaknesses of Jon, John, Tommy and Dan have become more apparent. Now that they’re leading the disastrously misguided “replace Biden” charge, it’s clear to me they’re just a bunch of myopic, millennials whose contributions to politics are behind them. How deluded to you have to be to believe that one bad debate performance should force the most successful Democratic president in my lifetime to step aside? You could only believe that if you believe the presidency is purely a rhetorical office. I suppose it’s natural for a group of overprivileged white men whose only contribution to the world were speeches during the Obama years to feel that a debate is the most important job a president has, but it also appears they are pushing for a brokered convention to increase ratings for their flagging podcasts. If Biden loses it will be their fault.
  • Dannie Review This
    Updates about the SCOTUS!
    I am shocked that you all are not discussing the current rulings coming from the Supreme Court and how it will impact us all. In reality, we are voting for the next administration and not just the president. Do better!
  • StlNate
    Thanks, No Thanks
    When the knife you use to shiv the President is longer than Claire McCaskill’s, it’s time to look in the mirror.
  • Phishattack
    Wish I could give a zero
    Title says it all; if I could give a zero, I would. These guys are absolutely insufferable “know it all’s.” I don’t understand why these hosts deem it necessary to use so much and so frequent profanity. I mean it’s very unprofessional. It just goes to show that their vocabulary is extremely limited despite claiming to be the party of intellectuals. There is absolutely no objectivity in their assessment of political issues.
  • MN0724
    Thank you to the Crooked crew!
    I started listening to PSA when it first started and have been stuck to it ever since. These guys have saved my sanity many times over the many years! Great discussions, guests, opinions, etc. I love you guys (and PSW!!)!!! PS - the new book is great!
  • DLynee
    Are you podcasting from Mar A Lago now?
    What you’re doing here and on your socials is not helping. We’re supporting Biden. This isn’t “healthy debate”, it’s destroying our chances of winning this election.
  • Owtlaw7
    Incredibly tough listen these days smh
  • Learner A.
    Debate Recap
    Can Biden communicate without a teleprompter?
  • scad75
    We know Biden is Old, Duh…
    The critique is over the top. Biden is old we all know that he is old. If you are just figuring that out it is on you, not Joe Biden. To have the expectation that he would not behave as an old man is ridiculous. Yes, he had a couple of senior moments and as we all know he has managed a stutter throughout his career/life. Which is more difficult to manage in a stressful situation. YOUR podcast is focusing on the wrong parts of the debate. The most important thing that was said in the debate was that Trump still does not accept the results of the 2020 election. As democrats our focus needs to be reminding the public of the legitimacy of the last election and the large amount of data that verifies this, not Joe Biden’s age (the fact that he is old is grounded in reality, Trump’s lies are not.) It is important to discuss Trumps statements on “black jobs” and the imbedded white supremacy in that statement. That statement makes my stomach drop and terrifies me. Biden’s communication skills do not terrify me. Biden has improved life for Americans based on his decision making skills and follow through.
  • mattbermudez24
    Out of touch, grifting, desperate
    Keepin it 1600 was alright. It says a lot about the motivations and principles of a bunch of political ops who take a streak of under-deserved influence and decide to… start a media company?? The only decent thing about the podcast is how amusing it is that these rotted meat -heads seem to actually think they made Obama and not the other way around. Deeply funny, if cringeworthy. I should also add that Lovett is insufferable. I want to say curse the person who made him believe he was funny, but the more you listen to him, it’s clear deep down he doesn’t even believe he’s funny.
  • Emgolds22
    No more
    Whiney, arrogant, condescending, gaslighting, Obama bros. Comparing Democrats who want to support Biden to MAGA. That’s a bridge too far. I regret ever supporting Crooked Media with my money and time. The funny thing is a Trump presidency would probably be great for your bottom line. So how much do you guys care anyway?
  • boob0056
    Sitting there making excuses for biden about having a cold and “getting in his head” Biden is in cognitive free fall and not fit for office! These leftists with this narrative is why we are stuck with biden in the first place. Update: In the latest episode they are arguing about why joe biden should stay in. The leftist hacks are claiming that everybody voted for biden so why should be go back 1 biden was hidden away with msm parroting oh hes so fit and doing back flips 🙄 2 America was finally able to see the real biden un filtered biden and it was worse than anyone could have imagined! The left that keeps gaslighting people which will drive more voters away. For example me.
  • Brick Layers Unite!!!
    Out of touch and in a west coast bubble
    Please get out of California and spend more time talking to Black and Hispanic voters in swing states.
  • kaynyc999
    Mehdi we MISS YOU!
    The various debates including whether or not to take the Democratic nomination to the convention were fantastic. Please have. Mehdi as a guest every week. His voice is so missed as well as his perspective. Mehdi you have NEVER failed. Don’t think it don’t say it.
  • Lojasmo
    A generally decent show
    Completely off the rails Friday, or I would have given four stars. Try less gummies and beer for the next debate, fellas.
  • Dr. Fishes
    *sigh* go touch grass, please
    Guys - love you all. Take some deep breaths. You sounded unhinged in the post debate pod. You were so anxious for days before it because you knew there was a big chance it would be terrible. People you respect and that respect you disagree with what you said in that pod and after. We gotta move forward together and fact check the nonsense and lies from trump, get the word out about the insane supreme court rulings.
  • NolanJA
    Total left-wing extremist propaganda.
    Total left-wing propaganda.
  • Boomer Betty
    Best political podcast around
    The Pod save America guys are smart, funny, progressive and thoughtful. I listen to a lot (too many) news and political podcasts but this show as well as other Crooked media shows ( Lovett or leave it, Pod save the world, strict scrutiny, hysteria and more) are the best. I’m a long standing progressive but I like to get views from all sides. Some left leaning shows are too predictable and don’t add much to my thinking on an issue but the crooked folks are more challenging even if I do largely agree with them. The current shows on the 2024 Biden vs Trump debate are excellent. Check out this show. Be informed and entertained at the same time!
  • Jenhen66
    Not helping
  • Tomspeer6
    Weak Biased Lying Beta Males
    Still stuck on the Covid Vaccine lies, still stuck on lies told by the Obama and Clinton Administrations, still stuck on providing little context to their clips and continuing to lie about what is really happening. Weak men create weak times. Such weak men here on this podcast, clearly backed by the democratic storyline and funding. No clear understanding what the real US norms are living in liberal cities, surrounded by weak liberal minded people. Clearly no idea what freedom truly is as an American from the United States. Stuck on the “democracy” subject when it’s really just a corrupt bureaucracy government telling people how they live and how to think. Stupidity
  • Udsah
    No better time than now
    “The party has a problem with JB” Amen brother!
  • Jones4al
    Grow a spine
    The hand wringing and bed wetting over Joe Biden is nonsense. Some democrats always act like losers and then wonder why they lose.
  • Dr. Mili3
    With regards to the 2024 elections
    I feel this is more of a PRO democrat podcast rather than a brutally honest review- which was the title for the debate for the 2024 election debate episode. Honest reviews should be unbiased opinions of whats happening and not your take on the situation.
  • caseyfj
    Biased gossip
    Would be nice to have a pundit for once assume the audience is intelligent enough to make up their own mind without being told what to think and how to think it.
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