The Ramsey Show

Business #1Investing #1All Genres #18

The Ramsey Show believes you can build wealth and take control of your life—no matter what stupid mistakes you've made with money. Join as Dave Ramsey and his team of experts answer your questions on the top problems holding you back. Listen now or ask your question live by calling 888.825.5225 weekdays from 2–5 p.m. ET. Learn more at

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Recent Reviews
  • Murse Young
    A near zero risk way to straighten your life out
    The Ramsey principles will help you get out of debt and get your money going to the right places without borrowing $300k and “leveraging it” like the social media bros want you to do. Listen and take notes, it’s the same lessons over and over just in different scenarios. Watching the podcast on your way to work and back will save you from buying the classes or books. Get your life straight for free!
  • Chicyfashion
    Excelente fuente de inspiración
    Este podcast es excelente, para aquellos q estamos en el proceso de pagar deudas y crear estabilidad financiera. La forma tan honesta y familiar con q Dave Ramsey comparte sus conocimientos basados en sus experiencias hace sentir q es tu amigo , ti familiar q quiere ayudar a salir adelante, me encantaría que tuvieran una versión en español.
  • Ken_D_Ny
    Changing my life
    Listening to the Ramsey team has totally spun my life around. Following the baby steps and setting up a budget is the best thing that has happened to my family in along time. As everyone is always saying I make too much money to be this broke. We set up a detailed budget and there is no longer too much month at the end of the money. We are in baby step two and see light at the end of the tunnel and feel the stress melting away.
  • Clamshell614
    Rachel, please shut up.
    Dave is why people listen. Rachel, you don’t have what it takes m’dear. You’re annoying and immature. You sound 17 but you’re in your thirties. Step aside and let your Dad run his show.
  • Mpalser
    Getting there!
    My husband and I are almost done with baby step #2!! Thank you for the great help! I had a baby back in March and found this show while doing late night feedings! We created a budget with Every Dollar and we are so close to baby step #3! Thank you for helping us find financial freedom!
  • Ally J
    No help
    Guy calls up and says that he has racked up 50k secretively and all you do is question his truthfulness and all the way up to the break and then offer him a book. Brilliant.
  • Ab0312
    Best podcast
    This show is such a gift—so much information, expertise, and honesty. I love the multiple hosts and am so moved by the stories people call in with. If you’re looking to improve your finances, this is the place to be.
  • Kt_653
    Thankful for the show but can’t stand Ken
    I listen to every episode except when Ken is hosting. As an experienced corporate and executive coach, I believe his methodology is filler content for the Ramsey brand. No true value add there. :(
  • OogaBooga517
    Debt Free Goals
    Listening to the podcasts helps me stay on track! They are so helpful and informative. Drinks he koolaid and listen because it changes everything!
  • amankows
    What’s up with Dave?
    He says he “loves his book,” but he seems to have forgotten one of the most important commandments—love your neighbor as yourself. As a Christian, I find him harder and harder to listen to, and look forward to the shows led by the other hosts. Maybe he needs more vacation time.
  • Marie Smith 100
    Debt Free & Keeps me on track
    Being in debt is not a math problem but a behavior issue says Ramsey. I started FPU a year ago and am now debt free. I still listen to the podcast because I want to keep on track and reverse my behavior.
  • Later 1990
    I wouldn’t buy anyone of these products because Dave’s team y getting richer off the consumer backs.Also marketing other products from other brands endorsements and making money off the consumer.The consumer listings to find out how to get out of debt not to buy products after every other consumer calls.
  • DebMW
    Really love this show
    I have been a listener since 2019. The Ramsey baby steps helped us pay off consumer debt and our mortgage, and build a healthy emergency fund. Since 2019 I’ve heard several personalities come and go, and feel like this is the best bunch ever. Love Dave, Dr Delony, George, Jade, and everyone, though I think I like George and Jade best- apart from Dave of course. Those who say that the Ramsey folks are out of touch don’t really understand what they’re saying. This show is in good hands with these personalities.
  • Daniel Remus
    Great Show
    What an amazing amount of free knowledge thank you for providing this excellence service
  • love th bible
    Delony is incredible!
    Favorite Personality!!!! Delony Is the most valuable asset at Ramsey. His mental health advice, redefining anxiety, and own your past change your future has changed my life for the better. Love all the Ramsey team but Dr. Delony shines bright in his own world of mental health. He also is incredibly funny and you have to love all of the Delonyisms he comes up with. ALL books Redefining Anxiety, and own your past change your future, and Building a non anxious life are in my top favorite books (own your past change your future being my #1 book I have ever read) Also, his question for humans cards are just GOLD have several decks and love them!!! It’s so fun and extremely insightful to learn new thing about family and friends! Want to add that I’m so proud of George he’s doing so amazing, loving his new YT show and I will continue to support his journey as he grows. GK and Dr. D are the dream team!!!!
  • wavestr
    Advocacy for callers with speech disabilities
    I love love the Ramsay show! However, I recently heard the episode with jade and John titled “don’t give yourself an excuse…” where a caller with an obvious stutter called in. As a speech language pathologist, it was very painful to hear jade and John (unknowingly) interrupt him and finish his sentences. It seemed like they assumed what his question was and then ended the call once they answered. I don’t think he was able to fully communicate his questions. I don’t think this was intentional as I love both of these hosts! Please give individuals time to speak, possibly make that part of the questionnaire when screening calls and ask if there are any disabilities, speech disorders, or anything the hosts should know when communicating with the callers <3
  • San man forged
    More Dave
    Love the show! It’s helped my family become debt free and start to build wealth for future generations. Dave please stop taking time off, it seams like you are slowly letting go of hosting. Hosting is where America needs you most.
  • Smith1of1
    Love the show
    These are great conversations with great people, love the help you all give. I only give a 4 star because it’s all good except when I hear Dr. Johny D , I have to turn off. Everyone else I feel when I listen has empathy for others situations and have good responses, and I love to listen every time. When Dr. John is on I can’t even download and listen, cringe. Love the show otherwise!!!
  • ThePete22
    Life changing
    No matter what you’re going through, the Ramsey talents teach you’re capable of breaking out of the negative cycle. In everyone’s life, there are those podcasts that impact you and, in many ways, change your life forever. Thank you Ramsey team for your work
  • slpisbest
    More Dave less junk
    Love it when Dave is on. Have a hard time listening to some of the cohosts. Ken is the worst!!!
  • Charleane Phann
    Mostly Good
    Jade doesn’t seem to contribute much more than catchy lines. Rachel is too soft and skirts on conflicting advice and is too long-winded. Jade has a cool story but I generally skip shows when she hosts.
  • Bennyishh
    Financial wisdom that you don’t have to pay for
    This podcast should be listened by anyone who accepts debt as a normal thing in American life. The truth is it’s not and no one ever told me that and because of this, I want to thank Dave Ramsey and all of his co-hosts. They truly want to help out the American people by spreading this truth. I love that Dave follows the Bible and includes verses and sometimes testimonies in his podcast. This show has helped my marriage and future life!
  • TGills3
    Good stuff
  • Canoes4 diss
    budbois123 is a smelly lump of coal
    Budbois is a broke little stinker who can’t get his life together so he blames it on Dave and his incredible team. Much love Dave!!! Screw you budbois123
  • Ten year olds watch this
    Awesome podcast
    I”m ten and this is the best this will help me later on in life and is a good influence for kids it teaches me a lot. I use to spend all the money I got right away now I save my money and keep it safe in a bank account. This will really help me in life. JADE she is so annoying I have been listening for years she is so annoying pls take her of
  • Cantstandit1991
    It’s gone downhill
    I used to love the Ramsey show, but it’s really gone downhill. These hosts are NOT trained psychologists and should not be giving therapy over the phone. Do not ask people for details about their traumatic experiences. Do not tell people that planning for the future is a bad idea because it’s “just a trauma response.” Wow. Will definitely not be listening anymore.
  • Lord jacoby
    I love this show!!!
    Great advice!!! great show!!!
  • eanne06
    Jade Groupies Unite!
    I’ve been on the Ramsey train for years and have always just gritted my teeth through his rough edges and politics. But his playbook is legit so I keep coming back, and finally there’s a mix of personalities that balance out his brashness. Out of the handful of rotating personalities, Jade is a true gem! She is the tough lovin’ sassy big sister we all need in our corner. Kind, honest, playful, her delivery of hard truths are so well balanced with empathy. Please keep making space for her on this show—or better yet give her her own!
  • jjepper4
    The Baby Steps Really Work
    I am 28 years old and I have always been nervous about taking on debt. When I got married at 23 my wife and I always talked about how unfair it is that in order to get anything in our society, you have to have a history of large amounts of debt. Debt to get a decent car. Debt to get a home. Debt to pay for an education. We were hopeless. I came across this podcast by pure chance and have now been listening for over a year. I have found that it is totally possible to live a debt free life and reach my financial goals. What a relief!! I thought I was an odd ball this whole time but I always knew in my heart that debt was not good for me and my family. Now my wife and I are finishing up baby step 3 and should be moving on to baby step 4 in the next month or so. We have found so much peace listening to the Ramsey Show. I highly recommend this podcast. Thank you Ramsey Solutions for all the great financial advice!
  • leaf 9
    I love this show. All the personalities are great. Ken can be annoying or flip flops at times.
  • Dave Only Please
    I refuse to listen to episodes with Jade
    She is rude and interrupts CONSTANTLY! Can’t stand it. Have to stop listening. She’s the worst co host ever. Bring Kristy Back!!!
  • bdubois123
    Out of touch
    If you’re looking for people making 1 million dollars a year that having a hard time making ends meet this is your podcast
  • kb@77
    Thank you!
    I got turned onto this podcast by a coward and it has helped me drastically. I’ve even tried to help others by passing on some of Dave’s words of wisdom. I have a boyfriend now and I’m trying to get him on board. I always have the knowledge and tools I need to not be in that place of broke and struggling again. For that, I’m very grateful
  • PodcastListener73
    Ken Coleman is mean to George
    Don’t let Ken be a bully to George!
  • RV1985MN
    Great Podcast
    Great podcast, I listen a lot but I’ve tried but can’t listen to the shows without Dave. I also skip all the ones with Rachel Cruze. Sorry, but I just cringe when I hear her.
  • KatieMaygalaxy
    Joan at 86 w/ 30k CC debt
    I know Dave doesn’t approve of reverse mortgages but that poor elderly woman could have used one. Joan doesn’t need to leave her daughter an inheritance—she needs to stay in her home for her last remaining years.
  • jlfb123
    Teaching great! Bullying callers isn’t nice.
    The ideas and the teachings on finance are amazing! Lately it’s reduced to rudely interrupting callers, accusing callers of lying and bullying them which is sad and so hard to hear.
  • Anonymous65424
    Here is my review on this podcast: Spectacular! I guess I kinda nailed it the first time.
  • Joe Kow
    Live on less than you make, avoid debt, and invest the difference. It's a simple idea but hard to do. Dave and the crew will guide you through this process and help keep you on track so that you can end up wealthy. The show not only provides great money advice but also offers valuable life advice.
  • Zach Myerz23
    Let her talk
    When Dave and Rachel host, it is cringe worthy due to the fact that Dave constantly interrupts and talks over his own daughter. Anytime she tries to jump in the conversation he will interrupt her and talk over her, and the guest would not have a chance to acknowledge her questions or comments. For a man talks about the Bible so much I would think he would have a little bit more respect for women and especially his own daughter. I wonder if he does that with his wife at home too. Disappointing.
  • MrPennybags
    This is the best financial podcast/show on the planet! Totally changed the way I handled money. Gave me the right tips to a stable financial future, and incredible wealth building. Please, listen to the show, everyone. It’ll change the way you look at money. For Ramsey Personality, you deserve the five stars. Thank you guys!👍🏻
  • Crazed mama
    This plan works!
    We followed the Baby Steps by simply listening to the podcast. We got ourselves out of all debt except our house. We are first generation debt free, thanks to working hard, paying off debt, and living within our means. What does this lifestyle even look like? Some people are addicted to the struggle! Choose peace and freedom! Thank you Dave & team!
  • Weinsheimer
    Find myself listening less
    We follow the baby steps(4-6) and are huge advocates of living with financial peace. I’ve listened to this podcast for YEARS. I love the principles they teach and their teaching against victimhood. I do wish they would have more compassion for women wanting to stay home with their babies. I feel like Dave and Ken are the best with these calls. Ironically, Jade and Rachel are the worst when talking to these mothers. Your babies are only little once. This particular subject matter has really bothered me lately on the show. Overall it’s a good listen and I highly recommend the baby steps.
  • Hed-Mat
    Way Too Political
    Dave in particular spews his political opinions far too much. Also has typical Christian rants that have little to nothing to do with Christ.
  • Afountain48
    Good advice on paying down debt but …
    Dave needs to stop taking negatively about Biden. His right wing biases are on full display (again) and he’s about to lose some listeners. He makes this show political and it should not be. The other hosts are better about steering clear of politics.
  • jlgio.213
    Add paid for college to millionaires survey
    Hi, I wish you would add the question of if baby steps millionaires had their college paid for to your survey. It’s essentially the same as getting a $ 100,000 inheritance. Also a good question would be if their parents went to college. I am a PhD research scientist and imagine this is a large confounding variable.
  • Z3R0PNG
    The Baby Steps Just Work
    This show introduced me to a very basic but, new to me, way of thinking. Dave’s Baby Steps not only enabled my wife and I to get out of debt but prepared us for the costs involved with our two kids. Dave and his team are direct and consistent with their message. Warning: This show will change your life in a very positive way when you are actually ready to listen.
  • ChadWSU
    Dave needs to quit talking over/arguing with his personalities. They’re smart too.
  • Len745
    Life changing.
    Listening to this show and following their advice has gotten my family on track financially. Thank you to Dave and all the Ramsey personalities!
  • NateDooley
    Paid off house, all debt, and financially VERY free, because the Ramsey principles. We’ve never made much, but just learned not to spend much, and it has been FREE-ing!!
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